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On the invitation of the Waimate Harriers the South Canterbury visit Waimate on Friday next Lmp.-e Day."

To-morrow evening the adjourned annual meeting of St. Marvs Church wiH be held in St. Mary's schoolroom, at 8 o'elock.

Th-a contractor for the completion of St Marv's. Mr Mcßride, has got threa or" four" courses of stone laid on some parts of the work, and the foundation or the veatry is being laid.

Mi- G. H. Major, while cycling from Temuka to Timaru on Friday, had a nasty *pill on the south, side of the xemuka bridge. He was unconscious for sc.-r.e-tinte. but presently recovered and was driven back to Temuka.

Ashburttm has appointed a committee to arrange a patriotic programme for_ a public gathering in the Domain on Empire t)av, mi all local bodies, volunteer* and cad'ets. schools, fire brigades and bands of the town and neighbourhood will be invited to be present.

As a provoker of hearty laughter Val Vousden, who is to give an entertainment in, the Theatre Roval on Wednesday evening, has few equals. "Intensely amusing, without beinsr in the least objectionable, the Wellington "Times" said of his many entertainments in that city. Val Vonsden is represented on this occasion by >ir G C. McCabe. a nephew of the late celebrated McCabe, one of the cleverest single-handed entertainers who ever toured •the colonies.

At a, special meeting of tte Temuta Borough Council on Friday evening it ■*&■, resolved to levy a general rate of lid in the £ over the borough, and a »parate sanitary rate in the sanitation district. Mr Marchant submitted a report on a. scheme for a high pressure water supply showing the cost under the gravitation scheme and the scheme outlined by Councillor Freen of erecting tanks and supplying these bv means of pumps and pointing out the advantage* of the gravitation scheme. The ''"Mayor and Councillors McLean, Ashwell and Burt were appointed a committee to go into the matter and report at a future; meeting.

A farmer called at this office on Satur<T;>v to make a remark about a letter published a few days ago. signed " Merciful, condemning the practice of laying poison for don-s. He wished to put the farmers ' side of the case. He has, he said._ often •to- get up at three- or four o'clock in the 'morning to drive away dogs worrying his sheep. He could not run them down, .and could not rely on getting near them with a gun. A neighbour of his this year lost 40 lambs', by" dogs driving them into a creek where they were smothered. ►How, he wished to know, were farmers to protect themselves against the depredations of useless dogs, otherwise than by ■, laying poison for them? LIGHT. The nights are now drawing in. and itis necessary for cyclists riding m the evening to use "a lamp. To ride under any sa:cand comfortable condition", a good gas . lamp is what is really required, but the pleasure to bj obtained from the u?e of a good acetyline gas lamp is- very often marred bv the usa of inferior carbide. We i have large stocks of the finest Swedish 1 carbide. D For cleaniness" and light giving qualities it- is unsurpassed. We have 000 '' one pound tins of carbide for sale at the extrtmelv low price of 6d per lb. tin. We know cvclists will appreciate tlib low price—it is well known that the prices are Sd and Is, evervwhere in Timaru. Our price of 6d speaks for itself, and shows the public that we are still continuing our policy to sell highest quality cycle, and motor goods at reasonable prices. We havi> in stock 100 Phenomenon gas Jampot the latest pattern, fitted with coloured side lights and key-locked bracket, selling at prices quite unapproachable by other firm* trading in Timaru. Our price of 10s 9d stands alone. No old stock, but the latest 1907 pattern, the brightest and best. Timaru price of burners has always been Is. Users of gas lamps often require new burners, and to meet this demand we are now selling them at 6d. Every day a bargain 'by with us.—Adams, Ltd., The Arcade. Timaru....

A meeting to consider the establishment of a branch of some- bank at Pleasant Point will be held in the Foresters Hail there this evening.

A meeting of those interested in thn foimatkn of ;t. literary and debating eockty in Geraldine, will be held in the Institute this evening. As the subject lor the first debate will be one that is prominently before the public at the present time."a large attendance is expected.

A voung man was charged before the Stipendiary Magistrate on Saturday with forging ft cheque-, for £ls 9s purporting to be s'gu-d by G. Dale, Christchwrch. He bought a pair of boots from Mr J. E. Reid for 20s and received change for the cheque. He was remanded until this morning.

Tha Winchester Gun Club opened the season on Saturday afternoon, when there was a fair attendance of members. Four handicap sweepstakes (clay birds) were fired for with the following results: No. 1..8. Steven and O. Haar junr.. tied; No. 2.. J. Cripps. 4 out of 5; -No. 5.. J. Smith, all 5; No. 4.. J. Cripps, all 5. The club will meet for practice nest Saturday.

The Minister for Lands passed through Timaru by the first express for the north on Saturday and was greeted by the Mayor at the railway station. Mr McNnb had been to Ivurow in connection with the proposed State forest nursery there. The was to break his journey at Rakaia to speak there on Saturday "evening on the Land Bill.

The Rev. H. L. Blamires, organising secretary for the New Zealand Wesleyan Bible Classes Forward Movement, conducted a meeting at the Wesley Church yesterday afternoon of the united young people's "bible classes. There was a good attendance of young men and women, th:ir class leaders, several adtdt friends being also present. The Rev. C. H. Olds introduced Mr Blamires. whose hour's address was listened to with interest by all. Mr Blamires gave' a brief review of events in connection with the recent- bible-class encampment at- Christehurch, mentioning as :*■ strikimr and impressive illustration of the progress of the bible-class movement, the march from the encampment to St. Paul's Church, of some 500 young men. singing the hymn, "Onward, christian soldiers." He related some of his experiences and successes during the year since his appointment as organising secretary, and sought the co-operation of all to increase the class memberships by personal effort. The meeting was closed by the distribution to a good number of ''decision cards." consisting of an acknowledgement of the Christian belief and a promise to endeavour to bring others to accept- that belief. Mr Blamires will conduct services in the outlying districts of the circuit each night this week. On Sunday evening next and the three following evenings he will hold special meetings in the Timaru Church, and on Sunday morning lie will conduct the service at Waimataitai.

The nervous strain of household care wears tut -even the strongest woman. Take Stenras" Wine, the peerless tonic, ■which builds up the body and makes the weak strong. Pleasant to the taste....

Eight hours real comfort each night at the small cost of per hour and at the end of the winter you have a real eiderdown quilt worth 57s 6d your own and paid for. One half-penny for each of the sleeping hours of night will by the end of the winter pay for a real eiderdown quilt worth 375" 6d. Cold at- nights? Serve yon right? When a. per hour of e?ch nizht" until the end of the winter will buv vou a. real down quilt worth 57s 6d." then next winter and each succeeding winter for more than 29 years it will cost you nothing for night comfort for yon pkid for it "the first winter hi v*e.' Special prices for down cuiits at Penrose's furnishing sale: —Sis x 5 eiderdown oni'ts, with floral sattcen centre.! and plain inserted borders: usual price. 19s 6cl. sale price. 16s lid; 15 Inrge ilwble-size real McLintock eiderdown quilts, frilled ventilated, and brocaded: usual r*rice. 25s 6d. sale, price. 21s 9cl: 8 full double-size eiderdown n"ilt". with deep borders, frilled and ventilated : usual price ,28s 6d. sale price, 23s 9d: special job line. 6x5 eiderdown nttilts, bordered, ventilated and brocaded. s?s each, worth 455; 6x5 ficral satt-een covered eiderdown owlts. extra- vrell filled ■o.vA ventilated: usual price. 53s 9d. sale price. 27s 9d: one onlv red floral satt-een rrirered eiderdown nnilt. -with plain ml facinc?. and deen frilte; usual price, 6d. sale price. 28s 6d: eiderdown quilts 'I-rrg? McLintick's famous make. One only ground Mosaic-designed eiderdown quilt, with plain border and deep frills: usual price. 57s 6d. sale price, 52? 6d: onlv one blue striked ground eiderdown nu ; H. with pink ba- T, l"?fr- ros? pattern: a bargain for 47s 6d. Shiver rnrl s?ve ?d per hour. Invest the |d per ho"r for the money is well spentrmnfort. Dn-wn quilts at Pentoses prices for cash. (Advt.)

Th<* London City Council, after two vears' experience with Darracq motor cars for the use of Die inspectors of the Council's tramways, have given a repeat order for several 10 h.p- Darracq?. This again proves the undeniable qualities of this wor T d-famons make, and superiority above all other make?: there is- no doubt that such bodies as London Council look for the two principal points, which are reliability and cheapness in upkeep. It is not. surprising that in London, as well as in any other part of the globe, there are more Darracqs used than any other make of car, when it is considered that 4COO cabs and 400 Barrack buses are now being under construction for London alone. for these cabs represents over a million pounds sterling. No further guarantee can be expected. From a speed point of view the performances of this renowned car all over the world remain unapproachable. Possibly you evince but little interest in racing contests, but even admitting such to be the case, you cannot afford to overlook the importance of the Darracq's past four years victory. In the history of automobilism no accomplishment can" compare with the Darracq relibility contest throughout the world. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.Z. L. Co.—Lists for Washdyke sale to-morrow. Geraldine sale on Wednesday, St. Andrews on Friday. Guinness and LeCren—Special entry of horses at Geraldino sale. J. Mundell—List of this week's sales. Dalgeiy and Co.—Entries for St. Andrews sale. X.M. and A. Co —Entries for Washdyke to-morrow, and St. Andrews on Fridav. East and East—Properties for sale in both islands. T. Thomson—New goods opened up. St. Mary's Church—Parish meeting, tomorrow. Arbitration Court—Farmers' subscription lists open. Retailers' and Protection Association — Local agent appointed. T. Wagstaff—Speci-il issus of "Weekly I Press." Mark Tfiggius—For cycle repairs. Darqiir- Kassa—Freights to Grrymouth. Geraldine Debasing .Society—Meets this evening. Cowan's—For ladies' rain coats. Funeral notices—Of Mrs McGiliicuddy. Wanted—Hoi'?; or rooms ; housekeeper: ensacemrnt by improver in building trads ; u;efi:l girt: i» !<"t tiro rooms: Ravmond's [ registry list. "

The Oamaru Borough Council purchased from the • Exhibition authorities a set of scenery for their new Town Rail. They paid £4O for it, and the .Mayor estimates that thev have saved 3100 by the bargain.

The Minister of Lands has informed Mr Flatman that if the land owners on Rangitata Island form a River Board to «rect protective works against .encroachments by the river, the Government will give £ for £ towards the cost to an amount not exceeding £3OO.

The Mayor of Oamaru has authorised by his Council to inquire from competent "engineers their terms for reporting on the underground drainage of the town. Dr Finch has offered to confer with any engineer on the question of outfalls, which he said was one of the most important points to be decided as far as his Department was concerned.

There was a large attendance in the Oddfellows Hall, Geraldine, on Friday, at the annual social in connection with the Victoria Lodge, 1.0.0. F. Dancing was taken part in by over fifty couples, and elaborate refreshments were provided. Bro. A. McPherson-was M.C., and Messrs Corniack and Quaid supplied the music. During the evening songs were given by Messrs J. S. Stirton, C. Gimson.and Miss Hansen. An interesting feature of the gathering was the handing over by Bro. Rouhton, of Temuka, of the documents for the investiture of the new district deputy, Bro. Gimson, who was recently appointed to that- - position by the Grand Lodge. Bro. Gimson responded to the address of Bro. Roulston.

The Tourht Department has received a telegram stating that Messrs McDonald and Cowan ascended Mount Ngaruhoe on Wednesday, that being the first occasion on which the" mountain has been ascended in winter. Tha ascent- was most difficult. Snow was encountered from the base to the. summit. A great volume of sulphurous >3team was met- with, and occasionally the atmosphere was so dense that objects only a few feet distant were obscured. They found evidences of a great blow-out, or a series of explosions, and it was seen that the crater which now exhibits great activity has considerably changed isince previous visits. The telegram adds that the" proposed ascent of Mount Ruapehu has been abandoned.

The fireball rang out an alarm last evening, and. as usual, a great crowd of excited people, assembled at the Central Fire Station to find out where the fire was. It proved to bs a false~alarm, and they were, "had": but the same crowd will not be "had 7 ' if they patroniss J. E. Reid's boot sale, as it is a real firing away of boots and ehoes. ...

The well-known firm of Randrup Bros, may still be found in the same place, but not ■with the same machines. They are just- now preparing to receive a large shipment, 1907 models, of Randrup Popular, Centaur, and Premier machines. It would p?.y you to drop in for a chat. ...

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13290, 20 May 1907, Page 5

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13290, 20 May 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13290, 20 May 1907, Page 5


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