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Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as foll,nvs ; Strong northerly winds to _ g:de after 12 hours ; glass fall soon: tiuos high; ss:i considerable: rain, probably heavy. Mr W. Grigor, who for some time has bsen.assistant, auctioneer'for the Xational and Agency Company s LiniiVi u brr.ncii. e has been promoted to tha managersl'ip of the film's business in Watmate. The annual sitting of tlie. Assessment Court for the .borough ofy'Hiniaru. will take place at the Courthouse on -April 15th. when any objections io the valua- ; tinn lists will "be heard. At the committee meeting of the Timarn Football Club last night, the resignation oi Mr D. J / Shea- as secretary and treasurer was accepted. Mr P. Broderick w.i.> elected secretary and Mr E. TTolderness treasurer. " A farmer living close to Saltwater C'reek KiiiTsdown. had a liumlier of sheep worried \e:-terdav morning. Tlie Uogs y.-ere seen at their work, and in all piob'tliilifv - & owners of them will hear more o, the m uter. •V middle-aged man. giving the name of Henrr Wilson, was arrested at Mratioid yesterday on a charge .-f threatemn!. to shoot' anotlier man at Eltjiaip,. , anf V. A V% threatening to slioot .lumself. ..Acctise'it purchased the revolver last Saturday. i«s weapon went off whtn the man ai Tested.- and Constable .Hyae . nariowly escaped being shot. Wilson was sentenced to a; :mouth;s --imprisonment , The Waimate storek«eper nho the wii h gr.ocei ies im st 1> looked upon a, a "liberal subscriber to the tuncls ot tlib institution. Hfetendei. ioi a yc-ii s supplies received and accepted showed nearly everything to be, belou to } price. Sago'jd pel b. nee Id tea Is to 2sj-candles sd, tobacco (Juno), p.per lb, sugar No. -1 ]2s, brown 7s peicwt flour 4s, catmeal; 4s 8d per 50 .Ibj, kerosene ss ; - per case; were, some oi the prices < quoted. The need of improved fire preventing ap pl-Lonces for the Tern ska fire, brigade exemplified for.the seconod - morning, when the b igadc toded manli.uv but inettectually with :an antiquated manual engine which produced at but an m tennittent squirt, hm-dly equal in volume to that of..a'garden uose; If a- liic binke out. in the .business portion of the town th« result, would be disastrous, as the wi-. aade with its present equipment could not- • cope with a fire of any magnitude. Tha Universitov Council at a meeting at, Auckland' yesterday, discussed the bursary scheme -' The chairman;- Sir G-. M. : 0Korke. said that Is favoured the scheme,, and bought--the Council nnght,.co-ops ate •with the Depamnflii. Mr Baume said the members of fhrliament \ylioin. he had nonsuited stronglj denounced the £250 income linii: as: a: class distincti,ou. . ins, Council deferred j. "decision to obtain . the opinion of the Professorial Board. MiBourne, of Chi-istihurcli, was appointed a ciassicb. A' syndicate lias bsen formed and -regi-.-tered : at Aucklit'id for the purpose of taking up land in :he King Country, to prospect for md-in.--a.shore time to ; go in for thoroughideyelopment work. Prospecting has beea carried on and a cated: on Maori jcind. itiicl it is intended to hold ,a- meeting; of the Idirectois of the.. syndiKite on i.pril 3rd, aft u y lucll it is. proposed to pish on with gold-mining operations.; itltliough some faii -specitiien.. of ore .have bien obtained the giiarfz hr., i not vet been opened up , to. test the value of tlie stone. The capital of 7lie venture has been fixed at- £2830,; in 144 shares of . £2O each. ■ ' At the Waintate Magistrate^"Couit yesterday before Major Keddell.yS.M.. the!e : was one police case, wlicrein W. Dwyer, was fined £1 and costs 7s ior being, as a prohibited person, on licensed pi emises. In civil cases.. Manchester-Bris: and Goldsmith v. 8,. and G. .Murdcli. claim £o, 3s lOd. judgment was' givar for amount, with costs. . \V. A. Scott J- \Vi i?ht claim £B. Judgment y ith osts ,J. W. Armstrong, v. Haymai, claim ior. breach of warranty m tl(i sale of <?oL .to; laiprib on Octdiei Ist. rifitliteen laihlied -H- inriritli aftev the sale (•Inly , 13 l h). and the ewes were Rtumed bv mistake. Armstrong - claim,.! £l2 18s -9d for pasturage, supervision; etc. Plaintiit was non-suited with costs £;> W ' >S Willianis y. S. Turner; claim £yo, halt " years rent of section. The defence was that the fences were to, have ■ been put in proper order and the money would be paid -when- thfe was dme. Witnesses were called for. plaintiff ;o prove that the fences were 'in /ery _l*d order (photooraph being ako ]>ut in, and for defendant to prove that the fences were m good order. Tlie Bench fcund for plamtitt Tritli enpts £o : 1(h~ . t " Don' ii worry." Dm'fe woiry if you feel tired, weak, and ott of sorts lake Baxter's Orange Quinire Wine, rhe. gi eat " nerve tonic. It acts iromptly, tones np tlie system, and gives rou,. that-feeling pt strength which: enable you_ to perfoi-m, your dav's work witliolt feeling f.unt and "depressed. Buy a little now. Pnte, 2s 6d only, from J. Baxter, Prescription, Chemist, Timaru.: ... ; To-morrow (Friday) will be Penrose's winter show day.- ftis a day interest ' to many ladies and g.ves at once a. bird >. eve view of the fasliiois of the. moment, tt i? the custom oii sliow d iy to bring out the best, goods the firm uade> in. and as the standard for thi3 wiiter is higher than any previous the show, slpuld be of exceptional interest. Many charges will be. noticed in ladies'' readv-to-xea-r .'costumes, jackets and mantles. 'Tl.e imported model liars yill j also atract the attention they deserve. The I shapes of these ore tuite new and distinct, j ikl manv of them htve already become favourites while othirs -irill become popular ns ths season advinces. Ready-to-wear blouses are- shown, ii >:o many styles that it, becomes hard to pidc out any one of tliem, and say of it that tiis is flint choice. There •will bs a splendil «chibition of furs, tnulfs, paletots, colonihl dress tweeds and e\- - elusive robes at Penrose's winter show.— fAdvt.) : " I Lave used every corn cure in the market; over 'of five or six ye-irs. all wiili -the sane- result—no relief: but now, 1 am tlianiful to say 'Ruby ..Corn. Cure'- has practically cured me." So spoke one grateiil customer, and he is only one of man,-'who are being cured of thoi'-e painful growths by Baxter s Rub\ Corn Cure. Gie dialing post free. Prepared and. cold exclusively by J. Baxter, Prescription Clianist.- Timam. You lose | one shfllirig and you lose your corns when i you use -Ruby Corn ,Cuie. r ... ' * It is a well iaioivn fact: amongst nurses and doctors tfet: babies reared on condensed milk aid. other- ailificnl foods are very ■ su-sceptibe-to chafing, redness and - . «nreuess- aod it is also -we 1 ki.own Ihat / - Fuller's Fartltand Yiolet Powder -have no medicinal powr to counteract and, heal. -"Talkie." the new baby powder, has thoroughly provenitself perfect as a- skin liealei and c eaiiser |- Within 24 liouis aftei dust %'| n( T " Talsic to any red, jnflamed oi-. chafed part-. Jie pain, smarting and: colour completely djappears. "Taisic" Powder is sold by tfe local chemists in packets of !-- each. ... ■■! v ,

At, the . Magistrate's Court yesterday, ' Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., granted an application for a prohibition order against,, tlie-applicant;, a 't'imaru resident. A girl called as a witness yesterday gave her age as eleven years. The Magistrate seemed somewhat surprised when she said she was only in Standard I. Mr W. Priest, of tlie firm- of Messrs Prie.-t and Holdgato," proposes taking- a flip Home shortly. Mr Priest has been in Timarn for .about 44 years, and this- is his firs, trip- to the ()jiT Land. The Mayor received a • telegram from Mr Campbell, captain of the Tiniiiru Fire Brigade, last night :—" Second in oije-inan .manual; second in three-men manual; se-„ cqiul in live-men-manual; . leading for the shield." Runners' and cyclists are reminded that entries for the Temuka Bicycle Club's Easter Monday sporr,xi "loss-, with the secretary oii ; Priday, ; 22nd, and judging by the large prize money oifere'd, there, will no doubt be a very large entry for the various events. - Among' awards at the Exhibition in the arts and industries, the South Canterbury Dairy -Company . received a" highly- commended ticket for . large, medium and loaf-cheese. So did eight other' factories. E. G- Fussell. of Timaru,. received a. certificate (fourth place) for tyiiewriting- (un'profe'ssiohal). . A. special parade of the South Canterbury Mounted Riiles was held last evening for: the. purpose of electing a- captain -ill place "of C-ajitain Bond, promoted to the : rank of major. There was a. good muster, of men; arid Lieutenant .0. H. (Iresson. senior subaltern, was unanimously ; th'e' captaincy, of the corps. . A record in the... preparation of a trousseau was established in Wellington last week.. • A■- young- lady promised herself m marriage on Tuesday, the wedding took place - on -aud ; tlie couple 'left; .'on | Saturday • for South Africa. The bridegroom was Mr Freeth,- who served in the Boer war with the second contingent, and remained m Pretoria m the -Government. service. The- Canterbury Frozen Meat Company have: recently added to buildings connected with .the Pareora Freezing Works, a large dormitory, containing sleeping, accommod-'j ation for 42 men, in separate cubicles with two-- bunks and- frames in each (except one -. lhaf. contains four bunks). A large sittingroom is also Contained iiithe; building.;, The men's dtnmg room and kitchen is another-. large building.- . This; has been, tip for-some time, but it- lias been.-coiisiderably enlarged..-A 'separate,' .btiikling contains plunge and, shower baths, " a, convenience, that is not! found at- any other freezing i works in. New Zealand. [: - The ~-South Canterbury Mounted -Rifles' bazaar is to be opened this afternoon bs., r Colonel Hawkins, at 5 o'clock m the Drill Hali. The bazaar will be open until Saturda\r night, and during that time many I-attractions will' be presented and various j side shows will be held. Last night- the .st^bolfe.<--:vereVbuSy>pro'pating''-'foi?.''to- ! day 'and, the . hail shouhfclopk very: gay for - the-.lnex±;- few. dayj*r. A baby show is to he held :in conjunction with the bazaar .and this, promises -to be a. good attraction iii -itself. , - Already about; forty, entries; have been received and-Mrs.-C. h. wouud to receive, 'further entries) / vThe nsuai stalls have been erected,: namely, for:.ari, fancy,worlt, sweets,- flowers": and - produce ';. and interesting, ; .bicycle» arid sheep guessing competitions, -\yill- :be held! - ." Each evening a special; is ,'to/ .'arranged. Friday - niglijy being, given over to children s lieni.", i dancing etc ATr W- D. Bevell.has consented to look after the drawings from the "ballot box? The Garrison Band will be in attendance. at the' opening this afternoon, and-eac-h evening one of the bands will lie : present at tlie bazaar.

The - Waimate Hospital Trustees met yesterday afternoon, Mr A. Walker pie"sidinsr. in the absence of the chaii-man. Mr Sinclair. . The surgeon's report.' stated, that 28 in-patients had been- treated, of whom 16 remained in hospital. Out-pa-tients h.o.d .numbered 14.; .The matrons re j Kin: on patients discharged. and. amounts due and received, was read.,- The town members- were appointed-, a .-committee, to prepare - the' estimates, for next,, j ear, and, forward t-heni - to the South Canterbuij. Board. The tender of Mr.Butcher was. accepted for : groceries (his jn-ices were .-all below' cost, except butter and. eggs,- which .ire; to be supplied '"'.at mitrketv:rates and tliat of Mr J. Moore: for funerals, adult- ,£1 19s 6d and: children, 19s 6d. Mr At-will lepoited for the visitors, that evei-vthing ■'was gouig on satisfactonly. Dr Barclay -reported that tliere were, certain 'requirements''irt". the'.Tray. of linoleum and wash-house fittings, and a little beddino- "'to be ,obtained,;: and a_ gas heater •for"the' operating room.- Miss McLean, tlie inspector, liad; the hospital, and he. mentioned to her the delav in. mving the .salaries of, &pvein--ment probationers, -and Miss, - McLean seemed to be satisfied with, the explanation that lie gave her regarding the stafl. -Lbe cxefutors o£ the lite ,T. R. Clements ottered him a, quantity of home-made wne, mads by Mr; Clements; : find, finding that it was a' wood-"wine, suitable for some pill - poses at—the Hospital, he had accepted the whole. Tue town members and sur-r.-gon were auHvorised to procure the lie asked for. Accounts amounting, to £9l 15s 3d wer» passed for payment. MILKING MACHINE EXPERIENCE. Before purchasing, or even buviug a milki„f. midline, ask "the agent to give jou the n.nrc,- and addresses of a ttozen farmers who hiive u.-e-.l his machines lor a period of not less than, 'two years ; any. opinionbased on'. a"-shorter period, is not worUi a, tent ion ' With this information in hand,vou can easily make -dir.act"prncl ical, men.' who uss'tlie in earningtheir.-]ivihir. Don t. forgeti, that the: value"of your herd, a." well as. fhe cost'of -the. -plant.- depends?on. youri' o-ptfipo- rovreot ;ind diMutP.vestsd iuformalr: Hon ° 'liio agents for the " Lawrence-Ken:-i;edy-f"!il!i(" milker, will be happy to sm>-plv-'tli? names of hundreds of.tlioroughly; ®ah--fied fai'iiievs who have used these sue-, ee«ful mochines for two, three, four and even fiv<-> years. Eor full particulars, fti .T.'B: -MacEwan and Coy., Ltd., Dunediii. . ( (JOT.D MEDAL BICYCLE.S, We again bring before the public convinciw proo'f of the' high- quality- of ourr bicycles. --We; have been telling the public,; that we (-oiiti oiled and sbld the world's bests; bicycles, and-' the; fitting proof of such a; statenient is-conipletely borne out by our., position in the list of awards at the New Zealand International Exhibition. 11l open competition, which is tlie test- of all roiind. excellence and proof of quality, our bicycles stood the test, and we are proud to tell the public tliat we completely outdistanced,our competitors, and secured such a large proportion of-the;-awards made in this class, ot exhibit.' that it would not be out- of place to say ,that the* rest of our • compiett-'; tors #ere v totally eclipeed. Off of a iotafof; eight cvcles were -awarded three , gold and two silver medals, leaving one gold and two silver medals to go round the balance of al* tlie bicycle traders' in Ne'.r . Z.eaiand. The .particulars : are " as follows:' —-(j.old m'edol • for best collective bicycle exhibit,, gold medal for Eadie Star cycles, gold: medal' for Swift cycles, : silver medal for Humber cvcle*. silver medal for Triumph cycles. All these models on view. You are requested to inspect Adams, Ltd., Tlie Arcade, Timarn. ... .

"Starting frOiii to-morrow, the StUdhohrn'e" Junction weekly stock sales will commence ill' 11 iwui.wv Farmers say that the laic rains have made u gratifying difference'in. the appearance of the turnips. You can almost, see iliem; grow." ' ' • ' ' The. cup which Mr "W. Dixon, lias presented to the Mackenzie County Agricultural • Society : is to be awarded to the best-- hunter a.t :thc, on .Epser Monday.The: laying of the reticulation; .pipes . of, Wiiimilte's high pressure water supply is. now approaching completion; awl- i there will how-lia a lot. of second-hand wind-mills, for sale in .the town. ; The Waimate. raihray station is probably unique in the: colony, the building widi, it,s, verandah standing a good: way -from-the, railway line. This gives a. large amount of room for; the of: passengers and the handling of luggage; It may not be generally known that the summit of Mount, Cook can-be seen, under suitable conditions of weather, from the railway .it- the crossing of the Pareora river. 'I he paak ■ shows over the midway range m a hollow next south ot the one ovei which it-is seen from T'imaru. The long-standing building situated in Beswick, street-, between (:. Jonas and Co. s auction rooms arid Glennie's, stables, known in the early days as Qobb.s stable, has atlust,: been demolished',' and the remains will be disposed "of-bii:Sat-urday-afternoon by "Messrs C.-Jonas and Co. The only thing that- was riot procurable at the stores .of tile " universal provider," the late.Mr. Whiieley. who was. murdered a few weeks ago,' was milk. ■ Mr WhHei'ey had a rooted objection jo .Sunday work and therefore refused to deal which has, to be supplied: Sunday ■ arid week. day. The auction saie of- • fatim.howes^.-held-.ab Studhohns by Messrs;• Guinness and; LeCren yesterday , was saidvto: be- the \ sale .of the kind ever held there. Aljoiit a . hundred norsea. -\yei'd entered, and everything that- ; was..yoiiriff-,- and > strong was -.well- competed fofc;.:;.. ; P --V The . chamois, which. were' presented to the'2£ew Zealand Government by .the, Emperor" of Austria:, - arrived;; at" Fairlie. :on .M'onday, and, were , conveyed oil..the" last;' stage of their ■loilg joiirney to Mount C'ook, ; ' bytraction! erigme. on: Tuesday.. Wlieri the period - , fori tliefc, 'qtifyWihtihe lapses they are be ' liberated -in Governor's:. Bush, near the Hermitage. »

The Waimate, High -School / Board met, ion' Tuesday evening. The chairman, the JUv. G . Barclay, stated that of eleven can.•didates from i the school five had passed ma-.-triculatiori, ii - gratifying, percentage. -The marks were not yet available. , A .vote of i thanks was passed to the scholarships committee.- -arid .to the- liea'dmaster, Mr , Pit-. icaithly, and staft for the 1 good work : done ;m the school, primary and'secondary, during last year.: ..'.--A-committee--.appointed to visit tlie Board's property: :Ur Waitiaorunga reported tliat the outgoing tenant had made improvements worth £SO, md .lie Board resolved.. on the, recommendation of - tiiei -.committee to tenant a half years rent. '. The ,headmaster reported 73, on tlie: , roll; 40 boys find -30. girls; and beside.'j these-- there " were 15 .pupils of the .present , sfandard who were, doing some secondary work. lne. diligence and behaviour of- all scjiolarship and--exhibition holders was satisfactory.. '. A siim <if £lO. w-cis-vo'ted -to the Teclmi al CI isses A-soc\ition. and the former- representative' managers .wei-e" re-', elected./ . Accpuntii- amounting;, to, £63. 3.9 10,(1, were, ])a,ssed-. for. paynient. • : , . ,-Tbe-LabQur : ;l!epartment'».jpnraal.-in'tliis,,, month's issue-reports: as follows, on Ti-. mariißuiiding trades.: All branches-: r-till, very brisk. l ,' Painting niucli- brisker: than for some months-past. Plumbing and gas<llllll2, ' fiiirly busy,:>but- not,' so itshould ;ba. Engineering trade : Still, keeps husv. and likely to-continue so for some montlir-fi ; Agribultural-implement -making Yery busy., and some firms- working over-, •liiae. " ..Boot, trade (factories) : This -branch:, is.much brisker than for some months past, and some employers are looking for more hands. • Clothing trade (factories) : Keeps fairly good: .all hands .-making full-time, and several firms are in want of tailoresses. Woollen ,manufacturing : • Yery , good. . and .: all hands mßlcing full - time;-*- Retail/ trade (geheral),:, Thesis;,ti'ades-keep fairly .busy.,. Miscellaneous': Blacksmithing, fairly busv.' Saddleiy,. very good ; all ■ hands,-fully employed. Gab'inetmaking.t. brisk. Carriagebuilding. very busy, and full of work. Sash' l and door factories : Very-busy; some firmscannot keep pace with 'demand*:"-.Unskilled--! ; labour: Owing to the threshing-mills and ..freezing-works being in. full, swing, there are n<> idle men al presetit. .:. v - ■ ;

At- the Magistrate's Court, Oamaru, on Tuesday Madame;Passim'' was chargedbefore Major Keddell with " using a subtle craft, by palmistry: to impose '• upon one of His Majesty's subiects." Mr Onglev appeared; for the; defendant, who, plea tied' not guilty. Constable, Pennalluriack stated that he had gone-to accused and asked to have lus fortune toldi whiclv she■ proceeded, to-ido by.' examining'.-his- hand ; wWi a, magnifying] glass; -iHe. told her'.'tie was,ah : Insurance Agent, and was. told that he would, not, succeed as he; had . not enough "cheek." but had a clever head, and would nmke-rifigood rogue. His.sWorslnp remarked f hat it. was' fortunate, witness did not disclose his real occupation. He supposed .witnes's, eonsidered :tliat : '.accused: was telling 'lies-,- ; :and^.tiiougiit'-he -wouffiencourage her. Cohtinumg.: the ~eonstable smcl lie, had paid ;2s; G'd, for;the information;he had received. He-'-did"not. knon' whether was any virtue 'in paLmixtry-'-he. did not ..believe ih: it: : Jlai.G-r Eeddell, in giving liis-'flecisiou, said .thaK-'tliere:-i , vpere.-,-alway§i-silly i tpepplfe- who woi| to a palmist--, knowing that they wbtiufd be imposed upon,: They.vwere.pleas,ed to pay 2s 6d or Vss to hear- tliat tlieir. would be dark or fair, poor or ' rieiiT^'prefera.bly • the 1 after,' : There; was a .difference of opinion as. to whether or not. phrenology, was an. exact art,- : and for -pcilmistry some -claimed infallibility.. Victims nowadays were .willing victims. It could not. be .said, that; the constable: had been deceived in terms of'the'information, and-:, was .-'dismissed. ■

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13240, 21 March 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13240, 21 March 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13240, 21 March 1907, Page 5


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