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Th'i Glenavy lliiie Club have decided to oife; > l ]_>eir services to the Government at an' e. "' date, and are-writing the officer commanding the South Caiiteibuiy district for information. '"There is something in the atmosphere of Yorkshire perhaps," said Archdeacon Harper la-t night, "that is favourable'to the production of good singing voices." Some one promptly interjected: "Fog." The Japanese ship/ Itsukushima, and Matsushima, of the training squadron, ¥ under Vice-Admiral Tomioka, have arrived at Suva, and leave Fiji for Wellington on Saturday. Passengers by the first'train south yesterday were surprised to- be greeted with clieering as the train pulled up at the Pareora works siding. There was a large crowd of slaughter hands on the small ■ 'platform, some of whom looked very formidable with knives stuck about them and steels hanging from thejr waists. At a committee meeting of the South Canterbury Coursing Club last evning, it was resolved. that trials be allowed on the Plumpton (when the number asked for ieache« on a Thuisday afternoon, but the secretin y must receive a week's notice" iof any "member's intention to have a trial'"-'run." The cost of each-trial will be ss. -if the hare is not killed; but if it. is- killed the cost will be 15s. The secretary must, however, receive 15s beforehand. Tlve South Canterbury Mounted Rifles Bazaar is to be held in "the Drill Hall on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ofi this week. The committees have been doing .rood work during the past few months, ariit thev Trill be a"ble to present special attractions each evening, combined with a mu>-ical programme. Tlie Garrison, Marine and Pipe Bands will give assistance during the bazaar. A baby show i« tobe held, particulars of which may be obtained from Mrs* C. E. Thomas. - Mr' E: H. C. B. Loveday, of Graham and Co., who has just completed the erection of "a new web printing machine and Jobbing machine for the " Timaru Herald," was yesterday presented with' at choice case of pipes 6n severing his connection ' with the office. The manager, in making the presentation, referred to Mr Loveday'.uniform courtesy and the great intere-t lie had taken in" his work, and wished Mr Loveday continued success in his calling. Mr Loveday suitably responded, thanking the" staff for their good wishes. * West'* Pictures and The Brescians gave their fifth programme last evening, before a good house. A lengthy programme of fine kinematograms was-, presented,, among the best of the film's being "A Day in Burns Land," a series of beautiful views. "The Lovely Rhine,"' a fine specimen of colour T kinematography, and a long film. .. showing all the branches of the sardine industry. The Brescians rendered another enjoyable programme, of which the be t item was' Mis- Adelina Martinengo's violin solo," The Canary," the playing of which would compare favourably' with anything of the kind yet heard in Timaru. The final programme will be presented this evening, wheri "A Trip to the Sun' will be among shown. A team from the Timaru Tennis Club journeyed to Oamaru yesterday to play ■ the annual return -match. Wiien leaving Timaru in the early morning, the weather wnsj overcast, and on arrival at Oamaru.. -■steady > rain was falling. Playing tennis was out of the question, and" a "few of the visitors returned : home by the first express. Others who stayed were . very, hospitably entertained by members of the Oamaru (Reed streeti "Cluh, and joined them, afc lunch and ■'■■' afternoon' tea. A ping pong match -was played, and, was won by Timaru by .53. points"." Some of the games were very close and exciting, Miss lennent beafrng Mi's Grummett 3&-29-i 3f Mi-s N B Hay Miss Sutton 30 27 Mis, Gould and Miss Potter easdy won then game-, against. Miss C Hay and S Campbell. The mens games, with one exception were very keenly contested PeMse beat Du Croz 30 9; LeG'r»n T. Armstrong 16 30. but suffered defeat bv Callender, 30-27, and Waddell beat "jackson 30 25. ' Doubles weie a-Iso played, and altogether a \ery afternoon was spent, made .ill the moie enjoyable bv the courteous way the Oamaru people looked after their visitois' welfaie

The neivoas strain of household ines. wears out even the strongest woman. Take Yearns' Wine, the peeiless tonic, which builds up the body and nukes the weak strong Pleasant to the taste Briefly, the Dresden Pian>> Co are in the best position to supplv wh.itevei goods , go-to the making of melody They aie easily the largest importers of musical in strtlments- into New- 'Zealand, and their handsome' and extensive exhibit of wwiios and oigans at Chnslchuich. deservediv ic ceived the gold medal The experience accumulated by this firm during some 25 j ears-has been practically applied, and the splendid? pianos turned out are guaranteed agiinst any fieaks of climate, while the I pure basing" terms' are the easiest. A fine s'ock is always open, for jour consideia tioti at the Timaiu Bxnncli wheie you | will be assisted intelligently in the choice of iin inatrument. . The drapers in turn give 'one good" oppoitumtv each se.ison to the public to inspect a full showing of new se.ison s novelties Penrose's m turn have chosen Friday «s their show ' day. On this davit Will be'the aim of everyone on their staff to present the choicest goods in thei. department in the moot attractive man ner possible Novelties will, of couise. be first placed. Taitans m cloth iind in silk colonial made tweeds suitable for tailoied qostunies, the newest shapes m wiaps cloiks. jackets, mantles The ,oftest fuis in marmot, musquash, fox or stone marten beautiful blouses fa scoies of new designs , •model nnllineiy enough nt themselves to make on attractive displav Then theie will be'smait neck we.u. lace goods, and ornaments On Friday afternoon theie will be an oichestial conceit by Mi Coomb's band, nd m the evening theie will be a light display until 9 p m Tennises -Diaperv Establishments - (Advt) ' ' Everyone kn'iws that if corns are ne glected'thjev become moie pa 1111 1 "1 an d much more difficult to cure. There is no need to* experiment now. no need' to doubt the * results—if you use Ruby Corn Cure'" .- Scientifically prepared, Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure is a "proven remedy People cmed by its lire are if; to their fnends v and its sales'are ever increasing Buy a. bottle now One shilling post free, only from J. Baxter, PrescnpLoii Chemist, Theatre Building, limaru. ... , i WINTER DAIRYING If you .ire wanting a reliable sepaiatoi to help you mahefyour butrei during the wmtei months, when the roads ate too bad. to cart the milk to the factory, don't forget that the Bdtic iepiesents the kit est- most convenient, and easiest separator to handle. They'aie built in all sizes, front. 16 to 10O" gallons per" hour, and for skimming and. easy turning have no equal- The Baltic separator is compact and nedt jn general' design, and is not r only a money maker, but\an ornament in any dairy. " For prices, terms' dud full particularSj write to J B MacEwan and Cny., Ed., Diinedin, .^

The Waitaki very heavy flood yesteiday, covering a extent of country

At the/Wainiate Court yesterday morning", beft/re' his Worship the Mayor (Mr John Manchester) and Mr 11. Meredith, J.P., L. Thyne was charged with drunkenness and with using obscene language. On the first charge he was, fined 5s and on the second £5. ,

The new bicycle track in the Geraldine domain was opened yesterday on the occasion of the annual sports meeting. The track is of clay with a coating of asphalt, but the surf ice is not yet by any means true. Those who are competent to judge, think it will be an excellent track, but at presant it be -aid to be a fast one.

Henry Bernard Tomlinson, who mysteriously disappeared from Petone in January la-t, was arrested in Wanganui on Saturday, and charged at tlfe Magistrate's Court yesterday with theft of moneys belonging to the Temperance and General Life Assurance Society. Accused, who has been living under the name of Lindsay, wais remanded to Wellington.

Mr C. H. Guthrie, who ha? for some years had 'charge in Wainiate of the/National Mortgage and Agency Co.'s business, will shortly leave for Dunedin, where he will manage "the auction department of the same company. There are many farmers and others who will regret his departvre, but congratulate him on his appointment to a-inuch more responosible position.

The li&tives of the Thames district expreps the keenest satisfaction at the efforts' bsintr made to individualise and dispose of certain lands now being purchased. for the Government by the natiove land purchaser. For years large and valuable areas have kin unoccupied, and uncultivated. It is believed that about 20,000 acres will soon be available, to be followed by other purchases.

On Saturday a voung man named Julian, in the employ of "the N.M. and A. Co.-ti.ti, Wainiate, was passing under a slaircase , lift hi the backvard, when someone above, not noticing him. threw down a pile of sacks He was struck on the head and I lendered unconsciovVf. On surgical examination it was found that he had sustained slight concussion of the brain, lie is progressing favourably.

Mr Ernest Cargill Cutten has .been appointed a Stipendiary Magistrate and will b= 10--M*ed at Napier. Mr Cutten was boni h 1867 in IJunedin, and wan educated in En<rl«md. and al-o at the 'Boys' High School. Dunedin and Otago University. He Has associate to Mr Justice Williams for some time, and has been in practice -at) \a«ebv for about 10 years. He was Mayor of Na-ebv lor tlie last five years, and took a keen interest in public movements in the district.

Referring last night to the changes that 1-e had seen in St. Mary's Church during the la-t 21. veavs, Mr Simpson said that he was now "the only member of the choir that took part hi the ,ceremony of consecrating ihe church. "Mr Fraser had been a- member before, but was not a member at that time: and Mr Gooch, the organist, lad recently retired. He mentioned that he had just received a letter from Mr Gooch thanking the choir for the handsome and comfortable chair they had just presented to him.

A harvest 1 hank-giving service in connection with the Presbyterian Church was held at .Otaio on -Sunday. 'I he. building was fuls and the decorations prettily arranged.. Mr- McKie presided at the or«.xa, and the choir sang some special pieces. The Rsv. J. Chappie spoke on the harvest %cene in Ruth, arid was listened to with great interest. He reminded them that this hdivest would probably he the last he would see in the district as his wife's indifferent health made it likely that he would'have to>eek pastures new.

Victoum potatoes aie .unving in f.iiily large quantifies on the Welling ton-inaiket, about 800 sacks having been landed last week, the bulk of which have been cleaied The whole of the potatoes have to be leconditioned on. ar, owing to faulty potatoes,having been packed -Kith good ones Othei wise the quality is, everything to be desned Tlie Victorian potatoes are being landed at fully £2 below the market price of local potatoes, and, Though not pierentmg the appeaiancc of the latter, '•ell \ery leadily, and aie a paiheulaily fine table potato 'lhe \aneties aie pimcipally Cn .cular Head and l'mk Eyes

At Hie Magistrate's Court yesterday, be foie Messrs M White and W. battelth w aite, Jl' 's an elderlj man named Stew art, was chaiged with stealing on Saturday a pair of boots, valued at lis 6d, the pi open j of F Cullmann Sub Inspector Gieen stated that a girl had seen accused take up the boots and c.tiry them away She told Mi Cullmann, and he followed ac and found the boote m his possession The man had lutheito led an honest bfe. and was diunk when he committed the theft Accused pleaded guilty; lie had no excu«e to offei *The Bench said as thi» was a first offence, they would in fiict a fine of 20s in default "seven days' mipiisonmeiit

The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Acting-Pie- | mier, is to lay to-morrow the foundation >tone ofv the "Canteibury Sanatorium foi CpilrHtmptives," on the Cashmere Trills ThejChnstchurch Committee last week ac tepted a tender afc £9566 foi the mam block of buildings There are othei ex pendilures which will bnng the total to £11,841, m connection with the central block, besides gas and fumituie Then there aie "shelters,*' fencing, planting and. ?o on, that will increase the total to £IB,OOO Of this the Committee have £11,703 in sight, of which £4321 has been and the balance is expected .in subsidies on the e and on £I9BO worth o f land pic-eiited to the com nnttee

Mi H 1 .item for Messrs Dalgetv and Co when Apokm to by a lepoitei vcsteul.iv e\piessed suipnse and indignation at /he lemaiks made m the Kavli case at the Chiistchuich Supieme Court It seemed to Inm .■ most extia' oidinarj thing tint a pi kernel whor-e c.ise had been heard in a lowei Coui£ should be allowed to bnng foiw aid fresh mattei in the highet Court to which he had been committed for sentence It did not en. i outage the general public to expose crime, when statements such as those made by Mr G T Weston ,at<Saturday's -sitting of the Supreme Court, could be m.'de in the absence of the prosecuting party, who therefore had no opportunity to lebut them Refeiring to Mr Weston's contention that the -prvonei had been oveiworked and nn del paid, Mr Eaton said he could only gne an* emphatic denial to both of the state ments K i*«li had* been neither over worked noi underpaid 'ln''fact, his!woik was rTgly that of a ledgei [keeper, and he vws leceivmg a salary v\hich should have been ample foi a man of lus age with no family ties He first enteied the com ]\jrv"s service about thiee jeais ago, at a l emunei.ition of £BO, and leteived annual " ' up to Julv last, when lis* salary was increase! to £l5O per mnum The series of embezzlements had arisen, (MrEaton believed, through lus employee hav ing-to piociue a sum of money for an out side'' This he had clone by falsifv mg Jus accoimts. v\hic)i could only be rained out by s-kilful nnnipulahon. of them.

Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follow-., : —"Moderate to strong south-eastcrly wind*; glass fall; titles high; tea heavy ailer 24 hours."

A brass, tablet lias been placed in Iho Chri-tchuich Cathedral in memory of the late Captain Hntton, who was curator of (lie Museum for many year.-, and who died at sea in October last.

The decision of the Dunedin City Council to suspend running the trams on Good Friday having been protested " against by the ratepayers, ,i special meetitrg of the. Council will be held to consider a to rescind the resolution.

Brown and Sons, or Dargaville, after six weeks' work in endeavouring to set upright the barque W.ii-iti, which capsized on January 28th, have thrown up their contract, having fruitlessly expended teveral hundred pounds. «

A young man ; named John? Milne was arrested yesterday afternoon by: Mounted Constable" Osborn, on a charge of assaulting a voung woman on Saturday night, oil' the' Main road just south of Tini.ini. He will be brought before the Court this morning.

Members of the Timaru Druids Lodge aie reminded that a smoke concert will be lield at Budd's Arcade Cafe, this evening, when a presentation will be made to Bro. It. W. Simpson, on the eve of hi-, departure for . England- Members I are allowed to bring friends.

On Saturday i last Mr Lionel Eaton yielded the hammer for Messis Gerrie and Co. at their auction rooms, Cain's terrace. Mr Eaton has had a good ded of experience in the furniture and general produce business, and at tlie clo-e of the sale received numeious congratulations.

Some Dunedin railway, workers, while pile-driving last week, had the misfortune to come into contact with a 12-inch water main from SUverstreain, the source of Dun--e'dinV- water '" The pipe" was brok'en and for inore.tbah'an hour the mam road and Bower streets-were flooded. The flow of water"rem'ained unchecked for sometime, before"a* key-', could he'obtained to turn it) off, but no- serious damage lesulted. „ ' -., A record compiled by' Sir Ell, M.H..R., shows that since the introduction' of the system of rating on the unimproved value of lands, polls have'been* demanded in 82 districtci-, with the following results: Counties, 20 for; none against; total, 20. Road district-, 10 for, ,lw;o,against; total, 12. Town districts, -two against; total, two. Cities arid boroughs, 38 for, lp against; total, 48. Tofcils, 70 for. I 2 against; total, S2.

1 The receipts from the. Wellington municipal tramways 'for the four week- ending February 19th amounted to £8417, an increase of £1785 for the same period of /the previous year. Working expenses totalled ,£4690. Fiom the-e figures the gross profit is seen to be £3727 as compared with £1963 for the same period last year. The total car mileage for the month was 131,396. The traffic receipt/per car mile aver-* age 1.5 d and the costs per car mile 8.56 d.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Canterbury Farmeis' Co-operative Association—Clearing- sale at Winchester on 3rd April. ' , aGuiimess and LeCren —Studholnie hor-e and sale to morrow. ' Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ageucv Company—Studholnie sale Friday. O. and Co. —Sale of furniture tomorrow and Thursday. Flank E. Lamb—Calls tenders for residence". Drill HaII—S.C.M.R. bazaar on 21st, 22nd, and. 23rd inst. Bruce and 1 --Co. —Business for sale, also faims. H. Pring—Will do all brick and plaster work. Jnme* Meehan—Farm' at Otaio for sale. Miss Joel—Class for elocution on- Thursday.' ' i

So M R —Meet to monow to elect cap lam TJAOU —.Smoke conceit at Budas to night Higgms —borne lines in piaise ot cycles 'D Mahoney—List of town and othei pioperties for sale Iheatie ( Royal—Gi-and farewell pro gramme tins evening F.uihe Show —Entries close to mouow Mackenzie Countj Council—Call tendeis foi woiks „ Naldei and" Bui nett—Details of bicycles for sale Hut+on and Co—Footballs, and linings foi 1907 Wanteds—Si 1 * notices

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13238, 19 March 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13238, 19 March 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13238, 19 March 1907, Page 5


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