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Yesterday the flag on 1 lie post office tower was" ilying in honour of Sr. Pairick's Day. A notice is advertised JHi - morning that a night train will be run from Christ - chnrch to Dunedin next. Saturday. This afternoon will br. observed at the weekly- half-holiday in Teniukn. so that all who wish to .attend the Geraldine S.t. Patrick* Day spoils will In- enabled to do'-so. The Attorney-Oeneval lllon. Dr Findlay) Mill leave Wellington for Xew Plymouth to-day. He will deliver a political address there on Thursday night, and will also speak in various other parts of the colony before the end of the month. The Customs returns for the month of February show the following shipments from the port of Oamaru: —84cwf. of butter of an estimated value of. £4263; 1092 carcases of inutibn, valued at £799 and 4532 carcases of Limb, v.ihn d at£2555. At a meeting held in Oamarn on Friday evening, it wai* unanimously decided to establish public swimming baths. There was a large and representative attendance, and the question was fully discussed. It was decided that' the bat lis "should be fresh water baths,, and: a committee of nineteen, with the Mayor as chairman, was set up to cor., ider questions of cost, site, ways and means of raising money, etc.: and to report- io a future meeting. Replying to - a depuf at inn wh'u h urged the Government to inaugurate a scheme for agricultural education in the Auckland i district,, thoe Hon. G: Fowlds said he was in sympathy with any reasonable proposal to extend the benefits of agricultural education, and the Hon. R. MeNab had also taken a keen interest in the .subject. Whatever, was done should be done by the co-operation of the two departments to prevent overlapping. " He would confer with Mr McXab. and; see. what could b-j done. ':«""■'.:.

The projected beauty shdw ar Wonderland , \\a<* been abandoned. MY If. M Ell, M.IT.R.. telegraphed to the llmi. l! Fowlds. expiessing asloni>hmenl at the authorities >anctkming such '' a vulgar demobilising exhibition, as. a beauty show," asking was every wholesome sentiment which the people of the colony hohl < to be sacrificed lo the tia/ie of moneygetting. Mr Fowlds replied " The proposed beauty show is piomoted by the proprietors of Wonderland. lam not aware that the Exhibition" authorities sanctioned it. in any way. but am. making inquiries."' The South Australian gtapes sent to the Exhibition were eageily fought up. Speaking to a press reporter on Saturday. Mr W. H. A. Scott, the South Australian CoinmL-sioner, stated that he could have easily disposed of fifty tons of the grapes instead of the two tons received. He thought that next -season Australian grape- \ would be'admitted to 'New Zealand without any restrictions whatsoever. Negotiations were proceeding between the E-nle ral Premier and the Premier of ;New Zealand on the subject, and he had little doubt but that the result would la i-ati. factory to both parties. -When the pie- ( «ent restrictions were removed 'Australian grapes would be expoited to New Zealand in fairly large quantities, and a substantial ttade be built up. On Thui «day last, the Temuka Bowling Club closed their first season, which has proved most successful in eveiy wav. Two matches weie played to wind up the season, 'the finals- of the singles chainpionship and a rink matcfi for the fern badges being decided. Mr T. Edwards won the prize given v by Mr T. Buxton, ihe president of the Club, for the singles championship, winning all his seven rounds-. The runner-up wa« Mr J. Baragwanaih, who played nine round*, winning seven. 'He secures the second prize given by Mr Sim. For the rink fern badges the Ihursday winners had a challenge , standing for , some weeks and as the previous winners • were unable to meet to defend them, the badgas were handed in for competition. J. Sim, C. Lasldie. U. Collins, T. Edwards skip,: the original winners, regaining possesion of the trophies.

Everyone that if coins aie' neglected they become moie painful and much ' more difficult to cure. There is no need to experiment .now, no need to doubt the results—if you use Ruby Ooin Cuie Scientifically prepared, Baxter'* Ruby Corn Cure is a proven remedy. People cured by its ui e are recommending it to their friends, and its sales aie ever increasing Buy a bottle 'how. One shilling post free, only from J Baiter. on Chemist, Theatre Building, ... We must tell again, not only to dav but tomonow and light ihiough llns nionth. the news of the annal of new ' wintei styles in diapeiy These aie our | jeceiiing days, foi tie are handling fio'ii f-te.auiship .and ft qui l.tilw.ays new goals for Timaiu people, made lw m.tnv people m a'l the m uiuf utuiing paits of the woild Penrose's- will be asking you on Friday. , next to visit their wir-ter show, when: an oppoitumtv will be given you to see ' the no\ elties m' w inter fashions Many of oui (iistoineis in.ij not plate much nnnoitance i'i the chinging shies If is however, of value even In this cl iss of uistomei 1o make then pmcha'-es fio'ii new gooils Old >.lnil i, shop woin and deteriorated: have'' the new goods by .all meais .ml mike join selection be foie the freshness is gone oft Diessmil <ii(r and millmeiy oideis should b° hist dealt with, do noi put these oft is the output of all the woikiooms l -.'eiv limited and is scon reached in the busy r part of the season Expect new gem Is m ill departments it Pentoses Diipsiv Eslab lishment.—(Advl.) Croupy Childien —If your thildien are subject to croup, watch for the first symptom of the disease —hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as c-oon as the. child becomes hoarse, the attack can be ; averted. Even after the cioupy cough has appeared the attack can .always be pi evented by gJ\ng this leniedv It is'also invaluible foi colds and whoop ing coughs It ulways ernes, and cme~ quickly. For stle by" J C Oddie . . THE GOLD MEDAL AY/VRD NELSON. \IOAPE AND CO AGATN AN IN A. COLD MEDAL The firm of Nelson, Moate and Co., which li's been e household woid thiough out New Zealand for ( over a quaiter of .■ century-, have .i deled another lauiel to then-long list of vietoiies. hiving re teived the gold medal at the Intel nation il Exhibition at Christ chuich The mine of this firm, m connection with tea. is sjnnmmous with good quihli Then li'itkeL teas nevei v.nv m siiengfa and .ne blended bv Air NcKon, who his had 33 veus constant expeuence The sales have been giadualh incie using foi jeais p ist, notwithstanding iieire competition, but ihe quality and puce of Nelson Moi'e an 1 fo s teis h.i\e alwivs proved them (o be the best' As fji back a, 3,882 tlie fiim won the gold and silver medal, so tfiey'aie not novices m tea blending They liave onlv competed three timeX, and this ]Jt lesult makes thiee fiist lionours to then, ciedit, .a fact of which mj fiim nuglit be proud .

The Temtika Technical School opens this evening, when the classes in dressmaking and commercial work will, commence. Tlie annual meeting of (lie South Canterbury Referees' Association is convened for Wednesday evening, at , lluti-hesini's rooms. Tha attendance at Ihe Exhibition during the week ended Saturday l:u*t- was 72.9 1 ?, which brings the total to date U> 1.532.189. The 'liui.uu Borough Count il requests payment of all outstanding rates and oilier debts due to the loi pm at ion. I>> the 26th inst. Tempoiarv accommodation for the pupils of Geraldine school has been provided in the Volunteer Hall, and the school work will be resumed to-day. On Saturday. Captain Edwin advised a>» follows:--" Strong westerly winds; glass fall; tides 'moderate: '■• c:: modern ie : rain inobablo." Captain Bond, of Ihe South C.mteihuiy Mounted Riiles. has been promoted to be major. This will necessitate the election of a captain of the corp-\ Owing to heavy traffic -the second express from the'north on Saturday was delayed about, thirty-live minutes. The afternoon 1 rains iiorth and south were consequently delayed for about half an hour.

A further contingent of immigrants to Xew Zealand arrived at Auckland from Liverpool'last. week. There were in all 143 intending scttlem, 30 of -whom: were Tor Auckland, 68 for- Wellington,- 12 for Lvttelton, and 18 .for Dunedin. The ■•'Xew Zealand Herald" describes them as all of the class suitable ,for colonists. The contractor for the rebuilding of, St, MarvVs Church is making good progress with his rat , Tlie clay bank along Perth street has been excavated for the stone retaining wall, and the roofing slates,'windows and floors of, the: part 1o : be demolished have been removed. A start was made, on Saturday wish the work of breaking down the walls. The rain which fell i-o heavily;, in; Timaru on Friday evening aiid .during' the Alight, was much lighter.a few miles to the westward, and fanners on the downs'yerewishing oil Saturday for more. Further ■ showers' \ fell . dui ing Saturday night, :- and thevsky remained .overcast all yesterday. The temperature fell considerably, indicating a complete change of weather; Theharifem'; reclamation work has now got. a good-start. Shingle has-been tipped the . whole length of .. the wall,- but only,in small quantities at the north end." A good, bank! has been formed along the southern half, "that part of the wall being hbwabout double the width of the fouu-' datum one' of rubble. , The line -along which the trucks of shingle >re .run. has, been,. moved for,some. four or iiyfc. chains irbm the iubb!e/to the shingle portion: of - the'.-.WalK '■•'-' --;/ : '-:0 .'••.-.-- ■ '■ ■ -.. .. the St. ..Patrick's, day celebration, com- ; mittee .{Timaru), have arrangements completed for the- children's picnic to Waimate to-morrow. ... A .special excursion train;: which will go right through to Waimate rstalion. will leave Timaru at 9 o'clock at Wainiate at 10.15. The return journey will commence tit 6.30 p.m. The fares 'are. 2s for adults' Is for children who have left) school, and all other children free. Sports arc to he provided for all, and refm-hin'ents for children only. 1; is anticipated that given fine weather, the (lain will % be-liberally patronised. The ljicnie is- t,o be held at Victoria Park Waimate. '

Tn addition to Ihe innneious pn/es, which have been ofleied in connec non with the Mackenzie. County Aguciil Society s Show at Tan be on Eastei Mondaj-, the following additional pn/es Il ve been given - Messis Simpson and Halt, of Duiiedm, oftei thiough AL J of Fan lie a Tin/e of £1 Is foi bast grotnned thiee lion" faimei's diay team; Mi W Dixon ofteis a cup, i alue 5 guineis, ioi ihe most pninf-, m tlie Hunteis' Classes to he won light out; Pill.mglon and Co ofler a tiophy. value jCs , a-s a special pn/e in the class loi the I two lib pots of plain buttei , Mi R A Divon has .ottered special of £1 and 10s for ponies 12 hands oi undei in harness. Toss of sleep often causes headache Take Steinis lleadiche Cine, which not onlv cuie> ihe .-the. but is as lefieshmg as a nights iest foi the lelief it bungs; lests to.tuiel neives Premiei I?oad Tvacers, now at £ls; full Roadsters aad Ladies, fully equipped with* drakes and ''eewheel, £l6; made to any style or dfisig?!. Grant Bros., iriakers, 1 Lhnstchiiich and Timarn ... | s WESTS PICTURES Wests Pictuies weie piesented foi the Ihn.l time on Satmdiv afiemoon hefoie 700 chiUlien ind a few idults Ihe ' Romance ot i Rulvvav ' was a fine sei-ea and llns was attenlivelv watched foi neatly half n hom The Biescnns con mbuled a vei-- pleasing inleilude of crchestial solo nistiumental and vocd items and v\ue well icceived bv the iuvciule- In the evening, although the weithei was most unfivouiable, a veiy fan hcuse gi'lieied The pictuies of ' Can di as it is weie piesented foi 11." fiinEhilf of the piogiamme and the veins wis of i highly inteiehting naime '] he felling of the "huge pines of the ii mil the woik uf tiansfeiiin-, tlie logs'io the lives, thence to, v( is i good and leiifftln film 'lhe Bies <i ps n>\e ,i In ief loiiceiL >nd the At hole evenint, v\ >s thoiouphlv enirivable Tin evtninn 1he r (5 t will be" anothei change of piogiinmc bofli of pictuies and vocal pi< q-i un lie both of picluies and musical uunibei s

sA-NrtP-sIS OE NEW iDVERTISE Ai' NTS fEC v 1 .si ot iles this week; Gei ihline lun mil rwe i n 2all \ M m 1 \ ( o Cleaiing sale at Mm ven 26th \A uhio stock sale 20fh ( Jon is md to- Special sile of fur nit me Wcdnesdiv , U IT Mum and Co -Sale of 1 men to (' v opening new bi'siness T md !l Inoiiison New lines opened Rulw iv s Night 1i un on Satuidaj' Timaiu Boiough C onncil—O urns to be pnd bv 26ih Rivmond and Rev ell Piopeities foi sale and to let Football refeiees—Vnnual meeting on Wednesday W Wilson—Electiic and mechanical en--1 gmeer .1 E Lowe —Visits country classes *• Si MirysYM Society— meec ing tins ev emng s,t Pitnck s celebiations—Picnic to Wai jn ite to moi row Wiglev .ml Thoinley—Mount Conk mo toi set vice Theatie Royal—West's Pictuies and the Br^siiips W Albeit and Co—Agents foi fjuaidian As-anance C' Impounded -At St Andievvs. 2 iam lambs lost—2o ewes and welheis Wmted—Sheep dog; to buy small busi ne's, to sell house; fust stoiemail, situation on faun Funeial notice—Of late Miss Giaham

The Courthouse, and offices will be closed to-tlay—St. Patrick's Day. The: native, school, at- the Arowheniia Pa has" been cloyed for a' fortnight,: >o\ving to an outbreak of measles: . ' . 'Die South .Canterbury Hunt, Club's pack came through town on Saturday while being exercised. The hounds appear to be in excellent fettle. , Mr W.' Wilson, who is instructor in engineering and electricity to the Timaru Technical Classes, announces that he may he consulted' professionally. A tram car forming part of one. of the 2 o'clock trains from Christehuroh to Sumner, on Saturday afternoon became derailed when approaching- the new Heathcoate bridge, and crashed into an electric trol-ley-pole. The fore:part of .the- car'was stove.;.in, but no injury resulted to the passengers. The car was/ full of visiting firemen at Hie time. ..... ' ..."■/' -../.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13237, 18 March 1907, Page 5

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13237, 18 March 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13237, 18 March 1907, Page 5


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