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H k ERNE'S iTIS Ci/EiS THE I'A MODS KEilliU* 1- Ott CJoug-hs, Bronchitis, Asthxna. and Consumption HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY tHI%. MlDlCiHt in THE WORLO. «r» oxtid at' its wfc&deriul iafloatfc*. Seffam* Inm a*y U<m> mi On>;#h, UiSlcnlly <4 rrr, . . ,-v„_ a «jmwo m i;c wKsoemu hwbhk». assart,?» mso m»t i«m <•! »jwmww» 4 **«aKnuiy w Breaching, Boa p.,_ fi , j_ Tf/T,** f " ® „ * delightful and \atxo*dUl<> relief; and to ihw* «bo are s*bj*£L i« Oei4* ** ©(/ wilt 4* « « affecT* * Ouiu|>*» pv__, Tt . irnuuaa in tb* throe* and giving ktmgth i«j ibe rate*, *st4 * alteme a Ctxngi m A*U;»* to n}troaitt.)M« - - <*• ~ s - *-" rsmcmom rur mmt a*« m a.#® «o>N#tj*>>*ro* tie BEWARfcI OF C 'QUO-MS! H Vb xaccsriios to m« am#. "I have wed Himm'i Broncbitia Car* with apbnd)£ ->ralt«. Always keep it in the horn* for nu*. It acta like magic." (Rer.) JAMES SMITH, Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cor* auited Mi* Niciol■on splendidly. Her cough ia gone. It «u«d bar directly, and there is really no gtiffnaaa or shortatoa of breath present now. I must say tbe Bronchitis Cure is wooderM. I did not think she could live until the morning, but aha surprised me by rallying, and is now able to be out of bed once more." A. M. WESTON, "Thorp#," Warrnambool, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cure is a splendid medioine. It is the beat medicine I have erer used for Coughs, Colds oa tbe Chest, and Sore Throat. (Mrs) JOHN McKRNZIE, Werona, Victoria. ." I auffered vary much from foxfour years, and tried lots of so-called cores, without deriving any benefit. 1 got a bottle of your Bronchitis Core, No. la, last .Friday, and a bottle of your No. 3 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, oa Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine I have not had the wheeling at aIL" V. CAMERON, " Leongatha," Bivendale Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne. "Your Bronchitis Curt really act* lib", magic." (Mrs) JS. L. SYMEB, Narracoorte Hotel, Narracoorte, South Auauslia. "As my pnrchaaee show, your maediu are increasing in sal*. From tim* to Um< I hear people speaking about the good results obtained from them. Wishing you a very much enlarged sale and great prosperity." JOHN KING, Chemist, Ballarat. " X have purchased a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, and have only tat en four doaea, and am glad to tell y<ra that I am cured." J. "WRIGHT, e/o Mr B. McLean, CbMperdown, Victoria. "I was laid up for twelve months with Bronchitis, during which I tried many remedies, without success. I used two bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, am now completely cured." JAMES WILLIAMS, Huntly street, Elstarnwick, Melbourne. „ "dt me great p'mut tv tavtily . .1 veUoas WTert yocr Cn»ocb.iti* to to* n n oougba and coWt I bare - in my r,»a bom»." l>n,v«l ;t* mabfc y w BINNS. , _ Msjisisa and Co., « a - . *" Offloe, M*3boars*. Jo®™. . , ri/ . etnd itxm "For bum y*a*e m , rMjiaGt Asthrn and treatments for her, bat no , AjUum, I got Hwai'a BmucbiU Core. Sbe found benefit * Uj.v rvr*A bottie, and three bottlea oomj „ her. Tbia wm nine tronlh* ag. u q"j;:e «dl now, and haa caret- bv tack since." A. ORE, Gonbi&aaa, Sunday Cmk. B —>dford, VkSon. ' r "l*be cough was jmc terrific, but TOi B:oucbitis Cure act*d epieadidiy."—Yoare vary atnce?dy. F. C, GREEN. Btat« Sclool, Roeebad, via Dromaa*« Victoria. "1 ftel truly graiafol io you for your icvalaable medicine. It ia the good it did »e." ISABEL P. WILSON, " Cvitawood," Drummoßd etmt, BaltaraV, Victoria. " I am glad to tell you that I bare bees quite !ree from Bronchitis fur tbe last two years, tbe result of taking your Bronchitis Cure." w. tmoN. ?, Little Rial way street, Durban, NataJ, Bratb Africa Y«.rjr hu a great r* pmmtA <uu4 JceriMSfiMk pstati c b«re. \\* a»«rs <4 it HhMt J ciuxms j araa alauwl tired «t M|m of nib*] dbttn a»«4»<iba we A 00., Wi3o<.rab, <rte QtmKudsi&A. ~ V«rr Cure it tbe best amdi dm 1 J»*v» *ra« Ufecs..*' D. WIU tAMS, HOI Liiltgow, Ji.S.W. " 1 <*t ibaroveMj twlxly to &* wm , i«fsl <ti yam Cure Is {XLI2A USOT&K, a «#&»33,|»n*e cwttgb, a i**iag raOmreS «m ' VrimuMsft Tvrrj, X*w &&&& WsOaM. wlm. <4iAf prmotiptitm* feed &o a^ecttribe**" * " £ * Da "" 14 " * m !«iytioag, wiien, *me <J«y, ytNcr SmiMaUtSa Cta*, 3 «ft*cid*d te tfhw ft * tml 3 «MIS bovOea of Mw Zta»u&& *&& Authw* Oxam, with Hm j wit tSiat ibe &£&cujly of brmH&tiag ilmt ■ cRWgb htvm *Q (dimappmumL t wl »«e Mgky oJ your v«l« •ad I nmuea&d it t» d 9 T. LEWIS, *» N.Z. "* Hti&chftit u4 Aeiuna Con Jaa* bees to me ikt WMwy tm *tw pay. 1 *a» fww Aititti enr, «wl M **rf to yesL* € TOSAOBT, VijifUia Gk*3oag. "" \ «rts» Bte«fbstia Onre i* aB yxva <s»> x * { * ** mm. mtictfully, ,rXt n 3 W-CItLUkHD: * v «» WaSbalk. >id®i4a. •« I ** Ocn Sty. W«. ~v# it to «rth«i, • AestrnJis ™ Cj»c« fejfssy w* *!* etrack "fiS# *. •N rtpiA Sacnea*e lo tb« t,aWn «f jfnr Oure -ELLIOTT Ifflgrf., Draeritu, Sr4int, it ft.W. ""ISie Uula Csre f ,w tßwcai ia n« " I have uttd your Brtmchitia Cure, am! * WYi»2U)W, Kc<i*a via Darfiafford, am plca«ed to eay that it is without doabt J ,s^*^ absoluiely the best medicine oc the asxltcv! * tBMxI rots for tbsm for coughs and colds." I "f **J ud it mx»i ifttS «f theai A. E. ANDERSON, 03» ** Vbm doa*e—P. ». MULTelegraph Offic*. FranssUe, I C-awW* (Ml Vl^rtwrta." West Australia. | "Year Bronchitis <k» mj gir» ;t to my son, 6 years old, wbo has had a cold ever siuce he wm born. I haw only girtc him a few dosa«, and be is better already." (Mrs) W J. WIS HART, Warwick, Que«a«land. "Having used your Bronchitis Care in my family at different trace for years past, I wish to testify to tbe nltal always afforded by it hi colds 9a tbe cheat, or any complaint arising therairom."—Yocra, arte., E. V. GODDARD, 19, Fitzgerald at, South Yarra, Melh. Triaksy, via Qairi&di, N-8.W." M Yoor BraedbitSs Oct* Is a wmderfd medicine.—A. B. BMMOmj.P„ No. 7, B«ay atreet, Paddiagton, Sydnay.'' "* *»™7 with yo«r Broeokitt. w» wtmStew. It, n£kz\\twr u * K *- 43L s*rr*z. "t suffered from Aathna for eibottt fifteen yw«; was thst iU at Unas eo«M tomrif walk tvm oe« roon to aoothw; oftn h£ to ait cp ta bed pert of ih» Triad is M/SJ3S o, Wrt s - fitertfc Otmk, via BmAbtd, 7MMk "1 ha*e «Md <o&* botlla «I yaw B*—> chilis Oura frtfl 1 mirll in ■ijmlM' m tbe wwtiiering hm mmalifoilj Isft wm.* OM iOHN BAfiILL*, VSekHte, % 1 bn takd W"* «•&&*♦ iwk: b*»t I cro j _ *** 4t t» imjWy* BTEIL*, -1 w , wiaf mrtiil I isitd T&nx * wttr w 1 -S c. w w aw «ttr mm a. iiOOD, n»JISST •( mw SnfaUtia Ocra. k til* wiutaer, mA hae sum «mm& m Meat «J aakie *1 a vary bad Snnuidtk.*' A. msas, a. Waraagnl, ?Maik . * h»v» had smmhAmm *» Bsinali dmuMtis Owl aadE ypwstfiq cirtnansunoee «»L JOHN HEARNE'SBRONCHITIS CURE—SmaS Six#, Zt W.; Urgt Slu 4> M. «- r t Ynrtni t 111 W> G; HEARNE* GEELOXTG, VICTOMA Obtainable Locally from L. Bi JAMES. Chemist. Timara. &Iro other Chemists tad Stares M.M. DMPOT—OTHCBII B AND 12, HU*» IUILDINQI, WILLIS BZB3DR, WmUJOntOM,

The Westland-Tlmaru Timber & Coal Comrs-y, Ltd., TimaruYYards—BAr&&i r && STREET, HftARTJ. (Near Harbour Beard Office.) Telephone Xo. 216. This company has landed an extensive stock of new zkalanii AND FOREIGN TIMBER, and i« now j»rcjwje<l •«» KXIX'ITK TOWN AND COUNTRY ORDERS immediately on receip! ««f ».u«c. THE TIMBER YARD, winch is wntrally*<il. 5* ves ve-2 by a Pj:v--iU' ltai3*»r Siding, and ORDERS FROM COUNTRY STATIONS can I* fn&lied w s tW>? DOORS, SASHES, CASEMENTS. MANTKI.I'IKCKS. FEXCIXtt POSTS. * FENCING WIRE. CEMENT. LIMK. UHAIN IMI'KS. COnnU GATED IRON. AND ALL BUH.nKHS" I?J:QI*ISITKS AT LOWEST CUR K 1C N T PHI C I*. S PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION To «" S, CRAY; • Managing Director. / z A R A P Pi I s ' '?* it Ki Wo are doing the best we can for yon. We are speaking front Colombo, Ceylon. We arc the Zara Tea Company, and we Want to tell you a few thing. nboux our lea. (1) It is specially selected for your market. (2) It is the best that is grows; that eaa be grown. (3) Every package is packed in lead. (4) This insures that it wtil reach yon exactly as t! our hands, You understand? (6) There is nothing like lead pneking to prftwrve (** i' < voyage from Ceylon to Ne* Kcstlw>d. Ii inir l "'" * 33 " essence "—the flavor, fragrance and f»:W«« '*.** words, yon get what we witii to sell you ; ihrrfJMi* »'«•' pay for. (6) Don*C Torgct there is only one ZARA TEA, and «"•■» <*'4 •» only from oar accredited agents. (7) Once a Zara Tea drinker, always a Zara T«a drinW. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AN D AGENCY COMPANY, .AGENTS FOR SOUTH CANTERBURY. Or Wood vp to Mia. Witk Stove Fife «u be worked wt b the BPLUTDID BRIAD IAITII, Witi Cart Imb m Belles*. OVER 34,000 *vr ~ *,•4) Cooking B,angeß IN ÜBl IN THIS COLONY. 10 81 TT I N*<r~ RKQUIRID RXPAIRB ABTA MINIMUMH. E. Shaddock, (LIkJTID), • OUTTTIND VOUNDKT, Friuea fttmt, Xhtatiia. Xhe ueffw iMiia are dm aai Tlamed laaife Made ta ill km Sb|li or Dttbit Oma Jitfk «r Lew rtm- "»* loOera. field by aS Imamgar*, trow -whom Catelogvee eaa W •Htinid, cr tram tie Maker*

The Leader for Many Years ! The Best Yet ! The "Star" Windmill Still leads tha Froeesttat tt -irsT %T n -a* i irtrm. rnmfrcn?- 4»y «&<} uigbt. i'-hew? «•** •"( iier W&udwfll*. 4mt tlw " £TA3i " "bt!M«r. "work* IwittiK, Wvm* Mid *pet>ple *IJ» yut hc<>t ctotwe at. If ihv.:* :!}i* «w«l for dapJW*»«srt, «i ji-ncr wjjtjfly., silawe U* 10 W llt&p JPWtt. WIXDkII.LS A* *• FtW? ALL EISBSTASKS, TOWERS, •»! ACCESSORIES. Booth, Macdonald & Go Ltd . twsMmzmrnr*. &xn CAIK* rmtmcm, TIMJOC, W. WHITE M*»*g*r, Tmm. How's Tour Liver ? f^ROSSLAND'S NOXOL! t>» w«ln vf 1b the neratag * *■" 1 B»i Tut* to yew inikt Coaxed TM|MT I* npptMU fw IruWMUt Do you clan tits it; w«l> bo «nercr? D* I* yoarmtf «* work? t£*« your Uw Mm* twed* * Toblcu Tfal» Grotl Bcm*dy «f Crenlftsft—HOJtOiL-4» wkfct y»3 WMrt. For Cerul;p*Ue&, lndl£esUo&, *wl Uvwr Otoorfiflri, lM» «ae4ici*« U •» •m Trial Cesiriseafc »/'- CbctaUU **A Iterwu Wholesale Depot: MARStIALIS CHEMICAL Co. W., Diiocflln. . COOKIXG K A XQKS Bakxixoham A CVI. S IMPROVED ZKALAXfrtA Xcw I*»U:nl. X»«j<S* »» -Swifting. C»UJ be i»«Bii tut #t> OfKffl FiJ'c.. a<k rem improved zealaxwa. Agest*; risir>T Axo ATK axd ir. 4 cAunvKLi. seo BlrehHald, HAinnitiswßß AXU mßAocoxisr, Xcsl Sijamrwfc Hottl. *3?" Lilted a«4 R»i I'rati<3* *>f Sm<4.t;n' <*» h*ri4. .11-ST ARRIVEFIJ'ES—i3if Bci V«Jw in Timxm, I'rier* ]» at»d 3» 4>d. EACH PIPK at'ARAXfEJiU. Tclcpbotoc SS. FUB-ISTTURBT FURNITURE J. Radciiffe's Hi** *ucv* r-am9 How Rtatfy PRICKS LOW. cooi>s FIRST•OJ.A.KSL IXSPJ'CTJOX AXU OOMrAJUSW* jxvrnni, - (2. &

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12927, 19 March 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12927, 19 March 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12927, 19 March 1906, Page 7


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