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The r.veriiaul of iha dredge Taniwha- isj completed, and she will lye launched off the | slip to-day lo set lo work again, ij The improvement of the railway yard] facilities at Titnaru is in progress.* A new loading bank, near the Stralballan street crossing, wa* being made yesterday. The Iwrough overseer and hi* *taff yesterday began top-dressing the a*pha3t part of Stafford street. The ill-lock that befell; them on the occasion of the first dressing. [ was repeated; a heavy shower fell and wetted the sand. 'Our Fairlie correspondent writes:—On, Wednesday strong westerly winds began' again, at times very cold. Wednesday aizhl'. showers of hail and fell on the bub. ', Yesterday tlie wind was still blowing a*' strongly as ever, Shearing, so far, is going on without a break. The fact that the Farmers' Cooptrative Fire and Marine Association of Xew Zealand. Limited, has added accident insurance to its other business was the sub- i jict of aii extraordinary general meeting j of .shareholders at Chnsteburcb cm Wed-j tic*dny tn consider the question of sjneadit3g the name of the organisation. so a* to cover its wider scon*. It was agrted. <,n the motion «.f Mr .1. < Jonah, who presided. to change lie title to "The Farmer* Co-, operative Insurance Association "nf Xew Zca- , land. Limited." and it was decided that a , meeting should l>e held on December 14th to confirm tins resolution. i The pair-oar and four-oar races of the Rawing Club were continued last evening under somewhat unfavourable noasdition* „-ic the wind was strong from the south-west. j and the sea very choppy f*r the four-war' tacc. and CJtove* met Rassmoi*-! arid .Smith hi the senior jiair oar «,a»e«t..! and a pretty race resulted, there being 1 very ltttk* difference iKtwccn the boats ai any tim.. Leslie rowed with good jodgment an,; v.-:-n by the email margin of three 5. -. The four-oar race between U!;u:m' \ ts*,«v and that stroked bv Strong was voi; >«u:cwhat easily bv Granger. The conte : S_-.-.- ; *- r.-;)h« , w ~-f Aamanship than ot p - and Strong mav have iiee.i .^.. :<,-.-,. ;! ,i „i :t M^advantage: but t»j»n w v:>- <:r- a JT i.>?ed 'to pull M-eIJ t<ugeifces.

jounce ?} j 1., v lakca ow tbe"bnM-S ness o; M...J.-,, v Ogiivie and Compaov. <;c, iS3 The p.iadp»i of! \V I,."'"* "* 3i tnown jo cwnmcrciaJ i crcles. .•<«.- w!j ( . - v: , s f or In3JIT rear)< man J a-er Jo: : :, e L.ic Mr K<Uvanl Reece. tb*^ hist in Mr K. \V. i «.i«3c is , ( native »,f Uniaru and «n«| -is M.nj in otmnticii! life has beend<-««elr r-«jnn«r:ed with that pajticular braach of hasiaess of which he is eatering into beje. He has been with *uch leading finHS as Messrs K. an< i &ns Briwc»e andCo.J I and Timnison. Bridper aad C*... and i : :«r tbe pa>t- ten years ba« rcpiwscaied 1 he latter linn in Ot.igr. JO d ifoathhad w*<hi headquarters at Danedin. hence it sriti be! rightly concluded thai .be bsiuff*. to !»ear r- his business hoc a ripe experience. Use h:iii -,ntcnd!> to keep ,-s wdl Reeled ;«nd u|i-latlate Mock. .SpecbJ attcotraairin I t-e paid to hnild«*" tooh% and | household jequisites. Mr Wade is one nte to make many friend>. and in casting in atis k.t wjth Timaru he meet with tvery Micce^s. | The Fairlie Sciiool Committee held it* j usual monthly meeting on Saturday night 'fh f nt ■ >lc ** T - Fo<Je » (chairman}. jJohn Riddle, J. Ttottcr, F. Watts, aad } lijhnour. Correspondence from tie Edn- | cation Board was read enclosing- copr the aew Kdncarion Act. also mentioning an extra weeks holiday to enable teachers 1 to attend the "uninicr school aad the appointment of the tiu»tets'. Acoouats. to the nmonii of £8 6s. were pareed for parment. The headma*ter jejK.rted the roll number as M) 7. average 100. Tbe-*choo! cadets had Ineii in camp a week with She M.M.R.. and hid acquitted themselves with credit, doii.g a \nt of nscfal work, and be j having t!»a»sclves exceUently thioagboat. i llie annaa! examination hid taken place j during the month. j n ccitificstes jfi pToticienry bein<r awjnde.3. Miss Pillting* : t«:i had left aad Miss Uirgstesd was tcm- ; P'imri'y filling htr \nmiirm. Mr tJilmoar. j as visitor. rc|w<rted satisfaction a* the ret suit of his vishs to the schwl. Mr Watt* • v.,'* ;«p]Miii)!e<l fftr the month, ft w.'i* tv- ■ soiv«i to limit the Cbrislavts hift- , d:«y.- : t»« Iji.Kl tlac roace:l on Bth Oeecmbtr. ' She chainaaa to ;-i:ian£c foj jicifonn- ■! ers. etc. : .-.ud to ajr.inne f«r the ann«a3 | ** htcakhg-up '" :»tai on ?!«• sjwjts gioand | on the 14th Uete:wb?t. Mr Wr"J:ioc Jo *»e -AytT.i phi*.

rwj.. robjert Ut uuiv6miß delay. the uw! mK ''"*'* '" uni^r "' '*"' «♦«' a ctiiiiini, ir ,,„, r ,i • "• *''' ♦"'ben One l*nr)j<-ial *ti,,M i Tljc H(in. W U<, i t »i«t be *„ ,„■;,;Jrr r d t Ut nip!i> «*e Premier. »~ -4t, tbe parade <jf tbe .. i> »«1«| that 0»« ooriw would bold a W* about hasltr wai. i« ra i w f Hl)dw ,~" g««1«»* «■ »1« « uj:,lo-Le 11SI

H.il3.,Tone« ««d b*t wigbt.. " wl)etl you OTwtaij «a tLe I'M-liwaMiu-v b«lloi. paper. dr,n 1 do thai, because if vcju *do ibat y«u .rtnke wut »,y naaje; a*t)d if evrax' one wet* 3« do that, 1 *bould ied Manewba-t

Ranker m Ik.wliug Xodw h. vastw- »-*'«- « iiad3 * v ' 4 '«»««r *«V6:—Mr fc. W. )Viide. one of g L Kilda'* »o«tt eatiiUKiartjc member*, left for Timaru oa locKday, where be g-oe* into buttiem on b» «wn account. He itak*»> with biari'lbe «ood gashes Qi a; 3 who know him. and, whS© M. Hilda Club is to be ctwusoled jrf. 3o»ane m worthy a njember, risnara bowler* win wc.conie him to their rank*. speaking of tbe Mapuurika. trip iart night, Mr HdMoaeis *aid tbe aiember* were provided with railway patwe* good a.ll wer tb*. crdony. They bad These *» that liey could travo jtbaut. and learn wf other plaoe* than tocir own. *•» that tbey cwuld. when auy of these places was diKiuwed in the Hotwe, bare s;»nie local knowledge. These ticket* were equivalent l» money; and abe co«t of tbe Mapciiurika trip trat put in the *am* cla** of catpeiKlituj*. It will b*. waneoibered Ibat wben Mr HalUTcmes *prJt« ia Timmrn wome time ago,. it'bad been raining forkntsly, and for i£j» he blamed tbe "fairy thait hi* «p----jwrca: b»d been telling, iajnd *aid aba* bin c-fltning would clear tbe weatber «p. La«t right, at SmttbMd, be referred to «l»e w* day. and again put it on t<» tbe fairy tale*. His prophecy bad been borne out. be «ud; i.w sint* be came, at bad been almw** oootanuonsly *ua*bitjy weßtber. The raia «**

| an erideoce of what come about through penr»Je not being careful what they «mr sayir.g. Repttjls received in Waagaani state thUb many native* on the river *r* in mot* : straits for food, owing to the potatoes lart year having been rained by potatx* blight. i Many familM* are said to be practically «t*rving. sand j-educed "to lining on *<** J .and -such other food ajs they con obtei* ' oat of the bush. They hav« no »«ed pot*J t*** to plant for soft winter"* food *npdly. : The schwlnxaster x* Pipirifcl says Uudt ; many native children «m *tteadiag scboal 1 there without food, whs* they «kI in the bush, «nd the Roman Cotiboli* priest at Jcrnsalem write*, Uat Kttle «M----dien are practically foodies*. Ther* w «r----g- need for reiki. The Pmaier ham hem approached, and has f. -ai»ed *«B«MBltance, j i»r Osier, the gi'catefct liring f&jtidm, I *i S j K: 1 ing (the t««UAiuOer with his *>wn p«ard • lo atirfbate She high rate of mwrtslity at the Londcin 2Q per «ctii... during the lust tw-enty y*ar«, lo tlie lajlnse 1« employ alcohol. ... Y»j3) will havx; better *3*>pK «*'«3' 1a»« ' after wifirkiag the land with a' iJcnida lW«c ' I'3'*ugh. Agent, Priest a«<l HwlAgat*, Tanarn. -.(Advt.) The »*«•*■ wtsstes"* iatewupt«d the work <»f ; sj.rinj: cleaning hi*i w-eLk :iad gave no end of bother to those who were engaged in it. Y.vA your' tTonWcK tu-day. a,nd finudi I off with a new piece <of passage noorclotJi; | here are some sale prices that will mxk* i yc»a alad.—6 pities <;f passage linolemtt, i width 3 feel., wsual prioe Is Sd. sale prit« |ls 6d: 3 ii'ieceik oi' 4 x 4 liooleunt, extra ' i heavy it|»alily, tisual price '2s, wale ptioe ,'j Is 9d yard: 2 pitjces <jf bordei*d passage ! liaoleam. width 4ft 6in. wsual p-tioe 2s Sd, ; i sale price 2s 4d prd; 50 yard* of cxtr* ! heavy Jinokam. fl<»r>l pattern and bai-der, 1 : width 4ft &ia. usual p:ice 3s 9d, *wlc price I :3s 3d a yai'd: '2 yard, wide oiltlath ia* Is ; K4 z 6 piece* «f passage tiildotli., width ' 3 !eet. nsoal pric* Is 4fd. sale prioe 1* j 2Jd: 1 yaixi wide !>»do «kl<*lh llfd rai'd : ! 6 pieces «f caavjiik black cilcl<jth. width 5

feet, rv.wd price. 1* 2sd. •*«}<• prat* UfaA yard, vcir cheap. Famiidriag ;SaJe at Peoi * iscV. —I Ad vt.) Hi« walchmaker of 10-day cannot repair pianos or bicycles. He wifi l)f> a j-ped;da»}. It i" bad polisr Ui tow* vr.vr vc.iU'h I<t anyone who happens t» Lave * jwir «f tweeaei"* and sun cr-esrln**. C. Warbaitoa ha* iwd a. large eijjetieoce is Jhe J*pa3r of complicaf*d am' 3 ttovhlemmt waube*. and work done by hitn i« backed op with a guarantee. Next bo T. and «J. Thoxnsan. draper*.—-(Advt.) **t;«»c| commands as Temperance, rot pnar* «;at before a* «r«a to profnwenes* all desirable thing*, .sad give* a* mind* tba* can wander beyond »1I limit and satiety. Why. iien. should we affect a rigour contrary **» the manner of God aad Katnttiv by abridging or>oao.ting those mean* wbicb ait for the trial of virlne aiod Has eserdtc of traih':'"—Mßtoa. ... The musical new* of yerttnlay, to-day, and Jn-monwr '"speaking" to yon tbm' the f?re«* British sad Contxaental piano*, may ha heard at Begg», wiJeae good *erritc if ibe rale, wbene price* a« fixed at the lowest figui*. aad waere reliabiEly «a*are* to yoa pleasure aad satisfaction wbett purchasing.—lAdvt.) UntHS'-essary Expense.--Acute attack* of colic diarrhoea aad dyseorry come on without warning' and prompt relief most bft obtained. There i* bo aeoesrity of incurring ibe exigence of payMctan''* service 4a I such ease* if Chamberlain'* Coik, Cholera, aad Diarrhoea Remedy i* ** band. A dose of tain remedy «dl reJiere tibe patient before a. doctor could arriv*. Tt sti OWW beea known to faSL, «r«a in tb* most *»- vera and daac;croas cafet sad oo Eam9v «boa!d be witboat it For tale by J. & Oddie.—sAdrt.J Writing «a tbe *object of }}i»bop Potter, «f X«w York, «ay«;—""Tit «ae g«»t cn»r made by JJ» fanatical «3emeni among tbe adrocateis of temperaaoe is pit&ibitina. Wbwcvcr it fcan triampbed it ha« edacated a racie of fmod* aad by»waije«. la Maine. Xcw Haa»p«Bi«, mad V«nooat to-day by actmai *rt'ala»4aci tie csn- ! (kttaijtsioa of certain afooboiic f»r«parats"o« si* larger tbaa a»ywbej» «>1»« in tite roatilry. Tbefr «x»act»:-!5oa« we oonwaaed i m qtumtitieK toy tbcue fanatiioal probiWlS£Mii»tj». wb« ;a,re t3nn* banned m*M» tb;»n they wwxli be by wiae <«• beer. l*«>Jiihiii<.ti *t>> an impadsnt fraud asd AS ißkpadeE! failsre. ...

A 'strong and squally sou-wester blew throughout yesterday, making one of the r stormiest days for a- good win e. Attention is directed to the preliminary' -notice by Mrs Moss Jonas of the sale of furniture for Xees and Son. .Some firstclass lines are to come 'under the hammer. Particulars are advertised. PREPARING WOOL FOR MARKET. Mr W. Hill, chairman of the Wool Bnyeis' Association, received yesterday a letter from a faimer inquiring whether it would pay him better to take the bellies and skirtings out of his wool and get a halfpenny.per lb more for the wool, than to leave them in and take a hallpenny less. Mr Hill, mentioning this inquiry to a- "Herald" representative at last night's sale, said the farmer who made the inquiry miscalculated very seriously the effect of not skirting wool/ A halfpenny per lb would be nothing like the measure of difference in market value, because the .presence of skirtings in the bale cuts off all American competition, at both the colonial and London sales. The American tariff on imported wools is 10 cents per lb, so that they cannot afford to import low class wools. * Mr Hill would lather put the difference in value between skirted and unskirted wools (through cutting out the American market) at l£d per lb. Of course the wool cannot be skirted between the farm and the factory, therefore it cannot be done in London to bring unskirte-d wool up to American requirements.

THE £2OO VOTE. The Minister for Public Works, in his speech at Smithheld last- night. Tnade brief .reference to the "£2OO vote.''and the discussion he had had the other night" at the Levels. The " Timaru Hera-id." with its usual consideration—he thought he was one - of the best abused men in the colony—had a leading article on the subject. He'would point- out that Mr Duncan, when the application was made by the Levels Council for . funds,' was not only Minister in charge of the : roads, but was also Mir.ister of the Lands and Survey Department. The Coun- . cil applied for £4250 altogether, and he gathered that they got £ISOO out of it. He could quite understand the action of his colleague in fo'.lowing the usual course: when cutting down estimates en account • of shortage of funds, they must - be . out <lown all round. Something like a pioiat-.i allocation must be made all rotu:d. Apparently the Levels' County Council, got over ■ one third of what they asked for. This year, however, the votes were cut down in/the total to one sixth. In this way the levels came off fairly well, getting : twice 'the average proportion. When the chairman and members of the Council met khrj ac the Levels the other night, they had a very pleasant meeting, and thrashed tire matter out fully; and the atmosphere waconsiderably cleared. The only matter was whether Mr Piingle was justified in appiy--ing for-the-money.,-, without the authority' of the Council, and whether the speaker was justified in granting it. He wished • it to be known- that any man in New Z&a-- " land, be he poor or i rich, had a- perfect to write, to him on any matter of' public importance. If that were not so there woiud be many people, especially in the Norm Island who. being far from County. Councys. would suffer great hardships through-being "unable to ask for things desirable. But oecording to the teaching of tiie 'Tnmiru Herald "he was. not to give attof.on ,o such applications, to men m toe !)■«.«. blocks. He was always-going t<> attention to any well fonndeo. request..;w..oever it came from. •

A "BULL" OR NOT A "BULL.' His Worship the Mayor of Timaru i* underst&d to be .omewhat oistresse. d> a paragraph which appeared in the limaru Herald" on, Wednesday morning..attributing to him the perpetration ot a respectable "bull" at Mr V*^! incr on Tuesday when Mr Gia.we requested those who had any verbal questions to ask, to Atrei h period of incubation the Mayor s-ofaciul. organ explained lust evening that us " learned morning contemporary -.' m cfcoiging the Mayor with this htHe lapse, hart " fallen into a .solecism." " Verbal, it is explained, means " in words, whether written or spoken, ... and U:e " Herald "is accused of having, cenfounaed " verbal" and " oral,'-'—a blunder which is said to be "no ■ less a blunder because Shakespeare made it in "King Lear. '• As-

suming that "verbal" does mean ■ expressed in words, whether written or spoken " this explanation puts the Mayor :n an even light: The paragraphias friend .Shakespeare, lias somewhere condemned the gilding of refined gold and the •painting of the li'.y as " wistful and ri- • diculok excess." .On the same grown, to talk of "verbal questions-, m the sen*3j. of questions ■•couched in words, whether written or spoken, seems a wasteful ard ridiculous excess of words. The "" Heraia gave Mr Cringle credit for peipetrat-iiK- a '•bull"; hi« own organ convicts him simply of silliness. As a matter of fact, Low-1 ■ever, the " bull" 'theory is borne out both by the dictionaries and by legal text-books. The standard dictionary in this offices defines the word " verbal" as follows: —"Expressed in wqrcLs. addressed to the ear. spoken, not written." . The difference between "written" arid "verbal" is also emphasised in the following extract from Anson's " Law of Contract" ■ (ninthedition, 'page 29) -.--"If N sends tin r.-fter to A by messenger with a request iur a WRITTEN answer by bearer, i* it A's fault if the letter of "acceptance is stokn from the beaver's pocket '! If X las asked >lor « VERBAL answer, and the■' messeaijer who is told to say ,'yes.'.is .struck with - paralysis on the way home, it would seam < unrea'sonable to say that -ncv contract has ' been made." It is rumoured : that Mr Craigie has already had legal talent engaged on this knotty problem of the precise -meaning of "verbal." We shall therefore not claim anything for. supplying...him with a correct opinion based on such a high authority as Anson.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW AD'YTCKTISEMEXTS! ~...'.- _ , Moss Jonas- —Sale of furniture this day. N.M. and A. Co.—Point- Sale on Monday. N.Z. ■!.. and,M.A. Co.—Sale., at Point on Monday. C.F.C:A.—Entries for TatteitalFs to-aiorr TOW. '■?..-■ ....... ■■ ■ : No license—Addresses I>t the Rev. T'iios. Fee. / "■'''._...■ '.- ". '.7; Titnaru electoral district—Notice . to. deputy returning officers and poll clerks. J. H. Dean—Curie and Co. have tiken over business. Mr W. Jeffries—lmportant notices -to electors of Geraldine. Albury Cricket Club—Social" oh 'December 6th.' . ... \: "• The Misses Fitzgerald—P.e.sume lemons o« Saturday. J.8.M., P. 0., Gerald:-:; Has furnished" rooms to let. Lost—Waggonette cus: :;;:. finder rewarded,' 'New Zealand Cothing F.r.'tT-iy—Pries-, of straw hats. . F. W. Stubbs—Notice , :•": uomfrutiins. Geraldine electoral district. Father Hays' visit—Aa interview. E. YV. Wade anrl Co.—H-vv.e pur.cLi sed f!ie business of Ogilvic and Q>..■,.._■ . r /..~

J. 6. Cowan—Water wings, great sport for bathers. W. : Fowler; Tyc-ko Flat—Wants team for ploughing. T. Wagstaff—Special notice to school committees; ':'■-' P. W. Hutton and Co.—Prize books and fancy books. Wanteds—Four notices.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12845, 1 December 1905, Page 4

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12845, 1 December 1905, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12845, 1 December 1905, Page 4


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