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On Saturday Captain Edwin advrsed as follows:-"Moderate to strong:; westerly winds; glass rise, tides good. '■; - 'The annual Otago Trades' jP « is to'teSxeld *t Waimate on the ruary. It is expected that thousands-of Oamaru people will attend the picnic. ■ Nurse Maud intend* to lecture in Timanu some time in February, to ra{« f,und,s her consumptive hospitals for men fl»4 women for Canterbury. A meeting of the committees of the Battleship New Zealand presentation fund will be held in the Council ■ Chambers. at 4 pm to-day to consider Lord Ranfuriys iid'the Agent-General's letters, and transact other business. At:a public meeting at Stratford it was finally decided to hold a, carnival at <Strat-.., ford in Marcft next ;in race week. Athletic and aquatic sporfs, a military tournament, a 'band contest and a flower show are included in the programme. The townspeo]}j£ have guaranteed £soo4owards the cost.

'Jn presenting the certificates of the St. John *4hibulance Society at Auckland on ■■Saturday, the. Governor urged the sity for more ciassg? to ib© held "in the mining, sawmilling, and pi<her districts, where medical attendßnce was not uusl#ntly available. He expressed bis admiration for the work being done by the Society. The Mayor of Auckland said the local eociety should take into consideration a .scheme for £hs proper nursing of the sick poor, as was done'j»f!.Some southern districts.

The folfejang #*£ tjje results of the University %S»ination roatneulation and Solicitors' general *nowlsdge, —Violet M. Jones, Nora J. McSweensy, Jane. H. Gow, Agnes C. Sterudal'e,' Haraan, A. Buchanan, .Grace M. Anderson, •Elm WfeMcHutcheson; -Beryl G. Hay, W. H. Hay, H. C. Tennent, Elizabeth J. Sutherlanl Alice E. Huick, R. M. Taylor May L. . Bakd, Elizabeth Se.yb, J- Metson; ■§, Rieta Saxon. . John, Archibald, and Hamilton gmclany former employees of the United farmefg. Co-operative Association at -PfllmeptOß North, who were before the Court in the eari-y **rfc of the week on charges of alleged fthef* of .moneys belonging to tye Association, were arreted on Saturday morning on. further charges .oHJieft of moneys totalling £2l-and £65 They were remanded until tbis week. <Ba?i w.aji allowed. The present alleged thefts repre.sant two .months' operations on the cmi re»<*ter. Further charges are pending. The city engineer has laid a scheme be-, fore the Wellington Council for improving the water supply at » cogfc estrmated at £150,000 to £200,000. Owing t& the ,6nlareement of the city boundanes, and the takine in of populations at considerabls heights on-hills, he proposes the .construction of new reservoirs at Wainuiomata and Karori, to hold ,150,000,000 gallons, whiob wiA the present storage, will a Wlatton Pi 75,000, with 60 gallons-per leader day, fc* -J44 days For high to. Wets pumping,atation ? provided A number of new mams t>i _ sues are proposed, .runnjn^'o»t as far s.sJp9, s*T> •. "' ,'./■• ■?< i

Speaking at Ohariu last week the !Pjemier said that the amount paid for the purchase of> lands by the Government for nine months, to. December 31st, was £281,171'. The commitments for payments prior-'to March 31st, were £347,772.

By the fire on board the Buteshire at Capetown about 120 tons of electrical apparatus, shipped at Home to the order of the Waipori Company, Dunedin, Avas damaged and likely .to become a total loss. The damaged plant is fully insured. A Whangarei message says:—After taking voluminous evidence extending ' over several days, George McGonnell was committed fpr .trial on a charge of forging, on agreement to divide a iarm alleged 'to-be-lohg'to his brother P.Ghert. The case-was brought by the .latter. ..MeConnel],;. sen., is a well-known old settler .at Kaitara. .7

The Nautical Court, -which enquired into the striking of the': steamer 'Walnuiy'-io» Tower Rocks, off D'Urvilie Island, .censured Captain Hull for not slowing down when the chief officer'reported that -the weather was thick. -His'certificate WaS'Mturned, but he was ordered to pay tW/cc'sts of the enquiry. The chief officer "was'lie I ''!, to be in no way to blame for the 'accideuX,. and his certificate was returned.'' : .-'.'. .

-The programme of sacreii music played • by the Garrison Band, conducted by.Herr Paul, in the Caroline Bay rotunda yeßter-;-. day afternoon, attracted ft large number. ; of people, and a'fsuhny afternoon, with a . light cooligg breeze' off the sea, made■'.,,tie.<: concert most enjoyable. There was aV.-very-.. good muster of the' Band, thirty playefls ... marching out and'-"home juiflder . Baidr ■•; -Sergeant'Elgin. "/" \'_'.' „ ■■ ■.'

'■. When;.spealting at- dredgjij'g «t - Wannabe, * the. (ither , s-' graph "from.- a- -newspaper,':soncerniiig/t Oi new .dredge; which ha* - done • remarkable .„ . work. It is called the Fruhlihg system, ■• tfnd a dredge of . the kind ■■built for >the . British : dredging • company wa» stated* ;ta.» .have lijfted; at the; trial: 3500 tons afcaftid,: . per hour, or five times as mUcU as.-aiay ■'-:' bucket-dredge could lift of the same ma- ';■.•,* teriaL. :; ■ ...■■"..■;:'.ri.-;. . i'W-ji-v. ~.-..!:

A man named Walter Grant? who r had • been .Convicted on previous occasions;" Iwfts :" charged at the 'Court on Saturday, before ... 'Mr C. A. Wray', with drunkenness. Sergeant Crawford stated that accused had fecently vcc-me out" of the hospital,»d since then had been a |;reai. nuisa»ce{ t tP. :. •people whoni ;he ■ had accosted for money. : Mr Wray pointed bul to accused that hp, laid himself open to oj charge .of vagrancy by such conduct. Acciiscd: pleaded gui]|ty t .-. : and;askedtto be let off; as he had worfetpgij> to at Makikihi, and- -would leave. by.;ihe." first train;- - He was.-fined iff; to be :7 inrprisoned till the traltf^'as 0 '■■.„ .The alternative.was acc.epte'd.';; 1 '":' T' c .i, ,;it : ,- :

The following figures show; the quantities of wool shipped- from Tiniaru since the beginning of exclusive of;' ship*"' ,■;'• ments railed from " Oamaru;,.-for . tispsh'ip-;-- ■■> ment:—December—ln , J.7Bs'' - v bales ; Tokomaru, 2005 bales;- . B/uaJ>entij" ; 1193 bales; Tufakina, 2399 - i' 1457 bales. January—ln the;!r£aikeT>r%'" | 5068 bales, in the Matatua (loading), ''fthMflTTotal *for December. 1 ['bales;' total to. 'date, The ■!• is expected at thedends/pf-;thjs ~ -Vonth, or//the beginning, of and ■'■'■ ■ will also "take a large-;shipmeut W;rtvboi v: hence.. In addition to the^Timaru'Vool, , a large quantity has been transhipped\ai this port, frcm' Ckmaru.. into the direct steamers. ';" "■.'■■-■'. ' ' «•'-£ ■'-

The beautiiul Cathedral which hßsbeenJ erected by the Roman Catholics in ; .VB)n!r-'."' bajloes street, Ohristchurch, will be opened; wifch solemn-services on Sunday, I)ebVu'ary ,12th. .The blessing and dedication .will be v Eerformed by.his Grace Dr : Carr, Arch- , ishop of Melbourne, assisted/by Australian' and New Zealand prelates", at 11 ftjtn.: Pontifical high mass will be-sun? by ;<«&.'" orjtheVvjfeiting prelates, and th*e : dedication, sermon will be preached by his Grace,the Coadjutor Archbishop pf Sydney. Aiyt'ho, v *• pontifical vespers the Archbishop ■ of. Mel' 1 bourne will, preach. There-will, he Special ' services "throughout the w.eek. On Thirls-:, day evening, 16th pf ox.; a conversa«i6ioe - v will be tendered" to the prelates and clergy, by the Hibernians of the dloqe'se. "\ ■■< *, ... : j What might have been a serious accident occurred yesterday morning about 11 6'6lo|,k':.'";; at the Pareora Lagoon, appearevthat ' three young jnen> employee's of : the freezing Works, were enjoying, tiiemsetyjis ' in ,a flatbpttomed boat, in ! a^i»th'er" :: ' ! dsep " part of the-lagoon, the gunwd© ttenig,,. barely four inches above water. The? bpaji'"" } was narrow, and soon.' capsized, the three occupants into tlie water; twp 1 of them could swim, and got ashore Bafelyi 1 but the other, aged about 22 years, named Burfieid, had no acquaintance with the art . and after rising from- his; first plutigp grabbed the boat, which kept revolving' with him- After being ne.arly half art.'hour struggling in the water, one of his polftpanions who was himself almost nulled under by the drowihg youth, managed. tO);" get him near the.ehore, when willing hands sooti got both of them into safety. Gabites was telephoned for, and when;Jie got out there on'his car in less than half an hour, he "found the young fellow, almost' recovered, but he evidently nad beepin.uch exhausted. , .^j-;'..-{.{-' tV .

; Quite a novel Bight was.provided a large' number of people on Saturday night, jwheit "' the Union, Company's big steamer Apiuinia left the harbour about 8 oteldck. There /was an 'unusually large gathering oft jfl«i < wharf to see,:her leave, probably on ace'ourits' 1 ' of its being Saturday evening, .and a abTe feature, of, the crowd were the ft,u- ' merous children. These thoroughly ;ja»-' ; jpye4 watching the operation of unmooring, because the steamer's crew werevaU I '." black men, Lascars, aind their method Vjof ;p woi'king was highly amusing., to those ui£ ,ft ' used to s*eirig tbjem. ; From the comment ment of. .work on,the deck, the crewjmade . a babel .of cries, loud and shrill, souiiajng a good deal like a little children qt play. .',', None of them seemed td walk! j svgry' mau fcotted about bis parently calling to everyone else, and beipg shouted back ; at. Am #*>«» needed shifting, they swarmed .ltf crowds. Eight or t»n man put the movable; railings in place where they had bean taken down to handle the cargo, and the *same system of co-operation was .used jn everything else. The work was, however, done' very quickly; the noisy handling ropeX and other gear was' soon over, and s ;the steamer moved' cleanly, and ; easily ayray from ; the wharf in time to get ■ : moles before 'daylight was;;w!,'.: ,*, ' !C . v ;' > ! The McCormick 1 hinder,&vers arftitakW j wMiin easy reach, a, fact whjjch every:, ,fa£] WeVe beep fortunate in adding to ,onr:. sale attraetio'ng *-lme i silk merviellie'uX of fine luptrc and beauty J which we .shall ofier in costumes,'. order'at a lower price than such s'«».• • ; tume has hitherto been obtainable, allow- .\ iihg as a basjs 16yds- of silk to make a : .fashionable street dress. We .will,be MSh \ our quotation for thjis wefekv«nd *wer :?\ > perfect fitting complete street dress for * i67s 6d. , A. costume of good; .appearance j ,and reliable in wear is <w Ijght -grey;.< 'Dp:;egal snjting; during-.the sale we offer it to swi for 35s the whole costume com- .* 1 j>lete, it js. worth 57s 6d ; ; choice Jig-nt .; ! Wue Donegal tweed costing complete for ; Ms 6d; .very pretty pals green fcie -$Mt: ■ len matt canvas, the costjmie complete for. '39s 6d, the ordinary value u 60s. todies requiring a light .black rcoiftwwe, tftftt will, do fof evening w«ar or "for the, r§. maiMw'ofthe'swnmar sewon wM MM* ' in oui? crepoline dress ;or 4&j .complete, - just such a costume; French grey canvas voile, costume complete for. «#, Penrose's Summer Sale.—(Advt.)

Mathematics of the JJlue Strea* Tribune Bicycle:—Adds to our years, subtract* from our worries and cares, multiplies our joys, diyidas.our burdens, compounds our iinteresfc '■#6count ? ' jT ftjlmenbi.— f ; •Randrupl Bros., &gehts,™(A«p>-j • ; k . : ;That useful material known at Iw-, ette, is to be had at the foUowtog reduced . prices, in striped or pink, at A. Gabitcs, Tirnaru and Temuka :-4Jd yard reduced,to $s lid doz; 6d yard reduced .to 4s 6d dozj 7Jd yard reduced to 5s lid do*; 9id : yard reduced to -7s od doz. A large variety of patterns to eeleot from f best virtue in toyn. _:(Advt.). ■':•■••■ According to the laws of,/equrwraces jfs lin 879 times that B's are grouped ; .& a. similar connection to tha,t. which "hire's-.have .found it necessary .< ; them "in their on £nd page jriwr testae this morning.—(AdvJ.)...;;; .iftl'lii ■< ■ < ' The annual'balapcs ffilS&P posing; a \ surplus *>f ,£15,312 for twelve montfts .jfcart- ' indi proves that the Royal Enfield ,<3ycle Company Jstand.s in the highest estimation of the public Ihe .fact of no other cycle ;■ company being able to show suoh ■■-. for s the last year proves beyond doubt smh ■(«.>•>. : the: Royal Enfield bicycles are rierlect.ion. In.-. design, workmanship, and finish. On view at Don't Wait Until yoj> Ifßßd It.—Do not wait until qpme of youfc Wwif b JM<sn with a violent attack of colic or dfarrboss, A bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and! Diarrhoea Remedy at hand whenneeded has saved many a life. Procure,»«• • at once. For sale by J. C. Oddie, chemist; —(AdyM •'■:■'■' If yon hwastfeate ypn will find tbat.our easy payment system brings a piano with- ' in reach of evwyone. and tnat.yW .W ... scarcely miss the small monthly instalment* we ask. It pays you to buy a good piano, for a good one will last a lifetime.'" The •> Dresden Piano Company's stock i* an iwsemblaff* of th« w>rld't b«* —(Ad*t i < Hunger is a Good gnuce.—When you do not have, hunger as a satfee for your food, try. Chamberlain's Stomach t and Liver Tablets. 'They cleahse'arid invigorate the efcomach and.give a relish for the food, as to • other preparation can. They ate ■> take,'pleasant in .effect and are imt wh« •■; you need.'For aaJe by J« C. Oadie, «n»>- l ' • ■ ;,i" i •■'•'•>•- ' '■ ''-•'■. .- i

■tickets-for Miss Lloyd-HasseTs song rental may be obtained at the Dresden Piano Warehouse. A complete threshing plant wil be sold after, the stock sale at Temuka to-morrow, by the Canterbury Farmers.* Co-operative Association. Particulars are advertised. The special sub-committee appointed for the purpose met on Saturday to fix the date of the Txmaru Bam Fair. It was decided tr> hold it on March 22nd. as last year.field of oats near the railway line at St. Andrews -has been cut and . stoofceS—the earliest harvest work (apart fronVgtass-seed cutting) that we have heard of in South. Canterbury. "We are all here—all there is of us,"" 'J. Manchester's, opening remark as-chairman of the Harbour Board's meetat.. Waimate ' on Friday eveningr-a meetirig/oi five reporters and eight of the The. new stores at Waimate for the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Associa tion are approaching completion. The construction of the building appears to be completed,. and good progress has. been made with the erection of fittings. An acetylene light installation has been-pro-vide'throughout. _ t - The-tw/eeiher has been very unsettled in the wind during the* beginweek coming from every of tWe&fepass. The crops are nc^w-ripen-ing and: a' few farmers have started harvesting. The Albury Hall is now getting toit wfll doubtless be in use befon^Easter. Thi Redemptorist Fathers opened a fortnight> mission in the Sacred Heart Churcfr yesterday; At the II o'clock mass the Iter. -*'Fatter Pidgeon preached the speakmg on the origin of ; the .advantages to be derived ktt>4&a£~ 'The Rev. Gather O'Conneß in the evening, and took ft* h%M|sjjSet i the importance of salvation,, cantnsttfo the lives of the just and unjusta» iu3g« by the light of the other world. On both occasions the church was filled M- and the large congregations the singing of appropriate z. hymnk.,;"

, •*!>_ A WEED DESTROYER. Mr, Jy, Parkinson, travelling representa-tive.ltocA.-JR. Hislop, of Wellington, was ia T&narfc on, Saturday, with a sample of weed- erfdicater named "* Sflex." The material-was brought under the notiee of toe: Mayor and the Borough Overseer, and in the afternoon Mr Parkinson gave a demonstration of the method of its use. The fluid "is claimed to be particularly well adapted for 'municipal use, as it saves'the labour, of chipping up the roadside weeds, and ckana v theni out absolutely. "Slier" , was 'entered for the competition m -- progress-at Oamaru> and Mr ParHnscjn, t who' applied t it; there, is sanguine otjjts success/. "i'TEhe- eradicator is an odouxle**> poJsoiUHHriiquiclfTtf most repulsive appear-ance-^rfc<-certainly looks, poisonous—and » -_. used difileif withf a large quantity of waters A watering can or sprayingpump is used to" spread it thinly over -the foliage o?<4he weeds, upon which it- dries. The sap gradually Absorbs it, and carries it through;" the whole phut, the result , being, WT Parkinson says, what might be .j.. termed.bSod-po&oning, and the weed dies X from thtf" top ~aownwarc*s, not'a particle of th*<tobfc escaping. . Deep-rooted plants need > stronger solution, than others, and the" root "Is supposed to have completely -_- about three weeks, the whole ..." decayed. Mr Parkin- .,. sob tool* apparatus to ... the patcbgDf.'-weed* in. George street, just r west • of-t%-Post* Office doors, and in a * few several square yards, - - the wtedsirtociudmg grass, docks, dafider lions,. : ,etc. t - of healthy growth. By last ■- eveningr (in about- 24 hours) the sprayed ~„ patch, was easity" recognised by the wilted ■i and~half dead, appearance of the docks and: - bawfcweedt'leaves; the grass was also vis- . ibry affected, "but not quite so noticeably- as - * the large : leaved weeds. The later effect 1 \ of the- : Soie; V3l he worth looking for.

• op new advertise- ■;' - ' MENTS. Waahdji*- saleyards—lmportant notice to er«ziߣ»'sr Ist sale 14th February. : ' BfeW-' Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency .Company—Stock sale at Temufca* ' Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Asso-ditioßr-ySalas for this week; threshing plant - at, Teaouia to-morrow ; Studhotae tale sale of farm on 4th February. - . \u ~ _ Thaaxa 31ariie Rand—Has vacancies for a few.players.. - J. 8.-Deßtoßr-Calls tenders for additions .- ~t» Tauara- police station. i- Adams' and Co. —Eclipse sale now on, .- u«R foods jfcss than half price. i_ Mrs Ac&m and famfly™Thank friends * for bj Mtfirtny Foungr-?Sheep dog, apply B. Waiting, TitaaxK'Agricultural anal Pastoral Assffrtiitiiarir "Wwubftfi requested to forward an- - nuaL subscriptions. Met«fcmiaiQ?Collie Dog Club—Meeting on the 28th. ijisfe. Wv, Fitzgerald, senr.—Calls lenders for Mre>2_?Hatt r St. Andrews—Wants re-. spectedHa. geniraL The. .Salvage Company—Prices of. Denim, owrafli** Nav^Zealaiid' Factory—StockMen's and boys' goods notices/

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12584, 23 January 1905, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12584, 23 January 1905, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12584, 23 January 1905, Page 2


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