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A. good lode of scheelite is said to have been discovered in the. Highlay district, Central Otago. Yesterdav Captain Edwin advised as follows:—"Moderate to strong northerly winds, glass fall, tides good, sea smooth. Mr C. A. Wrav, S.M., sat, at the Magistrate's Court yesterday, and dealt with an old man named Parry who wns charged on remand with vagrancy. Having already passed a week in gaol, he was sentenced to a further three weeks, with hard labour. The Dunedin City Council have resolved to petition the Government to declare the city and borough of Caversham a united district. A conference with Caversham is to be held next week to draw up a joint representation to the Governor as to number of wards, representation, etc. Mr Hitrold Ashton, who has been arranging for the production in Thnarn next week of "The Marriage of Kitty" and "His Excellency the Governor" will luwe for Dunedin by this afternoon's express. He has with him some novel and effective advertisements for the former piece, in the shape of certificates of the marriage of Kitty Silverton to Reginald Belsize. ami little packets of wedding cake in honour of the same event, issued with the compliments of 'Sir Reginald and Lady Belsize. A number of these souvenirs will be distributed in Tiinaru.

Some valuable Maori carvings have been secured by the Government from Awiunti. Sir Joseph "Ward has informed Mr Fl:«l----mnn thnt he is unable to connect Hazelburn by telephone with Pleasant Point. An aged and blind Mnoii leccntly landed from the steamer at Awanui, near Qisborno, and had nil he possessed (£2) stolen bv a sneak thief.

The Ljcenßing Bill, was before the House ngain yesterday. Clauses 9 and 10 have now disappeared. Tho House was still sitting wlicn the telegraph office closed at 2 o'clock this morning. Butter is now coming to band freely iu New Plymouth from the country factories. The prospects for the season in Tarnnaki aie excellent, and 9d per lb is being readily obtained.

The anniversary of the Life limit Lodge, 1.0. G.T., will be celebrated this evening with a concert in the Barnard •Street Hull. As these concerts aie always most enjoyable, there should be a large attendance. The new rifle range at Wniwakuiho, neur New Plymouth, was opened yesterday with a match between the Tnianaki Rifle Guards and the Waitara Rifles. The volunteers have lind uo range for practice for some months.

The Government ape making inquiries with a view to taking steps to acquire Messrs R. Campbell and Sons' Station Peak property, Hakataramea, under the Land tor Settlements Act. The propeity is at present advertised lor sale by auction. Mr Kcddic,' locnl Inspector of Awurds, infoims us that he has about forty cases of breaches of awards to bring before 'tho Arbitration Court,- if he could get an opportunity to do it. Mr Justice Chapman, President of the Court, yesterday told-Mr White thnt ho could nut give the slighest hint when that opportunity can be given. At Wellington, yesterday, the Chief Justice decided that the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Company w;as not entitled to exemption as a " Farmers' Co-operative Association,' 1 , as the company's articles of association permitted it to enter into business other than that relating to farmers. On Wednesday evening,, the Winchester Mortis Tube Club competed for a trophy presented by Mr J. Cnpps. There were twenty competitors, the winner proving to be Herbert Opie, 34, with a handicap of three points. J. South scored 33, A. Cripps 32, J. Cripps 31, C. Opie 31, J. Patterson 31, T. Harrison 31, all from scratch.

Should to-morrow be a fine day the streets of Timaru will present a busy, appearance, as the annual meeting of the Farmers' Cooperative Association is to be bold tomorrow. This fixture brings in the farmers even more surely than the first wool sale of the season. The directors' report which Was circulated to shareholders some time ago, states that the Association has again raised the record of the amount of business done. The Government have informed Sir William Steward that the question of obviating the necessity for the use of the cable and cage, by completing the track round the Mount Cook spur from the suspension bridge, is receiving tho attention of the Department. The work will be put in hand as early ns possible after the llennit,.ige season opens. If it !b found desiratila flitcable and cage will also be ryuirtd in order to provide an alternative cn>sii.ig.

Mr James, manager of the Dunlop Tyre Company, and Mr N. Oates motored down from Christchurch yesterday and arrived in time to see the start of the cycle trades road race. Both were surprised at the Urge field and at the excellent attendance of rlie public, and Mr Jamts, who has had considerable experience in organising the big annual race from Timaru to Christchurch, complimented the officials on the completeness of the arrangements yesterday, which were carrisd out without a hitch.

A very enjoyable card mutch was held in I/.zard's rooms on Wednesday evening, teams to try conclusions being the Foresters and Druids, and a most exciting contest ensued. The results were—Foresters, crib., single 52, doubles IS, euchre 21, total, 88. Druids, crib., single 49, doubles 15, euchre 20: total 84. A win for the Foresters by four games. Messrs White and Muchmore on behalf of both Societies, spoke a few words on the good it does to members sp;nding a few evenings in friendly contests together, and a hope was expressed that many such evenings would bo spent. Hearty cheers wore given for both teams and the caterer. A good-looking Rambler motor car, tonneau pattern, arrived in Timaru yesterday, at Oates, Lowry, and Co.'s branch house. It was driven down from Christchurch by, Mr N. Oates, for delivery to Mr W. K. Macdonnld of Geraldine, and Mr Macdonald took charge of it here and drove it home. The motor is "of 7 h.p., with two forward and one reversing gear, speeded up to 30 miles an hour. The car was specially built for New Zealand, with high body for crossing water races and creeks, and tho wheels have a wide tread to " track" with ordinary vehicles. The body is seated for four, and is painted a claret colour picked out with gold. The Rambler is an American car, for which Oates. Lowry, and Co. aro the sole agents for New Zealand. The run down from Christchurch was made without a hitch. Ti:e Trhity Church choir have decided to compete in the Grand Choir Contest which is instituted by the Dunedin Competitions Society, to ho held dtuing the lirst wesk in November. : These competitions are held annually', the' idea of the committee, among whom are many of the lending citizens of Dunedin, being to encourage the cultivation of music ond other arts. In this they arc undoubtedly succussful, bringing together, ns they do, a considerable number of competitors from various parts of the Island. Prize money to the amount of £230 is to be given -this year, £4O of which is for the choir contest alone. It is a'so the intention of two of the members to enter for the solo competitions. The choir contest consists of the singing of an anthem and glee " The Lord be a Lamp," and "The Fairies," respectively. The choir will be under the leadership of Mr Coulson, tho church organist, and their action is to be commended us they will have to meet all the leading choirs of Dunedin. The organisers of the cycle trades road raco received fifty-two entries for the event, in spite of the "fact that nn entrance fee was charged. Three of the entries were informal, and of the remaining forty-nine, forty-two faced the starter. An excellent finish resulted, tho first men being all in a bunch. The various members of the trade in Timaru worked well together to secure tho success of tho raoe, and the result was highly satisfactory to them. Great care was taken to secure the accuracy of the watches, both at Timaru and Tomuka, and the competitors were got away well to time. Already the promoters have sufficient in hand from the wholesale houses to provide prizes for a. second race, but on tho advice of Mr James, manager of the Dunlop Tyre Company, it will not be run off for six weeks, as it is not considered advisable to hold the races too close together. The recently reorganised Victoria Tennis Cub had a' highly successful opening in Victoria Park, Tcmuka, yesterday afternoon. The weather was all that could bo desired till about 4 p.m. when a fog came up and the light got rather baa. The arrangements for the opening games were very complete, and the two asphalt courts were in splendid order. Tho attendance was very good, members of the Club attending in force, and the Waitohi, Timaru, and other neighbouring clubs being well represented. The players wore so numerous that both courts were kept fully occupied from 2 p.m. till dark; but tho fair sex were with about half a dozen, exceptions rather shy of showing how they could play. Verv acceptable afternoon tea and cake were dispensed to visitors and players; and altogether the opening was greatly enjoyed by nil present. With a strong membership and diligent practice the Victoria Club should have a very successful season.

The thirteenth annual report of the Tlmaru Rowing Club, which has been issued to membeis, and which will be presented at the annual meeting of the Club on Tuesday, September 20th, chronicles n successful 'year. The active membership now stands at 66, Hnd the increase in the Club's adherents has rendered the enlargement of the boalghcd necessary. The committee have a scheme in hand which it is hoped will be well supported by the members. With a Rood shed, nnd a fleet of pleasure boats, this excellent branch of sport would no doubt become even more popular in Timnru than it is at. present. The Club is now in the happy position of having a credit balance at the bank, the overdraft of £65 7s 3d with which the season started, having been paid off, while the assets exceed the liabilities by £209 18s 4d. The Club's share (£B7 15s 4d) of the carnival held last. October is partly responsible for: this satisfactory state of affaire, but the comrnitee are modestly silent about the large which their management must have had in putting the financial position on a sound footing. Of the total receipts £194 6s 2d for the year, the two principal items are subscriptions' £66, and received from sports' carnival £B7 15s 4d. The chief items in the expenditure were : - - Overdraft, £65 7s 3d : painting shed and repairs to boats £44 4s 6d; new-oars and sculls £lB 18s 6d and prizes £l9. The credit balance nt the bank is £l4 13s 4d. The assets are valued nt £2lO 18s 4d, and the only liability is the sum of £1 foi outstanding prises. Young fellows who think of taking up rowing this year, whether as a sport or an exercise, have therefore a good institution to join.

Tho skating rink will be open to-morrow nJtciiiuciii and evening, 'flic entries for t.l.e children's' fancy dross carnival close at the rink to-morrow night. A cricket match was played yesterday nt the Convent school grounds between the past and present pupils of the school. The past pupils won by 105 runs to 97.

Mr and Mrs A. J. 8. Headland, of Oanuuu, wore made the subject of a presentation on tho occasion of their golden, wedding vestcrdny. They arrived nt Oamniu in 18&9, when nil the town existing was a shepherd's hut and n Maori boatman s whnrc.

The winner of the bicycle road race yestcrday, Taelicn, made very good wages for the afternoon. He won the first prtae for first man, £4, spcciul print for fustest time, £2 2h, and special prize for breaking tho record £1; total £7 2s. Severn! others raced in under the' previous record time — W. .Sutherland's 58mln 45sec,

The annual meeting of the Timnru Council of the Churches was hold on Wednesday evening, when tho Rov. H. J. Sorpcll was elected president, and the Rev. A. 13. Hunt, was re-elected secretary for tho ensuing year. The churcbos connected with this' organisation are Trinity Presbyterian, Wcaleyan, Congregational, Primitive Methodist, and Salvation Army, the rupresciitaclivCH being tho minister and two delegates from each congregation. The Rev. H, Buchanan is also a member. Besides routitio busiucss, a resolution win passed protesting ngajnet certain clauses in the Licensing Bill. , ■

YW will be' surprised to find that a, binder tan be built so strong and yot so light as the MuCormick.—(Advl.)

You urny-or.-may Hot wmit it, but we have it to soll—a quantity oX one and two-ynrd-wide, oilcloths that hnvo been used mi (he floor of the shop since our uprintf opening*. It is soiled, but little worn. I'lie yard-wide passage cloth is offered at ?id per yard, the 2-yurd wide oilcloth at Is 6d per yard. We .have opened *om» excellent pattern* In 3-tards-wide linoleum at 0« 3d yard, and also- in 4-y«rd-Wid« lino, nt (Is. Both quotations are less than they have been Tor, years. Our stock of Jnpunese matting one yard wide at Hid Ser yard is very complete; six different csig'ns ure offered in this* qunlitty to clioose from. Wo show In-day a heavy serviceable kitchen dearth lug 36 inches x 72 inches nt 3s—excellent value.—Penrose's Drapery K«lablishmcnt. (Advt.)

A young Dinger may have certain superb notCH born with him, which leave nothing; to bo wished, but ho will have other note* loss pure, IeKN vigorous, less full. These notes lie must equalise) with the stronger by culture. A " Llpp," "Colhtrd nu<t Collrtrdj" or " Rrondwxiod " piano, will'•«* sist. Handsome in appearance, oxcollwit in tone, they have every point to recommend them to the prudent buyer, and cam be inspected nt the Dresden Piano Company's showrooms.—(Advt.) fer from rheumatism. One application* of Rheumatism can be Cured.—Do not sufChambetluln's Tain Rulm gives relief, and! its continued use will bring about & per-, manent euro. For salo by J. C. Oddie r Chemist. (Advt.)

The large trado done by Mr A. <3»Mte# during' their sale proves to ns that tfc» bargains offered by this firm are appreciated by the publfo of South Canterbury. This week wo understand special value is being offered in sheetings, towels, quilts, find ladies' and gents' bootn and shoes. Very special inducements are of« fered to larjfo buyers? hoads of families would do well to note those foots.— (Advt.) Free wheels, free wheels, free wheels t The first business in Timaru to fit free wheels, and still going hard. No matter what make or style; don't think your cycle too old to be " free wheeled." From 13s 6d upwards. Bring it to Scott's.— 0. W. Wood, manager.—(Advt.) A Good Letter.—l have much pleasure in writing you of the benefits 1 have derived from the us* of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I had suffered for Some time irom my liver, but am (pleased io say thot I found Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets wore all they were said to bo. The beauty of ihtm is that you can leave them off and hot feel any effect from their discontinuance.—Mrs LiiJio Clarke, Newland Street, Waverley, Sydney. For sale by J. C. Oddie, Chemist. J^dvt.) SCOTLAND IN SONG AND STORY. Owing to Miss Flora Donaldson and Mr Gavin Spenee, tho renowned exponents of Scottish minstrelsy, having to fulfil engagements in Sydney next month, only one concert can bo given in Timaru. The box plan opens at the Dresden Piano Co.'s warehouse this morning, and judging by the laudatory notices nestowed on them by the enthusiasm displayed by their audiences there, thoir too short season here is certain to be a triumphant success. The Dunedin "Evening Star" devotes threoquarters of a column to criticising thoir first appearance, and from tho opening sentence to tho close it abounds with toothing) but praise. To avoid disappointment by Scottish musical enthusiasts early booking in necessary to secure scats. AN ENTERTAINMENT FOR MEN. There was a very good attendance in the Assembly Rooms last evening, when on athletic display of boxing, club-swinging, and skp-dancing, intermingled with several musical items, was held. The platfol'm was loped off for the purpose of preventing competitors from being Knocked front it. Soi grant-Major Jones was in charge of the proceedings, and briefly introduced the competitors. At the beginning of the program mo he exp'ained tho purpose of the entcrtajnment, tho bouts being ull of a' friendly nature, and light sparring only would * be indulged in. Good exhibitions with tho glove* were given by tho Messrs Amleison (bantams), and Messis Dale mid Harold (light-weights), eaoh pair boing evenly matched. In the first part a slqpdiuice was given bv Mr W. Smith, and in the second half Master P. Foster guvo tho sailors' hornpipe, both dancers receiving encores. Messrs Robertson, Noirie, ana O'Connor, of the Timaru Gymnastic Club, went through somb club-swinging exorcises l in a manner which called forth lioarty applause. Perhaps the best item during the evening was that given- by Mr W. Jones, who with « mouth organ cleverly imitated the bagpipes, chiming bells, mandolin, and one-siting violin. The boxing contest botween Messrs Gray (foimcrly of Now South Wales) and Jones (retired feather-weight champion of South Africa) was watched with considerable interest, ond a capital bout wos witnessed, it very good exhibition of light hitting. 'Jlio dodging capabilities of Mr Jones greatly amused the audience. In another sot-to with the gloves between Messrs Lambert and Hunt, both showed good form. Songs were rendered by Messrs D. McDonald, W. MoDougall, and D. Strachan, while pianoforte solos were tastefully played by Mr H. H. Moore, who also accompanied tho singers. MR J. C. WILLIAMSON'S NEW COMEDY COMPANY. Specially-organised by Mr Williamson for the purpose of presenting in Australasia nil the latest and most successful highclass comedies'of tho English stage, bis now company, now playing in Christchurch to overflowing houses, and announced to appear here iu the Theatro Royal on Thursday and Friday evenings next, is said to be composed of some of the finest artißts over seen in the colonies. They will have an opportunity of displaying their ability in the two comedies " The Marriage of Kitty" and "His Excellency the Governor,' 1 ' respectively. Roth those plays bear the hall murk of London approval. Tho former is from the French of Madame Fred D. Gcrsnc and Francis do Crolssot, boing adapted by Cosmo Gordon Lennox. It was played fo'r two seasons in London, and contemporaneously made nn enormous success throughout Amorlca. Mr Williamson first presented it for the approval of tho Australian public in Adelaide on Easter Saturday last, and the impression it created and tho success achieved may be gauged from the following taken from the Tending journal:—"lt opened with good report, and the wine of comedy flowed and sparkled for two and a half hours, and when it was all over, the crowded hmme rose to its feet and cheered for several minutes. It was nil very delightful, ami the audience drank the plensurc with infinite relish. 'The marriage of Kitty' was a rare treat, and there was just that touch of pathos essential to perfect tho comedy. Amid the. laughter cnnio n little lump In tho throat, tears cnminglod with smiles for one brief space, and tho succosw of the play was assured." This fluttering rllconiium has subsequently been emphatically endorsed in Melbourne' Sydney, and in all the northern cities of this colony, whore the comedy has been played to packed houses, so that there can lie no question ns to its brilliancy und nttniclivencws. The comedy to be presented on the second evening entitled "His Excellency the Governor" is said to be a charming romantic and fantastic comedy by Captain Marshall, which hns also achieved nn enormous popularity wherever presented. Playgoers invariably look forward with pleasure to any of Mr Williamson's attractions, recognising thnt what is announced will bo the best of their kind. In tho present, instance they aro being offered two of (ho finest comedies of the day, presented by artists of the highest repntution, nnd it will be surprising if there be a vncnnt sent in the theatre on either of tho nights in question. The box plan for both pcrlonnnnccs Is now open nt the Dresden. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. R. Rutland—Soils shrubs, plnnls, fruit trees, etc. to-morrow. Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Associatiou—Entries for Tattcrsall's to-UJor-

row 4 Temuka stock market on Tuesday; : Moss Jonas—Auction sale of jewellery ±«-mbrrow. : .:New- Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company—Details of Farmers' fa-" Tourite combined drill. Lost—Gold scarf pin'; reward at this office. ' "' ' „ , D. Caswell—Stud notice of King of the King. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Church—Sis-; iers Miriam and Winnie conduct, eei'vicea on Sunday. : - , : "" . S.C. Dairy Company—Dividend payable' on and after Ist October. : -.-..-: Timaru. Borough Council—Purchase old birds' heads. Gold brooch lost i —Reward "on return to DJ.C.

D. Mahoney—Has freehold farm for sale, also leases in perpetuity. • ' : ''"' ; ■-"• Waimate County Council—Call tenders for roawi^tvork.-'„>> ."■■ ..' % s--. , ":'■ . ' Adims. -and- 'Co.—New - spring; goods;. make selection of fashions. ; ■ . Wesleyah Church;—Services'lor ■ Sunday ; next.

Lifeboat concert this evening.; : ' : •■'■• -"-- i: >. " ' S: ■'■ ■E.'S. ElwpTthy—Wants male cook for Jfolme, stationt- " At Ballahtyne's—Grand display: sewing machines. T. and J. Thomson—Prices, of men's, and .youths' hats," suits, etc. '""". *■ Theatre • Royal—Williamson's -hew co-anedy'-company-xin 22nd"and 23rd' fast. 7 ■ :?-At? ; ;Pe"arspn's^Sch6ol.'btiDks and-reqiii-sites^of-every : ;kihd.' 7 '■ ■;: '".:":. o: Biess: Department C.F.C..A.-7-Details : of - '■'■*•.,:'■ notices; 1 ; •■,..;«• .-- ..-

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12479, 16 September 1904, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12479, 16 September 1904, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12479, 16 September 1904, Page 2


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