FuJi parikuLirs of the train arrangements for the Christmas holidavs will be found in another column. The Main School girls of Mr Hansaa class aie to meet at the drillshed this afternoon at a quarter to 5 o'clock. A meeting of the Xo-License League trill be. held this evening in the W' Schoolroom, Bank stree:, at half-past 7 o clock.
Miss Agnes Smith, of Pollard's Opera Company, assisted at the musical service at tne Church of the Sacred Heart last evening. She gave an excellent rendering of the solo "Ave Vcrum" (Millard;. At 1.25 p.m. on Saturday Captain Edwin advised as follows:—"Strung easterly winds, glass fall, tides good, heavv eatletly ■swell alter 20 hours from row, indiratibu for heavy rain after that time." During the production cf the " Uelle of Xew York" i>n Saturdav night, a r.ew set from the brush of Mr Whaite. stcnic artist, was presented to view. All who saw it speak very highlv of it as an excellent specimen of Mr Whaitcs paiutin«s for the lessee of the Theatre Royal. The Pollard Opera Companv brought their short stay at Timaru u, a close on Saturday night, when the ever-popular Helie of Xew York" was staged. Tb« attendance was go «i f or a Saturdav nigh:, trom first t« last the cffon.s of ihc large company were fully appieciatetl. and the piece wis put on and gone through in a most complete manner. This morning the company g» on u> Oamaru ior a brief season.
Oa Friday evening an extraordinary General meeting of the Tctnuka wig Bui'.ding Society was held at Temuka for the purpose of appropriating bv b.iiln; £l5O. The ballot resulted in .share X... 53 being drawn, but as the holder was m arrears, a second ballot was necessary ar.d fell to .a Tininru lady whose share number ttfas 354. The cha'irman of directors. Mr H. M. Miles, presided, and in a short speech referred to the continued prosperity of the society. The manner in which the shareholders'met their payments as they fell due was a subject for congratulation, the last riay-trp 'being h record one. and was £IOO more than anv previous payment. A high tribute was paid to the secietary, Mr Jeffrie.*, who was a thoroughly "competent and painstaking official, and kept, the society's transactions up-to-date and in perfect" order. The meeting terminated with a vote of thank* to the chairman. . <
We .'uv requested to sl;il'-. ill otdcr l-o supply the gicil demand. Mr Hen Jon;;-" will hold .* IhiisUija.s sale of jm-tjl-try on Wednesday next.
Martha Hoewaha. a u<-]lj;n.iv;i M.-.-.ti . of K.»il<o..v 1'..j,. mar llant.'viikc. <ii*-d <ui Frid u i,;.:hc '!"!;<■ c.r
«■eased was a. very o.d ;es:d2l.'.. ajui ;i 130 years of .ige.
Jly (lie steamer vli:r?i sailed i'.T London from Wellington • ■:> Fiidav last, four liniw of bullion valued at £,33!752 wen- *3ijj.jx-d I,v i3 JC XaisonaJ Han* of XcW Xcil:.Ml.
The TeVgiaph Uf].:;:-.Uifr!l advise Us that the W;ijta3.j jjvej- :•■ j:j nr, ;0..,,J «,nj<.j. Tlie (Ipihi. i';.;t<,r.-j and Tc.riuha are also in very Rood ,„3<r. b-jt -he -.rorig --I'teily winds have sj'tcl vi> tj.e In- :i1 i3k- fljnhi and I\iw<r»..
The Fairlie I?:jt-jT)gr *"Uh 3iave re-reived cxcellert enlnos :<>r ilic-ir Itoishig 3tay meeting, and the oorrmiil.K-e have a'J inc.'-- ive!3 forward. Thr ,»nit Tl . is in cxoelh-nt «jiiJcr. and v.iih fine, w-c-aihcr l3ic njtttin» should he most enjoyable.
At ij.e 3a*< rocctioa of llie OaT;l«-jVarv Land Board St was resolved that, with re gard J« the jjuwt'ionv application' for relief «»n account of the flood damage misrained in Xuulh Cat.ieibury iu March. 3902. the Hoard <.irinni tee their way l>. mahe .my rcc-cn ( mcr;'j.-i"3<::i for of rent.
TheJe was .7 larjrc c-onj:''<'S : '' l ''' Tl ;l ' 1 - Mary's Chuuh lac-t whra the? Chr:stm=« cjsjxOs w«e »ong- 3)T the rh'-ir. l"3ie b?-.-i:itift33 jnutic ».w. sjdejidjdly rcrj<'ci«d. .-utd t3)C ri.« MTIVJC'C Was cl lilt <2ctpes; *ent-
3<tngc»t day «.f the ;.-«r in i3ii* ht;»)i»j-i;,«-e. iJie >iin rising («ft»T.:'<jjng 1« tear aini:mn< ) at 4.19 a.m. -and mi ting .-n 7.38 fi.wi.. jriving a >-jM>JigJjt day <;! ISh-s ]6mins. The iwiiight in the tkv at this titric -<d ycir ederxss not di«ijij-icar. 1»-nt swings rcorn] by the sotith fjxiai the j«iici <<f Minuet v that flf sunrit>c
Our Fairlie ortrrespondenl •snitcu : —The weather ham been very onsea-swiable lor Uic part- weel;. The cstrcrne heat, -was Mlowoi by cold rains, which i timed to Know cm ihe "hilJs. Frosts fc.]]<,wed *.rvera.l uigitts being vcty keen. 24 degrees heing registered on an cjatsidc thermonitter. Surely there must be r-umc icebergs moored off Titmru inT ihe wind ha-s been, iroan that direct ioa.
Mr J. Blytb. J.P.. one of Temufca"* oddest and ».iosl rc«pedod citizen* met with an accident on Thnrwiar a* he w.-js beifcg driven hrnnc to dii:ner." He stood up in lie conveyance to fix the seat when Jhc horse s'arjel .ind he was thrown over the wheel <,n to the cronad. "The {--ill was stTHc So wc «f advanced years, hv\ foitutiatcly no b'asc* were broken and Mr BJyth hopes soon let he about ajrair.
Or> SalmOay. at the Ctejarn Magi*JrattV Coun, William Ktmcirflan -vum chajged en wairaafc wilh inning valudtK* cheques for a «aal3 asnnarit at Mnyicrwiri. Mr o"Meaghtr defended acoJued. The p<t!inc apj»3k«3 for a rcmmH io Wellington to Tocsday cext. wbkh w-a.s granted. for the defence snjd thas accawed was well-known in Wellinglon. and «-;«; able to bring evidence to exculpate himself.
The Slate examination of nurt-c* was held recently, and four candidate? sat at Timana. three of them from lb- Tim am Hospital and one from Waimate Ho»pilal. Word hits been received that all four pawed wdJ. Nun* Galeo particularly well, fbe bang bracketed fin-t wiih Xni><> Crakkshank, of Donedin HwpilaJ. with S4 per cent, of mark*. Xor*e Blackmorc gained 73 and Xojh; Clarkwn 72 per cent. We tare not heard the cumber of mark* gained by Xor*c Buckley, of Waimatc. • So many infr.icijcn* of tie printed paper regulation* nsoally occur in connection with Christina* cards that the Chief master find* it necc«-;ary Jo remind *end«* Uiat the cover* of »uch cjird* mart be open for cany inspection of the content*; »t an envelope be Oh©d it murt be entirely opeif at one end or the flnp tamci inside: small slits in Jhc end* of do*ed envekpes are not regarded as Jcaving a, psefcel open for inspection: nothing may .bs «nitteri on Chri*lmaK cards bevond "a. simnle complimentarv or conventional remark fuch a* "With best wishes," etc. The Associated Beard of the Rovjil Academy of Jfo?Jc and the R.nval College of Mosie offers aanasHv in Xew Zealand, a g©id medal to the candidate irho succeeds in gaining highest honours an J'je Senior Grade Practical Examination*, and a silver meaal to the next highest 2)onr,nr« caadidate: also a- gold and silver medal to the candidates in the Junior Grade Examiaatl°D*-. Ttl1 " year >Esn Esther Fitzgerald of Timaru, a papil of Miss M. gerald. won the silver medal in the senior grade tpiaaofortcl and Miss Milliceat Gerirode Jennings of Sumner, a papil of Miss K. AUanson, won the silver medal in the junior grade {pianoforte!. 15»lh candidate* w«e entered through Caatcrbnry College. More than £9O has beea collected in Temuka and the immediate rarronndang districts by caarA*sers towards a fund inaugurated to provide a suitable memorial Jo the memory of Temaka troopers, who met with their death dnring the Srmth Africa;., campaign. It is proposed that the memorial shall Jake the form of gates. after the pattern of those erected at Ibc Timaru Cemetery. The total cost is estimated at £lls. In order to procure additional funds it has been decided to let four little girls approach .pectator* at lie temuka. Caledonian Societvs sports on Boring Day with a view of giving tbem. further opportunity of contributing <* the
f Wa*hdyke correspondent writes: Advantage was taken of the gathering of re-idcot* at the brcakingup picnic of the \Yasbdykc School ,(which w,w held on Friday in the racecourse drive plantation), to present oar worthy scboolmasUr, Mr MtilJer. with a handsome gold albert pendans and pencil case, suitablv inscribed by the member* of the churches at whose services Mr Mailer ha* taken the duties of organist. The Rev. Mr Adcock in rmatcing the presentation calogiscd the rter- | l«ng qualities of Mr Mailer, and the pleasure it afforded him on behalf of Washdvke fiiends to prefcat him with these token* of their gc<odwiU and esteem., Mr Mailer feelingly thanked the donor* for their presentatjor. and good wishes, and assared them that hw services bad been given with pleasure, and he was tn«re than picked 1« find his efforts met with, m much apnrcciaticra. Rev. Mr Adcoclc called f or three cheers for Mr Mailer, which were Riven in the heartiest marncr. the children lustily joining in. One of the most successful concerts ever head in connection with the Gcraldice pubhe school took place cm Frid.nv nicbt in the Volunteer Hail, when, there t» n large attendance of jareaU -nr.d friends of tho children the prow proceeds amounting o more than £l6. The first part of the programme consisted of items bv She school children, and made jn excellent en- i tertaisment in itself wbkh reflected great ! credit on the staff. The action songTbv the irfants under Miss Pearson were pa fticularlv good and a "" dinpf C t - S^ n Fenn fairly hrougJit down the house. The physical drill by born under Mr A. Burke was also very creditable and the tableaux Haymaking ' and - Playtime" were so prettily arranged by the ladv teachers that the curiam had to be rang up the second time on each occasion. The awompaaj. went in the first tableau was sun<* bv Misses Lottie Maslin and Alice Rowfcett as a duet and in the second bv Mi** Eva Hammond Aa amusing song in character en: it led "Old .Soldier*" bv a number of boys took immense! v »<J Vw loudlv encored as was also the i lcn , named - n ; £ Awkwaid Squad" which was the most laughable piece on the bill. The sin-nn~ of Standards 11. and 111. under Mis* Hughes was decidedly good and the pbvsi'. cal drill with arm* bv a Iv.dv of lad* under Masler K. Hamilton (sergeant of Cadet corpse showed in a marked wav wbal the "young idea" can do when put*to the test. Yourg Hamihon had the 1 raining of the boys in his own hands and the work they did would have d«ne cmdit to a Volunt<K;r coips. Songs by Messrs Montgomery and Hint* and recitations by Mr -1. Henry and ,!im Morrison aVi helped to fill up the first pari- of the programme which concluded with was* by ihc school children, uridcr Mr Montgomery (headmaster!. "When the Heart is Sad" and
" Frsenfohip," which were <-..ijiii.s]]y res. <3ere<3. The «>c«c<i pari«f j3k- prcETainnic coiiMMcd «if -a bane >.o!« by .\Jr T. Ik.wkeli: w]«* hy Mrs Hjuc-c. Mr <". fSinr-nn. Mr K. L»pan. Mir* Mackenzie: oninir Mnps by Mr Him.?, .ind Mr T.i.'licr and a onncla<?intf <3i.ilogac HeVn-cen Mis* Mrlimy .-iTid Mr J. S. Py<". .wiM<vi by f-eve j-»1 l.i<3ics. Mr T. Shfrrati (rhsirman of the C<imn>jlt«c) thaoleti ihe jioWjc for their support.
llie iiMjal rnontlilv meet itig of lln; Mount IVi-l 3*.....<J 1'm,;.,,] w;,. J„.|,| ,„, F;-j(.!ay laM. M<"-rs Jl<);],!Mc.;i7l. 'J ill '.V a7|ci 'J JKiillSoll »<-»' ]>;■*:-< in. Ml ('. «)'.te ;i.-liiii tt j><.'i;iii-:n,ii ;., j.-jt ~ -:,lr ~.-, 1 lie roari UsuiJUg JTif, ll,f Ojiiiii ;.,;,;■ ,| ; ... J{;u l; ,l,fl 1f )•■!(•.-. 'J ::<.- :i-'j.m>! «.,., -,;,,,,,..,! ~„ , -jmj.-.i <-.,:.,ijtjt.T..-. Mi J)i i(jJ ; «•)■«,;<• .■jinjiui<.7- :;(,! .■.ll<.7i..iii i .' tlit merlin;;. ;i|,.| atlen 3c,j- ].;ive <1 .-i1,>.,■;.. ~ ; ,i ,] lo .jantiin-y jnoc'.iii/. .i'-c, "''•- Jlc-ct-.l 10 kliiii c,2j hi- 'jjic: .U-'l w;.k jl-iiuc.-UmJ tej'lv H;;it Tin il ?.]• lici-vcy ;av f a j-c-i.,] <cr,i.'.-.. :ir.p t ; ..- ].)■■■ ii. -M-' '-iie with 1-iie t'lrl '-i W.;i.-i7lc«)V iii.v,. ~,, ~-,j,., (.(juifi Ik i:i],i!i. .-Tic] th«l .■:7ic.ii.l.r r;..-.; ',,; Q^y lJi< -i"-> ■.iri\."! •,; !i;;.!,i: !;.-,i» AVh--It:ilia. Ji:e J ..mi. I V.. „•,}■,, «■:<-,■ <.n 1 |, e Mjlijc- -. ..I llif rite ~! •<]: IJiSuj'i, iH-jrlp.,.. Mat,:,,. 11;.,J tjulj! Mi Hc.vrv |„ Sue a ;•(.;,,; way to ..,, !„.;■; : ;„. J,., ;„,, vil|j WJ..-rt..J.V 7-« a,!. D.r "ihi..-. " vllM tKll Ice; lien] tcj- i.l;t j i<, '.n,,. ..vvn-cef wa- ji.M. 7.-CK-.3 t« Ml: 1,-ie »v«r... J„,J L . K „, 1-hr 1".vl 7i<;ai TrJj. IP V c-utlinp. ArromiU lc.r ja.yinrtH. and tin; 3J>iard rest. a! riphl 1 Our M.c.rc; in Xtmn jgajl, cjcmkjn i.rencxiilily l»c:fixit-ii"-uJ. Vnu are invilod Ici «,I.Hjj>d t'ho >.li;.-u; V,n,y.unr jiciw ojicrjed at I'crnT-Kt"--. We've M-a.;-<-ljerl ihe ln:ir],(.'l»c 'd ihe wc.7],] -.China, Jajmi. 3-:u«. 3;uid. Arrnricia, J"ra--■(•. V, <■ vr tinniht ciu,- <]<>!;•■ ii.-uTi :(.■<• <4c7.],ai:t- . vui Uiouah they hate it- feci war-h. Wr ;:?•(: J-UUty leuii cctla v.-i.»; ( > at.d Imwln ut 9d. ]>. 3d. ]c 9d. 2f. Sd eadit emhoKHcd ajid <jiil icllic-hcd wilji pclrl le.a;'. Fire »;r.rer.n ,3 a:d t Jcidini;' rctwin 3> tcl. 2-. 2- 6 3 -tach. IJamhcK) Lahir's at 6« cadi tnalve a c<iod iirc-ietil 4 c-rimih Ijrurh arid 3a,. (; |7H-rrd Iray« only Ji.- 9d jiair; Jtijiu-wi-'dcl i;y li<n;«et>;'-\W<3i lliatehod rmtf 6d cadi; .lajiaoeM-' tcajiotk nirejy <lerurntt;d and wrilii'fed only 3* 3d v.-oiih 2« 6d. r<-:,-:<,c*V- l?W,:i!ir. lAdvt.) <"haaihci-3ajrr>i J'uiri llaJm 'lia* tic* -eqtiiij an a 3icii:>ieli(.3d 3:r.i»j«ni.. 3i jn Uie Jaehi, lij.ciwn .rc:rn.dy fca' ihcu:iiaii;;rn. iaine bu.cb, (j-uiwy tctid guaidiilw »-«xJHjikh. w-hik fur t-jirairiss. hrnixei*, aad Kf:a3d« it- in invidnaHe. cftie njiplieaijon given relief. Tl7 it.—-J. C. Cjcjdie iielln it,.—(Advl.) -Nj-cruitH' are -often Kcrjotifi than hrolYen boni* cm aecitijji. of not "being pi'operly trcaled. Avvh' vJljamheralni'* f'aiu Bala-fredy an *oou uk the irtjtiTy hi reraart'd and it wiU q-uicWy rcvUwe the pari* to -a healthy condition.—J. C. Oddie «elk at.—(Adn.7
In accepting the invitation to Lew it. you want lo hear critically. Even th* untrained ear immediately recoeniwcß there is a <HfftT<t)Ce, beea-UKc" tlie li,nc 'of llie Brinsmead piseio i* ho pure- Mid capable of tvery graduation of jnictjKJiy ilint i\ at once arrest* attention, and require* llnwe wh« have cars to bear, as well a* see it in Bcgg** Arcade ■winder*-.—(Advt.)
• the seddox monopoly. A Wellington telegram r.ayn;—Speaking .at a. Sanqmt given to Mr liogg. the Premier said that if private csicri'irise failed lojise t« ibe ocawojon tl»« Stale -would J?" iti'Tor manufacturing iron and *t*d and keep £IOO.OOO a year in the eotaitry. lit bad" made up bin mind that not another waggon «r locomotive would b? bought from abroad. About £150.000 wan invested in maciineiy. and extension of buildings would meet nil ibut waj; required. There were limcx wiie» ccanbinen were essential la the intercut* 'if lbe produoef, and it wm wrong 1o make them illegal. They sbould be brought tinder .coniioL Tbeie mnst be <.nly <me monopoly, ibat of "be Liberal party and ibe jireweci Government. AUadiiu: to ibc. rumour* of a recoasiinctjon of Ibe Cabinet* be said there had been twme Tji'k by those -who bad nothing to do with it. * He was pleased to «se tbc flattering reference* to Mr Hogg atid Mr Miliar (two •who have been spoken of a.s likely Ministers), and loob-ed fmin-wd I<* the day •when ib<-y -w-otild be 4«wwdc>j ■by jjj«ij)r,i;oa ibc Cabitiel, bul ibey •w-iLTilcd bo advice frmn tlie Oj)pt»ilio*n l':«wi. sYXOPsis or xi-:w aovertiseXJKXTR. iJeti Jonah—Special Kale of Chrirtmutt poultiy <m W«dne«day »ert. Cauteibwy Farmerti' CtM)peratjv« Afiftucjatjtin—Sale* for tlri* -week. National Mortgage icid Agency Co.— Slock i>alc at Stadbolme to-moiron - . <5-ainneKs ai.d hedtsa. lAa. —Sale of rtock at <»craldir;e on Wedr.ewday. _T. arid 4. Tbottw.jr)—'ra?ticula:> at)d pi-joes of Chrifilaias good;;. Oaics Loirjy ano' (':>.—'J be Zealan&i. iTc-lies; I*l 1880: foj'ciu:)rt nitum. John Baibiatyue and Co.—Special »oticeof holiday during; other fpedaiities. New 2>ca,la,nd lltuhvurii—Tiain arrungeincntm for Cbrifl»iai> boljdayn. Ibe Cycle MalterK <fi Timarn—Keep bolida» frtna 26tb to 2Btb. Tamara Harbour lioard— Vi'asiX men for ibc quarry. Mr .and" Mr* W. C'untiii.'gbatiu PleiiHant Point—Thank frieads for sympathy. C. Gudcx, Clarcmoiri—Bog ]<;ntj jtward to finder. Tyrrell, iviag acd Co.—Xman poultry on. f:alc. P«ry. Pcny anil K.inremcv—Harcboune 1:i let. ITacLitre P.oyal—Fv.ll dclaik of programac for ibin evening. ";ig the Mtitic"' Calcdo;iaa Spntt* :u;d B.aceK a 1 Fsirlie —Train fiTßiogeaical* for T'.ni-ing -Ray. The .Soljcitoik of Timuru— Clone office* from 24th baft, to -latiuary Stli. Ijo»t—Gold bangle; reward <ni return this office. Funeral ooliee—By R. B. Coiner, Tomuka. W«ul#d«—Sir notice*..
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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 11946, 22 December 1902, Page 2
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2,670TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 11946, 22 December 1902, Page 2
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