.ONCHXTIS CURE. THE FAMOUS KE3IEDI" FOR I __ xt ft a • svr. »* C 3 ■» »roracS«tis, j mmmmmmmmmm^ HAS TUii LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IX AUSTRALIA - Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where «Cou|hs» have been properly treated with this No W a3 , taken at the beginning, a dose 13 generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure hTcertain. 6bould be OTltbout ] * CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL, TO LEAVE HIS BED. A COMPLETE CUKE. Mr W. U. Hearne.—Dear Sir, —I am writing to tell you about the wonderful cure your medicine has effected in my case. About three years ago 1 began to cough. At first the cough was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On several occasions there was blood in the expectorated matter. 1 had been treated by a doctor, who pronounced my case to be be Consumption, and various other treatments had been tried, but without benefit. It was at tnis stage that I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a course of the medicine. When it arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and gradually improved. lam glad to say that the two lots of medicine you sent have effected a complete cure, for which accept my very best thanks.—Yours gratefullr, J. BLAIR. Vf-{minster, Bridge road. S.E., London. SEVERE COUGH. A FIVE YEARS' CASE. iIKLIEVED AT OXCE AND COMPLETELY r CURED BY HEARXE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Dear Sir, —I suffered from a severe cold i.n the chest with cough, for five years, and during that time got treatment" from different sources, but derived no benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me Telief at once, and completely cured me. jI am delighted with it. It "is really a ■wonderful medicine ; does good at once, "and I " can't be licked."—Yours sincerely, W. TREMELLEX. Modewarre, Victoria. A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD. A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. CURED BY" A BOTTLE OF HEARXE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—Kindly forward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure as soon as possible, as I cannot speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had 1 a bottle from yon before for my little ciri when she was seven months old. She had been suffering from Bronchitis from her birth, and now she is three years old. and i has not had a return of it since. It is a splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of any sort.—l remain, yours truly, -tfRS H. RAMAGE. Violet Town, Victoria. <' THREE CASES COMPLETELY CURED BY' ONE BOTTLE OF HEARXE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. SEVERE COLD. WITH LOSS OF VOICE. CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IX EXGLAXD. "Llewellyn. Kalimga. Vic. Mr Hearne. Dear Sir, —I am very much pleased with the effects of your Bronchitis Cure. Last winter three "of my children had very bad coughs, and one bottle cured the three of them. The housemaid also had such a severe cold that she had entirely lost her voice, but half a buttle i-uied hef. I always keep it in the house new. and recommend it. to anyone requiring a medicine oi this kind. " I now want you to send at once four bottles to England to mv mother, who is suffering greatly from bronchitis. The address is enclosed. " Yours gratefully. "JOHN S. MORTIMER." The relative in England, who is 80 years old, also cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. JAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MOXTHS. ALWAYS WALKS NOW. AXD IS QUITE WELL. FEELS KTROXGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. "8 Watson street, B'urton-on-Tront. "Staffordshire. England. "Mr W. G. Hearne. Geeloiig. " Dear Sir.— "Y"our letter and Bronchitis Cure to hand quite safe. lam sure you will be glad io know that your Bronchitis Cure has quite cured me. " I was very glad when it came, as I was suffering" from a severe attack of Bronchitis at the time it arrived. I had sent for my own doctor, but had not had one night's rest for a week. I started taking the Bronchitis Cure three times a day as directed, and was very much eased "at once. At the end of a week I only took it twice a day. and then only every night for a week, as I felt very much better, when, thanks to the Lord "for adding His blessing. I was quite well, and walked into town and back without feeling any fatigue. I had not done that previously for 12 months (always went in the omnibus), as -walking caused me such pain and distress in the chest. I always walk now and never feel it. and I am stronger than I have been for years._ I thank my son for his great kindness in sending me" the medicine, and am, dear sir, "Yours very tmlv. "M. MORTIMER." Extract from a letter since written bv the same lady to her son. Mr John S. Mortimer. Llewellyn. Katnnga, Victoria, HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY i ill. : SPITTING IP BLOOD. i THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MOKE I COULD BE DONE. CURED BY HEARXE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. The extract nm.<- a< follows:—".As for myself, thank the Lord. I am feeling stronger than I have for years. I had an attack of Bronchitis in November, but Hearne's Bronchitis Cure.was again successful. I feel qui'e well, and walk into town feeling quite stiong. "1 must ask yot: ;■• stnd me sir hollies j more of the inciiiv::<e. ,0 1 wish to have a supply in the h"t:*e. I have -.tied to get it made up hire, and let my chemist have a bottle to see what he co-jjd do. He tells me this week :,c can make nothing out of it. he never saw anything like it before, so there is only one thin;; for me to do. send for m«e. I hare never kept in bed one day .since I commenced to lake it. I used to be in bed ;i fortnight at a time always, and after that ' for months I was a- weak as I i o:M possibly be, and was always taking <-od liver oil, so you will see ai once it. is qajte! worth while sending ;<«r it such a long dis- I tancc. " I " Something more I mnst tell yon. Charlotte has been very ill since I wrote you. Her cough was st> bad she never had a night's rest, and was spitting up blood very much. The, doctor told her husband that there was nothing more he could do for her. So on the Sunday I 'sent her half a hot:3e of the Bronchitis told her to try it. and if she did not use it. no; to waste ;t. but send it back again. She had such confidence in her doctor that I thought she would not try. On the TTc-dnesdaj I sent over again and she was much bet <er. the night's rest teas very good, and cough and bleeding from the lungs belter. She sent for another half bottle, and on the following Sunday sent c\er i<» say that she was quite cured and did not require any more medicine. So von see what great good it has done, and she wishes to ha' some of my next supply." 12 YEARS' AGOXT DISTRESSING. SUFFOCATING. DRY COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. 3CO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT. "Sir,—My wife was for twelve years a sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, dry cough that could not be removed or even eased by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines having been tried; but I am happy to say that the cougb, pain in the chest," and difficnlry !,' t ' J -"' :; i- i <■'-, were fcjiiiitlr removed j iijC - : . ,JJ '-"-<: of your Bjoncjmis Cure. -U.iaii:. s.j._ y^. Jjj]j _, , e .. ;fl]]] -V -i■-- < " WILLIAM CHUCKKIT!" s . T,.m,j, ]\o.. via Dripstone, New *outh Wales.. A FIVE Y ~ v^,. LL fe 1 \' ii r ' u X3: SMALI ~ 'fcOTXLE. _.iir v.. < T . Hearne—\',.w . Sir —,7™ d, . T . r;,] »»c one large ■ * -Lc.l r .-:v sl ' e,esu]u "J:■«"»■ *■-*- rn J,"':""*; f/ >»'«" *»»:« oared •.V.'-:."V'l.' : "'''T ! d ". 1 "" fctJ "■•■*■- " •' " u '■■ ' remain. -, ours J -,i'h •'Ed-^^'SJ''^^^'" ••MrV- V''"T- ETKLYC^» Mi \. (~ H r . :m , E . J)CUT Si . _ Y A;w;ma. -,, a wi,ich J fa frcmljo 1 .p,^ ••'"■•.' *■«<••' -Jcc fj-om f/,7,01.. .._.j j_ >juenl:v the diinr ft ad to si,. np . | •, . ••; vc-ar prcviotts 1 had b«en gettiL- vl murh wors,. and ;,1 the ,i me J obtained nif r], 3; , c ] v „ wnfirod 1o *J»ed Z™ t m, ' ter ■■'T-r-"cr,nvbcrr, n d Ao 3 e of recovery. The first dose 0 <" tl,J»edi«ne_ c-ire me welcome relief. and T r.ead.jy mwweJ as I c t , n ii ni3e a the trea.tand havirg been nnder Agbtttt return of tt. Tb c „>&„„ X Wr:t:r.g again on the 4th AprrL 1899, he tW" return of the A fi - PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR. WVQ, HT?A, P NE, r»l?«nifet', <?eelooe-, Victoria.. SmaU B ize. 2s 6d. LargvUGd. ?-Ml. f H-mists acd Uedidm Vendors. ObtaiuablQ T.ooaliy from I, S. JIMES. Chemist. Tirniru, fi U aiher Chemists and Stores-
[ALD BA.\ K RO i :■: ].. M. OMEEGHAX, Having taken ills ab<vve Hdc]. Tri-lo: J<» inform his Friends .n:-l Patron;- ili.n j«» effort will be spared to merit a co»i:auaoce of the Support ,v> liber.tlhr accoiistd li: his Predecessor. Superior Accomnirxiaiion Sut !'.;•;:: ,t.:C Visitors. Tcrnis Moderate. Suites of Rwnis for Farcies. M. O'MEEGHAX ... Prourfetor. CLUB HOTELi TTMARU. JOHN DORE Proprietor. BEGS to announce thai be has bad Jit Hotel thoroughly- renovated and R«furnished throughout. Traveller* and the General Public can now i«3y on reviving •very attention sad comfortable quarter* i Sample Booms close to Hot*L Walker's Special Whisky and XXXX Beer always on tap. LUNCHEON. 12 to 3, la. T TV 0 M E Y'S WAIMATE HOTEL is sow open to the General Public, and is ijtt&d up with every modern convenience. HOT AND COLD SHOWER BATHS. FIRST - CLASS ACCOMMODATION For Permanent Boarders and the Travelling Public. None but the Best Brands of Wines and Spirits Kept. T W OMEY, Propristsr-
<• •S*To2<rr»je:H:jF"XJ3ii medicine. a^&^gs^^ and TranWJne Sensations, &c The Rrwt Dose tied (fed to be "WORTH A GUINEA will give Relief in Two ,k 3^£ K STOM ACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER , c kC L ma E' c -» ««v doses will work wonder* anon •muscular Syste Prepared only *y THOMAS BEEOHA2I, Si.-Soleas, S^LASS. i>o!d Everywhere in Boxes, xsjd. id «». ,4 each. *•**»-**• They liaru Lignite, True Uuhl, Or Wood ap to VHn. OVER 34.000 r-Xl* iltnuec! inside visn be workedoit in the Op=SPjl.K'vujji üBSAC B'Kf-'Uh. ii St Alßde in ail uu ee TN IJf THTB COLONT. ' NO SKTTI SG~ R K QUIRni REPATRS ARE A MINIMUM Wltn Cast It.„i r» OoDDer Boilfrß, i H " E - „_ ■ GIMITEOi ' xera, from whorx SOUTH END i Pnnr/«i btreet, Uaoodio. | the Maker. mmi TOBACCO.
HA M BOCK HOTEL, H. BOTHWELL ... Proprietor. First-riius Accommodation for Bo&rden •ad Travellers. Hot «nd Cold "Water c»n« TTMABU EOTEL. WILLIAM TOBES AS leased the above Hotel, and will
Visitors to Timara. First-class Accommodation, -well appointed Billiard Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Tb» bait Brands of Spirit* ana Alt u< block. Tarms re&xonabl* WM. TORTV to».»»«jtiKTOß GOALS. UOALS. COALS. FOR THE WINTER. "OULL STOCKS OF OUR FAMODS WESTPORT COALBROOKDALE HOUSEHOLD COAL KEPT BY ALL SOUTH CANTERBURY MERCHANTS AND COAL DEALERS, UNEQUALLED .IN THE SOUTHERN I TON WESTPORT I En«»l t., | li TONS OF NEWCASTLE The Westrcrt Coal Co.. LcL Strathalls.il St, Tfanare.
W .T. PALMER, HOErXO &. GF-NTKAL BLACKSMITH •) AND WHEFXVRICHT. - ouitiijj; a Sperialily. Estimates Given for all Kinds of WerL Alvsrs on Sale—Sernncj-hand Ituplcßsccts.
A boon to hard workers* van ocoa la the moat invigorating and refreshing beverage. It not only nourishes the body by repairing waste, but it give* fresh force and vigour, and supplies a healthy stimulant, toning up and strengthening the nervous system. It is as beneficial t6 . health as it is delightful to the taste. * D tin of Van Houten's Cocoa fs always bandy. Don't for&et to order it.
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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 11818, 25 July 1902, Page 4
Word Count
2,021Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 11818, 25 July 1902, Page 4
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