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A riibMt-tinning fictory ia 'projected at IToriot, Olago. Tho London p'ric'o of rabbits in la 6d caok. , ' MrF. Y. Wolsaloy, Sydney, ecolts to patent in New Zjßlund, improvements in biu ohocpshearing machine. . ..< . ■ , . On 'account 'of to-morrow being one of tho racq^days, ealoa nt {.lio South Cantorbury Baloynrds company, Wnßhdykc, will commonco ono houv oarlior than usuul, namely, nt lOtt'm. : 'Mr Harruon, ot tho Winchester '(lour inilis, announces this mprning that tho niillK aro in full operation ngnin. Considerable repairs nnd altornlionß have lately been mndo, and tho milU are now. in first class running order. Work entrusted to Mr Harrison will boiproiiipllj" and carefully attended to. 1 THat'isa " Bporting offo'r "of Viotoria nnd IKow South Wales, to join in eubflcribing JUIO.OOO for a certain Dr Ellis, if his nhont rust spociflo is aucoossful. A " Bporting offor," as ' tho /phrase goos, for thoro h not tho tomotejt.clmnco of thoir being properly called upon for tho money. Rußt no doubt is a plant disonso which will jiold to approprialo treatment of the planto affootcd by it j tho difficulty is to apply any trcdtin'ont supposing a BppciDo wore found. As for ". oztormiuatiog " rual, wo might as wnll oipccfc (o cxtcrminnto the influenza. Ib' npppn'ri to' hn a qunstion of , climato moro than anything olfc, tho constilution_qf (ho wheat jit'.mt being i,ho tccoiid 1 JihjToftaut elumont. Tf tho wnathoi 1 euitfl \Me p!irasito.JtjWill c crpy, hbweyor the Fend or tho j ground moy bo modieatod. ; „ . '

lu cousequonco of the groat fall in flai fibre, several of the North Island companies are going into liquidation.

The Banks in Timaru are to bo closed on Friday next, tho day being set opart ao a special Bank holiday.

Wo remind members of tho O Battery that a purado i3 ordored for this evening. A good muetor ie particularly requested.

Tho anniversary tea in cannection with the Wesleyau Church will be held }.o-morrow oveniug in the Bank Street school room, and a public meeting will afterwards be held in the church. Special musical selectiona will be given by the choir.

The Auckland /iduc.Uion Board's teaching stair havo now beon classified. By the plucing of female teachers in charge of country schools £1,400 m.i saved la:t your, and a further sum of £1,500 will be uwed by an extension of that policy this year.

A Gtizelte notifies that tho Governor has fixed tho lioonKO feo for selling u:ilivo game at £5. Tho license auplioa to wild duck of any spocie3, bitto'rn, piod stilt plovor, dottorell, kakn, n:itivo i-i ; jpon, leal, b!a';k stilt plover, pukoho (s7amp-hen), and wild geese. It will hardly pay eny doaler to tabe out a license

The con/lict of the races is not yet ended. At tho Court at Teniuka on Monday, two lada, Or. L. Collins, pakelm, and Tuina Waaka, Maori, woro fined 5a each for fighting. Collini was stated to bo " boss of a lighting crowd ; " but Tama would not admit his boss-abip. On the way to tho ljek-up ho eiiid "If we not stopped I would done you."

Tho new goldficld in Western Australia, Aehburton, is probably on tho Ashburton river, whoco mouth is n little north of Exmouth Gulf nnd North-west Cape. Our maps do not givo much information about this district, but it i.i further south than K'mborley, and the head of the Aehburton is mnrked " rich graßsy country."

Tho excuraan patty of 50, who went from Auckland to Tiritiri Island on Easter Monday and only gut homo kto on Wednesday nightj hud a pleasant picnio onough, " barring the everlasting rain." Tho lighthouso keepers found them house room, groceries and vegetables, and in rabbits etowed in keroiene tins they found a plentiful meat diet.

A meeting of the Waimate Domain Board was held on Monday last. Tenders had been called for erecting three gates in the domain fence at different places, but as only one tender was received it was decided not to accept it. Tho engineer wbb instructed to attend to aorno repairs to the fence, and there being no othor business the reeofiDg terminated.

A roßeting of tho Waimnto Library Committeo was held on Monday evening. Present — Mr J. Sinclair (ohairman), and Messrs Evans, ff. Watts, P. Jones, W. Petit, A, Watt, and J. Cameron. Mr T. Kennedy, tendored for tho repairs to tho reading room for £13, and his boiog tho only tender it was agreed to accept it. Accounts amounting to £16 17s lid wcro paeEod for payment, and tho meeting closed.

Mr Angus 8. M. "Poison, 8.A., says the Dtinedin Sim; h:i9 beon appointed second master in Waiuiatp High School, where he is to begin his duties on Monday next. Mr PoUon has for the flvo years been connected, with tha Olago High School, first a9 pupil, and afterwards as master. Ho has gained three ocholnrships in succession, besides other distinctions both at school and at the University. Ho leavci many frionds behind him in Dunedin, especially in athletic circles, where hia prosonoo will be grotitly missed.

The South Canterbury Jockey Olub commonce tl\eir autuma meeting to-morrow. Givon Cno weather the racing should bo very interesting, for big field* cro expected for all events. The Major has proclaimed a half holiday for Fridayj 60 that tho attondanco should bo quite equal to Cup Day (to-mor-row). We remind ovruors and tminore that they can get their tickets at the Grosvonor Hotel to-night ; and for general information it ia notified that no cash betting or Kamca of any lund will bo allowed on the

A number of applications aro being received by tho Now South Wulea Doparlmcnt of Mints aud Agriculture from fanners who received cccd whoa!, from tho Government loci year, for nn extension of timo in which to maiio payment. In most caecs tho reason aajigncd for tho application is that the crop? have been destroyed by rust. Tfio wheal locally supplied, mid which was early planted, it. is interesting to note (eaya the Sydney Moniiiirf Ilcraldy hna oacaped tUo diecuso, wLilal that, sent out by tho Govornmout (chiefly New Zealand seed), and which was sown late, hos developed tho rußt. Tho locally-supplied seod was by no means plump and healthy ';, on the contrary, it was much shrivelled, and bore ovory sign of rust. On the othor hand, the New Zealand wheat— South Australian wheat wna avoided becauso of tho provnlonco of rust in that colony — was particularly fine.

Tho committoo oppointod to confer with tho direotoru of tho South British Fire and Marino Inauronco Company, havo issued a report, in which they stato that the vorj heavy' losses o£ tho last six years, havo booD niuinly iluo to tho foreign budneso of the company, tliougli a fow colonial . agencies which should havo shown, under more careful management, and imdor eupoiriaiorj botlcr results, Jiayo also oontributcd to those losacs. In addition to tho losses on the inanranco business propor thoro has boon a further, considerable loss through tho extension of tho company's oporationa in foreign countrioo, by reason of tlio diminishing income, On intero»t account, which hasroaulted therefrom. Tho accounts oxaniined show that had tho exloneion to foreign countries not boon made a regular dividend of 10 per cont. might have boon paid, and a fair margin carriod forward to tho reserve fund.

An inquest was be^d at the Tomuka Courtliouno, boforo 0. A. Wray, Kaq., Coroner, on Monday laot, touching the causo of tho death of Catherine, tho infant daugbtor of Harry und JJridget Lynch. The jury wero Mcssr6 P. Ooirn (foreman), iT. Bcri, O. J. Mason, D, Stewart, 1\ McQUligau, and H. Flatmery. The ovidencp^Wps 'fo the~eut«ct that Iho doceased, a healthy child of tfireo months old, was takori'into bod i»ith its parents on Saturday nigh'ti and was alooping quietly nt about 1 am. When tho, mother woke atiG a.-.n. the child still. appeared to bo Bleeping quiolly, but a short: limo aflorwa/ds when (Mo mothor movnd her blio found licr quito' boad. Tho doctur was aont for, and whon lie arrived at lialf-pait Bovou o'clock, ho was of opinion that tho child had boon dead about (hroo bourn. There wore' nfl murks of violoneo, tho fcaturoa wcro placid, and tlio general nppcarnnco that of iid ordiuany death. Thn doctor stated his belief that doath had resulted from sufl'oca(ion, oausod by tho ehild's face coining in contact wilh the mother's breast. Tho jury returned a verdict, of "accidentally suffocated." 'i .! • ,- ;

Five persons were fined at Toniuka oh Monday for having unregistered dogs.

It is said that, somo doubts nre entertained of tbo validity of the proceedings in the Chri&tehurch I)ioccs:in Synod with tsgard to tlio election of Archdeacon Julius, and it is posjiblo that tho General Synod may bo asked to pasß a special statute to remedy defocts.

Mr Lanco Bays that under Government control there were about eight heads of management for tho railways, and the pooplo had aomo show of appeal ; but that hideous, octogonal-headed monster had been replaced by a triple headed monster, which grinned ufc tho public with a diabolical grin, laugh, and snup, in i(b supremo powor.

Additional particulars will bo found in om 1 advertising columns of the comic opera " Rip Van Winklo," which is to bo produced at flio Thoatro Royal dining sports wcok. Tbo rehearsals aro going on smoothly, and If ading amulciira nro well cast for the chief cluirnutors. Doora will bo open at 7.15, and tho curtain will riso at a quarter to eight.

Tho annual stnoko concert of the Timaru Boating Olub will bo held at tho Club Hotel on Friday evening. Already u fuir number of tickoU. have been sold, and the concert promises to ba woll attended and to be a Rtlin,i onding to what lias been a very successful Bea'son. A feature of the concert will bo tho presentation of prizes — as usual n goodly list. .

The Ken* Zealand Times, in on nrlivlo on 'ho number of gambling houses in Wellington, and the onormous patrontigo they enjoy, says: — This low Btnte of morality is generally ascribed to tho annual gathering of legislators, many of whom are men of yery, indifferent character and low tastes, whoso time is often spent in promoting offences against morality rather than attending to the business of tbo country.

A young lady in Napie.', seeing in tho morning paper that Mr A. P. Sheath hod brought back from Dupedin Lu Grippe, asked a friend to sco if he could not persuade Mr Shealh to lond it to her for a day or two. " Oh," said tho friend, " I know ho will be glad to get rid of it ; bub what do you want it for?" "To play it over, of course ; lalnrayj liko to get hold of a new opera ! "

At the adjourned meeting of tho Tomukii Licensing Committee, which was to bavo boon held at noon ye9lordaT, only two of the members attended, nameiy, Messrs Allen and Meyer. Apologies wore received for nouattendanco fvoai llosara J. Talbot and SI. Quinn. Mr Eaymond appeared on behalf of the mortgagee and licensee o£ tho Tomuka Hotel, and applied for a temporary transfer of the license from Mr E. Foaton to Mr McGuire, which was granted upon payment of tha usual fees.

Tho woll-known Otngo and West Coast explorer and gold proßpo2tor, Mr William Fox, died suddenly on April Oth at Keefton. His funeral waa very largely attended. Though not tho actual discover of tho Arrow field, ho and his party traofcod JfcSregor and hiß party to the spot wboro they wero getting about 2Ooz of gold a day with tho cradle alono. ThiG was in 1862. Tho two parties worked forsomo limo without a rush Butting in, but Foi paid a vhitto the Duustan, and lie was watched and followed. Fox's party .•ecurod 4-Olb weight of gold in two woo!<b, McGregor's 821b, and McCormack's party UOlbic a little over four wcoke.

Tho Rev. J. Chapmun delivered a lecture in (bo Wesleyan Church last evening on "Mission Lifo in Fiji." Tho Hov. Mr Willinnis occupied the chair. 'Ihc audience was a email one, duo mainly to tho fact, no doubt, that rain Bet in ratlier heavily at 7 o'clock and continued till after tho hour for commencing tho lecturo. Mr Chapman treated his 6ubjeet in a Tery masterly manner, drawing a graphic word uicturo of a missioni ary's lifo in islands which aro o£ groat interest tothopcjplo of Now Z.-alaml. The leeturo was illustruf.ed with a number of curios from tho Fijis, which woroexpasod to view on tha platform, and the 11303 of several were explained in passing. At the clouo Mr Chapman was heortily thankoil for his lecture.

The Lt/tlel/oii Tim?s of Monday saya : — An operation of considerable interest was sue; ces«fully performed at tho Chris(ehure!i Hospital on Tuesday laßt. This was tho removal of tho tongue, from a man about fifty years of ago, by ii now process. Tho old plan, it may be explained, was to obtain access to tho tongue by dividing tho lower jaw and laying back tliu two halves. The now pl:m is to make an incision in the cheek from the mouth to tho ear, and to removo tho tongue by moons of two ecraseurs — instruments which cut by the tightening of a wiro loop. One of theso is introduced through the mouth, and the other through tho incision in tho cheek. The operation was so successful that tho patient is expected to bo ablo to leavo his bod on Monday.

'Ihs following description of tho Union Company's now steamer llonawai [appears in a Sydney .exchange i — Tho Union Steam Ship Company's new steamer Monawai >b oxpecled to roach Melbourne shortly from tho Clydo. Tho aionawai is iutended for tho intercolonial eorvico, and consequently will lie a frequont visitor to Sydney. Sbois from Denny's famous shipbuilding yard at Dumbarton, and is described as an exceptionally iino vessel, sowowhat larger than tho Mararoa, (being 350ft long by 42£t beam. Hei- intornal arrnngomenla aro different to tlio other boats of tho line, being moro after Iho American plan, with the accommodation on tho upper deck, thus securing tho lnaxi Imum capacity for both passengers and cargo. The fittings r.ud furnishings of the main saloon nro paid to bo on a most olaborato scale, and quite in keeping with tbo modorn mail boats trading to tho colonies, whilst her powerful triple expansion aru capable of driving tbo now boat ut a spond of over 15 knots per hour. Tho Mormwai is boing brought out from ilomo by Cnptatn Cnmoron, but it is untloratoort that ho will bo succeeded at Melbourne by Captain M. Carer, Into of tho Rotomalmna. Two other etoamerß uro being built for tho company — ono of 2000 loiib, and the other of 1500 tonß — to bo named, respectively, tha Taviuni and Rototino. . „ . ( .,i.. , D. KToG-ttinncas, Railway Rofrcahmnnt Rooms, Timaru. — Lunclieon duily Is, special luncheon on Saturdayß from 12 to 2, Is. A room reaorved for ladies, mid waitress in attondanco. — (Advt.) Tho "I'uril.y" CigurcUes havo taken highest award at Exhibilion. — [Advt]. SYNOPSIS OB" NEW ADVEKTISKMENTf . Perry anil Porry — Notieo ro accounts of Tbnmas Shophotd. Vf. R. sraslin— List of proportion for Bale. j Government Life Insurance Department— I Fncts ri'^ai-iliiiir n rncont claim. S.O.J.a— Nnlioo to owners and (minni-H. PoauDck and Ooanoy— Want tondnrn for S.C. Saloyards Co.— Sales couiincnoo at, 10 a.m. to-morrow. Wesleyan Church — Aiinivoreary tea toniorrow evening, Glanson and Vonroso— La3t dny of. oalo now approiubiug,

Winchester Elonr Mills— lmportant businoss notice. Theatre Royal—" Eip Van Winklo " during sports week. Wanted— One notice.

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Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4819, 16 April 1890, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4819, 16 April 1890, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4819, 16 April 1890, Page 2


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