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Tho annual mfeting of the South Canterbury Athletic Club will bo held at 10.30 this morning. We understand that all tho shops m Tinnru trill bo open the whole of to-day (Wednesday) as ususl. A public trial of the Do Laval cream separator, shown by Mr James Vhilp, ironmonger, will ho held on the show grounds to-day at 3 p m. Twenty-four members of tho Timaru Boating Club are m active training juet now for the committee's fours. The scene at the boatslicd, morning and eTODing, is n lively one. Bomo of our city fathers aro becoming ftshamed of tho borough drainage rclicme. " We had better say no more about it," remarked one of them last night, " we shall talk about it for Iho next 20 years." A young man named David Mcßelh had his arm brokon on Saturday by his horse bolting and coming down with him. Dr Morris reduced tho fracture. Tho accident occurred at Mr Mee's farm about threa One afternoon last week Mr W. Ferrier, accompanied by Mr Young of tho Wolsely hotel, whipped the streams of Winchester, the result being the capture of 12 splendid fish— nut -.1. all a bid basket with the tly. The trout wcro nil m prime condition. Yesterday at the Resident Mtgiit rates Court, Waimate, before Messrs V. Slco and J. Manchester, J.Ps, Rose Lopcr was charged with stealing a lady* Muck skirt, and some underclothing. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was placed under tho Fird Offenders Pro- I button Act for thrco months. Visitors to the chow to-day will Und Mr Gcorgo Hilton's rooms centrally situated, End replete with rcfrcjhmonts of CTery kind. As untilied recently the rooms are entirely r.ewi and not the leait attractive portion of them is which has been specially fitted up forlhe conventenco of lady visitor?. In addition to serving refreshment* at all hours, Mr Hilton keeps a stock of choico confectionery and tho finest fruits.

Yesterday Mr C. Ncwbury, of the Epworth wool works, Temuka, was tho recipient of tho earliest clip for scouring that has yet arrived at Teniuku. The wool i* of good quality, but the owner.* arc nalisliod from past experience tlmt puouring pays if entrusted to reliable men. Il is a sulisf.ielory sign of tho limes that tlic Epworth works, which havo been cjhib'.ished over ten years, should \ui\o required rnlargoment. tbis season. 'Iho shed roam and drying grounds are now cxten«ivo

'Ihe Timaru Naval Artillery assembled at th ratigo on Monday evening last under oir.mand of I.ioulcnnnt Gooch, 10 men niMwcriiig to their iin;ncs. Cupluin-com-mand int Laing-Mcason and Major Newall

wire present, nnd tho company wcro put through vciili-v and independent, firing. Tho weather was fogey, and'his (old ngiinst good shooting, hut the Tollrys were well delivered nnd the independent firing wan very steady. The figure of inorit was 18'S-i.

In this morning's issuo W. Collins nnd Co. hive an advertisement (hut should prove iiiten'.-ting to oil who grow wool, from tho WuiUki to AjhburtOD. They iind-rtakc to clrnn and scour any kind of the vc>-_v dirtiest wool?, so that it will bring the highest prices m Iho local, Auitralimi, or London market). Iheir wool works are well worth a visit from .•i|iiattcrs and sheep farmers. They lire only 10 minufes tlrivc from town, and Mr Collins or hi? manager will b^ most happy to show

nnv rieilors over thorn,

Viiitors to tho show should avail theuiielves of tho o;'p irtunity of inspecting the uriu*iiifi''. - nt rol!ei'li»n of iict and se.nonable grnjds on viow nl Messrs Drummor.d and Ghsion's allractircshop. In the expectation of a largo inllm of oinilry ciMtuniers they havi! spcciul provision ill tho nlm; o of accuring Inree caii'ignmoiits of now drapery, cl.ithin;;, millinery, mantle.', funcy goods, and >o forth. As they are as well renowned m the outlying districts n» m the town, they should hive a very b:i.«v week.

Mr Joseph Hatch has just shippel by his erliouni-r Avrurim from I^jttilton to Ilia tea eh-p'ianl flntion on the Maciiuariu IMands 'I .-(■.. in lioiliiij; dj-.rii )il:iti(. He keeps ten or v dozen men on the nmin isl.tml Io calch unil biil down eca elcphauls, a strange kind of ncnl I hut looks like an elephant with his lejjs ar.d trunk amputated. The men fhcul thr.<c crcalur"'.' when they cmiiic ushurc, cut them up, mil bjil down Ili-ir thick blubber. Hil)u>rl-> Iho reduction hrn been duno m pots mn 1 open llre», und tho uso of n ateam apparatus is pipeelcil to reduce Iho labour and the nut, ns fuel his to be " imported," ;n well nt all stores for the nien'e use.

The 91. Audr.iws Hociely aro doini; their best to ensure tho success of their calhering on iHsl Norember, nnd there is no doubt but that that day will sco a larger palherinß Io witness the i;ii:iir>» of Auld Scotland tlian hns ever bcf'jro assembled at St. Andrews. The ground has been disc harrciwod, fencod m as allowed by tho company, and levelled, and will bo as near perfection at it is possible to muko it. Tho society hare arranged for a special train to learc Timaru on Ibo 21st NoTomber at 1.30 p.m. to suit the inn's of tho townspeople, and it will rctur.i at 7 p.m. Tho eotith train from Timaru will bo delayed 60 minutes on that day. Tho Tinuru Garrison Bdud has beou e»R'K' v '> "'"' Mr D. McLaren's lorpo grain Mor,< has been ore. red for the annual ball on the ere of cporls day. Tlicrii is now on view at Mr Price's saddlery c*t:ihli<limi'tit ii splendid snmplo or what can he turned out m his busincts. Ihis ii ii ?et of carriage harness, specially mado for liic- i xhibiliun, »nd which would havo dona credit (o town and district, but which wo liMrn hns boon purchased by Mr K. Timaru Rhodes. Tho mountings of tho harness were specially imported (o Mr Prieo'e order, »ro mado of tho best close plated super nickel, ornoinentod with » beautiful ehased-work greyhound, to which is to ho added tho crest of liio now owner on silver plate. Tho generally is the best English leather, nil finely hnndstitchwl, tho whole of Ihe work being cicclicnl, slmiTiog |>lalol/ (hill Mr Price is still keeping well abrcusb of the tinu«, nnd llml ho is determined Io keep up his reputation for uritig nothing but good material, Iho best workmanship, land tho tiiicst llni-h In itddilioa t^ tho carriage li-in:tri wo noro also bhown a let of (liWerplutcd tandem harm's', and a let of brait mounted dogcart hnrnew, all tastefully itiiielioil. Mr Price's display ia v lino CEO, and visitors should certainly call end tie It,

Members of tho Timaru Hille Corps wiH find a DOlico of importance to them elsewhere.

Tho Borough Council havo been romisi, m not doing a little to encoumgo the A. and P. Association, by making an entry, There is no class or money priia for such exhibits but tho judges may (jire Awards of Merit. Tho Council should have exhibited, under tho head of Fertilisers, samples of the tllhivia produced m some of tho bye-streets. There is no need of a certified analysis to convince agricultural people of their strength.

A !r.ectinf» of tho Waimato Public Library Truit was held on Monday evening Inst. Thore wero present Mr F. Site (chairman), and Messrs Sinclair, A. Walt, J. Cameron, Mitchell, nnd Jones. It was decided that tho works committee of tho Borough Council draw up a report on the proposed alteration of tho room m tho library. Accounts amounting to £21 11s 3d wcro passed for payment, and there being no other business, the meeting closed. A Napier paper is exceedingly wroth because a dozen frozen meat trucks made at Aldington workshops havo been shipped m sectioca to Napier nnd. put together thero for uso on tho local line. It is tbo more wroth because they arc cliicf'y ir.ide of timber pro- . viously shipped from Napier. Still moro so because not lony ago a Minister promised that us much work fit posjiblo should be doao at the local workshops, and this could have been done there.

An accident of a peculiar and most painful character occurred ot Pleasant Point on Saturday afternoon. While Mi- John Crawford was pursuitis iiis avoi-a'ion of bcotmakcr the threat! which ho was pulling broke, ami the awl which he hclJ m his hand striking upwards lacerated t'no eyelid and wounded the eyeball. Dr Morris whs promptly m ntlcndance. What the pertcancnl injury will be it is impossible to cay, but grave fears are entertained that loss of tight m that eyo will result.

A match between Tinmru C.G. and Warner's Company takes place thi? afternoon Tho following will represent the visitors: — Hembro, Btownrt, Rice, Dccriag, Phillips, Barker, Woods, West, Sciton, Puttmiimi, and Lee. T.C.C.— Jefferson, Melton, Fraser, Anderson, G., 1". Enymond, Chisholm, Matheson, A. C. Perry, Malcolmson, Campbell. Kmergencics — llassell, LcCrcn, Druminond, Christian, Grey. The game will commence at 12 o'clock, un express leaving the Club Uotcl ut I3op m. sharp. Any member of tho T.C.C. m tho nbovo list unable to play is requested to inform the vice captain not later than 11 a.m.

On tho iniimtei of llio previous meeting meeting of Hie Borough Council, it 'bwj fjund that a fourth amendment to a motion was recorded as carried by 6 to 5. After that camel he record nt tho puitiug of the original mytion, for which 8 volcd and 1 nj.iin.-t, nnd the question was ruUcd whether the amendment or tho original was carried. A reference was made to n recent case where amendment lifter amendment mis carried and the urigiiuil llien put, carried, and acted upon. The procedure by-law was reaH, and after some discussion it nm ruled that tin; amendment was carried.

Sergeant-Major Muson received v report yoßlerdav morning from Pleasant Point, that a girl named Susan Thomas, iigcd 13J je;ir*, daughter of Mr John Thomas, IMcamnt Point, was accidontally killed at 8.30 that morning by being run over by a Cambridge roller. The boHr was removed to her parents' house, whoro an inquest vrus held m the afternoon. C. A. Wray, Esq., coroner, presided, and Mr T. Qcancj was ICTidence was given by Tobin, driver of tlio roller, a girl named O'Neil who was also on the roller, by Mr Brosnalmn and Consluble, Stnnlcy. A verdict of accidental de;it'u was returned, no blame hoing ultarhvd to tiie driver.

The Vo i. (ays the Government have entered upon a new educational departure, m Iho matter of officering l!io Permanent Defend" Force. Thoy are not going lo allow any olitrufion from the ranks into the ' hupper suckle' of holders of commissions. The ofilcrrs of the New Zealand Permanent Defence l'orco must form a special c!a«s or caste, admission to which can only be obtained through society, of represented by the Civil Service, and its connections, This idea is that the officers of tho future nro to be specially selected and educated for the petition. To this end certain Tounß Civil ServnnLj, or rcUliona of the Civil Servants, have suddenly been found ])o«M\««i-d of prent inilitnrr promise, nnd hire lren inppinii tcith Imrlilv pulriotie inililnrr nrilonr. Soiuo four of them »re nivordiiißlv tn Ie nppoind-d 'Rcnllemcn r:nlct.-,' mill hit hunt p^srinp through any inferior j,'rnilo«, to ipialiTy tlieiiiielres for ruinmiuut. Two of tlu-m, we believe, arc lo bo sent ilomo to undergo n course of military mul erii'iililic triitiinj: tlierr for n couple of veurs !>■> thai they cim thmi return with the whole lu-inme of war :,l their lingors 1 emif, to instruct, tho New Zealand fortes and netonioli the natives, lite /'"«/, very properly, strongly coiulcnms the " gentleman cudct idea."

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4682, 30 October 1889, Page 2

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4682, 30 October 1889, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4682, 30 October 1889, Page 2


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