Wo once ni.->ro remind owners of Irottiup horses tbat aufriea for Ilia maiden aud acceptances for all other events fall duo this ovening. At tho Diiuti'st Oimrclt (oiuonow evening, Mr W. Ponrose will prea.h, hii subject being " The ntoiiemi'iit by blood a! set forth m the scriptures." Oneof tlioiitlr.uliaiis :il Iho Government courl nl the Kxhibition will be a relief mapof New ZrulatrJ 20ft long, which is being propnred by Sir Juiiifs Hutor.
Th;i Timaru Lawn Tennis Club open the unfon this nfternoon, when members and their fricndii aro expected to ntteiid m largo numbers. Hicoilvut. arrangements have been nude, and lamu splf udid dm euro to bo witncnod. I'luy will eomincnco about ii p.m., and once more we ciprc's the hnpe that I lie wratht-r will be favourable.
A meeting of Iho mombois of tho Gcraldiuo I ilerury nu>l Debiiling Hociely was held on Wedneedny rrcniiig lust. Mr J. Cunningham ccnipicd the choir. There was a guud nltemlaneo. Mr F. Wilson Bir.ith rend a paper on " Government," and Mr H. N. Hi«kern on " Shorlliand," both of which were favourably criticised. Tlio closinjr night of the seii'on will lie. next Wednesday week, when Mr H. W. Mooro will read a paper.
The windows of the 'iheatre Rojnl Cigur Divan have been very tastefully dressed tv readiness for appreciation from visitors to tho shoiv licit week. Mrs Coihcnd Ims hnd Iho dtoi'k adilcd to very nu:ch by new fiiipmeiiU und m addition U> a very full stock of presentation and fancy giods, smokers of the soothing leaf und weed will find an almost iiioihatiitililc supply of special articles to chdoao from. Tho reduction m haircut! ing is found to be a uneeca, both chairs being rndoivud »ith n good busiura*, and tbo completo semce of bathe ii meeting with the patronago it fully deserves.
A well-nllciidcd nu'etinj: of tho Tiiuoru Iflornl and Hortioiiltuml Haaiely wna held lust evening, Mr Ijowis preeiding. Circular* worn read from tho Chriitchurch and Ouncdin aoeinliej, and m roply to that from the lMtcr, Mr Lowe inored, mid Mr fleuloy . rccou'lod, ntiil it was enrrieci :— " That the lion, secretary inform them that tho Timaru Sncii-ty will hare gri-nt pleasure m aetistinp thorn at. one ol Iho Dunedin thoi't eillior m Peccmurr or Sfarcli. Air Langilon trndmnl his rr«ij;m\< ion at a lurmbur of comiailtee, but. it win not nercplpd, mid ho i» to be requested to kindly rrcoi^i<ler lii« decision as it would not bo to tho interctla of tlio society to loic Ilia rnlui»blt> pot\iie>. The utuol nrraogcliienlii were. mnil« for Ihc cul]tx(iv/ii of Biibaurijilioin, Rfcjjira'r. Harris and A. J)r;*-irk being adili-d to tliii list of collectors. Tho lion. d'crcUry (Mr B. H.Loojtb) was r«qiK«6t<xl to writo to ie;oral gentlemen Diking them to act as juclßcafor thcehoir. Iho mcctiug tLcU udjGurn'.J till Kcrcabor l&tb.
In Auckland just now fresh butter ia only 4d, sd, bnd OJ per pound, according to quality up to prime.
A curious combination of industries is that of. a North Island firm who linvo ttarted a iUx mill " m conjunction with "their 100 and heel ploto factory.
Ihe Champion Coppermine, N(I?on, ought to pay for putting through a gold procres now. The owners from first to last Imvo epent £01,000 on and m it, and have not taken a copper out of it yet.
September was a wet month for Toranaki. New Plymouth had 20 wet days out of tin; 30, and Ingiowood 23. The latter hid Iho hcavieat drenching, 1J.12 incites. Rotorua had 12 iuches m 20 days rain.
Tlio grading of tlio etreots (luring tlic dry weather we now lihtu causei great annoynncj to people who happen to livo near whore work m going on, as traffic grinds up the eurfucg into dust, ami tlio wind carricj i'- into the housej. At Fcxlan on Tuesday, n jiirl of about "0 Tears of .i(;» walked deliberately into lli« Uauawatu River, ami tluu 1 out, to *m. A. liont put off to rescue her, but without avail. She wua a tailorcss by trade. It it hciifTcci that lore troubles droTe her to commit suicido. Four m.-n returning to Clsrialcliurch m n liupkv from Bangioru ruces on Thurjday night, drivini; wiiliout li-l.i», rnn iutn n former* sprincdrny. The buggy was smashed, and ono of tlio raon, named Charles Asbbr, stand) n chance of luting hii life, wlnle Iho rest wcro badly sliakcn.
Tlio Victorian and Suulli Australian nilway anlhorilii'i have ngreed to ftic rvtiirn tickets from Ad-hii'le to Mclbourno and bnrit, to people comini over (<» tho Dunrtiin T'lhiliti'jn for C2. 'Ihc ili?t:ituo h about 1-0.1 miies — G<)o each way. OurHuiluay C mmisfioner-i will have to cut down tin- t-.riff a !»ii;« w.y to ei|««l that for chc»]i hiii) travclli'i!;.
Tho Hcfident Ma^ijlrat.- sat. for tw.i ininutea ye'ti-Hny, when the cr.i'j-nclion? Coliett r. Daly, r.lfo llatheivs r. Unly, nn Opihi neighbours' ([imrrcl, were rnllcd on sgain. Coiirsel for the parties announced that a ffttlempr.t hid been arrived nt, one of the terms of whicti was that iilUumir.nnfrs tiiould be withdrawn, nnd His Worihip agreed to Die withdrawal. The fencing ea-c TcscLcmskcr t. Mercer, adjjurned till yesterday was also called, and them being no appearanco it was struck out. Tliis was all (ho business.
A l— .so i? reported from Ynrkthiro of Siamcs.3-I.ain chickens, both perfect except that they were lied teg'therby a bit of ii-sm-brane on t!io wing. A Wuima'e re'iiient a littla whilo ago wanted to know if ever two chickens bid bctn hatched from one fgj, aa be Ji.irt It chickens from 13 egg*. There is no doubt about the Yorkshire cue, the cliickens woro fast together and iiiiitl Imitc come from one egg. The. Waimalo coco is different, and the hen and n Ji'ilf people may make a thing of it. Fourteen chickens from l'J Cp'gs it not the same as two from one A man named Bennetts, VFbo 1 1 a-1 been employed at tho Kaitipoi fac!:ry, sucil ( lie Company for a week's wape>, ;)sj, m lien of nolica. For tha Compjny it, was assovtcl that the custom of tho fnclory was not to fiivi' nor to take notice. On tho ot!n-r limd <\cfcndanl calle.l witnesses from tho factory who suid they would hare to give nntic. 1 if (hey wanted to lean-. Mr Bcelham taii it teemed to him the employees wcra kepthnnging on from day to day, and it appeared (o bo high lime tint the men took mattera into their oi»n hands and had some more equitable ! arrangi'inont, ma le. lie reserved judgment.
Somo ol tlio UKuiibors of the Synod aro exercised m their minis bt-citiic of tho spread of Mormonmn araocjjl the .Maoris. A lr.y member elalod thut at one village lie had visited the whole of tlio natives were Mormons, nnd liad tno white nii?fionarirs amongst thorn. They had :i littlechurrh, wliicli vfns as far nj ho could sco l!ir only painted building m the ncishboHrhood. 3he natives went to church rrgularly and MuriiKiiism appeared lo have a firm hold of them. 110 considered that il vtas to be regretted thai they should b? nlloived to la; tc into this rlite nftir their own iniui'U'ra had been labouring nmong«l them. Bishop Cowie (aid that Iho Mormon movement hu 1 ul«o reached some of their own lining m the Waikato.
A concert U'microd by some friends a« n benefit to Mr 1). Milcli.-ll ir.n lieM m tho Impcriul Hall, Wai-.'.mtc, on Thur«l:«y evening l»» l - l'li»rp w.n a moderate attendanoe. 'Xln' Wiiimalo Hand played (cvfrul (olectiona before thn concert commonced, and mstcrially Bssislcd in incremingtlic attendance! Tho clinir was taken by Mr F. Slco. Song; were contributed by Mrs F. Coctimnc, Mitfo Onitl and McKay, Mca«r» QroTer, A. Hardy, I). Mitchell, Ogicr, Bynn, nnd Colt man. Jfcfjrs t'apstick nnd fTarding pl.iycd the oTiTturei", nnd Jlc3!is Byan nnd Uiitler did n>mo excellent step dnncini?. A furcctln cnlitle:! '"[ho MmqueMdo Hisll," m which Srcssri Mitchell and Kyttn took Ilir loadiuß parts, contributed largely to the amuiement of llio evening, and brought the concert to a rlosc.
A morning between Feven und eight oVlock and blow rlronply all tho forenoon, lor some, lime about nine o'clock nnd nt. intermit wna quilt! n enlc. Tho duM it lifted during tho first two hour: waj eurprifing. The country was almost, blotted out by it, nnd one c(in!'.l hardly Jeo from end lo cud of the breakwater, for duet that camp across Iho bay. About half-pist one the gale lulled, chopped rouml to tho loulli, nml for a while Mew an lmrd at cror from its n.iw quarter, but it was cool nnd loj* unpleasant than the norther. It is worth mentioning perhaps that though the southerly wind blow so strongly MgC'-d cl -.iiids nt no hriplil orcrlioid conlimuv! to (mvi'l fa«t from Die northwenl— iiunv. tlio dirociion of ttn< wind nt thp Fiirfact 1 — for more than half nn hour after I ho dinner.
.4]ir»l«n of the nlleged inMifltcioncr of (lie colonial defences the following opinion of Bir Andrew Clarke is encouraging :— " Correspondents writs airily of ' luring Brighton m salice,' forgetting that it would require more t linn nil llio ammunition carried by our great licet, now aliont to deilroy one tenth of that lown, ond tlml tlio cost would not crcatly differ from that of tlio damage inflicted. If the mvror and corporation of nny Hritirh town vroro found willing to p»y blackmail, they would richly dcecrvo to be hanged ; and T only trust that aomo vcnrrnbla Inn couid bo rukvil up from uur wumiruiH ettituta L'j.fc nliich would enable the execution ti be carried out. A roiupany of rolimkvro would Biifllro to (irercut. the landing of any patty that. ;l cruiser could put ashore, and the only auswer which I can coucoito that auy Knplishman would rcluru to ouch a Kquisiliou ii utiU 1)0, ' Couio 2uJ (ate it !' " !
j We hare pleasure m drowin™ ntienttou to thonotia-by Ttr Morris, of £'l-r.s:int l'mnl. Ur Mi'rri i has been m tome of the principal hospitals m Germany, umongft Mhcr* Erlaujji-n, Munich and Leip-ic, nnd for 12 months ho win on the medical cLiff of the German army. It is »aid that the people of Pleasant Point and district aro very pleased at Dr Morris settling among them.
Tho ni'Mithly tnectirn; of t!ie South Orari Sehojl Committee was lu-ld mi Monday lint, thi-rc boini; prc.«ent Mo-srs M-Lcod (chuirman), Bates, Collie, Batty, und Langdon. Tho following corres poncionce ir,ii dealt with: —
I'rom Jfr Ki(/.jer.ild,ticad:iu)tcr, italinc that ' tho attendance on tho roil was — boys, -Pi ; girls, -10; total, Brt ; aTerai;a attendance to dato— Boy.*, 41 t; girls, US.S; total, 77 U. II- applisd fur leave uf abscne* to attend the University elimination. Leave was grunted. From tho Hoard of Education .•' ineurnucc of hou:c. The cliairinan woi roqueslo-l to attend to the iiull jc. A o.irdiM rot? nf lira'ss wn» pa«scd to Mr Aitkin f>r !,i< !e:titro m ai 1 of the pri/.a fund. 'J lie vi«it'>rs reported that the Behool wa« working aatiifnclorily. The meeting then a'ljournrd.
Iho ttru..'t»r.' by c-Mirit-sy c.illid a
•' pavilion " a' the Amateur Ai!:(.-tic Club's j ground.-' ft ill remains m rm-li v wrtclcJ shila thai it al:iiu»t "tottered nud Ml" -nlion liio ladies wcio atccmting it ilnrii.g tho Hifjh School sports meeting jestcrd.iy. Ilia now msny wccln iincc tho gnlo blew the building ncnrlj insido out, nnd jel rol a penny hai been epent lo maio it evcu temporarily weathor-proof. It wns quite distressing ycalcrday to "iltr-s the cfCslaof the \A\ts t j find iflu-lter during tho thowon of h.a-l, and aa | nnpiUcr g ,Jhcrir 3 U to be hpld 0:1 Hie ground
alierllv i' is to bo hoptd th-il li,- .iiitliorltic-i>, whorv.r they - ntlil (i.; c-h.1., crkkot clv'>, trotting club, or iur;p <,t!,cr club - will have the. place ro-jfc.l m, and the cistern end made
• ivurc Sercral )-ro|>li i;i eomplniiiir.K to n« uf thestiito of l';o buildins: had n-i idea that it was st bad ; had they fcn.iwu it thrj wotild nut have ventured to Ilia ground m ouch wiathcr.
JlrT. Wog..'i.lT, bno'.:sollor nnd stationer, lm« ju>t oponc.l el fliijimont of " fine art book!ct»," whivh nrc to liha t!ie plueo tin's year of tho well known Cliri-tmns curds. By invitation we iiai! ;; 10->k at tho rcw goods yesterday, and as they are quite as unique and quite as rcasonabloin price as cards, wo prcili"t a pood talo for tUcm. In all there, ore 4:! v-irietic?, nnd as sonic nro arranged m serif* lbi>y will bo rcrf weleamo. In the "Hon^s f Scotland" the pitturcj are very ehnstp, or.d the lelterprr-n explicit; "ttH round the yenr " are choice, ns n-e nlso the songs acd ekelchcj m t!in " morninp, ni- •», eventide, and night" series. "Hie Brighter
Day, licit m the Lord, .Around tho Throne, and Flowing Ti<K\" are wlmt mii»lit he appropriuteh' called a Sunday School serirs, tbc ill;islration« being beautiful, und reading se'ected and refined. Alpine Summits, and Sunlit Pnys nre cicecdingly nppropriito to
Pouth Canterbury, nn'i tho (cries of country and river skelch.'S nrc very choice. Ibo Japanfio fnirv tales, eucli tij trio Slouje's
Wcddinp, f.n;l the Old Songs of llome, the latter clover etits, cjmpriso the humourous collection, and it will altogether be seen, that all t:i«les hnrs been well provided for, as w*ll as t!ie Tsrjinj length of roop'o's piirics.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4679, 26 October 1889, Page 2
Word Count
2,223TOWN A COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4679, 26 October 1889, Page 2
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