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The annual mooting of thoLovolsLiconiina Committee spill bo hold at the Resident Magistrate* Court, Timaru, at noon, to-day. Our readers' will wo aro sura be glad to learn that tho Be?. W. Gillios, who hus been soriously ill for sovo.-ni dnyo now, has talion a Uirn for tho better, und that overy hopa is •eutortained that ho will sion bo able to lcavo ■ room. Tho Geraldino membxm of t.1.0 "Wailii Football Club bad il practice- m tho dnmui'i <>» Thursday afternoon last. Side* were clioecn by Moms Millavd and J. ,T. Hiskons, there being ton a Bide. After a cnpital gnmo Hislicns' tidd won by 12 points to I.

A conrei t and daneo is to be hold at Wai-iti m aid of tbe school funds on the 13th inst. An excellent programme has been provided. Major Steward invites the electore of Waimate to meet him next week— at Glcnili on the 12th, St. Andrews on the 13th, and Vv'aimate on the 14th. In the Australian cables published by ub on Thursday last, under the heading cf " Australian Slarkotß," for " Potatoes, New Zealand, £5 5s ; Circular Heads, £7 ; " road £■1 5s and £5, respectively. On Thursday evening last Mr J. Aitkon, 8.A., gave a moat interesting lecture m aid of the funds of the Literary Institute m the Oddfellowß* Hall, Geraldino. Mr H. W. Mooro occupied tho 'chair. There was but a small audience. The subject chosen wa?, " Water," which the lecturer handled m a most hdlo rounncr. A football malch between the Timaru High School and Pioneer Football Clubs came off on Thursday afternoon, on the High Bchool grounds. On account of the small mujtor of the Pioneers the game was not nearly so good as it might have be'en, each team playing with only eleven a side. During tho first spell, Collins made some very good runj for tho High School, securine two tries, neither of which resulted m goals. The Pioneers scored nothing m the first spell. Tho High School were also tho only scorers m tho oenonn 1 spell, Collins securing another try. Tbo school thus won by three tries to nothing. The Deputy Assignee m Bankruptcy, Mr W. C. Be3oick, was busy all yesterday con ducting an examination into the affairs of Waller and Co., bankrupts, and some very peculiar disclosures have been made. Aftor tho examination of Waller it was resolved that the Deputy Assignee should at onoo tako possession of the premises and that an inventory be made of tho stock by Messrs WagstatT and Hughes. The further examination into the affairs of the company was ordered to be tranforred to tho Superior Court of Bankruptcy at Christchuroh. The Assignee took posee.'sion of the shop yesterday. A report of the meeting of creditors appears elsewhere. At tho Wairnato ' Resident Magistrates Court yesterday, before his Worship the Mayor, MrF. Slee, and Mr J. Manchester, J.P.s, Alexander Frew was charged -with being drunk m a public placo on the previous day. An application was ruado by Sergennt Gilbert for a prohibition order forbidding the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor to the defendant for twelve months, on tho ground that ho was injuring his health by exceseive drinking. A fino of 20s was inflicted, or 24 hours' imprisonment, and a prohibition order issued as applied for j copies of the order to be served on the licensees m Waimate borough, Deep Creek, and Makikihi licensing districts, and to the licensee of Waihao Forks Hotel. One of tho most successful meets of the Waimate County Harriers this season was held at Mr F. SI. Ricknian's Reserve Farm, near Waimate, on Wednesday last. A capital breakfast was provided at Mr Rickman's homestead, niter which the hounds were taken to the reserve about two miles distant. A hare was soon etartcd, and led m the direction of the town, where she was run into near Mr John Manchestor'3 house. The fcncei were very c-loeo together, and tho jumping was good. After another short run the hounds wero whipped off and taken back to the homestead for tho night. About 40 horsemen and several horsewomen attended, and all were well aatiafied with their day's outing, and especially with thi hospitality of their host and hostess. The annual mealing of the Hakaleramea Licensing Committee was held m tho courthouse, Waimato, on tho sth instant. Present — Messrs Hayes, Oliver, and Stewart. Mr Hayes was re-elected chairman. A letter from Mr Douglas, stating that ho was unable to attend tho meeting, was read. A letter was read from tho Justice Department, informing tho committee of the appointment of raemberi to tho licensing committee. Tho police roport for the quarter was found satisfactory. Applications for rcnowals were recoirod as follows : — Publican — J. Henderson, Glencoo Hotel ; and J. Molloy, Terminus Hotol, Hukatcrarnea. Accommodation license — D. Macpheraon, Waihao Forks Hotel ; and a new accommodation license by James Falconer, Redcliff, (junr.). Tho opplications wero all granted. The feo for conditional licenses m the district was fixed at .Gl per day. Tho meeting then terminated. A remarkablo mirage was noticod at Pihama during !ust week on several occasions, m the early morning (Bays tho Rawera Star). One gentleman repeatedly saw visions of shadowy galloping horses m tho misty clouds near tho horizon, and on looking across tho plain m another direction ho saw a mob of Maori horses, whoso forms ho supposod wero thus rcllectod and distorted m the eky. Out toward tho sea a forcßt-clad island was distinctly visible, nnd was thus Boon and noticed by many members of tho household. Upon another occasion mirago images of houses and castles could bo seen near tho mountain, and perhaps the most remarkable of all the phenomena was tho appearance of a tall stone tower reaching to a great height m the clouds undomoalh Mount Egmont. Tho Maoris, nho had also noticed theee mirages, described to him how they had all soen and watched the progress through the clouds of a ghost-like canoe, manned by tho form 3of many toiling giant Maorin, who rowod through tho mists with great vigour, and m a most uncanny wraith-like stylo. An adjourned meeting of the committco of tho Geraldino County Fruit-Growers Association was held m Geraldino on Wednesday evening last. Mr B. B. Macdonald, tho president, occupiod tho chair. The socretary laid tho printed rulos before tho members and distributed them. An alteration was made m rule !i, the committee to consist of ten, instead of fivo us printed. The chairman opolec at Homo length on the advisability of holding a public meeting at which tho objects of tho nfsociation could bo brought before those present. Messrs J. Williams, J. Pye, and J. Cunningham took part m tho discussion, and ultimately it was decided to hold a meeting shortly for the purposo m tho Oddfollows' Hull. Iho chairman stated that General Btrange,*who liad recently arrived m tho district from America, had informed him that there was a Bplondid market for fruit m CanaHa, and ho (tho chairman) suggested that Gonoral Btrango should bo invited to bo present at tho public meeting, should ho bo m the district at tho dato on which it wns to bo held. Tho secretary rend a letter inserted m the Nrin Zraltnd Farmer, written by Sir J, l'yo, on tho small birds nuisance Mr Cunningham suggestod that boys should obtain birds' oggi", and tho apsociation pay a certain price for them. The matter was Imlcl over fur Iho present. It was resolved that Sir J. Cunningham be v member ot committee iv tin: placo of Mr A. Spenco, resigned. Several ptnniis joined Iho association during tho evening. The inectiDg then terminated.

Attention is directed to n ler.ders advertisement by tho South Canterbury Refrigerating Company, particulars of which are given m another column. At the inquest on tho body of Hawkins, murdered near Wellington, Dr Cahill described 22 separate stubs on the trunk, besides " several" on the arms. At the Baptist Church to-morrow evening the Rev. 0. C. Brown will toko as his subject, "A blind prophet who could see through the disguise of a Queen, &nd announced to her heavy tiding!." A Tory pleasant entertainment was given on Thursday m tho Oddfellows' Hall, under the management of the Primitive Methodiat Band of Hope. There was a good attendance, and a, long programme of music, recitations, dialogues, and dramatic sketches by members of the Band of Hope and friends was gone through. Tho entertainment proved very enjoyable. In the absence of the Kov. W. Woollass, who was too much indisposed to attend, Mr Hilton toot tho chair. Miss Williams rendered valuable assistance as organist. The annual meeting of the Mackenzie Licensing Committee was held at Fairlie Creek on Thursday, 6th Juno. Preser.t — Messrs J. I. Milnn (chairman), S. B. Diekson, P. E. Gillicgbam, M. McLcod, and It. Allun. Tho following renowals were granted : — Publicans' Licensee — A. O. Gilmour and J. Kgan, Fairlio Creek. Accommodation Licenses— John Poro, Albnry j Donald McLeod, Burkes Paes ; Donald McMillan, Lake Tekapo ; Kobert Biddle, Fukaki ; and F. F. 0. Huddleston, Hermitage, Mount Cook. A new application was received from Philip Stock for an accommodation license for the Silverstroam Hotel. A numerously signed petition was received from residents m the district m favour of tho granting of this license. License granted. A special meeting of the Timaru Mechanics Institute committee was held m tho library list night for the purposo of considering the replies to a circular lately issued concerning a fancy dress ball. The members present wcro Messrs M. White (m the chair), liaymond, Virtue, Knubley, Marchant, Bamfield, P. P. White, Butland, Homey, Wilson, Cullmon and Qillman. A largo number of replies were received, only two or three of which were unfavourable, thn reet promising liberal support. The following gentlemen wrro appointed a committee to mako all neccßßary arrangements : — Messrs Knubley, Bum Geld, P. P. White, Saymond, and Marchant. The committee were unanimously of opinion that tho ball will be an immense success. Some discussion took place as to a proposal to get up an opera, m aid of the funds during tho month of Oetobor. It was decided not to proceed with tho matter at present. Touching tho Electoral Bill to be introduced next ecßsion Mr Fisher told his constituents ho was directly and distinctly opposed to the Hare system. That cyst em was like national arbitration for the suppression of war, temperance, and land nationalism — porfoct and unanswerable on paper, mid utterly impoEsiblo m practice. It asked you to elect a man you never Baw before. A man might be an excellent essayist, but the biggtßt fool you ever saw when you came to meet him. The Hare system gave no chance either to o new man or n young man ; ho himself might havo been fighting away all his life, until he was gray-headed, ho would not say bald-headed — (Mr Fisher is ba'.d headed) — and ho would never havo been elected. Just at that moment Mr Fisher lifted his hand, m accordance with an old habit, to his head, and added impressively, " I certainly never would have been olected on the Hare system." 9he applause and laughter which greeted this doubly unquestionably truthful statement stopped tho progress of the speaker for quite o time. In a roport submitted to tho Wellington Hospital Trustees, tho resident medical officer, Dr Ewart lato of Timaru, says:— "l think tho infectious theoryjof consumption is now recognised by most authorities on tho subject. It has been proved that consumption is due to the growth andimulti plication m tbo body of what is called bacillus. By tho aid of the uvcroscope we can discover the presence of the bacillus m the expectoration of consumptivo poreons, and it has been proved by experimenting upon animals that if this sputum is injooted into the lungs of animala which are m a poor state of health, it will give rise to consumption m thoselanima's. In a hospital ward the infection may be convcyod m the following way : — The consumplivo patient spits upon tho floor, and the sputum becomos dried. Next morning when it is being swept some of tho driod sputum is diffused into tho atmosphere m the form of powder, which powder still contains tho living bacilli, This may be inhalod into the lungs by tho patients, and thosa being as a rule m a low state of health, the bacilli find a suitable Boil to grow and multiply themselves upon. Thus Tho verdict of all who have used the "Jumbo" brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutritous and digestive bread, cakes, pastry, etc. As tho ingredients are of the finest qualities, and no injurious elements ore used m tho preparation, bread, etc , made with this powder will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other powder. Ask for Anderson's " Jumbo " brand Baking Powder. — [_Advt.] SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. M. Riokman— Sells stock on 10th ; hor3cs on loth inst. N.Z. toan, Timaru — Sale of stock on 10th j sheep on 11th infit. J. Blundell and Co— Notioo of stock aalca ; drapery, etc, on 15th inst Major Stoward — Addrossos electors next wook. Goo. Poarson — Business notice. Miles, Archor and Co — Cull for tenders for goreo work. N.Z. Loan, Eakaiti— Hold largo Halo on 13th hint. Kornohan, McCahon and Co — Aro holding clearing salo. Wni-iti— Concert and dance on IMb inst. W. S. Mimlin— Salo of fruit trees, otc, on 11th inst. Baptist Churoh— Sorvii'Pß for to-morrow. Mr Rhodes— /Vddrossss electors on 15th inst. Hiph School bourd— Huvo money to lond. Collins and Co— Soil sundries, this day. Oracio, Maclean and Co-Stock salo ou 10th inst. Bloss Jonas — Auction at Newmarket Yards, ou 11th inst, Tnrnnull and Son— Poultry, hares, nmt sundries for ealo, to-day. Wftntcda — T%vo notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4560, 8 June 1889, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4560, 8 June 1889, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4560, 8 June 1889, Page 2


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