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SOUTH CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. First Bay— Wednesday, May sth. Stewards— T. Hnll, 51. Jonas, E. G. Kerr, D. Maclean, A. Perry, R. 11. Rhodes, jiin., R. E. Taylor, A. St. a. Uamersley, J. W. Wh'to, W. S.|Armilago, B. Kichardson, jun., 0. N. Orbell, and T. Tcschemakor ; Judgo, M. Studholine ; Starter, R. Rutherford ; Clerk of the' Course, R. Stansell ; Clerk of the Scales, \J. R. Staneell ; Handieapper, G. Dowse ; Treasurer, B. G-. Korr j Secretary, F. W. Cook. Onco moro tho annual racing carnival of Bouth Canterbury has come round, but m all justice wo cannot compliment tho 3.C..1.C. on tho success of their autumn meeting this year; nt least bo far as tho first day's races nro concorned. Tho races themselves wero really first-class with an exception, and wo question very much if ever there has boon bucli nn oxciting Mcc seen on any courao m t his colony as took placo over the Cup yesterday. But it is from an attendance point of view, and consequently a financial one, that tho meeting lacked success. To account for the attendanco being only fair we must chiolly blame tho weather, which was certainly not at all promising, though no rain fell after mid day, and, thereforo, did not spoil sport. Tho morning, howover, broke dull, and wns ushered m by that exasperating drizzle, Scotch mist, call it what you will, that puzzles all weather prophets and makes them "screw" up their eyes and give ono that unsatisfactory answer, " Well, I think it will turn out fine." Well, tho weather did turn out fine, but, perhaps, rather too late for many people to inako up their mind to take a run out to the course Various other things might bo stated also as being against tho club, notably the fact that but vory fow of the shops kept tho time honoured halfholiday. However, all well wishers of tho clvb — and they aro legion — hope to see Friday's races successful from all points of viow. As usual a large number of people traTelled by tho special trains, which were run punctually to lime-table hour*, nnd m which passengor comfort was well looked after by our courteous Station Master (Mr Jos. Jones), and the attcntivo Foreman of the Locomotivo Department (Mr Verdon). The road, considering tho stato of it after the late wet weather, wus also well patronised, on it being seen vehicles of all sorts and sizes from the handsome six and four-in-hands down to tho small but comfortablo looking pony carriages. The arrangements on the course reflocted great credit on tho stewards, and thu grounds generally looked woll after the recent rains, the plantations and trees along tho drive especially being pleasant to gaze upon. The going wn3 very heavy indeed, pools of water having to bo galloped through at tho. back of tho course, and the track was considerably cut up by tho time the last event had been decided. Messrs Hobbs and Goodwin had two totuiisators at work — one inside and one outeido tho lawn fence — and succeeded m putting a grand total of £1899 through during tho day. Tho dividends wore not exceptionally large, the best being £5 lid paid out on the Welter Handicap from the outside machine^ Mr D. JlcQuinnees had the booths, and also provided a good luncheon, to which full justice was done. Although a large force of " hurdy gurdy, thimblo-rigger, and card trick " men wore on tho course, they had to eonfino their attention to legitimate business,- as Inspector Broham was present . with a largo staff of assistants : nnd kept alt m ordor. His men also assisted m keeping tho course clear. As usual tho officers all worked Lard to make the meeting a success, and Mr F. W. Cook tho Club's painstaking secretary must be.specially thanked for the courteous way he treated tho Press representatives. . • Sport commenced a few minutes aftor ono o'clock with tho Timaru Hurdlo race, for which the six acceptors went to ,scalo. All of them looked very fir, hnt-Mie old. favourites Secretary and Trapper carried rather too much weight for Biich a JieaTy courses The win was rather a surprise. i\nd .created tremendous excitement. At-tho rails, Faugh-u---ballagh, who led from the ' jump', was being rapidly overhauled by Bordorman, and as the latter gamely spurted jiiat r beforo reaching the poßt, it was" thought nohad won However, the judge gavo his decision m favour of the gelding by a short neck, and although many still contended that the horao won, this decision cannot be questioned, as no otbor man on the course had the samo opportunity of seeing tho horses as he had. T':e District Plate was won by Messrs Hobbs' llolvillo, a very well put togothor thrco year old, bred by Mr Do Renzy, of Winchester. The winner is a son of handsome Daniel O'fiourko, and possesses most of the excellent qualities of that famous sire. Old Tim wns stripped far this iaoo also, but despite tho fact that ho was well rfdden, ho could not hold the young'un, to whom ho was conceding 91b. For tho Cup four woro led out of the saddling paddock, each of whom carried a lot of money. All were m tho pink of con* dition, and wero much admired as thoy did a breather before the judge. Tho favourite was Captain Webster, and he fully repaid tho conference reposed m him by winning rather comfortably by over a length. Captain Webster is by tho famous Bt. Albana.and was brought over from Australia some four years ago. Ho is named after our gallant harbour master, who commanded the Bteamer that brought him over. Tho horse is a remarkably powerful ono, and is a perfect artist on a heavy course, being posjessod of tremendous quarters and strong foroarins. Tho Welter Handicap proved quite n gift to Miss Lyle, who mis never called on to extend herself, as most of tho other horses were left at the post. .The Flying Handicap -was won easily by Athol Daisy, and -what to all appearance -was a decent race, was completely lost to view owing to it beiug run off m tho twilight. Results — Tisiaru Hr/UDLE Rack, a handicap of 80 eovs ndded to a eweepstabo of 2 soys each for arccptors ; second Jiorao to rcecivo 10 soya, and the third 5 eovs from the stakes ; about 2 miles. Mr P. Butler's b g Faugh-a-ballagh, aped, lOst 71b (Butler) 1 Mf ssrs M. and C. Hobbs' b h Borderman, 6yra, list (Mazongavb) 2 Mr D. Rutherford's .b g Irish King, 4yrs, lQsfc&lb (byford) 3

MrH. D. Bradley's b m Polly, Ost 61b (W. Mitchell) 0 Mr W. W. Grconers's eh g Trapper, aged, list (Cotton) 0 Mr J. Higgins' eh g Socretary, aged, list 21b (D. Mitchell) 0 The six horses coloured on tho card sported Bilk for this ovont, and much interest was croated m tho paddock by watching tho various Lorse3 saddled up. -ill *" pro Ted " capitally with tho exception of Polly who went over rather sluggishly. At tho fall of the flag Faugh-a-ball:>gh m hod to tho front and soon had a lead of several lengths. At tho turn into lho straight the gelding was still leading, next coming Irish King, Trapper, Polly and Socretary, Bjrderman whipping m. On getting over tlio liurdlo m tho straight Polly past all but Irish King, and Trapper ran up third. In this ordor they took tho hurdloin frontof the stand, and us Trapper knocked the timber there about considerably a broad gap was niado, which the riders were not slow to tako advantage of. Bound tho back Faugh-a--bullngh still led, and though Cotton made a game effort he could not get on terms witli him. Turning into tho straight fof homo Uorderman commenced to como through, and catching lolly about tho rails, soon disposed of her, and also of Irish King. Mazengarb thon called ou Borderman. but he did not eoino until near tho' judge's box, when ho made a tremendous bound forward. Too late, however, for Faiigh-aballagh had passed tho poßt a short neck m advance, a win which wns greeted with great applause. Had Borderman como steadier down tho straight, and been called on a littlo sooner, tho rosult might havo been different, aa ho showed great pace at tho finish. Irish King wns a fair third, nnd Polly and Trapper finished fourth and fifth respectively ; Secretary being hopeleesly out of tho hunt. Tota'isitors — Insido, £152, £32 on tho winner, dividend £4 5s j outside, £143, £31 on tho winner, dividend £4 3s. Distbict Plate, a handicap of 40 soys; hoMes competing for this event must havo been owned aud trained by residents^ of South Canterbury, viz, between the* Rangit.ata and Waitaki rivers, four months previous to dato of meeting ; 1J miles. Messrs M. and C. Hobbs' b g Melville by Daniel O'Rourko—Nancy, agod, 3yrs, 7st7lb (White) 1 Mr C. A. Jefferson's b It Tim Whifller, aged, Bst 2lb (Blackmore) 2 Mr J. Doulcy's br g Cicero, 3yra, Gst 51b (Cochranc) 3 Messrs M. nnd C. Hobbs' b g Jack, Syrs, Ost 71b, wa3 scratched. Only the trio named faced Mr R. Rutherford, and after a littjo delay at tho post caused by Tim being averse to joining the other horses, ho got thorn away nicely. Cicero at onco showed tho way, closely followed by Tim, Molvillo lying n couple of longths off. At the bock Tim ran up alongside of Cicoro, and they raced Bido by side to the homa turn, whero Mclvillo joined them. Whips were then laid on Tim Whifller and Cicero, and although lho former gamely responded ho could not hold Molvillc, who answered White's question satisfactorily, and won without much effort by about n length and a half; a good third. Time—2min 54scc. Totalisators—lnside, £K5, £57 on the winner, dividond £1 J3a ; outsido £115, £53 on tho winner, dividend £1 19j. TiMAnif Cve, of 200 bov9, added to a eweopBtakes of 3 soys each for acceptors j second horso 25 soys, and third 10 sovb from tho stakes ; 1J miles. Mr J. Stcphonsou's b h Captain Wobator, by St Albaus—Pussy, 6yrs, Bst 21b (Sharp) 1 Mr O. Rutherford's eh li Master Apncs, 5yH, 7H 71b (White) 2 Mr P. Butler's b c Tit Bit, 3vrc 7st 01b (Stratford) 3 Mr J. Cotton's b c Hermitago, 3yrs, Bst (Derrilt) 0 Mr J. B. Pilbrow's b m Mermaid, nged, Gst 71b, was scratched. In the absence of any open betting, it may bo interesting to give the totaliaator figures on this event, as follows : — Ineido—£l37 on Captain Webster; £7Don nermitogo j £46 on Til Bit; £73 on Master Agnes. Outside —£llo on Captain Webstar; £70 on Hermitage ; £50 on Tit Bit; £G5 on Master Agnes. As Mr Pilbrow put tho pen through Mermaid's name only tho quartetto named saddled up for thi3 event, the Bliio Ribbon of tho S.C.J.C. meeting. As they wero getting the finishing touches put to their toilets an eager crowd watched each horso, ond the merits of each and all wero freely canvassed. The preliminary canter over, tho machines woro eagerly rushed, and Captain Webster very soon had a century put on him. Cotton's colt was much fancied owing to tho fact that that finished horsoman Bob Derritt had the mount, and next him m favour came tho gamo chestnut Master Agnca. Tit Bit was tho least fancied as ho looked too light to foot it with tho others on euch a heavy course At tho first attempt Master Agnos got away solus, but White soon turned him back. At last they got awiy grandly, tho chestnut ngain doing tho piloting. Past tho stand the first timo the order was —Master Agnes, Captain Webster, Tit Bit, Hormitago. J hey raced m this order round the bend to tho back when Captain ran up to Agnes, and Hormitago closed on Tit Bit. They raced thus pair and pair, till tho home turn, when Tit Bit joined tho leading pair. At the rails all but Captnin "Webster -n-oro getting punished, but all efforts- wero fruitless as tho horso named won splendidly by a littlo over a length. A vory good third and fourth. Tho rnco was a grand ono from tho fall of the flug to tho judgo's post, but Captain Webstor, dcapitc his steadier of Bst 21b, hnd a course that suitod him all to pieces, and consequently had it pretty well hia own way. Dividends —lnside, £2 4s ; outsido, £2 Bs. Tho following tablo shows the winners, etc., of tho Cup sinco 1877 : —

•Altered from two and a quarter to one nnd three-quarter miles. Welter Handicap, of 30 sots ; C furlongs. Mr J. 13. Pilbrow's br m Kiss Ljlc, fijrs, Bat 71b ... (Owner) 1 Mr 11. D. Bradloy's b m Hoee and Gold (lute Busybody), Bst Sib ... (Wliito) 2 : Mr J. E. Filbrow's b m Morrnaid, aged, ; : 9sfc 71b (McQuinnes^) 3 Mr J. Nupier's b r Wee Roddic, Oyrs, Ost 51b ; Mr F. Lambert's br f Cnmerino, Byrs, I Bst 3lb j and Mr J. Doolcy's br f» Cicoro, Syrs, '. Bst, also went to tlio post. i Mcssrß Hobbs' b 1\ Borderman, Gyrs, lOst 121 b, and Mr A. Boyle's br f Vanity Fair, i 3yra, D;t7lb weroicnitched. I " This rnco was a completo boil over ; or, ] rather fiasco. After two breaks away' in i which Hie colours of Miss Lylc wero con- ■ spicuoiis, the flng fell, and all the horses, but , tlio thrco namod abovo wero left at tho post. ] Pilbrow on Miss Lylo enme nlongat a tromend- i oils pace, and after tho riders on Bosa and j Gold and Mermaid had Blightly hesitated i they gave chase. It was too late, however, ] for Miss Lyle had by this time a big lead, | and won very comfortably by severul lengths. . | The judge hesitated beforo hoisting the num- 1 j

bcrs, m order to speak to Mr Rutherford. After doing co, ho gavo his decision as recorded. Totalisatora — Irmdo £1?8, £45 on the winner, dividend £3 19a ; outside £136, £22 on tho winner, dividend £5 lla. Selling Hack Race, of 10 soya ; no weight under Bst ; 1 milo. Mr Stownrt's Laurijton ..■ (Sharp) 1 Mr Warner's Idalia (Mason) 2 Mr Lambert's Jenny tind and Camerine wero also entered, but were too lato to get to the post. A pood set to resulted between Lauriston nnd Idalia, resulting m a win for the former by a baro length. Totalisators— lnßido £32, £20 on the winner, dividend £1 8s Gd ; outside £27, £17 on tho winner, dividend £1 8s fid. Flyino Handicap, of 40 soys ; 6 furlongs. Mr H. D. Bradloy's b m Athol Daisy, 6yrs,7sfc3lb (Whito) 1 Mr A. Boyles 1 b f Vanity Fair, 3yrs, 6st i 121 b.: (Myers) 2 Mr 0. A. Jefforson'a b h Tim Whifflec, aged ... ... .., (Coehrano) 3 Mosbi's Hobbs' b g Jnck, syrs, Bst 41b (Blackrnore) 0 Mr J. E. Pilbrow's br m Miss Lyle, syrs (Parker) 0 Mr J. Stopbcnson's Captaiu Webster, syrs, Ost, was scratched. At a quarter-past fivd or exactly tlireoquarters of an hour after the appointed hour of etarting, tho horses named left the saddling paddock, and owing to fiddling at tho post a quarter of an hour was wasted there. It was thin too dark altogether to mako out the various colours worn by the jocks, and also to tell when onco tho flag fell which horso was leading. So far as could bo Been Miss Ljlo had tho worst of the Btart and never regained the ground thus lost. At tho rails Athol Daisy drew out and won easily by a length. Totalisators— lnside, £228, £67 on tho winner, dividend £3 Is ; outoido, £133, £35 on the winner, dividend £3 Bs. This raco brought the first day's sport to a termination. FRIDAY'S RACES. Tho following aro tho weights and acceptances for the handicaps on Friday : — Handicap Hukdlbs; H "miles. St. lb. Borderman 11 3 Secretary ... ... ... ... 11 0 Faugh -a-ballagh 11 0 Trappor 10 7 Irish King 10 2 S.C.J.C. Handicap ; It miles. St. lb. Captain Webster 9 0 Uerniifago ... ... ••■ ••• 8 2 Tit-Bits 7 12 Jack 7 9 Athol Daisy 7 5 Wintbb Oats j 1 milo. at. lb. Jack 10 5 Vanity Fair 9 0 Mormaid 9 0 Tim Whiftler 8 12 Miss Lylo 8 7 Rose and Gold 8 5 Cicero , 8 0

TIMARU COP. ccodoggdodgdooccodOo "Vrnr CO CO 00 00 00 00 00 -J ~J M x mi. si, 0 ■ ■ O t* 1-9 H3 M 2R td a H O I a § gg s . ■i^i-l-i-fs-f fs* .1 MdioOMOWßenens: g; 8853835538 H ~>» M M CO 13 *-OT » p.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3618, 6 May 1886, Page 3

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3618, 6 May 1886, Page 3

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3618, 6 May 1886, Page 3


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