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■ President— Mr R. Rutherford ; VicePresident — MrW.B, Armitage ; Judge — Mr '■ I. R. Jones ; btowurds — Moeers K. Mmith, J. Melton, W, Gr. I rummond, J, Hardcastle, '■ sen., J. Howey, J. Matthons. B. K. Hibbard, ' Vt . , Shorwin, M. Oentloinun, J. Miiklo, D. Mahouev,, O-. Nawey, J. Smith, jun., H. O. Wedewll, J DoUgliis ; Hturter - ;Mr H- Gardner t Clerk of tho Scales— Mr W. ' Gunn s Clerk of ■ the ' oursu Mr B. Bton- < -ellj Trcosum' Mr T. R. Jones 1 Official Timekepper Mr R. Ferguson 1 liandiuappprs i— 'l'liD C'ouamitteo. Honorary Secretary— Mr W Collins. , ■ . . The third annual Summer meeting of the T mam Racing lub took place on the course, Wtuihdyke, yesterday, and, was very sudcei'Sf d. : Iho morning broko clear and fine, and gave prutnise of a glorious duy, which promise was amply fulfilled. I lie sun ahono out beautifully all day,, and a light broezo from tlie northeast teuipeiod the host suiliciontly U> make out-door life vory enjoyable, iho attendance, however, was not no largo us at last Hummer meeting, and to account for tliis is' mtlioi* a hard task, fov tlie ■• bill of fare " was such o» showed an improvement on former ye*rs. Wo suppose, however, as tbo day was suah a flue one many people went picnloking and so the attendanuo at tho racos was ro.lueod. I'lioaii who patronised tho racos certainly enjdjed tllomeolvo», for the racing takon ajtiogether was Very good. The {-towards worked hard and got the several events off fairly punctually, and the Cleric of the Softies a|)d Juil«o did thoir work courteously and veil. ' Iho . Starter however, was hardly c»roful en nigh m one or two races j —notably tho Oup^-in getting; his hones •;i»wky, trat tki» v»s no dtAibi dab tt>'

the horses themselves, for m nearly every 1 race they wero unusually fidgety. We wore glad to tea Mr R. Stansell once more m pink, and it is almost unnecessary to add that he performed his duties as Clerk of the Course m a finished manner. The Hon. Secretary (Mr William Collins) was, as usual, " all there," and looked after his various duties m a thorough manner. The Timaru Garrison Band, under Mr Herd, played on the lawn during the afternoon, and delighted all by the sweet music they discoursed, and the proprietors of the several booths were most attentive to visitors. The ladies were well cared for by Mrs Dawe, and we are sure they are much obliged to her for kindness shown. Messrs Mason and Roberts had a " double" totalisator on the ground and were well patronised. Sport commenced with the Hurdle Race, for which four horses faced the starter. The win was not a surprise, for since Coryphee's performances at theOamaru meetings she Ins ocen hacked m the right quarter to beat all comei-s. 'Jho old favorite (Moody) was not all m "concert pitch," and after seeing his form wo think his plucky owners could not do better than give him a good long spell. He has worked so hard and so well of late that it is time he had some pleasure. Five came out for the Novel Race, and ;the result was rather unexpected, Jackall winning rather easily* '1 he Cup was without doubt the best race of the day. 'J he field was large and each horse very fit. Owing to Derritt having the mount on Viking, he was at once instituted first favorite, and, for a wonder, perhaps, somo will cay, gratified expectations by winning cleverly by some thing like a length. The race was run m excillent time, as the going wa< very suitable -was just hard enough. The Pony Race was won easily by Brown Rose the finish being altogether rather a poor one. Tbi* raco, however, should always fill well and become a great favorite, as there are many ponies m this district. The December Hurdleß was wob by Panic, Coryphee making a mista-e, ' but Cotton was of opinion his horse would have won anyhow. The Handicap fell to Scaltheen, whose running reminded us very much of that game little horse Administrator. The Consolition fell to Furtrader, after runniug a deal heat with Cimerine, the gelding m the run off beating the filly by a head. Followingare results : — Husdie Kacb, of 40 soys; second horse to receive 6 soys; 2 miles; over eight flights of hurdles. Mr P. Jones' eh m Corypheo, 6yrs, Bst 101 b (Walls) 1 Mr Wilkinson's b g Panic, 9st 41b Blb over) ... ... ... (Cotton i 2 Mr D Mabonoy's b g Uuit, nged, Bst 101 b (Dunn) 3 Messrs M. and C. Hobba' Moody, ogd, 12st31b (B. Mcholls' 0 t The scratching of Mr Godny's silver King left a quartette to go for the first race of the day. Each horse had a good many followers, the fact that some of our hest cross country riders had the mounts having a tendency to split up the field, lhe old horse, of course, was much fancied, but the opinion was freely expressed that one of the bottom weights would furnish the winner. This proved tho case. The start was made at the back of the course, about opposite the Stand ; and Mr Gardner soon sent them on their journey. Unit took the lead, but was immediately pissed by Coryphee, who, at the corner, had a big lead. At tho first hurdle Moody inude a mistake, and it was such a serious one that he was never afterwards m the race. Passing tho .Stand the first time Coryphee had a lend of some lengths, aud was making the running at a tremendous pace. Panic came next, and Unit followed some lengths away. The race from this out was unchanged, Coryphee winning easily by three lengths. Cotton nrxle a desperato effort to catch the game little chestnut m the straight but the ovorwoight told heavily. On weighing m Walls and ■ oryphee wore loudly cheered, aud general regret was expressed at Mr Jonos not being on tho course to see the win. Coryphee was m splondid form, and jumped and raced without a fault. Thero was £187 m the totalisator, £48 on the winner ; dividend, £3 10s. Novel Race, of 25 soys ; no weight undei Bst 71b ; winner to bo sold by auction, and the proceeds to go to the fuuds of the Club ; J of a mile. Mr R. tl unt's b g Jackall, aged (Blackmove) 1 Mesßrs M. and C. Hobbs' b m Hinerua (Ogden) 2 Mr Brosnahan's b m Nelly, Byrs (Griffin) 3 Messrs Hobbs' blk m Miss Kenwick (Butiorworth) 0 Mr Collins b f Roso ... (Brosnahan) 0 Five o>t of tho eight horses colored on the card saddled up for this lluttor, and of the lot Messrs Hobbs' pair were the favorites. After two or throe false starts, caused by Nelly, who refused to join hor horeos, and lifter Hinerua had had a short spin by herself, tho lot were got away prettily. H inorua, Jackall, and Nelly wont away grandly tofel hor, and soon had loft Rose and Miss "enwick fur bohlnd. Tho race from the turn lay between tho first three horses named, a-'d a slashing one they made of it. Uiuerua stuck to her work gamely to tho mils, where Bluckmore cal ing on Jackall, challenged her, and the pair then extended theinsolves m game style. The umro, however, had to go doivn before the gelding who won by a bare lenßth. Nelly tried hard for second honors, hut was beaten by a short head. lime lmin 2liseo. Totalisator— £l9l, £25 on the winner, dividend £6 17s. Annivkebarjt Ccp, of 100 soys ; sbcond horse 80 boys, and third horse 10 soys from tha stakes ; 1} miles. Mr M Studholmo's eh c Viking, 4vrs, by Kauri — Flying Fish, Bst 21b (R. I'erritt) 1 Messrs Murphy and Stock's oh h Hcaltheen, 6yrs, 7st lOlb (71b over) ' (Evans) 2 Messrs M. and C Hobbs* b g Jack, 6yrs, Pst6lb (Mozengarb) 3 Mr M. Sherwin's b g Mokarakava, aged, Sst4lb (Ctton) 0 Mr Moorhead's b h Bagshot, Gyre, 7st 1 2lh, (Griffin) 0 Mr F. Lambert's br f Camorine, 3yrs, 7st 41b (01b over) ... .. («igdenl 0 Mr Aguew's b n Jannettc, syrs, fist 71b (Coekrane) C Seven' horses sported silk for this event, the piece cie resistance of tho meeting, and the work of saddling them up and weighing out was eacerly watched by those m the paddock 'the fact that Viking was to bo ridden by thai accomplished horscmeu Bob Derritt, installed him at once ns first favorite, and he was " rushod " at the machine, ono hundrod and forty-four investors " going " for him. Ihe colt was m grand condition, but m doing his canter ho did ' not move ■' quite os freely as usual. Jock, who has been performing first cla*s of late, was well baekon, £10^ being put on him m tho totalisator. but his weight told its tale nt tho supreme moment. Of the others Scalthem was most fancied. The Starter had" a lot of. trouble at the post caltheon getting away twice, and when the flag fell ho had a lot tho worst of it. Jannette at onco cut out tho running,"; but at tho back of tho courso tho field all closod with tho exception of Camenne who whipped m by several, lengths. At the turn, Viking, Jack, Scnltheeh and Mokarakaro woro packed 010.-o, and the racti now became most exciting. Whips wero on all but Viking, but. tho efforts Wado proved unavailing tho colt winning with a bit m hand by a length and a half from -caltboon, who finished '.' all out." Jack was a good third j tho re>t Iristraguling order. Had not Scalthoen got such a wretched start tho finish would no doubt have been a much closor one. The race, novertholcss, was a " clinkor " from the fall of tho ilng to tho post, and showed thut the horses could not well havo been brought better togct-hor. . Time — 2miu llisec. . Totoli•iatnr — £JiG; £14-t on the winner ; dividond £119s. Post on Galloway Race, of 20 soys. ; woigbt for inches ; 6 furlongs. . Mr A. MoLcod's b vi firowu Bose, aged, Hat ... ... ... (Lewi.) 1 Mr 0. Cornelius' b g Spider, syrs, list (Owner) 2 Mr W. 8. Lindsay's rg'f ho Old Firm, list : (Mazongarb) 8 ! Mr ifaek's Juno Mr Jefferson's Mary inn, Mr Wedprbll's Pony, and Mr Simpson'* Phoebe also ran. | Bpven ponies left the paddock for this race, did not prove so exciting or s6 close as was oipeotcd. ' Brown Roso got away well abd wag aovbr caught, wincing with the 'jtttt&ili e»t* >j< shout four l<fo|ty ? i v'foor}

third ;' the rest nowhere. Totnlisator, £213 j oi £92 on the winner, dividend £2 In. ta December Hcrdie Racb, of 30 soys ; aecond m horse 5 soys from the stakes ; over six r« flights of hurd es ; one and a-half miles, ti Mr Wilkinson's b g Panic, 6yrs, Sat 31b G (Cotton) 1 T Mr F. Ashby's b g Boco, Syrs ... (Mi.ler) 2 fc Mr Jones' eh m Coryphee, 6yrs, 9sh 1' ! lb m (Walls) 0 fa. The scratching of Borderman, Milo, Nilver h King and Dnit left only the tno named above w to try conclusions. Of them the winner of b the first hurdle race — Coryphee was served ci up a very warm favorite, tho fact that »ho al had to carry a 71b penalty countiug for really si nothing. The result, however, was a great ci surprise. At the hurdle opposite the Stand a (the firßt) Coryphee showed the way over, b and Walla forced her at eueh a pace b as to actually " drive " her through tho n hurdles. Result : a general displacement t ! of the hurdles, a Bevere fall for the c rider, and a nasty stumble for the uiare. 1 Walls' escape from a very serious, if not p fatal accident was miraculous, as the off forp- v foot of Coryphee just missed the back of his c head bj an inch or two. After this mishap fl Boco and Panic raced on side by side, one and t the other alternately leading til! the straight i was reached, when Cotton, asking Panic a c question and getting a sati-fuctory anßwer, v came awny and won comfortably by a couple c of lengths. Totatisator— £ 64, £46 on the 4 winner, dividend £3. t Timabu Handicap, of 60 soys ; second c horse 10 -ovs from the stake ; 1 mile. t Messrs Murphy snd Stock's eh h Scaltheen, 6yrs, 7at 61b ... (Griffin) 1 Mr Sherwin'a eh g Furtrader, aged, 7sl 91b (Derritt) S Messrs M. and C. Hobbs' b h Borderman, 6yrs, Bstl2lb (Mazengarb) 3 Mr J. Hammond's br g Chinaman, Syrs, 6st7lb ... ... (Cochrane) 0 Of the four out of the ten acceptors that went to the starting post for this race, Furtrador was mado favorite, principally on account of Derritt having to mount. No delay took pliiee at tt c post, the lot Retting away prettily. Scaltheen at once took command, and was never displaced, winning amid loud cheers by two lengths. Derritt tried hard fr m the rails to secure premier position, but m vain. Bordorman ran out a good third, but Chinatmn was distanced. Time — lmin 44sec. Totalisator —£227, £40 on the winner ; dividend £5 2s. Consolation Handicap, of 15 soys ; second howe 6 boys from stake ; J of a mile. Mr i-herwiu's eh g Furtrader, aged, Hal 71b (Derritt) t Mr Lambert's b f Camerine, 3yra, 7bl filb (Ogden) t Mr TTammond's b g CUiuaman, s\rs, 7et 81b (Cochram) 2 Miss Fcnwiek also ran. After the doad heat between Camerine a':d Furtrader, they ran off, furtrader winning by a short head. This race brought the meeting to a close. Totnlißutor—£l72, £94 on tho winner ; dividend £1 12s.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3511, 30 December 1885, Page 8

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3511, 30 December 1885, Page 8

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3511, 30 December 1885, Page 8


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