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WASHDYKE. The annual meeting of householders foi the purpose of electing a Committeo for this school for the ensuing year was held m the schoolroom on Monday night. Thero was only a moderate attendance. The Chairman's report stated that they commenced the yeai with a balance of £7 9s 4d m the Bank, and closed it with £24 2s 4d, less a few outstanding accounts. They had had eleven Committee meetings, with an average attendance of six members, and the condition of the school was satisfactory. The report was adopted a9 read, and the election of the new Committee was proceeded with. Mr Stevenaon was elected Chairman of the public meeting. The result of the election of members of Committee was as follows • — Messrs Stevenson, Stocker, Glad win, Raddon, Peebles, Aker and Dawe. At tho subsequent meeting of the new Committee Mr Stevenson was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Correspondence was read from tho Board re nomination of members for the Board vice Messrs Talbot, Gray and Dr Foster. After some discussion it was resolved— "That the Chairman and Mr Stocker wait on Mr Joshua Pago, asking him to allow himself to be nominated as a member of the Board of Education, and m the event of his declining to stand, to forward to the Board the nomination of Messrs Talbot and Gray." After other business of a routine nature had been considered the meeting closed. WINCHESTER. The annual meeting of householders of the Winchester School District was held m the schoolroom on Monday evening last. Mr George Tayler was electod Chairman. The Government notice calling the meeting was read, and the minutes of the previous annual meeting and the Committee's report of their stewardship were also read and unanimously adopted. Iho following householders were then proposed as members of the Committee for the ensuing year, namely : — Messrs W. Klee, R. Smith, Alfred Ensor, Jas. Northam, Wm. Carston, Qeo. Tayler, Thos. Housley, Win. Deßenzy, Job. Curtis, Wm. Sharland, and Wm. Page. The last four gentlemen refusing to stand, and no other householders being present, the Chairman declared the first seven duly elected. A protest against one of the members was handed m, but the Chairman ruled that all the candidates were eligible. As the meeting was about to close several residents put m an appearance, and seemed considerably annoyed at their being too late to take part m the proceedings. The following is a copy of the Committee's report : — "To the householders, parents, and guardians of the Winchester school district. Your Committee have much pleasure m submitting the following report of their stewardship for the year 1884. Your Committee have held 20 meetings during the year, which were attended as follows : — Mr Northam 17 times, Mr G. Tayler 15, Mr Billings 14, Mr Klee 15, Mr Carston 10, Mr R. Smith 7, Mr Spurden 7, Mr Ensor 3. Mr Ensor was elected m place of Mr Spurden, who was unable to attend. With regard to financial affairs, your Committee have much pleasure m being able to state that they hare been able not only to pay off the debt of £2 10s with which they took office, but by means of a concert which realised £4 19s, and by strict economy, they have now a balance m hand of £2 13s 3d. Several needful repairs have been done both to the schoolbouse and to the master's dwelling, but much still remains to be done before either can be laid to be m a satisfactory condition. Four Committee regret that it fell to ;heir lot to undertake the unpleasant luty of requesting the Board to remodel ;he teaching staff of your school, but 'eeliDg their duty m the interest of both parents and children of the district comaelled them, they though reluctantly yet unlinchingly did what they considered necessary ;o alter the unsatisfactory state of the school. Fhe Board m reply to your Committee's letter of complaint informed us that the school would be examined again m three months, and that if the examination was not then deemed satisfactory the master and mistress should consider their appointments it an end without further notice. At the appointed time the examination was held, and was of such an unsatisfactory nature (only 11.4 per cent being obtained) that this Committee felt themselves compelled to recommend to the Board immediately to remodel the teaching s.taff.The Board agreed to the Committee's request and m reply to an advertisement for a master and mistress, Mr Cooke, of Geraldine Flat, and Miss Pearson, of Titnaru, were appointed to fill the places of tho late master and mistress. Since the present teachers commenced their duties twenty new scholars have been enrolled, and the average now stands higher than it has done for several years past. This leads your Committee to believe that their action met with the full approval of the majority of the householders." FAIRLIE CREEK. A meeting of householders was hold m the schoolroom on Monday night, there being a very poor attendance. Mr James Wilson •was voted to the chair. The ballot for the election of a new Committee was taken, with the following result : — Thomas Capkey 18, A. Morris 17, Jas. Wilson 14, Charles Pye 14, Robert Allan 12, James I. Milne 11, W. Closo 9, J. Binney 6, A. O. Gilmour 3. The first seven were declared duly elected. GLENITI. A meeting of householders was held at Gleniti on Monday evening, 26th inst. Mr Hole presided. The report and balancesheet were read and adopted. Balance m hand £1 2s 3d. The following Committee was elected : — Messrs Fvfe, Eiby, Ogilvie, Philp, Green, Hole and Scaly. Mr Philp was appointed Chairman, and Mr Eiby Secretary. MAKIKIHI. The annual meeting of householders was held m the Makikibi schoolroom on Monday evening, Mr Childs, Chairman of the Committee, m the chair. The Chairman having read the advertisement calling the meeting, proceeded to read the balance-sheet, which, was censidered satisfactory. The Inspector's report on the school -was also considered satisfactory. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr Childs, the retiring Chairman. The following gentlemen were duly elected as a Committee, viz., Messrs Childs, Poff, Simmons, Rodgers, Hinks, Gardiner and Blackmore. The Committee met afterwards, and J. D, Blackmore was elected Chairman. Aftei some routine work the meeting closed. GERALDINE. The annual meeting of householders m th< Geraldine school district was held m thi schoolroom on Monday evening. About 7£ householders attended. Mr R. H. Pearpoint Chairman of the outgoing School Committee was voted to the chair. After reading certain extracts from thi Education Act bearing on the election o School Committees, the Chairman read thi minutes of the last annual meeting of house holders, which were confirmed. The report of the retiring Committee -wa then read as follows : — " The Committee have to report that th school has made good progress. The numbe of scholars on the register at the present tim is 220, and the average attendance has ir creased from 169 to 175. The school ho lately been examined by the Board's Inspec tor, who has given it an admirable charactei the percentage of passes being over 87 pc cent. _ The report is now on the table for it spection. The school has been regularly visite by your Committee, who report that ever} thing has been carried out to their entire satii faction, and that the teachers have worke harmoniously together. " A school concert has lately been heli which proved a great success flnanciall' over £12 being raised towards the prize f uni and the singing and recitations devolved grei praise on the teachers. " Tho prizes will shortly be presented t the children m the schoolroom, of which di notice is given. " During the year a slight change has bet ■'effected m the teaching staff owing tot!

7 resignation of Mr F. Bethuno and Miss Free man. Three extra pupil teachors were pui on m their place, and your Committee an glnd to report that the staff m its presem form is giving great satisfaction. " Your Committee have only succeeded ir obtaining one small grant of £4 from th( Board during the year (owing to shortness oi funds), and as there has been over £14 exp pended on necessary repairs, the balance is 3 considerably less than it was last year, viz., 5 £25 4s 4d, against £18 13s 2d this year! i Nothing has been done re proposed new i school, but it is to be hoped that the Board • of Education will shortly hare funds to del rote to this purpose. " Scholarships — At the recent scholarship examination Miss Alice Meredith, Masters James MeLoan and James Colbert obtained scholarships. "Your Committee before closing their report desire to record a hearty vote of thanks to the teaching staff for the very efficient manner they have conducted their dutie3 during the year, as the Inspector's report and the high percentage of passes fully corroborate." Mr C. E. Sherratt proposed and Mr R. Taylor seconded—" That the Committee's report be adopted." — Carried. The Chairman next read the general remarks made by_ the Inspector on tho state of the school at his recent examination, and congratulated the householders on receiving such, a highly satisfactory report. Suggestions or questions on any matter connected with the working or welfare of the school were then invited by ike Chairman. Mr C. B. Sherratt proposed and Mr Geo. Ward seconded — " That the attention of the new Committee and members of the Education Board for the district bo called to the urgent necessity that exists for buildiug a new schoolhouse on tho piece of land granted for the purpose." Speaking to the resolution, Mr Sherratt said that the schoolhouse was one of the worst m South Canterbury. The Chairman agreed with Mr Sherrntt's remarks. As Chairman of the late Committee he said he had applied to *he Board about it, but was informed that they had no funds to erect now school buildings with. The motion -was then put and carried unanimously. The Chairman next suggested that if there were no further questions the meeting should proceed to the nomination of a School Committee. This was done, eleven householders being nominated. A poll was then held, with the following result : — Thos. Farrell and R. S. Cook 67 votes each, A. Sherratt 64, N. Dunlop 48, W. R. Lawson 45, W. H. Lodge 43, Geo. Ward 42, 0. E. Sherratt 34, W. Coltman 31, John Cunningham 28, A. McLean 12. The first seven were declared duly elected to serve as members on the Geraldine School Committee for the ensuing year. Votes of thanks were then unanimously passed to the retiring Committee, the Chairman (Mr R. H. Pearpoint), and the scrutineers (Dr Fish and the Rev. J. Preston), after which the meeting terminated. COMMITTBE MEETING. At a meeting of the newly elected Committee, all the members were present with the exception of Mr A. Sherratt. Mr Lodge proposed — " That Mr Dunlop be Chairman of the school Committee. — Carried. It was then resolved that the Committee should meet on the last Wednesday m each month, and that the Chairman and one member of the Committee sign cheques on behalf of the Committee. A circular from the Board, re nomination of members to servo on the Board was then read, and on the motion of Mr T. Farrell, seconded by Mr Ward, the Committee decided to nominate Dr Foster and Mr Jno. Talbot to the vacancies. It was resolved that Messrs Cook and W. H. Lodge be^appointed a Visiting Committee for the month of January. The Master intimated that the stove m the schoolhouso required re-setting, and the hearth renewing. Resolved — "That the Visiting Committee attend to the matter without delay." The meeting then terminated with the usual compliment to the Chairman. TEMUKA. The annual meeting of householders of (he Temuka School District was held m the Bchool on Monday evening last. The attendance was very large, and the greatest interest •wa9 manifested throughout. Mr K. F. Gray, Chairman of tho retiring Committee, presided. Mr Rout, secretary, read the following report and balance-sheet : — " School Staff, — There have been no changes m the number of the staff during the year, but as you are aware, Mr Wood's resignation as Head Master having beon received and accepted m November, it became necessary for the Board of Education to advertise for a successor. This hating been done, your Committee elected Mr William Bryars to the lead mastership. Mr Wood's resignation having taken effect on Dec; 31st, and Mr Bryars having entered upon his duties on the 19th instant, no inconvenience has so far been caused by the change. During the year all the teachers have been assiduous m the performance of their duties and regular m their attendance, and by their united exertions succeeded m getting up a concert, the proceeds of which enabled them to erect gymnastic apparatus, which is duly appreciated by the pupils. " Finances — By the balance-sheet you will observe that the Committee commenced the year with a credit of £8 14s 10d, and closed it with a credit of £2 12s 9d. The reasons for the balance being less at the close than at tho beginning of the year are the expenditure of £4 17s for a bell, the tree-planting having cost £3 more than the Board's grant, and the fuel and stationery costing £5 11s 5d more than the amount paid towards these requisites by the pupils. " Fuel — This Committee regret that the parents of the children attending the school have not more warmly responded to the appeal through the Head Master for each child to pay from 3d lo Is per quarter according to the standards m which the children are placed; for the purpose of providing this ; very necessary article. " Meetings — There have been twelve ordinary and three special meetings during the year, which have been well attended. The relations of the Committee with the Board remain satisfactory and harmonious. " Prize Fund — By a concert given on November 7th the sum of £7 4s net was raised for this fund. As that amount was deemed insufficient, your Committee supplemented it by £3 18s 3d from the previous year's concert. This fund, with interest, now stands at £11 Is 9d, the Bank of New Zealand deposit receipt for which will be handed over to the Chairman of the new Committee for prize fund purposes only." The balance-sheet showed receipts £968 ss, the largest item of which was salaries £855 Ss 4d, and expenditure £965 12s Bd, a balance of £2 12s 9d being thus loft to credit. Some discussion then took place. Mr Russell asked if Mr Bryars, when applying for the position of Head Master, produced a certificate of any kind. The Chairman stated that the necessary certificates were produced. Mr Pilbrow asked what was the necessary qualification for the position of head teacher of the school, and was anyone eligible for the position who did not produce a certificate o$ competency from the Minister of Education The Chairman said it was necessary thai the applicant should bo a graduate oE som< University j but he did not think he shoulc hold a certificate from the Minister of Edu cation. The certificates of the candidate were first sent to the Board of Education, am if they had not been proper ones they woul< not have been sent to the Committee. Mr Wills further asked if the recommenda tions of the Committee were put before th Board. He understood that the Chairman o the Board, as Chairman only, confirmed th appointment. The Chairman said the recommendation were forwarded m the usual way, and th Secretary read a letter to tho Board i reference to the same. Mr Pilbrow questioned whether It was rig! to select for the school a single man jus arrived m the colony, instead of a colonii teacher of eleven years' standing, holdin New Zealand degrees, and a married man. Tho Chairman considered the Committe had selected the best man. After a few more questions the report an balance-sheet were adopted on the motion c Mr Morton, teooncted by Mr H&iTop.

The following persons were then nominntcc for election as the Committee for the ensuing year, the voting being as under : — G. Bolton 90, J. T. M. Hayhurst 87, J.Blyth 79, B. D. O'Halloran 76, K. F. Gray 75, E. Lee 69, J. W. Miles 60, J. Brown 44, D. Henry 43, A. Russell 51, W. Storey 28, H. T. Clinch 20, E. Waddel 12. The first Beven were declared duly elected. The meeting then terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman. COMMITTEE MEETING. The new Committee afterwards met, and Mr Hayhiirst was elected Chairman. A circular was read from the Board, asking the Committeo to noininnte two persons to fill vacant seats on the Board. Tho Committee decided to nominate Messrs J. Talbot and M. Gray. It was resolved to invite applications for the office of Secretary, tho salary to he £10 per annum. The meeting terminated, after deciding to meet on the third Tuesday m each month. WAIMATE. The annual meetin? of householders at Waimato was held m tbe schoolhouso on Monday evening j about eighty householders were present. Tho Chairman of the retiring Committeo (Rev. J. McKee) presided, and called upon the Secretary to read the report of the Committee and the statement of receipts and expenditure. The report stated that during the year Mr Ward hnd resigned the Head Mastership, and that his place, pending tbe appointment of a successor, was filled by Mr Hammond. Out of seven applications for tbe situation that of Mr A. Grant was selected by tho Committee, the selection being approved by the Board. The staff now consisted of Mr Grant, Head Master ; Mr Barclay, Bccond master ; Misses Grant, Bruce and Dash teachers ; and Misses E. Bruce, Hunt, Finn and Miller, and Master Grant, pupil-teachers. In consequence of a falling off m the attendance of scholars at close of the year, one of tho pupil teachers, according to the regulations, should bo dispensed with, but on the recommendation of the Committee, this pupil teacher was retained on half pay. The relations between the teachers and tho Committee were highly satisfactory, there being no complaint as to inefficiency or irregular attendance. Tho attendance of scholars had considerably fallen off, so that the incidental allowance was reduced from £20 4s the first quarter of 1884 to £16 15s last quarter. Horizontal bars and swing had been erected m the school ground, tho Committee paying half the cost of this worV, and some repairs had been carried out. The application of the Committee for drainage and levelling m front of the schoolhouse could not be authorised by tho Board last year for want of funds, and for the same reason no house has yet been erected for the master. Visitors were appointed monthly. Their reports were favorable, the school being found m a satisfactory state ns to order and discipline. Three weeks' holidays were given m the winter and five weeks at Christmas. The Committee were unable to carry out the proposal of giving a railway excursion and picnic to the scholars at Christmas. Prizes were distributed on the breaking up of the school for holidays, to purchase which voluntary subscriptions were collected. Thanks to Mrs Studholme, Mrs Goldsmith, Mr Steward and tho Rev. J. Gray, were expressed for their donations of prizes for special attainments ; and to Mrs Goldsmith and the Rev. J. Gray for assistance at the distribution of prizes. The Inspector's report of the late examination was considered on the whole favorable Thero were at present fourteen High School pupils receiving tuition m secondary subjects, one half of whom had their fees paid by tho Waimate High School Board. Tho attendance of members of Committee at meetings during tho year was noted. The linanciul statement showed a detailed expenditure of the sum of £91 11s 4d, received from the Board, and a deficit balance at tho close of the year of 4s 2d. Mr Watts asked how it was that the contract for the erection of bars and swings had been let to Mr Grant after three tenders for the work had been sent m, none of which were accepted. The Chairman said the lowest tender received had not been accepted becauso it exceeded Mr Hillary's estimate by nearly £4, and this the Committee were not m a position to pay. Mr Hillary was then authorised to have the work carried out so 08 not to exceed the estimate. Mr Watts said m tho specifications painting was provided for, but the work clone had not been painted. The Mayor, Mr C. Y. Clarke, was then moved to the chair, and called on the meeting to nominate candidates for election to the new Committee, which was dono, Messrs T. Evans, J. Cairncross, J. Harrison, H. Watts, S. W. Goldsmith, W. J. Steward, C. V. Clarke, W. J. Black, A. Watt, E. Hunt, W. Philip, and N. Hillary being duly nominated. Mr F. Gaitt was appointed to conduct the election, and Mr D. Grant and Mr J. H. Taylor as scrutineers. Mr George Freeman, before tho election took place, said although he was not a candidate he wished to say a few woi'ds about the election. Tho secular system of education, he considered, should be worked by secular people. He did not believe m having men filling) church positions on the Committees. The place for them to work was m their churches and Sunday schools. Mr Freeman's sentiments were loudly applauded. The result of the poll was tho return of Messrs Steward 75 votes, Goldsmith 69, Cairncros3 66, Harrison 57, Black 42, Hunt 36, and Clarke 34. COMMITTEE MEETING. After the election all the newly-elected members attended a meeting. Mr Steward and Mr Goldsmith wore each proposed as Chairman of Committee, tho voting being 4 for Mr Steward and 3 for Mr Goldsmith, and Mr Steward was accordingly declared Chairman. The only correspondence dealt with waß a letter from Mr Grant, asking payment of the balance of his account for putting up bars and swing at the school. Tjhe Committee resolved that as they had paid their half of this account, it remained for the Board of Education to pay the balance. The next meeting of Committee was fixed for Monday, February 9th, to which date the meeting adjourned. GERALDINE FLAT. Tho annual meeting of householders was held on Monday evening, and was fairly attended. The old Committeo, consisting of Messrs D. Shaw, P. McShane, McQuillan, Rose, Wilkinson, Kelman, and South, were re-elected. The new Committee elected Mr D. Shaw Chairman. Mr R. H. Postlcthwaite was nominated as a momber for the Education Board. PLEASANT POINT. The annual meeting of householders was held m the schoolroom on Monday evening. Mr G. Butler was voted to tho chair, and read the advertisement appointing the time and place of meeting. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmod. [ The report of tho late Committee was then ' read, and on the motion of Mr D. Anderson, ' seconded by Mr C. Dixon, was adopted, Mr Morris proposed a vote of thaaks to the ' retiring Committee, which was seconded by Mi b M'lntyre, and carried. I Mr B. O'Rourlte wanted to know why the Committee had got a pupil teacher from Waimate when they had a better one at the Poinl j (naming him) . i The Chairman remarked that the Com' mittee had done what they considered best He. did not believe any member had anj g personal feeling m the matter. It was mori b a question with the Committee also whethei an ox-pupil teacher should not be appointee m preference to an inferior one, and he gavi lg some reasons why the Committee had si c acted. n Mr Acton also stated that to his knowlodgi much care and attention had been bestowei ,j. upon the •appointment of the pupil teacher ii st question, and that letters had been written ti j obtain information, but they must reniombe: ■ the Committee were not infallible. The election of a new Committee -was thei !0 proceeded with. Messrs Stanley and Dixoi were appointed scrutineers, id Mr Anderson proposed that since so muc' if Interest is taken m the eleotion, candidate should address the meeting.

1 Mr Orton enquired if they were willing t ? stay till morning, and tho subject the i dropped. Iho following gentlemen were nominated . with tho following results : — J. Cartwrigh ■ 73, H. Jackson 72, I. J. Morris 66, R. Orto • 64, E. Acton 60, G. Butler 50, M. Maize 4A I J. Grei? 35, J. Morrison 26, G. Botherwa--13 and W. C. Fendall 16. The ChaiiW > declared tho first seven duly elected membci of Committee for the year. It may be re marked en passant that the number of person [ recording "plumper" votes was 24. Thor was an attendance of nearly 100, and a some ; what humorous and orderly meeting wa i closed with v vote of thanks to the chair. A meeting of the newly-elected Committe , was held immediately after the meeting o householders. All the members were pres ent. On the motion of Mr Morris, secondet by Mr Acton, Mr Geo. Butler was agaii elected Chairman of the Committee. On tin proposal of Mr Orton, seconded by M: Jackson, Mr I. J. Morris was appointed t< countersign cheques on behalf of the Com mittee. It was resolved to hold meetings or the last Monday m each month at 7.30 p.m It wns also resolved to give the school oni month midsummer holiday, commencing fron the 6th prox. The meeting then terminated OPIHI. At the annual meeting of householders held on Monday, Mr Jacob R. Capps wai called to tho chair. After reading over th< balance-sheet and minutes of meetings for th< past; year, the former showing a credit balance of £12 5s 9d, against which wore liabilities pending of some £7, tho following wert elected a Committee for 1885: — Messn William Simpson, Jacob R. Capps, T. L Liston, George Crozier, John Mitchell, Henry Collett and Andrew Aitkin. At a Committee meeting held afterwards, all tho members being present except Messrs Simpson and Aitkin, Mr Capps was electod Chairman for the ensuing year. Resolved— "That tho school be closed from Friday, January 30th, for harvest holidays, and to re-open on Monday, March 2nd, and that no further Committee meeting be held till March unless for special business." " That the Committee meetings be held on the first Monday following the Board meeting, at 7.30 p.m." " That, as hitherto, Mr Aitkin sign cheques with the Chairman as required." MOUNT GAY. A meeting of householders wns held at the Mount Gay school on January 26th. Mr E. J. Gould, Chairman, read the Inspector's report, and explained the financial condition of the school. A Committeo for 1885 was elected as follows : — Messrs E. Parr, J. Blackler, J. B. Smith, D. T. Carter, W. Andrews, J. Henchan, N. P. Braccficld and E. J. Gould. At the new Committee meeting it was resolved—"That Mr E. J. Gould be elected Chairman." "That the Mount Gay Aided School be carried on for tho noxt twelve months." " That tho harvest holidays commence on February 2nd." " That the teacher be allowed a sum out of the incidental fund to havo a fire m the schoolroom on cold days." After a vote of thanks to tho Chairman for his services m keeping up the school, the meeting terminated. Through the generosity of Mr Sutter, M.H.R., the pupils received a prize book according to their marks m examination.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3226, 28 January 1885, Page 3

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ANNUAL MEETINGS OP HOUSEHOLDERS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3226, 28 January 1885, Page 3

ANNUAL MEETINGS OP HOUSEHOLDERS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3226, 28 January 1885, Page 3


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