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Commercial Intelligence.


Fre-m the circular of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, dated London, January 18th, we extract the followin;?:—

Wool. — Since tho commencement of the current year there has been littlo or ao change to note in the condition of this market. For tho present, demand and supply appear to bo almcst equally balanced, nor are any indication)! observable that this state of things will bo disturbed in the immediate future. Tho trads would, however, probably quickly move in Bympathy with any material increase ia either the one or the other. Allusion was mad-5 in onr last issue to tho unlikelihood of ther'3 being any falling off in the production of the coarser class of crossbred wools, particularly in New Zealand, and it may not be out of plica to call attention to the rocent'y published Agricultural Eetnrns of Great Britain, from which there ar-3 indications taat domestic produce, of kindred character, will in the current year bo in excen3 of that grown in 1883.

On thfl sth June, 1862, thcro were 17.539,315 sheep and !-,908,905 lambs in the Unite! Kingdom ; on the sth June, 1883, 17,9<5ti,187 sheep and 10,381,373 lambs. Thus it will be seen that notwithatandicg the somewhat unfavorable lambing season of last year, there was a marked increase in the number of lambii on sth Jane, 1833, as compared with that (late in the previous year, whilst the total of sheep and Jarncs together represents an advance of say 900,000 as compared with the fl^ure.H of tho year 1882. In addition to these facts, it must be- Iwrne in mind that English fanners, in many cases, hold several years' clipa in their barn3. It remains therefore to be aeon whether tho slightly increased rate of consumption for wooU of this character, which hn-s latoly been apparent, will provo sufficient to f nstain prices in view of the probability of yet Jarjer supplier. Oz. the general subject of future nur,plie3, it is worthy of remark that the suggestion, referred to in onr last i-tsue, that 400.000 bales might possibly be available for disposul in tlio first Borien of 1884, has had a somewhat depriming effect upon the trade as B,n impression has thereby been produced that this probablo Bnpplies were believed by tho3e responsible for the distribution of the available arrivals over the four aerie* of the year, to be greater than woe commonly wippoaed. As a matter of fact, however, even though tho list of availablo arrivals is, in caso of need, to bo kopt opon nntil tho litth proximo, it in very unlikely that that total will be reached, hence the necessity far the announcement does not at this season of fcao year appear to bo warranted by the probable iseno. CORN MARKET. During tbo lust fortnight trado baa become over: moro depressed than formerly, and quotations havo given way abont Ik °]icr qnartor all round. Stocks remain atationaiy : millers restrict their purchases to the supply of only the moftt pressing requirements; financial dil&cmltieß amongbt speculators in America and Liverpool tend to weaken confident generally ; thu mildness of the weather not merely enables afrricnlturiufci to prens fotmard thoir operations, but augments tho Kupply of vegetables to an extent which, at tho moment, interferes with tho normal consumption of bread stuffs ; ulthongh American Hhipmnnts have recently fallen off to ((."slight extent tho "visible Hnj.ply" thora is still unUrtnaJly largo; and, finally, th<src ij evory prospect that the requirements of this country daring tho spring and summer months can be readily tinpplicd from a variety of competing Bouices, notably from wheats grown throughoat India, Persia, nnd tho AnHtralabiun nolonie». Tho only onconrajfemont lor importorH and farmers amidst theso elements of weakneKH is found in tho lowne«s of currant quo-ttttic-nB, bat as moro than onco during the past qnarter that hope hat) been dituippoiatcu, no rolinnco can now bo placed on its realisation with a combination or conditions oyon le?» Batiifactory than any recently rocorde<l. The quantity of wbeat on pasiiago or

shipping to tho Unit.'d Kingdom is given at 1,818,500 qrs, against 1,939,000 a fortnight a;o ; and tho American "visible supply " is unchanged at 3"r,525,000 bushels a? compared with 2).,10O,000 bushels at a corresponding date in 18S3. For some time ;ho number of cargoes arriving off coast hiis tiean small, so that thero has been but littlo pressure to realiso in a dull market. Sales of Australian liavo boon reported at 42s Od to 4c3 6d por 4801bs. Now Zealand wheat continues to arrive in very bail condition, really sound parcels being quite tho exception. A few small lots in rough condition have been sold at s!tsa per 49tjlbs for transhipment to the Continent. Tho importations of New Zealr.nd wheat into London dnriug each of tho last; four years havo been : —1880, 318,363qr5, 1881, 23G.i344qr5 ; 1882, 210.340( t rs ; ISS3, 277,!>14qi5. Flour is depres3od undo? tho influeuco of heavy stocks. Barley is firmer. Oats sell s'.owly without change. TAIXOW. At two public ar.etions, hold sineo tho dato of our last circular, a good enquiry prevailed {or all descriptions, but n.oro especially for lauttou which was iu short supply. The improved rates current tut the of last year havo been well maintained for all ordinary qualities, whilo for tho finer qualities of both beef and mut:on an advance of ikl to (3d per cwt has been secured. The Homo melt is gradually becomirg nioro p.entiinl, but on tho other haud, Colonial sort.- ore by no moans abnudant, and the market closes quiet but tirm at our quotations. Wequoto: — P.Y.C. New, 51s Cd per cwt : Australian mutton, fine, 4T>3 to 45s 3d : do do, tno;Hum, 43a <M to 44s tid; Australian Wf, fine, 40s to 10s Gd; do do, medium, 33s Oil to 3'.)s (id. Of (55,262 packages and casks imported in ISS!, 41,000 wero from Australia and 20.54) New Zealand. Tho total number of packages 1 received from all q.iarters during 1883 was 4172 less than in tho preceding: year, tho quantity imported f-.'oni Australia shewing a decrease of ti66'J casks, while the roeoipts from New Zealand oxlr.bit an increase of UltiO casks. PRESERfED MEATS. > Although rather m )ro enquiry hns recently 3 prevailed tor all sizes of boiled mutton no improvement in values as yet can bif reported. 3 Beef hns been slow of sale, transactions having - been of a retail character at prices tending in 2 favor of bnvers tut without qnotable altera--1 tion. The imports into London during 1833 1 exhibit a markel increase over those of the 3 three preceding year:). 3 KEOZEN MIIATK. The past fortnight has witnessed a eontinu--1 ation of the depression reported in recent 3 circulars, the slightiy improved tone notice--3 able in the first week of tho current month • having given place to one of increased dullness. ■ Unseasonably mild weather has prevailed, S supplies of mutton of all descriptions havo • been considerably in excess of current require--1 ment.s and Homo produce has been sold at 3 lower prices thun :iny recorded during tho y past two years. Tho progress made in tho disposal of colonial <:onsignmE>uts has been as t follows : — Lusitania from Sydney. All sold at ° an average of not quite 5d per lb. British s Queen, from Lyttelt }n, cleared at prices ranging from sid to Cd pjr ib.

Fresh arrivals — Chimboruzo fvom Sydney, arrived in dock on 3rd instant, with 4331---carcases mutton in good condition, bnt none of these have beira placed on the market up to tho present. Teviotcale, from Sydney, reached dock on same day with 9163 carcases. These have turned out in excollent order, having been carefnlly selectod, bntuhered aud refrigerated. The price realised has been from •I.Vd to old per lb, according to quality. lonic, from Wellington and Lyttelton, arrived on 7th instant, having on ttard 11,829 sheep and 2!> lambs. A large number of tfcose were more or less seriously damaged by a firo which occurred in tho hoid abont 10 days after the steamer sailed from New Zealand, but tho exact, quantity has not yat been ascertained. About KSOO caicas>s havo been sold at si<l to 6d per lb for the sound portion, according to quality. To-day's quotations are as follow :— Priaio English mntlon, is 8d to 5s 4d per stone of Slbs ; do Scotch do, 03 4d to i>.i 8d : do English and town-killed f ore- gn beef, 4a B<l to 4s lOd ; do Scotch beef, Is :.0d tc 5a 4d per stono of 81bs. The London agents of t'ao Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative As-ociation report under date London, 10th January, as follows : — WHEAT. The weather continues exceedingly mill and open for t be t;ime of the year, and farm work iu all its tranches in in a very forward state, the growing corn presenting a strong and healthy appearance. Tho plentiful supply of vegetables interferes vrith tho consumption of breadstuffs, and while the dtimand is restricted the publication of heavy stocks, and some failures in the trade, have caused holders to become moro piessinp, the result being a general feeling of distrust and a fall in values) of 1h to 2s per qr an all but the very finest descriptions. The stock of wheat in London at the end of tha y«ar amounted to 993,424 qrs as compared with 330,1540 qrs on the 31st December, 1882, ai.d the total at eleven of the principal ports of the United Kingdom reached 2,5?.),294 qrs against 1,580,513 qrs n year ago. Something like n, panic has seized American holdurs, and their spot quotation for No. 2 red winter in New York has fallen to 1.05j dols, a drop of 7 cents in the fortnight, without much increasing the shipments, which amount to '250.500 qr.s, including 6»,000 .jrs at California. The visible supply now stands it 35,525 000 bushels. Tho total quantity of wheat and flour afloat to Europe from nil parts is now estimated at 2,035,000 qrs ag-aimt 2,552,0)0 qrs at tho saaio time last year. Australian, fron scarcity, maintains its value of 4G3 (5d to 47s per J93ib on the spot, bnt for forward delivery prices have fallen Is to Is (id perqr, and wo close with sellers of parcels of new wheat for C'anuary-Febtnary shipment per iron vessel to London at 42s (id per 4301b, c.i.f. terms. Threu cargoes of 3000 to WOO qr3 each, per wooc.en ships, arc reported sold for Jannary-Febrniry shipment, one at 43s Cl and two at 43a per 4301b c.i.f., U.K.; f.o.b. iron ships are held for 445. New Zealand — Tho arrivals at this pott during the fortnight consist of 7001 bags p2r Dragon, 8605 per Larline, 49!)3 per lonic, together 20,559 bags. Good qualities are fully Is per qr lower, at 38s to 42s for round berried and 43s to 45s for long borried, while inferior, ont of conditioned 'ots show a still greater decline, and aro being pushed off irrogalarly at 26s to 33-1 per 4961b e:: store. Flour has been extremely depressed, and since the publication of tho heavy stocks, which amount at this port to 339,713 sacks, against 205,3495acks on the 31 fit December 1882, prices havo given way fnlly l.i per sack. Wo quote superfine Australian at 325, New Zouland at 27s to 29s per 2801b ex store. BARLEY has ruled firmer, and wo aro able to qnoto an advance in fine malting descriptions of Is to 2k, and in grinding BortH of 6d to Is per qr. OATS aro steady and unchanged. Heavy Now Zealand* soil slowly at 29s to 31a per 3841b ox store. We extract the following from tho circnlar of the National Mortgage and Agency Company, arrived by BiindUi mail, and dated London, July IBt> .—- --WOOL. There is nothiig of importance to report about wool sicco the year opened. Machinery if kept fairly occupied on old orders, and thor'o is n, hopeful feeling generally amongst consumers. Dealers' trade, on tho otlior hand, has boon somewhat interfered with by the fixture of tho February Hales, ueaplodwith bo unusual a total as 490,000 bales, for on all Bides thero o.tist] tho idea that with this quantity in immediate viow, thero in every reason to defor pt rchases, and that it further signifies a materii.l increase) in tho supplies for the year. This is tho moro nnfortunnto as it has all alonj; boon ovident that the prospective supply w»s over-ostimated, anil it now seems doubtful whether tho arrivals to 19th proximo will exooed 320,000 balcw. The first scrim of liivor Plato wool anctioas at Havre opened on l(Jth iastunt. There was a fair attendance: of buyers, aud pricos for good wools rn'erl /cry (irm. Out of an available total of 3100 bales iomo 2^o were offered, of which about, half woro sold. OKAIK. Tho character of tho soa.ion remains unchanged, and the nild damp weather, which is favorable for the growing crops and tillage of the hoil, tends to restrict tho demand for cereal*. Unilor thiH influonco and the publication of much heavier ntocks than woro anticipated at the close of tho year, the markets havo beon very depro-iHcd, and prices have given way In to 2» per qr., tho decline being greatest on tho bwer qualities. Somo failures in Amerka, unil a nharp fall in quotations thoro, havi added to tho depression. Tho stocks of wheat in London amount to 9ft;i,42tqrs., ngaiust 380,3-M qn. on tho 31st Deccmbor, 1682. PricoH of good l^ow Znalimil wheat, which in scarce, aroln per qr. lower at 38s to 42s for round, and 40s to 40h for long-berried ; but heated and inferior lotsi, of which tho bulk of thti supply ooiißisl.s, can only bo moved with difllculty at a dooline of 2s per cjr., Hay 18k to 33s por 4!iClb (ix HX>ro,uccording to quality. Oats aro steady and unchanged. Heavy Now Zc.ilanda soil iilonly at 20s to 31s por 3841b ox (store. DIOZEN MEAT. fiinco tho dnto cf onr last insno nothinjr of momont ba« tramipired in thin market. The domand i» mott) rojfular, and u steady buuiuoss ,

has resulted during the fortnight, but irithout any innreaso in prioci. Tho cargo \>y tho lonic his been chiefly dealt in at prices ranging from 33 (id to 3s 10d per stone of Slbs, whilst of that by tho Tdviotdale, from Sydnay, some 31*00 carcases have fetched S.s io 3^ 2d. The quality of tho former parcel appears to be somewhat variable as compared with previous shipments from New Zealand, in addition to which ;i largo number havo been dnmnged on board, owing to an accident, and havo been sold at comparatively low prices. Today's quotation for good Scotch mutton aro from 5a

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2949, 6 March 1884, Page 2

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Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2949, 6 March 1884, Page 2

Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2949, 6 March 1884, Page 2


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