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[By Teleohape:.] Auoklind, Feb. n. Arrivtd— Zeolandia, froni Han Frauoinoo. Pjmcojiit. for Auckland : Saloon — O. T. Mann, li. B. Jone;, B. H. Rl odes, Miseeu J. Russell i.nd Eilors, Mr.i B. M. Perry, son nod two daughters ; (toerage— lCossrs Harv«y, Paokf, Harvey, Arthur, Bjrker, Boulwr, Gibbon, Orook, wife and chilircn, Midlands, wife nod children, and Mies Uodgkins. GENEBAL SUMMARY OF MAIL NEWSTlo riforinatory ship Claret 09 waa burmjd m Ilio liver Mersey on' Janiary 16lh. bandn wore saved. This iron und stool workers of Great Britain have been notified by their f jllow-craft«mon m Atnefica, that agents frcm the United Btalon will shortly bo m Bnglo'id to get woi'limcD, line they hope that tho B.'itish workmen will ussiit their brethren m America. Tho j lry m tho case of William Woolf, on trial m London for tbe unlaxful possession of eiplieives, disagreed and were dincharged. Moil :idficos received m London from Ohinn, state that several Obineio bankersoooi' miltod et;iclde,owing to tbe unsettled political situation and the deplorable state of tbe money narket. Mils llogarth, tho ourvivkg executrix (if Oherlce Diokeni, hai taken steps to prevent tho publication m England or the novelist's letter> io his solicitor, on tbi ground thj.t they ireni not intended tor (ho public Lori Lyttori's biography of his father meets with no sale m JSoglani), broause it is ■aid tlie («ios is too high, tud (he work it too bulky. s

A riei: a'ch from London, dnte.i Jan. 19th, says that tho British Posl -office, nfter Sept. Ist, will forward oil mails for A>v<roa by the fastest steamer under monthiy contruct, chMly by way of Q.iieenstonn. 'I he mails aro to be forwurricd, if nn jig cement is reached, by S uthanipfc- n, ri mid-weekly fast steamers which leave Hfc iiiirini^hi on Thursday! 1 , connecting from London. The Amerienn Mitiistpr. !Ur Lowell, has accepted the Pre?id<t-«y of tlio Birmingham ami Mi-.iltuid Institute. J. Sthulcr, Ihefxp'orerof cqu.ifo ill Africa, is reported f.u be dea-1. On th > 16lh January Mr Glndelono issued a circular to the Liberal n.eii.bers of the House of Commons reque lingtl-eir ultendanco nt the opening of l'».liament on February sth, as it, wa< thu (iei-e of Government to submit, ot as rarly a d>iie us poe?ibli-, proposals of ram h interest and importance. Tho nianingo of Prince Luuis i.f Battenburg, with oae of Queen Victoria's granddaughter?, is filed for April 15th. Lord Mayo (?) who lntelv rxp'oro-1 the Coupy, is en ),i, way to explore Pnlagonia and lioiri cit-1 Fucgo. The family estate* of the celebrated sportirg baronet, Fir Juhn A«t!er, at Norwich. Eru'luntf, are ..ffered fur sale. ' Queu Victoria is about, to present a of hcrj.lf, painted b? Piincess ■.(•••, to the National Poitrait Gallery. £500,00, rawe by a wealthy London lady, to Pope li'-O Xlll. Rumor save that. Fenun plots aro heard of m Lonion on every hand. A cablegram o£ January lßlh fays how or where they orlgitbto cannot le asctrl'.oincd, but it m certain tln.t n ore than u*uu! credence m eiven to the latent oces. Redoubled vigilancfl is now being exercisod at Windsor Oastle, and j-imilur care is being taken at the homii of MrGrladet.pne. Tho Government building.'; arfi all guarded very clotely. Th 3 Catholics m Englmd have completed ariangomen'p, it U siid, to begin the erection, of a cithedral m Wejtminster, to cost over £500 000. It is to be rreeted witbii a etonethrow if Victoria slutioj. K-rrchp, Iho Vieni a secretary of thi) Prifoa-rc* Association, publisher] a criticism of tie. American prison jjitim, which, bo asserts, inerenees c ime by over-feeding an:l re'nxod discipline, and this defeats the pui'j pose of imprisonment. Charles Santley, the well-knovrn English baritone, waa recently married to & weeltb.y Ame-.-icin Indy m Vienna. lv consequence of a renewa 1 oFlhreats ol! dynamiiem, an police guard hail been placed i.t tho Post-ofEc and other publiu bu' m G'a?gow. Mr John Daly, M.P. for Cork, has «ud-. dfr.K- r.-eijned. It ia alleged he did so owinj[ to a flight iuflictcd by &Tr Chambeilain,Preß> di nt of the Board of Trade, who, wishirg ti> fill ii vucaney m the Government offioes ia Cori, asked 4:tr Pr.rnell to nominate a suitable person. Lord fiarringlon, solicitor, and proprietor of the Kerry Sentinel, who m Juno last wiis cent .-need id fix montha' impiisoament cm . aceouut of the publication of a treasonable plucird, w.ib released on January 6th, hij ( toroi of itnprisoument having expired. „ i Bishop Rup, a St. L>uio mißsionarjr, . pr-'Oflii-d m Dublin on January 6'h, and said m i ffi-ct that relipion and patrintiuai h»d beub pitt-d ogairet each other m Ireland, and the hod triumphed. ' The Irish Kationaliets threrLlen to continue the invasi-m of DUter, and Lord Spencer, who has been m London nttending Cabin lit inn tinge, returned to Dublin on Jan. 6th, , with po«er to deal vita any fresh emergencies. Bailiff Bim3, while returning homo fro*o Ballirnnro Land Court, on Jaa. 9th, was shot , dead by an unknowt? person, i Mrs Carey, the informer's widow, declines ■ to 1. ava England, p-nd asks fcr safe employ- . ment at Home. Justin McCarthy, jun., son of the novoliiit and historian, ia the fivorite Nationalist caic ■ didate of the City of Cork for Par'iament. ': 1 Ji.mes H. Lowell retired on thn 2nd in;it. from tho Rectorship of St. Andrew's University, to which 1.0 wae recently elected. He 1 slated as the <auee that hie duties as Beotor aart the demands of his diplomatic misska i would conflict. > Mr Henry George's doctrino of land di«tribuiion has enlistod all the Irish Prens • against him, and Mr Davitt has ruado him- » Bolf unpopular by his effntivo welcome to trie > new agitator. A despatch of ibe 15th pr;idicti. that George's mission lo Ireland wtil tie a failure. Mr Chamberlain, Prosidsnfc of the Board :if • Tratle, said m a speech delivered at Newcastle ou ilan. 15th, that the improved stite (if • Ireland waa due to the Land Act rather than I to tho Crimes Act. A riot, occurred at Enniskillea on Saturday, Jun. 19th, during which the police ohargiid 1 tho m>b, and were met by v shower of ston^a 1 from (,he Nationalists. The Orßngemen aliiD i Rtonorl tho police, and afterwards stoned a 1 Oat Vol'C sshoolhoase. Gilbert an^ Sullivan's new opero, " Priiieesa Id;i," which was p»oiucod m London on Jimnr; s"h, waj an instantaneous success. c A portion of a bridge on the railway bi>. twe.n Wigan nnd Preston collapsed on 1 Juniary olh, killing 71 men and injuring \ niary others. ' A new book by Queen Victoria entitled ' " More Lerwea from iho Journal of Lf e m : tho Highlands from 18G2 to 1882," is 1 announceJ. Copiea dare already bean pi,}. ' jontad to n fsw privileged persons. Tlie book is ia (ho nature of a tribute to John Brori), eiving reasons for his gradual riie into royal favor. Dart and Bogerj, merchants, of Liverpool, , failed on January Bth. Their liubilitius acroant to £100,000. H?nry Gsorge leotur.d m St. Jsmes* Eall, Lou'ion, on January B'h, on " Pr.igrafs and P,.vo:ty." Mr Henry Labonchere, M.l 1.,1 '„ pi-esided. Meeßrs Michael Da7itt, and Hen!:y Br.iEdhurtt, HP,, and the Rer. Stuart He*:!lam were on the platform. In the oourse of his lecture Mr George said that tho struggle for equal rights m the land must como :in England, and ho was sure it would ceme m America. It. is said that the Duke of Argyle intends to write a reply to Mr George's bonk on progress and poverty. Austin's Lace Factory, Longton, nriir Nottingham, was burned on the Bth. Tlie loss .imountoi to £100,000. It is denied that Kothsobild has offered lo buy the Government railways m .France. ,1 Company will be formed for the purpose :if acquiring them. A Bayonno telegram dated January 2nd states a revolutionary movement is espcot<id to occur on the FrancoSpmish frontier, and pornons travelling there ore warned to taie pi'eo-iutions. A Paris despatoh of January 10th saya M, Le Koget has beou re-elected Prosident of tlie Fretch Senate. A cable message from Midrid de«p&tch»:t to London on January. 13th, «Bys Ihe ol'tLe Spanish Pnrliament show that it h(,i boon turned inti a bear garden, nnd that thn putcbed up alliance "itii the rarioui Libertil groups is broken. Tho VT*v Minister's proposal of increased pray to otßcers of tho iirmjr is suspended as foreca<ting a coup d'etai, Sureral Kcpublican refugees hate disappeared from their places of retreat, and the. soldier! m mm» garridone havo bern kopt under artdn at night. Nobody seoms to know why, bi,t the icnproiißiim ij that King Alfon?o will soon h&To to fight for his Crown. A buu^uet was given at Madrid on Jan. lil.h lo celebrats the conclusion of commercial treaties between Spain and variocit counties, ; Tho London Post's correspondent told* pnphs from Rome on January 3rd that th* Pope's Secretary, Monsignor Boooallie, openul a letter from Amnrioa addressed to L€i> XIII., containing Fenian threats should thil Pope continue oupporting England againit th* Natioual cause m Ireland. The letUif sts.tei tho protection which tb.9 It»liai:i GoTf rnment gives the Pope, who is now only » lo^ereigo and not *afe from dynamite, will: be of no avail. The Pope is warned them am priests he is bound to reoeive, who will, oblaiu accest to his presonoe to sustain thti came of the Irish against oppression. M. Tolosi, Minister of tho lotorior for thi! Bciesian Enini-e, received a lottor on Jan, Bth, stating he had been sentenced to death by Nihiliete. The Setter also intimated thd sp«icdy murdor of Ihe Chief Publio Proseoutor, M. Dofretkaosky. " i ; Thi) proposals from Japan that a Court of Jiißtice bs established m that country)' h»viDJ| jurisdiction over foreigaen m well aj|' j!

natives, hai been favorably recei"ed t Borlio. The United States GoTevnroer have also agreed to it. Malthew Arnold lsctured m Cbicngo « January 20th. He expressed his surprise t Americans flocking to cities nnd seeking a educafiua flttitjj them only for iilerica labors. Chnrlc9 Delmonico, the eelebratsci Nci York uctor, oiiuie to his death on Jannar 14,<h under diatnissing circumetance*. Bom ill, and p.rtiall;/ out of bis mind, hi ctcaDoi from bi? »uardr.;»na aid wandered into Nei Jrney, urd was found on the morning of th day nwned between Orange aucl Moun C!»ire lying under a dee, froze't atifl'. Tho Bash Ri-ter, between Now Yctk am Brooklyn, was bridged by ice on the 111 th, i o: the first time einje 1875. Thn streets of Boston, MsEsachuiset.o, i city thai has enjoyed tho reputation of bein| tbe b<»t governed m the United Staton, hvn becotno unsafe by reason of bold robberies ant brutal assaults on respectable ci^izni. A fropositioD was introduced into Congrtß on Jimuary 9th, bncked chiefty by westerr lentiment, lo ctclude German and Frem.l products from l;be United Stiles, m retnlia tion Ik the hostility of theee Governments U American hog. This policy is a 'so s';rt>nglj favorod by the Californinn win« groirera. Dr Edward Ijoscer, an eminent German died m New York suddenly on Jan. 4'h He vn» leader of the Ka'ional Liberal part] m Cat Ger.nan )?or iiment, and wus m thi TJnitaJ States ou an invitation from Villarc to attend tl c opening of the Noithero Pacific railwj.j. His body wai taken to Berlin fci: intercnatt. This os»fpii{i»r organ of tho Atierican Iron and Steel Association, dated Dec. 22nd, ft » tea prices are about steady, and oviug U> tbo restriction on production lute y, there will be no further depression. The laboring; cia3»s of the usonlry realise the obitnge io the condition of trade, and appieciate it. Wages are not p»'d m proportion to the fall m tho price 1 . At the present pricen {if ete-el rai's, the consurrption of iron and stool will bo about equal. Thu miners of l?riinsylvauia bnve commenced war ag»in«t Hungarian imn.iprantii brought oror to work m the coal di-trictt. of tha; State. Trouble is anticipated. Matbew Arnold has expreeced hirrtelf al much gratified by the attendaica at hin lectures m all ilia American cities be visitetl except B/iltin-.oro. He had found (ho eaid tc a reporter) many groujjs of cultured people, but ha was afraid tbey were not of tbe olasii t a* raicht be termed " average Americans." Bone Horan, formerly lidy's mtid to Ladr Mandeville, bas'aegun a suit m a Ne ■» Yorl: Coirl. to re.'ov^r 20,000 dollars damages fofalse .trrrst and imprisonment itt thn iaalanco of Lidy Mandeville, who charged the maid with larc»ny. .tiady Mandeville is an American woman, irnrritd to an Kogliihman of title. Mr J. Is. Rcamond, IT. P., arrived at Sa:i Francisco by thj Zenlsndia on December 13i> , and delivered strreral lectures there on " Irish - Araerisans." Jlx Redmond is en route tJ Enropo. The Neu> .fork World of January 13t'i soys during "1f)33 not ore Amerioari vessel cleared from tha port of New York fcr Europe laden with |>rain. During the yesr there were ei:f>jrted from Now Yorii m 491 Tcsjels 21, 545,0:0 bushels of wheat, 35222,600 baslu'lß of cora, 6,0."> 2,040 bnsbels ox 17s, and 1,474,300 boslu-e of out». The lowest amour t of froight money paid for the tranipjr'ation of this grain ivas at feast 5,0:0,000 dollar.i, not one cioilir being received by American shipowners. The work of recovering £1,000,000 ia treasure suppoied to bave been las; m the wreck of the 13rit<ah frigate Hums- m the bottom of Knst Eiver, New York, juitt below Fort Morris, has commenced. Xbe ve-?el *aswreoled m 1770, while on her way to Norwich, Connecticut, and tho money wtj for payment of British troopa. The Hussi>r bad t-lso 70 iiUierican prisoners chiiined io her (;un decks. The Company engaged iv tie vtcrk Tolain SO ]}er cent of their 6o Ji])g», and the United Btates Government 10 per cent. Ends, the builder of the jettiea at tlie mouth of the Mississippi river, \e(i for London on January 7th to enlist English capitalists m bis project ta build a ship railnay acroas the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Thin enterprise is to be regarded with more favor m Londs-n than De Ljjsepi' Panama fcbocjp. Tho Governor-General opened Parliament itt Ottawa on January 17tb. Ie hie speech he eaid tbe goiiiral condition of the I'ominion was such aa tojiuatify him m conjnttulating Canuda ou itn prosperity. Thi) Preebjufrian Church m Toronto was burned on ths 10th January. The Sabbalh School wa« m ie;sion at the time, but foi'taaat«ly all tbo children escaped. Ihe leas was 40,000 dollars. The Mexican Government announces that no arrangement's 'exist for the conversion of Mf iiiran indebtedness m England. Tbe Argentine Government is iibout to issue bonds for 4,000,000 dols. to advance public instruction m tbe provinces and for building 300 school*. Yellow ferer baa nearly disappeared from BoTßDntb. A. despatch from Buenos Ayrei, dated Dei-ember 22nd, says that Cnllan, a member of tha British Parliament, was at that plnce and il is belivsd that bis object is to :in)rjdiic« Iriih coloniati into the Argentine lie public. The Meiicips bave refused to accept the netr nickel coins on account of their debasement. Tbeir -issue led to a riot, and President Gonsales wua pelted with coin m a public street. Great slsrtii was caused at Monte Video on January fltb, by immense tidal wnvei. They are attributed to volcanic action. Eticb waTO wa* prensded by a large dark oiood. A Dublin journal, the Vnifed Ireland, of 3rd January, pnbli«be> a fresh account of the killing of Carey, Ibe informer, by O'Dcnosll, written by a gentlettan who receired it fiom tbe latter. It shows that O'Donnell dtliberately killed Oarer. Thero was no ttrggi;!e, and Carey mad j no attack on O'Donnell. Had the Judge permitted O'Donneil to apeak, be would hiivci told the whole story about tbe killing. O'Donaell win not ac^uninted with Carey 011 (he voj»»e from Englnni to tho Capo of Good Hope. He whs not 11 member of any Society. He recognised Cart 7by a woodcut be iiair at Capotown, and noolred to kill him. He intended to gy with bin to a farm at Port Elzib.-th, which Carit; told him he im going to Uka, snd this übows there wai no ajpot where 1 , Carey could be s&fe. Finding himself, however, olono with Carey, bo could not resist tbe desire U> kill bin). Caroy perceived his danger, ancl suid, "Do you l'n>w juj?" O'Donnell replied "You aro Carey, tha informer jto Hell to you." A ballet sped with tlie words, snd tbe deed was done. Carey clutched hin own revolver, but too late. O'Donnell fired two shot*, end Oarey rolled to tbe dock. Nobody raw the encounter except O'Donnoll'a companion, 'rbo threw his arms aro'ind him and filled !h> ship with bin cries. He told him that raornini; he rotsnt to l;ill Carey, and would hang for it. When Mri Carey reached tbe sain 3 O'DcDnoll said to bet? " I bad to do it." A meeti«|j of 4000 persons, indexing sisveral women, ttd< held at Paris on Ibe 13tb o:f Janunry, "s-laen violent speeches ware delivered favoring an armed revolution 11a tbe only means ot finding the stagnation m l.rada. Delegate) uho were present froa> the Working Men's Aisocislion, howevei, adopted 11 rr,ore modests tone, eipn ssirg the belif f that an appeal 'to the Chainbtro would ruitijiatethe crisis. The meeting separated quietly. ifiO,ooo bands aro cnt of employment io Paris. A Gram] Mmi was held at Madeline, Pnrin, on the 21 jit January, tha anciraraary of tbe death of lionis XIV., It wsa looked forward to as the cocacion of a BoyaUetdemonsti-atioii. A large crowd of Boyalists aisembled at tbe railway rtiiion on the 11th, wbea tho Coml» de Paris left for Madrid, and bi.nded litoi an address m the name of tho Boyaliat I/eague. Cries ot "Vira leCointedeParii" and " Vire le Boi" irrre raised. Beveml persons were urrested. Ibe Count went to Madrid on the invitation of King Alfonno. The %'igaro ot 12th Jenusry pats lie Dumber ol' suicides m Psrie for tbe yeur 18)3 at 4000, snd says tha number ii unexi.mpltd, and accounts for the increate by " tbe at which we live." Two meetings were held m Paris on tbo 19th Jsnciary, m furtherance of a proportion to revise tbe Constitution. flpeechiiß wiito delivered favoring cocial revolutions. At one mooting II; was decided to orjjatiuie c, fujid to raise • moaument to ffae Coramuttuits who were tbtfi. . - , ■

a! A iipooial cablo mcsmge from Madrid of sth tn |. Janinry says the rupture between the Liberal factions is complete, and the '"ouafcry m ituit(in ing (;> see whom King Alfonso will oall to a l power. Great unensinets prevail*. The en nroy is suspected of prcpaWng for revolt, cs ) unii the funds »re failing. Tlie Innguugi) of tbd Republican, and even of the Miniitarial cm Prt>»s is hosti'e to the King. The crisis ir j npiniiwl'y turns on un<Tertal luffrage. Apn g prchonsions or coming ditturbanoe are o d (jonetel. King Alfonso's position is coniidared r9 very insecure. In tV.e Oorl,?», on tin Bth, h,, Colonel Portuondo, a Rnpu'jlican, drolured n l Chs.t though tho Republicans approved of mi itary reforms, they did not support the ll( ) monarchy. A great tumult followed, nud tho ; ar Pr.sruier, amid oheering, obwrved tb.iit an officer who had taken th« oath of alk jounce „ to the King could not as a deout.y attack the „,. Mdcnrchy m the Oortea. r(l The Redmond Bros, v/ere announced to 1( j »p«ak on Irish uffiirs atChicajo on thu :!9tb January. BK Li'ro stock dealers m tli<a States are rr petitioning Congress for protection against j. plenro-pneumonia by the riati^h'er of v's ma- . .. fectini chttle. at an estimated espente of t{ , i.eoo.ooojoiu. ]■• A leading American politician tiamori Hiiwitt, who was n candidate for the PieeiD dency. has incurred mcb as may lead jj[ to his retirement from Congress. He bad [„ introduced a reeolution lo Coi gross asking the ,„ President to obtain the itaj of O'Dcnncll's . ( l BZ"cntioi>. Immediately afterwards he o tiled ; (| on tbe British Minister and apologised. He „. told him the resolution wos only bunkum, intended to satisfy the Irish-American clamor, a and tbe affair leaked out. j The Mormon leaders ai-e becoming do bold jj tbnt they openly defy tha Orovernment and 9 ur(»o the neoesiity of plural marriages. g; Watermans, a large chipping firm ia San 0 Fraaoiaco, has failed. t. Many large Failures bare sccurred m New 11 York from high charters end the low price of •1 wheat. II Mass meetings have been hold m New York under tlie auspices of an organisation known (1 a% the Army of the People. Its objiMts are it tho olection of the President by tho direct ,; vote of the people, free postage, Goreruinent telegraphs, a tax on all incomes OTer 10.000 1 doU, unlimited coinage, and p .'ottction agiinst ii monopolies. 1 The reduction m the United States debt ;. for December ia 12,000,000do!s, i Fred. De Belleville, &n iclor known m 1 Australia, was divorced from his wife i:o New York. The wife is a native of Melbourne. The Marquis of Landedowne, GrovarnorI Grcofiul of Canada, has visited Chicago. The ( trttn m whioh ho travelled was strongly I guarded, owing to Fonino threat}. On arrival _ at Ciiicago ha was met by 100 voluntews, who P oaiX3i'ted him wherever he went daring his stny. ( The latest news from Panama says men coctinuo to arrive by overy vessel for tho [ Ciitinl Company. * The number now employed ( exceeds 14.000. It is hoped much progress wilt be raado this year. A grund winter carnival commencos at i Montreal on the 14tl. February m honor of J the Gro-Tflrnor-Sreneral's visit. 10,000 blookt- . of iua will be used m the construction al an J ics palaoe. j Con6y Island, which of late, years bns been I a great pleasure resort of tha middle clusses of New York, wiis almost completely inunJated by tho eea m a terrific g:ile, on January 9th, ' and from 500,000 dollars to 1,000,000 of property wbb entirely destroyud, and hundreds of fuet of the new iron fiior deinoiihed, The Brighton Beach Hotel was demolished and all tbe bathing toußes went to tea. At Atlintio City, New Jersey, tho same Mgjd to such aa extent, and the tide rosa so high that houses, itoros, dwellings, bath-houses, and other biildings were carried oceanward. Wilkeabar, JPorlland, anil Portsmouth also felt the fury of tt.e storm, but the core of it was m New York boy and harbor where tbe greatest mischief was done. It is supposed Coney Island wil have fes be abandoned as a pleasure place. This ri!.[ be a Frmortune for the popultce of New York. A terrible calamity iiajipet.ed m tho neighborhood of Toroato, Canadi,, on the (Jraul Trunk Bail way line on the m>rningof January 2ad, by the collision of a ctx uUach>ii to a dummy engine, and carrj ing employed!) of bolt vorks to their daily labor, with a freight train. 8 otoe 20 or 30 persons wave tiled. The B,osident occurred at the rounding of & sharp curve. Just bofora reaching t'ae bolt wciks the engineer saw the freight tmio coming thundering down the track towards biai. He ; reversed bis engine, bl)w bis whistle, and frith the fireman jompod :x>r bis ltf.j. The conductor heard the warning, ani nbouting " Jam[>, boya, for your livei," sprang into the snow, In a second morn th jre was a terrible crash. The engine of tbe freight train knocked the boiler of tbe dummy clean through tbe first car, crushing tho unfortunate passenger* m every direct. on and pinning tanoy to tbe floor. Tie impeftu was ao great that the (Dgioe actunl.l;/ ran on to (he truck ol the dummy which kept the rails snd remained on the Ulan co. The engineer of the freight train, when he caw a collision wai inevilablo, aprans from the engine, but hie fireman win killed instantaneously. To add to the hon-or of the (iceno, the boiler of the explsdad and the i team scalded and caused denth or serriblo injuries to the mangled and bleeding Then fire broks cut und completed tbe niokening work of dettrustion. No more nwful scene could be witnessed. Xhedeid were taken to tbe morgue, tml the wounded its quickly as possible to the hospital. One man, John Howlett, died shortly after ht arrived. When found among tbe ileirit he spoke cheerfully and asked to be ttliowed to wslk on. Looking down, tie cried "C'h God, my Ilegs are off." Ba/oei, the conductor of the freight train, to who») ignoracae of tbe titne-Üble the aex-iden'; was due, «s« placed uader arrest. Public subs ;ript ions bavebeen a'artetl for the benefit df ths »niv9B and fiimiliiM of. tbe survivoni, and mniie; ha* flawed m freely. The ioVarquia of Landidowne, the Governor-General tent 2500 dollars. Dsepatchoi dated January 18th icpprt this total ion of tbe steomnhif Oity of Columbus, beiongicg to a line running between Savannah and Boston, ami tbe lotin of more than one hundred lives. The boo no of tha disaster was on a reef oiled Divil'n Bridge, off da; Head, near New Bedford. The steamer left Boston at S o'clock m the afternoon of the 17th for Savannah and struck et '. 845 the next morning. The causa aeems ts> have been a want of attention by the pilot, aa he told a passenger who was m the rigging with him after the revel struck tbnt he had fixed tbe course of t'ne vesiel and Hastened the wheel , and as he was very cold, went to the smoke stack to trana himself.'. He remained there 20 minuteii, and wben he returned to his post he found the übip ht,d veered round. When ho iscertainud that tbe veescl nas among rocks, nnd it ws« probably impixsiblo to save her, he put bur right m eh or a, and ran her as bigb at be could, with the result that although nhs drew 17 feet of water her fore part w»s I mll feet. Among t.hoae who perishod wera Oscar Isaig, tho Turkish ConsulI General, find a journaliit named Morton, of F tbo Boston Olota, going south fot bis health. I One-third of the passengers were women and r children, not one o{ vrboio, so fur mi is known, . is saved. One survivor lays it wj« Fearful to ■ see the women swept 01. Some ruihed on i deolc with their haibande, and an the full ; force of the itorm broke upon thorn, realising • all was lott, they threw their firms around I their husbands' necks and badn them good bye. A few mocaen'is later they were , swept over beard. A mother with » i hild held tight m her arms was borne 1 awny by the waves almost before reaching . the deok. Not on.) woma.n reached j tbe rigging, and a majority were waahed over--9 botrd by tbe waves. A number were probably i smutbersd m theii* berths. Tbe stewards, . who were m ths rigging with about forty s others, isy they clang to tbe throuds with c tbxir fingers benumbed, and irith floating o corpse! and debris at tbsir feet. Oooasiooallj ono of tbeir companions would from cxc haiution loose bit bold and drop into 3 tbo raging sea, but inoit of those I, who were fortunate enough to gain the ,t rigging wera resaucd. Ooptain 8. T. Wright win saved. Out of h paisenger Hit of 80 snd a o crow of 45, only 29 were oaved. Tbo town ii of Bedford, Mass., vu full of people on tbe o 30th looking for tbo bodies of reiatires and c friends, but there was such a displorable laok o of system is retouinq "he corpins from tbe o s«» taut they were iicatterod to all poihU along tie comU.

;h AMnRIOiLN SHIPECNG. al At. New York :— Vessels loading—Clsr't- bell for Wellington and Auckland, wi'l ■o probably olear about Jan. 22nd ; f nrnell for ie Wellington and Lytlelton, will probibly nlcai t, about Jan. 251h. >f At Boston : — Loading — Emanael forDunoil din nnd Lyttelton, will probably oluar about is Jan. 25th. >- Freight ratis from New Yori to Auckland, c 25 cents ; to Lyttelt,on, 26 centp. d There is now no vessel on tbe berth at Nt>vr i> York' for Dunedin, Ihongli a ohitrtor for thai, d port is duilv eipectdd.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2929, 12 February 1884, Page 2

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ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL AT AUCKLAND. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2929, 12 February 1884, Page 2

ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL AT AUCKLAND. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2929, 12 February 1884, Page 2


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