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Commercial Intelligence.

ENGLISH MARKETS. ; The JTatioral 1/lortgago ana Agency Corripany of New Zealand (Limited) report undor flat« London, Dec. 6th, as follow* : — WOOL. • Since flato of onr laat Issue tftcrta has beet no cbavgc m <&o roarkat,the diiily solos Imvin^ pa«sod off without any feature* of interest ." New clip." wools from Anafmlia have been , keenly competed for ibroogliont the aeries, ' add prices roulined aro fully 5 to Bporoont . higher thaa m September, enn a(tor mnlrin^ uUoxaßco for tUo unporior cocdiinon of the; ■nowly imported wools. Soonrcd crognbred •worfu, ntxptlng *lm%ym thews of tho fln«K(. gtMne, r«a«ni »t a vwy low Jjviflj not btfviijg'

" participated to anjjajn'otablo extent m the im j provemont marke&l'at this series for similai < wools m the grease. Up tCL<unt<i tho tota ; offerings havotbeeif '}p folldwjj — Now;iS,<}nt) ; Wales and Qneensianc ; 44.0(iS h;»Jes ; YiMbria i 32.73J ; Sonthf jjjjurtrjil ». SSlSlf fWestera Aus ' tralin, 31; TJ«nnurii|b IS34 \, |ew Zdftand 23.5W ; Capafo? G'oSa Hope*.sg2,Bo4j Jotal ; 133,836 bftjes-^df whu}(i V 2,173 ljßlea hav^ bow i withdrawn. ArrivVvlef for the" first «6ries b i 188-1 are na follow :— New Sonth Wales nn< Qaeensland, 47!) bales: Victoria, 711; Soutt Australia, it 37: Western Axiatralia, nil ■ Tasmania, >st 7 ; Now '.'ealand, 737 : Capo, 975 total, 5342 bales. WICEAT. Tto i duluesa i-eportad iv our laat is still th' proviiling featnro m the trade, and littl aotiyitj- is now looked for before the turn o £he year. The continued mild weather am abundant supply of .potatoes -and vegetables tend to restrict tho consumption of bread while tho heavy stobfcs of wheat and flou press like a load vpor. the market. Now Zea land of good quality is m modorato request a onr quotations of 40s to 43s for roumi berried, and 4-i3 to 4Gs for long-berried, bu inferior out-of-oouditiohed • parcels ar neglected, tho supply being greatly m exces of t'le demand, and wiles can only bo effecto with {lifflcnlty at low'ratea, say, 23s- to 36s pc 49tilba ex store. Tlie only nrrival since on last is tho J)ova with 10,575 bags. Australia selU m retail ou the spot at 4Gs 6d per 4961bs For January-Februury shipment there ar sellers of the Lew crop at 45s 6d, hut n buyers above 45a per 4Solbs. c.i.f. terms. .. . . FLOUS Shares iv tho depression m whpat, and oa! the best qualities maintain their valui!. W qiioto :— New Zealand, 27a to 23s ; snpprfin Australian, 32s to Sis pev 2801bs, es store. TALLOW. At tho sales of tae 30th nltimo, 13S1 cask of .Australasian wc.'Q o&'ercd, and tho who! for.nd bnyers with the exception of SO cask* Thero was a deoided improvement m th duraand for mnttoti. small supplies of thi duticriptiojj attraottid bnyers, who purchase freely, and cleared out the whole quantit offered at an advauoe of 2s to Ss per cwt o tho best qualities, and Is to Is 6d on dv middling sorts. Beef was m rather mot request, but without material change i values, the tendonop bora? to hardening rate! The market closes linn at tha following quotr tions: — Mutton, fine 43s Gd to 43s 9d per m modium 42» to '13s ; beef, fine 39s to 39a 6i mudinm 33s to 38a 6d. Stojk m warohonsi nil sorts, 10,314 oasks, of which 523 ai Russian. HIDES. The sales at the motions of tha'29tli nlrini consisted of 7c£f> out of a total quantity < 19,1W brought forward. The demand wt moderate at a decline of jd to id per lb on tt heavier, sad J<l o:i light ox and cow hide The market closes flat, with a tendency ( easier values. Wft quoto -.— Hoavy ox, ijjd 1 si;d per lb ; light, <»$d to 4|d ; seoondH, -tjld 1 ijld; cow, 4jd to 4Jd. - From the New Zealand loun and Mereanti Agency Company's report, dated Decembi 6ih, 1883, we makt' the following extracts : WOOL. The fourth series of sales, which commenct on 20th November, will close ou the Sth insf and will thus have ocenpied 17 sittings. Tl number of bales ci(talosued to December 61 is 133,830, of whicli 23,546 bales' aro Now Ze; land. In the totil are inoludcd some SS.CH bales held over from previous salei. Shortly after ths oloao of the third aeries < 3rd October, nnmiat&keable avidencea we afforded of a roviral m the demand for coan ■wools m the homo manufacturing district and aa domestic wools advanced Id per Jb, th favorable reaafcion was ei-o long reflected tho val-ies of kiodrac 1 . colouiaL description Some business by private treaty eventual at rates showing \d to Id per lb appreciate on September ratss. As tho time for the cor mencement of tlie fourth series drew nig sellers felt less .losiro to oporate nnleia at tangible advance- on previous auction rate A quieter tono m the market for English wo induced greater oantion on tho part of buvei tho result being that immediately before t opening of tho fo arth saries no transactions moment were recsrded by private treaty. ■ C this footing buyers met aelfers on 20th Novel ber, and some disappointment oa the part the latter was not unnaturally displayed, th prices ov a par with privnte contract rat were not either freely paid or tangibly c oceded. Tv order to make tho opening "daj sales attractive and representative, U of the leading brokers arranged to divi between them the first and second daj salen, thus securing for the firtjt day a aha of the offerings of each. Although by the means the catalogues of 20th November ci braced some 9811 bales, including a portion new clip, they foiled to elicit from tho For.ei| isect'on very animated competrfcion.'thebnra'i of the buying falling on the Home trade w' purchased freely. Savo for good shaf merino, whether acoured or greasy, and coar crossbreds whic'i went m favor of sellers, i ohango could be quoted on September rate As tha sales progressed, while Home buye by no means relaxed their efforts, Foreij operators displaced greater freedom m biddin especially for wools of tho new clip, whii were represented by some 30,000 bait Though as regar.-ds Rtrength and sonndness - staple it is generally superior to that 6f t' nrevions year it is not lighter m conditio Some flocks though less earthy are more fat and burry. These remarks apply mo especially to South Australian, Eiverina ai Victorian wools. Those- grown m other par of New Sonth Wales and m Queenslan though lighter In condition, bear evidence of more adverse season, being defective alike length and strength of staple. The market q notations ahon- no very mark( alteration from those current at the close the third series: The changes maybe brief snmmod up iia follows :— Goed comb'ii merino aconred, per lb advance; < washed and do irreasy, par to Jd per lb a vance; other grades of merino nnohange< crossbreds, sconred and washed, }d to Id p lb advance; do Rreaey, par to |d a vanoe ; lambs, merino and . crossbred, fri from fault, par to Jd advanco ; c fanlty, par to $i per lb declino. Tho followin statement dealt, with the qnotntionu of certai representative type* of New Zealand woo recently sold— Sconred merino, snperior, pi lb. Is 9W to 2s OJd, average Is 6d to Is 8i inferior Is 2d to Is W ; washed merin. superior, Is 7{cl to 1b lOd, average Is sd_ to : 7d, inferior In 2d to In 4d ; greasy niarin. snporior. Is l}d up la 3d, aimrago 101 to li inferior, 7Jd to 91 ; second crossbred, fine. 1 4Jd to Is 7i, Hoarse, lOd to Is Id ; waahc erossbrod, fine, Is 3id to 1b 7d, coarse, 9J to la o|d ; graaiy crossbred, fine, J.Od to la 2c ooars>e, 7dto9d. While ■ ahrinjr tho series them have boo slight nuctuatbnß m value, viewed as a wholi there has beoi; throughout a steady deman and more regularity m the biddings than wa evinced m the previous sales. A considerahl number of twice-offered and aeoond-han parcels found a plnce m tho catiilpgnes, an wmie these did not uniformly command to ratea they havo been loss neglected than tbo would havo b«ien m a dull market. Uncle .hese cironmatinces the qnnntity held over fo future dispose] will be within a very moderat compass, and whilo it is antioioated that th anpphes of 1881 wilJ excood those of its predc lß il Or 'i. ? ° P° 3ition ° f the woollon indngtr both at homo and abroad is fairly satiufaofcTrj although >t rouat not be forgotten that Freno accountd do net warrant tho conclusion that with increased imports of wools snitcd to thoi special wantM, a maintenunco of iiven cuitod TB i2f 8 sI * onl| 3 !>« rogardwl as assured. The date of tho commencement of the firs series of 188-i. has not yet been fixed. Th arrivals to date number 5512 bales, of whiol 737 aro New Zealand. CORN MABKET. Sunh variations ns huvo taken place m thli market Hinoe tlie date of onr laat report h*v< mostly been m fnvor of buyers. Business ii Mark Lane an'! othor exchanges has boon re ardod by theiact that pprchasogmadc durint 10 paat ten do.ys would bbco'mo payablo withir ths onrrent roor, Rt n tirao whon millers nnti others, as a. Nile, seek to restrict their di« bnrsemouts a<s much as possible. Tho only satiafactory feittnro to r?port is a falling ofl m tho imports into London, after a prolonged ponod of excessive arrivals. The quantity of wheat on piwssffo or shipping to tho United Cinirdom ii. 1,818,000 qunrtors apainat 1 ( ,852,500 0n 30th ultimo; und the American ,, v "' h le snt.ply " has increased from 'i : x . '22^ "isliols on that <lato to its prosont t0ta1— 32,250,0iK) busholH. the flgarns at n. corro«ponding date m 1882 being 20,200,000 oushe/s. havin? tftk « n »> laco m iho Jlosjtjon of th» " off Htand " trade, quotations b qnohoDared from thowi last (riven, viz. ;- Wheat Anstrt.lmn, 46s (Id to 47*;. do, Nnw S?" ; <}°< <]° ?°. n»orn ?B , 42s Cd to 43«Gd par fc ;j ' 7 01 ! 0 ' " lfenor . 35« M to3Bi6d por. 4961b5;d0, do do. No. 3. 88s to 33h pnr 49Clbs. flonr.AnstTOU], Hiiporfinn. ;ils to 31n G'l por <ißolbs Ktom; co, do Bnß, 27« to 2fls per 2801 b« ,10, Nev, Zealand, patent, 3!s to 32s par 280 Ibs gross ; <!o. do, fins: 27s to 29s per 2801b H IjTois. Baijey New ZflsJand. 35n to 3Cs por 44011".. Oe-ts, Naw Zealsnd, fine, 32n to ,'l3« P^r Imponn.l <jn. • do, do, : ordinan 1 , 27s Bd tb lAX? r Im P" rial V- Beana, do, 40s to 41b per avUoti. i - . . ■ .... „. TAIXOW. '-. ' At tho ptibho (iticttons hfl'd on 30th nltimo, 1381 rewks AwtraUim and Nerr Zwiland woro bron«-ht forward aod 130-1 casks sold. Owimf to the difficulty of {fottinjf delivery of «oinfl SrtSu d^crf «^ t !f I "' )or ' l . r y ware'ty of *tar;»rs«vl^ smafli. "c^Ssi' Bifl b^ o ™^

- coived somewhat more freely than of la^gjfrdjhj: r tho Continent, and tlioro was, in^'MnsoilijJnojju I 'eagoii^Diprtationj'jWsuHing iojitt Jn^fcaljj; I adviiirfe iiJ iprioeair ffie, ''fj*^ quaMJßs .Qj', v nurtttnl iittp^ovoi'ltf) nfynk ns'&. to 3a |H c«ti| !-, ,and dulV^jdiddlinjj Bojta lsitqfla 6d pw^owtY ,• jßenf lwipgij m rola.tiy.ely lS*j|Or auupW^aifl 1 i #iot runlise ! uny <iitptttblo aavuhoßVi Jwi-'ltigU jl ifecllUiff' readily at ■■felly' lust "-salefe* rates. f ' Tho Home melt is "by no meijns plentid ful and with values tending upward on h the Continent, tliis market olbßtis steady ; at our quotations. Wo quote :— P.Y.C. new, >; 51s tid per cwt : Australian mutton, fine, 43s 6d to <133 9d ; do do, medium, 42a to 4'is ; do beef, fino, f!9s to 39s 6'd ; do do, medium, 38s o to3Ba6d. o The L ostirnated stock m warehouse is lO,P»lt if oanksjof wljioh 52.1 are} Russian. :~ , d ' " leather;' hides, etc. • * i, ■ Oirtho SOta. ulfc. 7916 'sides were effcired m I, publio anotion and only 2330 disposed of. Tho x domaud was dull, and the bids tendered for .- the hotter tannages wore about : }d per lb under X ra?enc vuluos, but thoro wuro few sellers at the 1- decline. Common descriptions were pi actically it withoot change. Wo qnoto .— Fair to fjood c sides, heavy, lOd to lid pur lb ; do do, %X, is lOdtolld; do do, oxt.ra heavy, 9jd to IOJd; d do do, seconds, 9d to lOd. ;r Basils. — Thoso were again m larjre supply at tr tho public auctions hold ou tho 30th ult., when ti of 119,739 skins catalogued 71,895 found pur3. chasurs. Tho bettor descriptions of strained o skins wore more readily competed for than moo ff'rior qualities and unstrained parcels, but speaking generally the enquiry was slowor than it has been for some time past, and m y order to effect olearances lower prices than c UiO3<i formerly obtninablo must havo lj'oon'uc 1 le coptod. We qnoti> : — Best strained skins, 14Jcl to 171 d per lb ; seconds, 9jjd to 13ild; unstrained, 7d to 131 d. IS PRESERVED MEATS. le There has boon no variation of any imports. auoc m this market. Business still retains its ie retail character, and, with tho exception of is ilbiinsof mutton, of which a small quantity id has changed hands at a slight advance, reeont ;y quotations aro unaltered. m FROZEN MEAT. j II No quotablo improvement has taken plnoein :o tho conditiou of tho general niarkot, <!ither m m London or the provinces, and it still remains s. oxtromely quiet. Despite the fact that frozen v moats hare not beon unduly pressod forward t, for sale, only a slight recovery m value ha.4 as 1, vet been offected. To-day'a quotations aro at a, lollow : — Prime English mutton, 5h 4d and 5s re Sd por stone of Slba ; do Scotch do, Ss Bd and tfs 2d do ; do English and town-killod foreign beef, 4s <5d and 4s 8d do ; do Seotjh beef, 4s 10 lOd andss4ddoi . . , •

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2906, 16 January 1884, Page 2

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Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2906, 16 January 1884, Page 2

Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2906, 16 January 1884, Page 2


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