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Caledonian Lodoe. —Tho regular monthly meeting of the Caledonian Lodge, No 53-1, S.C , will be held this evening at eight o'clock m the new Hall, Bank street. Independent Ohdeu op Rechabitbs. — Tho Independent Order of Rechabitcs' Hall will be dedicated this evening, at half-past seven o'clock, after -which a social meeting will be held. Thbatbb Royal. —Thero was another largo attendance at the Theatre Royal last eTeningjWhenßainer'sdioramaof tho American war was finally exhibitad. To-night Rainer'u grand liistorical mirror of the Russo-Turkiflh war will be presented. { Diocesan Synod. —Tho nomination of candidates for the representation of tho Temuka district m tho Diocesan Synod takes plaeo on Friday, tho 25th instant. All nominations are required to be made m writing, and must bo handed to Mr S. McD. Cumming or left at his houso bofore four o'clock p.m. on the day mentioned. Resident Magistrate's uoubt, Temuka. —At tliis Court yesterday, before A. LeGh Campbell, Esq., R.M., F. W. Badham was charged by his wife with having assaulted her on the 2nd inst. Complainant having given her evidence, the defendant applied for an adjournment, which was granted. Shortly afterwards comploinantlapplied for leave to withdraw tho charge, and his Worship granted the application. Nobth Obabi School Distbiot. —Tho Committee of this School District and other residents therein who are interested m tho extension of educational facilities are wondering much why no practical movo is being made m the erection of school buildings m the district. It is understood that tho contract for the buildings was let some months ago. If so, or even if not so, it is time something was being done m the direction referred to. Sanitaby. —" One interested" writes to us, pointing out tho desirability of improving some of tho sanitary arrangements of country Bchools. The cesspool water-closets, so generally m use at country schools, are, our correspondent believes, enough to poison the air far and wide, and must certainly have a deleterious effect upon the health of the children. We commend this matter to the attention of School Committees, believing that a cleanlier Bystem would be productive of other benefits besides that of obviating a certain amount of danger to the health of the children. Assessment Coubt. —The annual sitting of the Assessment Court for the Borough of Timaru was held m the Resident Magistrate's Court House yesterday. The amount of the valuation list laid before tho Judge was £45,800; the reductions made during the sitting of the Court amount to £625, and tho additions £65, leaving a total of £45,240 as the amount of the list. The large reduction was made up principally by the George street Landing Service being struck off the list, and the Government Landing Service valuation reduced by £300. Deceased. —We learn from a telegram received at the Police Station here yesterday, that Constable Cuthbertson died yesterday m the Oamaru Hospital; from what cause wo have not ascertained. Constable Cuthbertson, who, as will be remembered, was stationed m this town about twelve months ago, was one of the most efficient officers m the force. He was always a favorite with the men with whom he was associated, and highly respected by his superior officers, and every one who knew him will regret to hear of his untimely death. Dismemberment ofthe Waimatk County —A strong movement is on foot hating for its object the separation of the northern part ofthe Waimate County from the southern, and the formation of two distinct Counties. The best thing to bf> done would be for tho Levels Riding of tho GenddineCCountt t ami the northern portion of the W inmate County to throw m their lot together, tx* their interests ure, on the whole, similar. Boßorou Covscii.—An mljouratKl ot\Udinarv meeting of the Borough Oouni'il was held List night. lV'sent — lli* Worship tho Mayor, and nil the Councillors. Ou the motion of Councillor Yytv, s«\nule\\ by Councillor Jonas, the Council went into CWinuttrs on the water-work* sjwinl tvnlw nuw«

tion. After pnßsing several motions, tho Council resumed ordinary business, when tho following resolutions were carried : — " That the three resolutions passed m Committee bo confirmed." "That tho Town Clerk be instructed to at onco summon all ratepayers m arrears of rates." Councillor Gibson gave notice that at the next ordinary meeting ho will move — " That the Borough and Waterworks .Engineer receive one month's notice, m terms of his agreement, to terminate his present engagement with this Council, and Unit he be offered his present appointment at a salary of £550 per annum, such offer to be subject to his acceptance within seven days of such offer being made, and failing such acceptance the Town Clerk be authorised to at onco advertise for persons competent to undertake tho duties of Borough and Waterworks Engineer, at a salary of £550 per annum, and on the same conditions ns the present engineer. Advertisements calling for same to bo inserted m the local papers nnd m ono paper m each of the folowing towns, viz.— Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland. Applications to be Bent m with testimonials on jor before tho 19th of May, 1879, at 7 p.m." Timauu Hospital. — At a meeting of the Commissioners held yeaterday, a letter from tha resident surgeon was read urging the immediate building of more accommodation for fever patients. Tho Chairman told the Commissioners that he had telegraphed to tho Government on this mattei nnd had referred them to a letter from the Commissioners dated last August, m which the building of a fever hospital was strongly put forward. It was resolved that the Commissioners represent to the Government the necessity for immediately authorising tho construction of an additional ward to the hospital for tho especial accommodation of fever patients at an estimated cost of£ , including furniture. It was further resolved— "That the Resident Surgeon be responsible for all cases m the hospital ; nnd that the duly qualified medical gentlemen of Timaru be respectfully requested to give their services to Dr. Hogg as consulting physicians nnd surgeons. '1 he weekly attendance of theso gentlemen to be arranged between tliemselrcs and the Resident Surgeon." As a memorandum to the above it was decided that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to those gentlemen who have accepted the position of honorary surgeons and physicians. Tub Stbasi Crane. — Owing to a. slight nccident occurring to one of the driving wheels of the crnno yesterday, work will be stopped for a day or two until a new casting is made. Tne Fire Brigade. — The usual monthly meeting of the Timaru Volunteer Fire Brigade was held m the engine-house last evening, Captain Turnbiill m the chair. After the usual routine business wns disposed of, the election of officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with, all being re-elected. Mr P. Bradley was elected lion, treasurer. The Captain appointed Fireman Oatley to net ns branchman pro tern., and Fireman Collins a3 assiatant-branchman. Monday, the 21st inst., wna fixed on as n special drill night for recruits. A letter from the Borough Council re boots wns read, and an opinion as to the unsuitability of the present pattern was very generally expressed. Aftor calling the roil tho meeting terminated. The Navies op Europe. — According to the statistics of the navies of Europe, given m tho Annee Maritime, France possessed m 1877 120 ships on active service, including 13 ironclads, nnd a reserve of 82 ships, including 29 ironclads ; England had 202 ships on active service, including 21 ironclads ; and a reserve of 151 shipa, including i!G ironclads ; Germany had m all 88 ships, including 16 ironclads ; Russia, 2CO ships, most of them being of small dimensions, nnd of the old model, including 29 ironclads ; Austria, 01 ships, including 13 ironclads ; Italy, (ifi, including 15 ironclads ; Turkey, 103, including 22 ironclads ; Spain, 137, including eight ironclads ; Greece, 15, including two ironclads; Denmnrk, 33, including six ironclads ; Holland, 102, including 19 ironclads ; Portugal, 30, only one of which is nn ironclad ; Sweden nnd Norway, 69, of which 18 are ironclads ; the United Stales, 113, of which 21 nrc ironclads ; Brazil, 65, of which 19 aro ironclads ; Peru, 18, of which six nro ironclads ; Chili, 13, of ■which two aro ironclads ; nnd the Argentine Republic, 21, of which two are ironclads. A Naval Game. — A naval war game has been, it is stated by a German naval paper, begun at the German Admiralty m Berlin, nnd is to be continued every Monday night under tho presidency of General Von Stosch, the chief of the German navy. The introduction of such a mnrunthne Kriegsspiel wns much talked of by English naval officers somo five or six years ago, and a few games vpcro net ivnlly played. Tho idea wns first suggested by a naval chaplain, the Rev. Frederick Davies, who proposed moving littlo blocks, representing ships, over a chart. Subsequently tho matter wa3 taken up by one or two executive officers, a regular plnying-bonrd was prepared, scales were constructed for altering tho course of the ships engaged, and a number of rules were elaborated to guide tho conduct of the game. A paper explaining the progress which had been made was read at the United Service Institution, nnd there seemed to bo every prospect of the new naval war game becoming as popular among naval officers ns tho land Kriegsspiel is among military men. Unfortunately, however, no further attempt was made to bring the game into a more complete state, and nothing more was heard m England of the navnl Kriegsspiel. The new Kriegsspiel may bo far from perfect — many years nnd tho experience acquired by continuous practice wero required to bring tho military war game to its present state — but anything that leads officers to think about tactics and tho manner m which ships should bo moved m nnd before an action cannot fail to bo useful. A Lamentable Case op Suicide.— Tho Grey River Argus gives the following account of tho painful suicide of "W. Miller, at ©reymouth : — A distressing case occurred yesterday afternoon, Mr W. L. Miller, ono of the officers of tho Bank of New South Wales, having been found quite dead, shot through tho head, m one of the outbuildings of the Bank. Deceased had been m bad health for somo time, nnd had not been m tho active performance of his duties for come weeks; and he had been despondent, owing to his wife and family having been away from Groymouth on a visit to their friends m Auckland. Ho was last seen alive at 3.25 p.m., speaking to Mr Valentine Moss and Mr Petrie at tho Bank of New South Wales, whom ho left as if [to retire to the back premises. After gome lapso of time it wns nscortaincd thnt tlie unfortunntc gentlemnn wns dead m tho closet. When found, the body was lying on tho floor, with the feet behind the closet door, nnd the shoulders and head a littlo on one side, leaning himself ngainst the outside wall and the front of the seat ; it was cold but not rigid. There wns a quantity of blood and some of the brain protruding from a small bullet wound on the forehead ; but otherwise the clothes were perfectly regular, and tho deceased had evidently died instantaneously. A small five-chambered breech-loading revolver was lying on the floor by the right "hand, greatly bespattered with blood ; two of the chambers had been discharged, the others were loaded. There is no reason to doubt that tho deceased shot himself during a fit of temporary insanity. Deceased ■was twenty-nine years of age and married. He had resided m Greymouth between seven and eight years, and was well liked and respected. Tkk Panorama of New Zealand. — Tho Otago Dailif Times of yesterday says : — " Our representative was last evening admitted to a private j-ehearsal of Messrs Willis and Seymour's panorama, ' Zcalnudin, 1 which is to bo introduced so the notice of the public at the Princess Theatre to-morrow evening. For a first rehearsal tho performance wns carried through with remarkable smoothness, and there is no doubt that by Saturday night everytliing will be m thorough working order. Tho principal views we have previously described m general terms. On seeing them following each other, one very pleasing feature, to which we have not yet referred, was observable, namely, that the pictures blend into one another m n. most artistic manner. There are no sudden finishes ; one view gradually merges into another, and neither the eyo nor tho taste is offended. In Mr Cowper the pictures have a worthy interpreter, and the mechanical department is also creditably represented. The music, which is of an appropriate character, has been compiled by Mr Charles Waud. Portions of it nro of his own composition, and he as arranged the wholo of the ports for the orchestra. Mr Seymour has been actively en-

o gaged for some time past m advertising the 0 entertainment by posters, photographs, and t in other wars, and if .1 large audience does j not greet the opening performance, it will 1 certainly not be on account of want of i publicity. We can unhesitatingly assert that ' the panorama will be well worth seeing, and L expect it will enjoy a prosperous season." ; Something LiksaFlka. — Says " yligles," ; of tho Australasian; — A thoroughbred Vie- , torian, with a large infusion of New South , Wnle.i self-complacency, lately -visited South . Australia. He found fault with everything! , Of the turtle soup he Baid, " Why "mutton • broth m Melbourne is much better." Of S.A. , hock he said that Melbourne brewed alu waa : fur superior. His hotel being full, an excellent i couch waß prepared for him m a large sittingt room. " Humph " he growled j " why a back l kitchen m Melbourne would be better than s this." In tho room was n fish globe, contain- • ing some rare specimens of fresli water cniyi fish. One of these had by some means • escaped from the globe, and found ita way to the floor. As the visitor was about i stepping into bed, his foot was seized m a i powerful claw. He shoutod, " What's this ?" to the waiter, who was passing the door, i The latter said, "Oh, that's an Adelaido flea — I don't think you can beat that m Melbourne." A llauntkd Culvert. — The Wellington Chronicle says : — " Mr Reeves, M.H R., has told us a story m connection with the murder of the man Costello, near Reefton m 1872, which borders on tho supernatural. Years ago, Mr Reeves and Mr Warden Broad were m the habit of riding over a culvert at Boatmao'a Creek, hard by the acene of the murder. Every time (subsequently to the date of tho murder) thut they approached this this culvert their horses began to shy, though thero was no apparent cause for alarm. Tho riders had invariably to dismount and lead tho terrified animals across the mysterious culvert. Mr Broad remarked to his companion that if Costello's body wcro discovered, it would bo under this culvert. Strange to relate, now that Sibrec's wife has ' pouched * upon him, she says that Costello's body was buried under this very culvert. This sounds like one of the tales related to gaping children by the winter firesides, but it is perfectly true nevertheless. This is the talc as narrated at tho first tidings of the inquiry, und was narrated to us by Mr Warden Broad, but m more piquant and startling style than the above."

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1419, 8 April 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1419, 8 April 1879, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1419, 8 April 1879, Page 2


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