Miscellaneous D. M. ROSS, W. M. SIMS, Wbitee, Notabt Poblio, akd Pbactioai Accountant, Actuabt, axt Abbitbatob, Valuatob, LICENSED LAND AND MONEY BROKERS. TTIOR TRANSFERS, LEASES, MORTGAGES, POWER 3OF ATTORNEY, DECLA -^ EATIOKS, ENCUMBRANCES, CAVEATS, ANNUITIES, SUBDIVISIONS PLANS, &c, UNDEK LAND TRANSFER ACT AND INVESTMENTS IN LAND HOUSES, INSURANCE 3, FARMS, SECTIONS, SHARES, OR MONEY — CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE— APPLY AT ROSS, SIMS, & GO'S., LAND TRANSFER OFFICE, VICTORIA FIRE AND MARINE, MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA, PHCENIX FIEE, BUSINESS AND 2de MERCANTILE AGENCY. IMPORTANT SALE OF HARDWARE AT THE 1 BIRMINGHAM AND SHEFFIELD WAREHOUSE, STRATHALLAN STREET. ->TN Coniequenoe of the EXPIRATION OF LEASB OF PREMISES, the Undersigned begt to notify to hi) Customers and the Public generally that ho baa determined to SELL THE WHOLE of hit LARGE AND WELLSHLECTED STOCK of ZUILEEES' S'UF.KISHINa & GENEEAL IHCIOIGffGERY, AT SUCH PRICES AS MUST EFFECT A SPEEDY CLEARANCE. SMITHS, BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, aud other* would do well to INSPECT THE STOCK AT ONCE, as such an opportunity rarely occurs. EIDWAKD BEECE. 26mr THE ANNUAL AUTUMN AND WINTER DISPLAY OF r> r a :p b :r y ; EX TIMES, PIAKO, BENARES, S.S. SOMERSETSHIRE R.M.S.S. ASSAM, ALSO LYTTELTON. TAS. STRACHAN has now opened his Large Shipments of Drapery, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Silks ; Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shirts' Hftta and Caps ; Men's, Women's, and Children's Boots and Shoes ; Brussels, Tapestry, Eid derrainater, and Felt Carpets ; also, Floor and Passage Cloths (tl widths). These comprise all the most Fashionable Goods of the Season bought m the Home and Foreign Markets. J. S. further begs to inform his numerous Friend* and Customers that as his Shipments for this season ne exceedingly large,, he has determined to make an IMMENSE REDUCTION of 2b per cent on the usual prices, m order to make room for further Shipments to arrive. NOT 3 THE ADDRESS, JAM3S S^EICHAN, GREAT NORTH ROAD. P. S.— Special Jobi m Winter Dresi Goods. First-clasi DRESSMAKER on the Premises. GREAT PARTNERSHIP SAIiE. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IVTR GEORGE TODD is instructed to Sell on Account of MESSRS G. L. BEATH AND CO., OF CHRISTCHURCH. THIRTY OASES OF CLOTHING, DRAPERY, &c. Necessitated by the Recent Change m the Firm. INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO SELL. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. PREMISES— Corner of BESWICK STREET and MAIN SOUTH ROAD.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1415, 3 April 1879, Page 4
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