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Auckland, Monday Afternoon. Sydney, Nov. 11. The Champion Inter-colonial Gig Race took place on Saturday. Sydney again defeated Victoria, the latter crew a bad third. A boy named Sheridan, and two men, have been committed for trial for murdering Askon, near Grenfell. The ministerial banquet to tlu members of Parliament was a great success. A seaman implicated m the Carl massacres, lias been arrested at New Caledonia, at the instance of the Consul. The Bank of New Zealand shares have been offered at £18 10s. Twenty five Polynesians died during the last voyage m thf Queensland labor vessel, Jason. An enquiry into the case resulted m the acquittal of the Captain from criminal neglect. Newcastle. Arrived — The Ben Nevis from Lyttelton. Sailed— The Electra.for Wellington, with 875 tons of coal' ; Gazelle, 312 tons ; Fawn for Lyttelton with 345 tons. The Rev. G. Sutherland has been elected moderator of the Presbyterian Church, m connection with the Synod of Eastern Australia. Krohmon's crushing averaged forty ounces to the ton, Beyears and Hollemans sixty-five ounces. The H-'lland mines are increasing m richness. Breadstuff's are firmer, wheat at 7s 6d. Melbourne. Two persons have committed suicide at Ballarat, one a Chinese tailor, the other an ex-constable. Worthington barrister, succeeds Mr Carter as Commisioner of titles. A man named Samuel Webster, lias committed suicide by drowning himself at St. Kilda. At the Mayoral banquet, the Governor was present and a large number of citizens. The Rev Mr Corbett m the Catholic church at St. Kilda, inveigled against the Education Bill. The appointment of the new Governor is generally discussed. Business is dull. 900 bags of maize changed hands for speculation at 3s. A mixed parcel of Adelaide wheat sold at 7s 6d. Flour is quiet. Adelaide, Nov. 12. Wheat is at 6s 6d.

Municipal Election.— The nomination on the part of the Titmmi Borough of member* to servo oii the Board of Works, took pluceou Moiidny. Messrs Healey und Caiu were the only noii inces. Tub fiKiwLoiNK Election. — To-day, this conn-* oil" for Ihn election of one member, Mr £lny hurst and Captain Bullock candidates. The polling places aro the R.M. Court, Temuku, und Mr Tancred's wool shed, Raukapuka. Our correspondent says : " Great excitement, prevails throughout the district." The District Goubt. — The oiminal sittings of this Court, which stand adjourned to Saturday next will, on that day, be further adjourned to Friday, the 29th inst. The panel summoned on the 13bh inst will not be required to atteud as a fresh jury will be summoned by order of the Sheriff, New Zealand Church News. — This monthly periodical is now edited by the Very Rev the Dean of Christchurch, with the general supervision of Bishop Harper. .A change for the better ia discernable, broad and enlightened views taking the place of narrow and bigoted ones. ' New Volunteer Hall.— At a meeting; of the Tiraaru Artillery Volunteer Battery on Monday evening, Captain Green was authorised to complete all arrangements for the purchase of Mr R. Turnbull's stone store, The price to be paid for the property (subject to a mortgage of £600) is £150. The 'Joinpauy have £250 m hand, and after paying Mr Turnbull £150 for the equity of redemption, they will have £100 left; This sum it is proposed to supplement by £200 m 200 debentures of £1 each, thus in. iking up £300, which will lie required to mike the alterations necessary to fit the room for a Volunteer drill-shed anil public assembly room These alterations will comprise tlie erection of a gatlery, flooring the room, plastering sides and ceiling ard erecting a gun shed and auterooms m the rear. When completed the hall will be the largest public room m Timui'U, the measurement of the main hall tieiim 73ft by 35, and the height inside about 20ft m the clear. Narrow Escape from Drowning.— On Moiidny last a child of Mr George Butler, bad a narrow escape from drowning. It appears that the child fell into the Waiinntaitai Creek, 'and by the time it was got out it was insensible and apparently dead. Restoratives were applied, and a medical man sent for, but by the time he arrived, the child fortunately had been brought round.; Opr Mail Akrangriient3.— When will the post office authorities learn that ii> causing the English mail to be notified as leaving one day, and at the last moment altering that day, and making it a post earlier, they putbusiness men and the letter writing public to serious inconvenience. This alteration of date appears to have become chronic of lute. The out-going mail which leaves this morning (it supplementary mail closes by the Maori m the eourso of the day) has been notified for the lu«t week or so to leuve by next. ITridrty's mail, closing m Tirauru to-morrow, evening, but yesterday we were informed that by order of the Chief Postmaster tlie regular mail m Timaru must close that evening, the mail steamer leaving Lytlehon on Friday instead of Saturday, as previously arranged. Surely it. would be Justus easy for the postal authority to take time by the forelock and give a day or two law m the closing of the mails, instead of stretching the time to the utmost, and then, as often times of late, discovering they had blundered.

I Keside.vt Magi.-tuatk's (Joukt. Timaiu 1 ' —At this Court, yesterday, before the Ri-si-dent Magistrate, there w -re no police cases set down for hearing, and the only civil ease was that "f Tlma Parson* v Alex. Campbell, claim £15 !K m which judgment went by default f-.r plaintiff. The Man McLbas —Up to a lata hour last evening this person, who li-ts b -en missing since Thursday last, lias nut been henrd of. Captain Bullock at OEiummE. — A correspondent sends us tiie following : — Captain Rulloek addressed a meeting of eleclors ut Gemldine on Monday evening. There was h In rye number present and Captain Mullock was well received A vote of thanks for Ins address was unanimniHly pushed, after which Ihe following resolution wus proposed — "Thnf this meeting pledges itself to me a'l legitimate means to secure Captain Bullock's election.'' On the resolution being pur. twenty persm* voted m furor of it, and only one against ; i: wns therefore dec-hired carried. A vote of tlninka terminated the proceedings. Timartj School. — At the meeting of the Board of Education on Monday lust, the loiter from the Chairman of the Timarti School Committee, applying for a grant i.l £3000 for school building etc., as published m our issue of Monday Nov. 11, was taken into consideration. Mr Montgomery, the chairman of the Board said, although the uniouni was larger than the Board anticipated, yet U,.---had no doubt that it included fencing, furniture, &c, and that the committee would not, thorelore, require any fiut her grant. Seeing that the school was m a very important locality, and if a good one, would be a great benefit to the southern diistrict generally, he would be inclined to deal liberally with the committee, and would sugest that the Bonrd should grant the amount nsked for m the letter ou the understanding that it should include every expense for plans, buildings, furniture, fencing, well, and other requisites for a school of the kind. The Board decided to mako the grant on these terms. Timamj Five Bhigade.— The brignde mustered m strong force on Monday evening, and took tho engine to Mr Double's tank, intending to have a wet practice, but owing to the rotten state of tlio hose, the practice was brought to an abrupt termination. It is to be regretted that the Borough Council do not take steps to put tho Brigade upon an efficient footing as regards plant, especially now they have such a good body of men, to make the best use of it m fase of fire. On Monday the attendance of members was the largest that j has ever been, and under new Captain, Mr Wildie, every member worked m a most satisfactory milliner. DISCOVKRIKS OF USEFI/L Buif/MNG — Messrs Alex. Fergiisson and J. liohins have left at our office samples of various kinds of useful stones which they have discovered within thirty miles of Tunaru. One of these is a red sandstone, which splits readily, so :is to be suited for j.aviug, hearthstones, etc. Another is also a red sandstone, harder and superior to the limestone hitherto ush<l here, but more wotkalile than the Milestone, besides which it would m a building be lighter and more cheerful looking. It will cut any way, and is admirably suited for building purpoiea. Mr Pergnssoii staten that the i:ity of Glasgow is built of very similar stone. The third is not a sandstone, but .seems to be principally composed of minute shells; it is very hard, with no disposition to break m flukes, ami would be a. splendid huilding stone. The remainder are specimens of slates, which our informants state split without difficulty into routing slates •Some of is it slightly veined with white, and would, if worked and polished make very handsome mnntlepieces. or other ornamental work. We understand that Mr FergnsHou intends working up some specimens of the stone and slate for the Inter-provin-cial exhibition to be held iv December next. AnowiTENTJA School.— A. meeting of the Committee, adjourned from Nov. 11, took place on Monday evening. Pcvs-nt : Messrs Plante (m the chair), Rutland, Currie, For gusson, Mutch, and the Secretary. Gorres was read from Ihe B -iar.l of E luca tion, also tw;> letters from Mr F \V Thump son, respecting pupil teneher, also enrlosiin; summary of register attendance, llesolved — •'That the instructed to writ." to tho Board of Education respecting the ap pointruent of a pnpil teachi'i 1 . which is very much required, at the same time en<:!osinsr abstract from register of attendance." — "That Mr Thompson be paid tlu sum of £5 being amount of eulury due on q'l.irte." ending Sept 30." The Secretary was instructed to forward requisition for supplies. Resolved — "That tenders be called by advertisement m both the local papers for building additions to Ihe schoolroom, the same to be sent m on or before Monday, 25th." — " That, this Committee do meet on Monday, 25th. to receive tenders, at half-past seven." — " That the partition at the entrance of the present schoolroom be removed, and that Mr Jurrie be requested to do the work." The meeting then adjourned. Waiui Br/sn School. — At the meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, a letter was read from the Waihi Bush District Committee, stating that the proposed site for the new school had been surveyed, and was found to contain one acre ; also forwarding a report of tho proceedings at the annual meeting of ratepayers, and stating that a protest had been entered against some of the persons elected on the new committee, on the ground that they had not paid rheir rates. — The Secretary was instructed to refer tho Committee to section 10 of the Education Amendment Ordinance, 1872, which repeats section 34 of the old Ordinance. — A letter was read from Mr Macintosh, Waihi Bush, stating that it would be a great pity if (he suggested site on Mr M'Donnld's land for the new district Bchool were accepted, as it did not occupy such a central position as desirahle.— The Secretary to the Board was dirpcted to forward a copy of the letter to Ihe district committee, SEHior/3 Accidents —An accident occurred on Wednesday to a little boy of four years' old, the son of a farmer on the Washdyke flit, by a wooden l-oller pussing over his bfdy. The father was engaged pulling his horse m the eirt to bring one of his children into town to see the doctor, it being unwell ; His two other children were following a man driving a large wooden roller m the paddock, when one of them wishing to get next the roller, accidentally pushed his brother, who fell m front of the implement, and before the father could call out to the man to stop the horse, Ihe roller pawed over the poor little fellow's body, and partially buried him m the soil. When picked up he was found badly bruised, especially about the head, which was bleeding from a contusion caused by an iron bolt m the roller. The snme. unforluate lad two years' ago broke his leg.— We nl?o regret, to hear of a sad accident which happened to Master Robert Rhodes a few days ago at his uncle's station, at St Leonards, The lad, il seems, was riding a horse, when he was thrown, and his arm was broken m two places. A. special messenger despatched to Christchurch brought Dr Turnbull quickly on the spot. FLOGQUfG IN DUNEDIN Gaol.— There was a scene m Dunedin goal on Friday lust, s tys the Otago Daily Times, which would, we should thiiik, have had an excellent. eflVct on roughs -mid thieves, could they have . been witnesses of the exhibition, and seen its effect. It was the flogging of a prisoner named John Galingher, convicted at Ihe Supreme Conrt, Dunedin, m September, 1869, and sentenced by his Honor Mr

Ju-liee Ward to finVeii years penal servi lU'le, for a murderous attack with a tomahawk upon Mr Craig, storekeeper, and his wife, at the Marewhenua diggings, whilst m i heir bed m the night-time. 'Die flogtii>; was administered m Ills stock.i le.-yard m the presence of Dr Hidme, Pr miic'ai Surgeon, Mr Caldwell, Governor of the Gui'l, and si-vei-iil of t.hf> officers. The prisonpr was fastened to a wo«d"ii triungle, hip liamh being strapped to a cross bur, and his feet to the lower part of the framework or triangle. 'J'he back of the criminal was laid liare, m order tliat the strokes iif the "cat" might take due effect A leather kind was passed round his neck to prevent the blows iroin falling on that put of his Iwidy. Tiie officers assisted hiiri to prup.ire, •mil I hen tile operator, a recent arrival m the colony, and formerly attached to 11. M S il'iyal Sovereign, stepped for-vard urin d with the "cat." The handle of this instrument is a couple of tVttt long, and its thongs, which are nine m number, are of stout whipu.inl, kirn t.-d ut v.'i.iuiis points ami twisted at the " 1 ish einls" There is a sli^iit hissing through the air, ami die thongs Fall with i dull pat Ujinii the naked H -sb. fr. .m the right .shoulder diagonally to tile waist, iutiin 1 1 ill _; th it his I Kick aii't Ihe c.ic ha I m ide 'icquaiiitaucc with each other. Ihe prisoner winces slightly. l>nt beais it without a murmur. "Lash, lash, lasli." slowly ami re^u--larly, and after the tirst three or tour thin red , linei streak the prisoner's back, hut there is no bleeding. The lashes fell on slowly and regularly, but no cry escapes the prisoner til) t lie twelfth and last, when he begins to writhe a little, and utters a suppres»ed " Oh." The skin now grows furiously red. The lines which arc streaked across run one into the other, like a heraldic bur sinister, mark the prisoner, who now utters a dull." Oh." To use the language of Mr Baron Bramwell, when sentencing garrotters : — ''l intend that persons like you shall know that if you rob you will be imprisoned, and that m addition to that if you illtreat those whom you rob you will bo whipped. It. is right that if you inflict pain upon others you should be made to feel puin yourselves." Thanks Worthily Deskhyed. — Sir L'inseiguc, of Dunediii, has received by this mail from the French Charge m London, a letter acknowledging . the receipt of the money subscribed m Otago for the relief of tlio sullerei's by Ihe late war; also an autograph letter from M. Thicrs on the same subject, running us follows :— -" Trouville, 7th Sept. 1872. Monsieur '111..1..I 1 .. Lanseigne, Preside la Sooiele de Secours aux. Franc.iis, — Veuillez, je voiis prie, agreer les retnercicments dv comile do l'ceuvre des Orphelins de la guerre et les miens, pour votre don genereux, en laveur de ces pauvres.enlauts. Couiine nous, ils u'oubtierons pus que la distance gui nous eepnre, n'u pu diminuer hi compassion de vos coeurs charilables. — Kecevez aussi l'expressiou de mes sentiments les plus distingues. — Ks. Thieus." Piokon Match. — The Lyttelton Times of Tuesday says : — Yesterday morning v pigeon mutch was fired at Webb's on the Riccarton Road, between Mr H Kedwood, of Nelson, and Mr W. C. Maxwell, of Canterbury, the 'Inter receiving live birds. The weather was very favorable to the purpose, and there was ■i goodly number of spectators present. Mr Redwood fired with one of Purdie's kuii9, and Air ,\bi x well used a Maiitou. The couditioiH were twenty-three yards rise, lioz shot-,- und ihe following is tlu score : — Mr Kedwood — 0, I, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, L, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, I, 0, 1, 1 ; total 41. Mr Maxwell— l, 1, U, 0, 0, I, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1. 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ; total. 30. m justice to Mr Muxwell il. should be said that lie had a large share of ill luck, not only m the manner m which many of his birds shot away from the trap without rising so as to afford a reasonable chance to him, but also m the per ccnlagi' .if birds which though killed (ell outside the bounds Mr Hedwood's score is certainly a splendid one, aiid fully bears out his reputation.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 818, 20 November 1872, Page 3

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AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 818, 20 November 1872, Page 3

AUSTRALIAN NEWS. Timaru Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 818, 20 November 1872, Page 3


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