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THAMES ELECTORAL DISTRICT. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATE. IN pursuaflco of Section 76 of " The Electoral Act, W I, THOMAS WILLIAM CLARK. Returning Officer for the Electoral District; of Thames, do hereby give notice that JAMES JSeGOWAN, with his consent, has this (lay been duly NOMINATED as a CANDIDATE for ELECI'ION as a Member of the J louse of Representatives for the said District. T, W, CLARK, Returning Officer. Thames, 21th jfoveiiiber, 1890. THAMES BOROUGH COUNCIL. TENDERS will ho received hv the Council up to 4 p.m. of THURSDAY, Dcccnibcr 3rd, for .Supplying the following articlc3 for tho Thames Fire Brigade '21 PAIR TROUSERS 2 TUNICS .10 CAPS Samples of the articles required may be seen at the Council Chambers. Alubht Ekixt, Town Clerk. H, GILLESPIE, (Member Thames Stock Exchange) AND QOMMISSION EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, ISROWN STREET. Telei-honk No. 54. j

CALEDONIAN HOUSE, . ALBERT STREET, Fresh Shipments o JP NEW GOODS Coming to Hand Daily, *»»» vvvvvv-vf iytvf r>yvyyyyyy y.yv vwv wvv+ Just Arrived—A Lot of Shoe Lustres, Chaste j Button Tan Kid Giftvps. from Is filttpr' pair 5 Goods and Host Fashionable J< l Button itfuedi', and 4 lluitow l»oiuc Just Arrived —A Lot of Bla k Figured Lustres, \ Kid Glove* in Ise-st (ju.'iiKtes, just to hand :> ■ Beautiful Designs. Very .scarce Good 1 ) and in Just Arrived—A new lot of Oilcloth 5-Bth yard, 1 Great Demand \ yard, l : j yard. and 1' yards wide ; new floral and Just Arrived-A few piece.', of Japanese Art \ lilo Pattern*. Also Heat tlnui»s, Doormats, and Muslins; Tinsel Effects, Lovely Goods and j %mals, st-Ilhig rapidly. Sheepskin Slipmats certain to clear ivpidly ? at 2s lld in M.-uoou. White, Grey, and Gold Just Arrived-A .lew lot of Ladies* Gem Hats; J Just Jots of Lace Curtains, Honey- • .Stylish, yet Economical J ccnmb awi Satin Quilts > choice patterns and <SX« -■ Just Arrived—A fresh lot of Ladies' Urnbrelks} 2 celknt value latest, kindles, and AI Value. J Just Arrived-A Large Shipment of Kaiapoi Just Arrived—A lot of Children's Blouses, Pina- J Clothing, '['he Out and Finish of these goods fores, and Overallsj an Knglish manufacturer's } are a .special feature. Men's Odd Vests and samples, only one of each, selling at Home ) Boys' Odd Knickers now in Stock at finest Prices \ prices. . Just Arrived—A large stock of Ladies' Corsets from ) Just lots of Men's Shirts in. "White, the best mate, Thomson's and C.B.'s all j RegaW«, Charley's Aun& Tettnis, etc., new-lots marked lowest prices _ \ of Ties, Collars, Braces, Hats, Caps, ' Just Arrived—'A fresh lot of Rid Glovos : Girls' J and Underwear, All Newest Goods and Sellim' 4 Button Tan Kid Gloves all sixes;» Ladies' 4 ' Cheap 0 Rfi R FRT \hlf)n n Tender llis batiks for the Liberal Support accorded him RvU LI 11 Vll UU U since Opening ani will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Good GomU for (jmil GoUl are wimi Thames people require, and & IP. will (iltvatfs keep this in View. ROBERT WOOD Cash Draper and Clothier,

ABSOLUTE AND POSITIVE CLEARING SALE. £5700 worth of Mew and Fashionable Drapery, Millinery, & General Household Furnishings. Retiring from Busijiess^—Leaving Thames as soon as the stack can be disposed of and Pr emises Leased. TW9»M»yyrv>»»TyyT»TffvTT»v»yv>y»T»»Tfr» Desire, to tender their most sincere Thanks to their friends and general public,\atli the very liberal and hear'v ' support ficconled them since resuming business. The great success which has attended their efforts to please encouraged them to continue longer in business tlw» they intended to do when resuming business three years ago. Their very long experience of Thames trade has enabled them to select goods suitable to the require ments of the p'ace, Their first consideration has always been a good and reliable article at the least possible expense to their customers, The Thames people have appreciated their efforts.—Result a very liberal and hearty support, Negotiations for the premises have been going on for some time, but. the heavy sfcock'bein* a barrier to tho disposal of the business they have decided to give the public a chance of making a Big Saving by purchasing their Spring aud Summer Goods at' great reductions for GASH ONLY. During the next fcw months they must dear out the bulk of their Extensive, New, and Fashionable Stock of General Drapery' SAIE WOW OKI SAU WOW Wit ' yyyTyry.Tyfyyyyy.yyyfyyyyyyy.yy.M'n'yyyy>tyyryyyy«.iiyyyyyyi'.yyTTr Every Article Greatly Reduced. All Goods Booked will be Charged Ordinary Bates. Jfivst"olttßß I>BMSSMAKW(x 011 the Pv&Hiiscs. Low Ckavg&s, N.l3.—This is a rare chance for heads of families and other large buyers to replenish their stock at very low prices for cash. TOAi/VW/VVVVVV/'./'irfV'WWVV/VVVAi/VVA A' J- & E I are now prepared to consider offers for the Lease of the Premises, which will be found most complete and well appointed, with every facility for carrying on a very large business, capable of doubling present turnover. The stand is - without exception the best on the Thames. i A» $* AN© E« IMYIME, Drapers and Silk Mercers, Pollen-street, Thames.

Edward Me Williams, J) hi ig AynitjTlmm a, [ Style ridcv wliic!i it is :l lo cr> duct the business : Puru iMai.i Lodes, i'xtended speti.'l claim. Locality where tha land appli • 1 for '; situated: Prru, Bounded on we;,t by Pu. .1 Ma!;.i Lodes, ou north by IV.tb.-.on's Free' hold> scciion to, on east by o,.e.upkd ground, and on by R'jef. Extent of land applied for; 100 acres. Amount of capital proposed to. lie inv«r«ted s £5,000. Proposed mode of wo iking the land: Tunnelling and sloping. Term for which license is required: SI General remarks: Mnikcd out on 21st November, 1896,9 am, Mark on pegs, X X Dated at Thames this 21st day of November, 189 G. —— The a hove application and any objections will be heard at the Warden's Court- at Thames, at 10,30 a.m., on luth December, 1896, Any person desiring to object to the issue of a license for the land applied for, must, before that date, enter his objections at the Warden's Ollice at Thames. IL Eyuk Kksny, Win den., Warden's Ollice, Thames, 21stNovem))ftr, 189Q, 11.15 am. Xo,,'Mf> jCmico Dish let i llauraki, Date: 21st November, 1896 I" HEREBY apply for a .Special Claim ! for goldininiii;; purposes under the provisions of "The Mining Act, 1891," of the lands hereinafti.r described, which have been duly marked in accordance with the mining rcfsulatio.l . Kioharh LHARV, By his Solicitor, James A. Miller, Signature of Applicant. Minor's Right: N'>, fi'263; date, 3rd November, ISIKI. Name and ftddvess in full of appliiant: Richard Lcary, Chcnnst, Palmei'stonNorth. Stylo under which it is intended to conduct'the business : Vernon spceial claim. Locality where the land applied for is .situated: Puriri. Bounded south by Bedford's freehold, west by the Roc;k of Ages application, and on other sides by supposed unoccupied ground. Extent of land applied for; 10' I acres. Amount of capital proposed to be inrated : i.'1,000. Proposed mode of working the land: Sloping and driving. Term for which licensors required: 21 years General remarks : Marked out 0:1 20th X November, 1890. Mark on pegs — Dated at Thames this 2lst day of November, 189 G. . The above application and any objections will bo heard at the Warden's Court at J Thames at 10 30 on 21st January, LS'. 1 ?, j Any .parson desiring to object to the ; Is* e of a license for the land applied for must, before tiiat date,, enter his objections at tlic Warden's Ollice- at Thames. II Eyuk Kksny, Warder., Warden's Ollice, Thames, 21st November,lß9s,ll.3o a.m. [No. 313

English, Continental, American., and Colonial Jljjt Ladies', Gents', arttl Children's BOOTS and ; SHOES Tan; Glace Kid, Oo2e*calfi Canvas, etc.. all sorts and sizes at 1. WHITEHEAD'S, Family Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Pollen street. THMtBURH Will MIS WEEK offer to Ms Customers and tlie ; General Public SOME EXCEPTIONALLY, S CHEAP LINES in |DRAPERY, CLOTHING, & HATS ! , TIIOUIiUM will sell Ttivk Towub at Sj, THOUBOTfts will sell 20 dozen W:>inin's lld per dozen } I'Wk Seamless Ifose at 7'id jicr pair TIIOKISUKX will sell .Strung White Calico, / THORBURN will sell Lidies? and .Girls' a full yard wide, at 3s Ud ]ier dozen { Large Flop Sun Hats at 6d each ;. THOIiBUKX will sell New Print Dresses,) THORBURN will sell Men's Merino Sox at guaranteed to wash, at 3a IM the dress/ 4jd per pair 111011 BURN will sell Now Tweed Dresses {THORBURN will sell Mon's Navy .of Black at Js Sd tho dress [« : Cashmere Sox, seamless, at Is"per pair TtIOIUH.'KN will sell Ladies' 1j mimesis at," THORBURN will sell Men's Merino Under. 4ld uaeli { shirts at Is (id cash. Drawers at Is 6d IHORIiUKN will sell Men's Tweed Suitsatji per p,lilies lid the suit /TIIORBURN asks yon to inspect his tfpcci. THORBURN will sell' Men's Stmig Drillf J' 3feM(rtlnng>Moft%S^.at 2*,/ Piinis at Is 9d per pair f ' s ' o s > i,}s > o^'s "d, '»•« I'IfOKBURN will sell Silk llaiidk(nehiefsf mHI & i )oi)u(i{ul |ot of at fad each Tennis and Crio.ketiiitf Shirts fronr's TIK'RBUIiN will still 1 f»-nnn<d-sti leli-jdJ» lid tolas each Handlvci'i.'hict's at Is lld pet dozen /THORBURN will sell superior makes in TItORBURX will sell Linoleum and Canvass- \ Ladies' Corsets at- 2s Gd per pair back Mats for placing in front of \v a THORBURN will sell "Childreu's Miislin stands at Is, Is 3d, Is lid eueh. / Pinafores at Is caeh. THttIBUBN has now a very large Stock of all classes of Drapery, Clothing, and Hats, and respectfully asks your Inspection and Patronage, •uteiiMHtHtisntittttetMieseiiia I A. J )Um-!iBS-fTHE LITTLE SHOP," . Telephone : 77, POLLED STREET, THAMES?

OHINEMURI ELECTORATE. l ' . .. si LOCAL OPTION POLL. J r FR EDERICK DUNCAN FEIIG USSON, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Ohinomuri, do hereby give v notice that FRIDAY, THE FOURTH DAY „ of DECEMBER, 1896, is the day appointed * for the taking of the POLL of the Electors of the above District, under " The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, * 1895." . The said POLL will be taken at the same " Polling places and at the same time as the Poll of the. Electors for the retuia of a Jj Member of the House of Representatives for | the said Electoral District of Ohinemuri. * Dated at l'aeroa this twenty .third day of November, 1898. ® Frederick D, Feroussoj;, jj BOROUGH OF THAMES, ELECTION OF MAYOR. JT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that [ THOMAS RADFORD ] ASD FRANCIS TREMBATH * have been duly NOMINATED this day as CANDIDATES for the Ollice of MAYOR , of the Borough of Thames, and that in * compliance with the Provisions ot " The Municipal Corporations Act, ISSG," and "The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1870," and the Amendments thereof, a 1 POLL will be taken for the ELECTION of ONE of the above-named Candidates on * WEDNESDAY, the 2f>th day of November, 1 189 ii, at the Borough Council Chambers, ! Albert street, between the hours of Nine 1 o'clock in the Forenoon and His o'clock in the Afternoon, T. W. Cj-aWv, Returning Officer. ( Thames, November IStli, 18£ U. CLAIM. District; HiUiraki .Mining. Date: 21st November, 1896, (To the Warden at Thames.} I HEREBY apply for a Special Claim for goldnuning purposes under the previsions of " The Mining Act, 1891, of the lands hereinafter described, which have been duly marked in accordance with the mining regulations. Edward McWimjlams, Signature of Applicant, No. and date of Miners Right; No. 5102; date, 7tli Sftptembw, WflO. Name and addrcsy in full of applicant

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8594, 25 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8594, 25 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8594, 25 November 1896, Page 3


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