0. Gray & Co., (LA'/K CwusriK A.NU Mccldbx.) CORNER OfStoLLEN & COCHRANE STRIi|S, THAMES. nOACJI iwiitwts AKD COACH V PAISTERa, arnaqcs, oto, rcpalrco sad pa/nted oh shortest noth*. 'JHAIIOKS MODERATE, Francis Bsttson. v'toto W, N E W ill A N PLUMBER, GASFITTKR, BELT, HANGER, TINPLATG. AND fRONWORKEK VOLljiiN STfIKET, (Near Junction Hotol) Fl) Having takon over tlioobovt * ?)« liutiiifßS from Mil Nmvmax, hcp?s to rcceivo a continuation of tho two support accorded to bis prcdtcespor, ami hopes by careful attention |to merit u iair sluuo of patrotiayc WATER AND GAS LAID ON Corrected aud plain Galvanizsd iron tank* I'lunjje, hip, and sponge bath* UOmiJ LANTJSBNfI, jiiijUiKJ, AN' PANNIKINS
' Utensil# of every desunpi.ioti Iron Cnioucys of any dimension? LAUNDRY WASHING FOKNAOEOriponlinir of every kind—WA.Tl3R PIPES Water laic 1 on for domeatio purpose#,motive cower, nnd for baths of every description, Orders in Town and Country will receive immediate attention FANCY W011K! MltS G. F, CAMPBELL begj to inform tho Ladies of tlio Thames and eur» oundlnjr Districts that sho is now prepared iotake PUPILS, and ■ accept, orders for every description.of , FANCY, NEEDLE, MACRAKE WAX FLOWER AND FRUIT WORK, AJ.ko— POONAIi CHRYSTOLEUM GLITTERING AND T.UBTROLEUM: PAINTING; and Ims for BALB all tiatomli for tbc same tsriCCIM EM~WOIiK • w on view in the vlnttow of 0. F AMPBELL, Tailor. Jlrown. et»eot '1 litmus ivhcr Orders will liu rcwivro, , 171011 COUGHS, COLD? BRONCHITIS r ASTHMA, INFLUHNZA,CON T 3DMP TION, e KAY'S COMPOUND ESSE'' OB OF LINbKED. Aniseed, Senega, T'oln, &0., with Ctiforodyne. KAI'B COMPOUND, a deninlcui!; ox* pcetownt, for Cold, and Ghent Complaints. KAYS COMPOUND, for CV.u-!i■ and Co'ds, is equally eoririeeablo forihMM nuil Cattle, KAY'S '110 FILLS, a specific in Neural gin, Faco-aeho frc, Contain Quinino Iros fto | INUM OATIIARTIOUM TILLS, a JU Rgrceablo aperient, COAUULINB —Cement fsr Broccu Articles. 8»ld Everywhere, Mftnufac* oiy Stockport | I
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7130, 23 January 1892, Page 1
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