ALBERT ST!:M.T, THAMES, 11. I. NATION I'\ EOS lo inform the public of Thamesand surionndin? diniicls that ho lias . msmneJ the propvictor-hip of the atove wellknown HO'i'lL, rui'l \>ili to thel e-tof Us ability onder.vour tc maintain tliehbh rcpib tilioii already gained by the former n-.arayo-went; Tlib HOTtL is n<,w 111 ccf tlio Most ComVJ.tTE in tlia h-otitbor s Hemisphere, >i:id the Accommodation piovidcd /or. Commercial Man,' Tounsts, and Oilers Cat nut ho SU!.;PASjJJD, *Ut is Mluatf. within :i few mii.ntw' walk o um • Whaif, while tl:c 31 nil Coacbo- lor Te Arriba ai:d faurau(!.a leave (be Hotel dail;:.,: BANQUET*, DINNERS, &c , provided oii tho SlioliTriT Notice, and in the most Hcehcrobo Manner. ONLY the Y1!I:Y FINEST BRANDS of WINES ard KPTRITS KEPT.. tub CELEBRATED Btmedin isles ALWAYS OK DRAUGHT. H. I. NATION, PROPRIETOR
O_OVERNUR BO \VEN HOTEL, THAMES srU^DILVACCOSiODA? ! ONfjFOR I * : V BOARD & LODGINGS 18s PER WEEK. ALL MEALS & BEDS Is EACH. G K ORG E E 15BitT, \ :Pkoprikt;ji» ( iwliTira P 0 L L E.'N STREET,'THAMES, JOHN B. MASON I'KOI'UIKTOh, JN thaul ing bis Frieids and tho .Fablic • for tbe putronaje bentowed on him during the i ast eeven years, respectfully eolioits r of the same. Travelers and (he publio'wi find first* class accommodation and a' comfortable homo at the Warwick' Private entrance in Grey street. Wioen and Spirits of first quality only kept. A largo assortment South Australian Wines of the beet kind. Domain Brewery Eott'ed Aio and Stout. J'ellijumc Ce'.'ieauial Inhibition. 1883, first Frito Para Eeer always en Dri?g'it ICE'MAM ON THE PREMISES. JOHN I!, MASON, •J.S.- HART, (JUNMAKER. POLLEN STREET, T MPOIUKR of T. BusD'and Sos s aud W .1 C. Scow and Son's Guns, At.,Comis's and lUnvUY'3 Diamond Gunpowder, Eluy Bkothkhs' Ammunition, Walkers, Parker and Co'ti Shot, Tain's Firework?, fcc„ &c„ Desiring to :educe my Lorgo Stock, I am offering all my Goods at Prices at. I'ilOM 13 TO 25 PER OEXT,BBLO<\ ORDINARY RATES. fon Cash,y, Reliable, well finished, Enslish* jt' s, d made O,F. Double Breech* loaders Steel Barrel?, from ... 110 0 Du. Do- C.P- Single ... II 10 0 TJclgiun, C.F., Donblo- Breoch Loaders from -Li 0 Martini-Henry Rifles, with latest improvements (suitable lor 5 Deer or Caltlo shooting) 0 0 0 nider CarbinesfGovornment cart* ridge) ... 210 0 English-made Double MuMlc«load« t iug-goua Twisted Barrels?, from 3 o 0 Do, Do. Single do. .. 1 n 0 Revolvers. B.L 010 0 C and H'a Diamond Gunpowdo , per lb — •• 0 4 Shot (all sizes) Wlbs for ... 0 1 0 Jly Stock likowise includes ovcry dcscripJon of Cartridges, Casus, Capp, Wadding, Chilled Shot, Powder Fiarks, Shot Poucbce, Game tfags, Bird Calk fa), and overj reqnieite for either Sportsman or Rifleman in Hrecoh or .Muzzle Lot dint; apparatus. An Inspection Invit?(Uo compare prices and quality. Beintr ft practical bunstuth, I c;m iis sure all work being don soundly aid reasonably. Snorting Cartridges machineSIM on the, with ben gunpowder i i c., nr.rt c ! ' *nu.tcw! fct close, and /larifj Uui/l-'Ueis Kvki.a vho'i:cd, to im«j ■ti. c A.iij.l, ;. g * ;r. Itvcr ii-io -vys u:.d Lceia wane tepnrc-d bin's''Fireworks in great •Cheat., . •j ui.& IK Blasting Powder and Beet Fuse EstaliluMjiw haUics.lSSS,]
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7130, 23 January 1892, Page 1
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