° FLUINfi & Co. * AUCTIONEERS,. Tha™, ft if wili hold n 5 SHEEP FAIR , AT THEIR YARDS, PAUAWAT, ON J Thursday, «he 28th tost,, at 1,30 p.m. when thoy will offer FOR dALE 0 nnn GCOU mngwool kwe> fliUyU and I,amby , from 2 tooth to full month. FIMlisG & CO., AUCTIONEERS, THAMES will hold their MONTHLY SALE of TjU T AND Q TORE VTILE 1 AT AND U TO HE V^ATTLE —INOuUDI.NT,— 40 FROM WAIKATO, 1 0 3-YEAR OLD STElillS S 200 STORE SHEEP BUu.'jY AND HARNESS ftc., &o. at PAE R 0 A on I Saturday, 23rd insf,, Ar 1 O'CLOCK P.M. mm bps. STOCK AND SH A RHBROKERB, HOUSE AND LAND AGIiNTS. ALBERT STREET, THAMES nod INSI'RAKCE BUILDINGS, AUCKLAND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. Investors Guide, PubbVnod Monthly, forwarded on Application. ' hames Agonv for No,v Zoaland Insatauco Company, Chntch Mission > and Board, and Dr Rigour, —— P '0 R SALE Queen "strrct-Beach-Sliortltnd'—A vtry Comfortable Homo of six noma, Room, -cullery, WasWio.se, Weodliouu- aud evrry conveoiooco BuilcN inqs in excellent repair, Firv-class all. traont. I<7 x lfi"), Will bo sold cheap and on easy •nms, AN IMPKOVI.D FAIiM THE i J I>3PERTY of JHI.T, L. STLVEMS Thi" excellent litllo farm, containing about 100 acres, all in uriss or crop, is fitiiat.d near tho Kauucrangi river. Ca(.itul S iTcmed duvliincr boasc, lai'jjje Ban, Stables, Cowshed, &o. Price, £SOO. A manlier of pood Frccho'cl Buildimj allot- 1 iiiot.tß in tiichmo'd, Uackay. lhillio, ard Jiol cston street', for cash or on t tevtr.e. Kauao unya,—o2s acrca, Extoruivo river froiita^c. Po'.lon J-tict—Shop atul Dwelling, gcod po«iti 'n, will ba sold cheap, Chkap Fkv:i:hou s-CG fwt 10 Queen Street, iShortlnnd, on which aro erected a Kivo« roomed Cottape, also 'a Twowroomed ' Cottage, I'resont rental 10a per weak, 1 good tenant?. Price only £150 for the]' lot. 1 1 |0L E T I POLLEN STREET—An S rdomed house, liewlr painted and papored throughout, c Every cotivenience, Kitchon Range " thrco Rigister Grates, Gas aud Water laid on, Jiath-room.and do'achcd Wash» house, i FRATER BIIOS. JoHK MUIK, Tailor and outfitter ' OVIN STnKRT, GRAI'AMSTOtt'N, A tirjfe nfaortircut of Worsted Coatings jcot:b and Ennlish Tweed»j io select from HATS, EHIK'i'S, TIES, Jc GENTLEMEN'S dOSIERY of tho best quality always In stock FOUND! < A GOOD CIGAR or FRAGRANT GIGA* REITE is a plensuro, which once enjoyed, is often rerouted, In order to s onroUOOD ARTICLES in thisdirectioi, the publio cannot do better than patronise LEYI MOORE, TOBACCONIST, ETC., POLLEN STREET, who not only supplies the best brands of Cigars, Tobacco, and Cigarottei, bnt also refreshes the outer nnn by expert HAIR« DRISSING aud SHAVING, LEVI MOORE, (OmsiiE Salvation* Abmy Baukacks) MEERSCHAUM and BRIAR PIPES and all 1 SW'KINJ REQUISITES in creat ( Variety, Fancy« Goods, Chess Boards, etc,, ouSALE. Boots and Shoes JOHN D4XRY '. EGS to Tn'ini'ite »lnt l-o he a ot Bi'OTh tnd s.'l'iES that for QUALITY AND VARIETY cannot be surpassed; on tho Thamei PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES, 'Dnnbv's Boot& Shoe areliouse, Oppaito the \Yc-loya n Church, Pollm Str®'. at!end£d'lo, '
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7130, 23 January 1892, Page 3
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