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:, ' Dynamit&O «~0. -i - - i. ■•. ■ .... . v. .'..■', " ■. ■ !:.. , :; : :'!.; i 7'--- - . i; .N i or'B'E'ii'-s ; -.' '' i; - GfflNtJlNi ■DY^MITI !D;i ; if ONCr.and extensive use has; establish.; I'r Juv.-JJOBEI/g! .to: be _the Purest, Safes in! most Reliable,.least Objectionable .in oloi ..," workings, and; Strongest .Dynamite,mani t 'Q factured,,.. ~'.C ":..-■.„ 'I;:,.," :..,'•'(.'■. ; ', • j Tte.moat perfect ■paten't',appliance?a! ,',,.' lised in ,its v manufacture, : pis' well"as" bein J2' under tHo'direct- fjupervisidn of the Englia J '■■ Goyernment, wt(; insists that'every tou'sha ' 'pass-'tHe'rdoßt testa possible.i'Thui J if not of the 1 spe'oified quality- and , puritj forbid its leaving , the Factory,—tienoe nn ■' formity,- 1 . stability, and purity- are iassurec 'J !others.:brands,i ; 'not having the. Sara ' • appliances and supervision, have of ten faile '■■■■ to meet .these severe,.tests, been, seized an confiscated,..,' •' . : . ; • ~'.. •,' ■: r "' I NOBEL'S, in mortar 'shots has prove TD itself by' far the strongest .dynamite.. ■ NOBEL'S is unequalled-,for mining quarrying , , blasting , 'in wej; or , dryysolid o ' fissured rook, ■' tunnelling , , 'breaking : u] ' ; wrecks, 1 sunken rooks, r blowing , ,' out am *~ : splitting up treo rbofcs, ; boulders; &d,,; effect '•• ing immense-saving-in time,-labour, am 10 inoney. ■'.[ .■".•- , ' : ; •' Insist—as is : done' m ! -most places—oi ■■: getting only Noufii/s, Glasgow-make, whiol He., all bears the Company's Trade Mark, inolttd dio'' ing the name of Alfred Nobel, th !ct inventor of Dynamite. Beware L Do no " ilt bo deceived-by"-'Colonial'or Continenta m- brands, . . : :Is;' ! Price'Eeducedto TWO SHILLINGS am sr ; SIXPENCE per'lb; with Discount to tb £• Trade. .- : -' ■ f ii.-- -v. : -.-. !■— ■.•■:■ :r of i W NOBEL'S:: PATENT , BUSTING* $1 GELATINE ;-; eil Is Forty per.cent, stronger'than Dyna ■ mite ; gives , off, less smoke; 'is' : as 'safe.,a iDyriamite; : is 'slower,'' less shattering,, ant ,ro Wore expansive ■in its aotion;: indissolubli to in water'; invariably romains soft when all ?jv ether nifcro-glycerihecompounds are frozen ; mi' jand is fired with fuse, detonator, and dyna ild mite- primer ,in.. the. same manner, a: ; {Dynamite, although 21bs of blasting gelatini ie, jgive's better results, than 3|lbs of Dynamite he'jyet it is only Jd. perJb per 511> packe f, (higher in price." ay: .. Necessary double .tano-ftse/ m'.! [at ordinary,rates, : and, improved size.deton #, lators for firing.- , >ilsb, warming:, pans foi [thawing dynamite-when- frozpn; and ii ;. i 'these,pans hot, wateriiu the ojitei tjr' part of them up tolso degree's'Pah.'niay'bi cl-' used with safety.. Dynamite and Gelatin* iH . always in stock. Printed instructions foi f; usinjiithe above explosives,issued with everj e! 51b package.- ■ • . ' ; • , a . ■>.:■■*■:;> l^^-^/':-^.^,::^ [ l ;Supplies i may'beiiad I froni James SenshAw' is j ;,andT.. & 8; MoßßlN,ifciOo.,iLimitedp!i tj j... KThameß ; ; John..Phillips; & Soif,.,, t , [(1 ■.:" .Paerpa, and Wells & Soutteb, : '' .' ;L J , " : ';" : '"■' Te'Arphar : " ;i;, " ;/' ): ; ;| l V Agents for Nobel's Explosive Co; (Limited), f; ■>• '• '•' ■,u;::.-i.::"!-,i:Qla8gow. ■"-■. ■::-;: i-Cv.iy.h »' '' For North New Zeiland, , '. I e. poeterand'co^ l|' .^t 1 !-:?/ '■.{.'.' < \ - ; J'" ■c ' _ "' '*— J , ;.: / .Medical. n - _• • I Diaoasod Mature.oftentimes breaks forth in strange "/j ' "•'eriiptlonß."-A'ot'Ul,'Scene I , .''■■■-■■ e i ■'■■!!:. H ■!.'■'. ■.-.;.■ ,'.. ... ~ .; ~; : . ;• iQOAlEpationts suffering frbm.norvpas affections r 'O are afraid frbni slicor-iinshfnlneas' and modesty '-- itoPERSoNAMT consult a medical , man- other.:pal jtienfcs have not the self-possession and coolness when,' j :in the consulting room, to accurately describe (their i 'symptoms-rthoir.habits of llfo, and the nature of the 1 1 [disease they'siiffer.from; '•'■'■' ■''' t I. let such personCflie or she) -sit, fluletlyj dowii' in f the privacy of theitpwn apartments, and lvith'cftlin . iminda diSscribe'clearly eacli symptom of their case/a ■■■ iclear, state'raeilt thus written, and.laid.before me; i 3 , jfar preferable'in HBiivo'qs diseases to a personal con- > jsultation. Where, however; a disease is.of apeculiat ■ iaud excoptional character', a personal, consultation J imay become'necessary; but iny success in corre'spbn. I idence is so great, that of the thousands upon thou- ;'■• ;sandswhom I have treated by letter during the last \ i32years,nqta-Biuglemistake,b.aß ever occurred, not >. jacnee'has ever been made "public—in fact, the.very '• ; simplicity'of my system of coiiespondonce prevents • ipuWicity.,,;.. ~,'•■ ~ •(:..,;,,;,.,.. ~'■....,■ , ! ;!; At the same time medicines presentto ray patients' jin'such a formes to defy detection.- ■]-•.-'; -.•■(■'V-'Vi'i '' j! Ho.w luany.thousands.hayo.l nbt brought joy to?, . ; How tnany have been'enabled 1 td'ente'r'mtb the' : imarriage, Btatp;through-oonsulting me>, ~:,,.,,,v . ! How many after mardagolmvo privately" consul-' '■ ■find their ma'rrled'lives ; madojfrultftil,and happy. /,,<; • , ■ ; 'How many wastedruiued youth's oi both sexes'havi ! • [also been restored to health, and thanked, thoir man--i 'hood for having consulted me by letter. ..".-.''' How many (luestionsarisowhoro the family physl- ; cianWiinablotonuraveUhocase,and.whero.eften i the patient liiigeis on,' not daring to' toll his family . medicallidviser the nature 61 his,ooraplaint;-.until ; 'consumption, wasting, prmontal diseases set in, anc the ! eufferfei'gets' beyond -H;he curable stage, and is left.alvQfielesßWreck..i •.,)),.,..... ~,,,,vy ...,:-; ■A letter mitten In the privacy 'of'the robih'and droppeddn ; the post b6x reaches me quietly; : the answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously, and.the patient, without stepping from Ms chamber? oxcop't'.to post his letter, is by roturii-oJpbst put in full possession of the nature of his ca'so.. His hopes aro raised, his doubtSrombved/and he h comparatively a new man; in fact, in many casos, a new being altogether.',, ,»"" . . • .. f'The'bnly addition toihe ordinary written Iqtter is tho ago, occupation; habits and symptoms, notmVmpre. .The'usual cohsultatlbh'fee'tfrKi'Jbntlpouna must beienoloised, othenrtso tfo, answer will .bn'returned. ' ' , . . ' '.' There are .thousands of cases lifdaily lifeiwhere'a' consultation ivjth one at a distance; yijl repioyo by a single letter « great fear,'a'grealicarfti'a'hdit often sblves-'-what!appears'f]S!an : Impenetrable mystery; Mauy a end heart has been made joyful on receipt of an explanatory letter from me. •■*■- ■ -^j^'-j-j - To.those.who iiro.abont to marry, say consult me bofpre dotag so, and thus prevent many after troubles, and ■ rom'ove ; many unnecessary fears .and prejudices; to, thqse,'mpre especially who have-suf-fered in eaiiyyears from disease';or who have yielded to'the'ir passions;—to these : l> say ,a{. once; consiU not tarry,, delays .are dangerous, and-as an expert','my timo may'not'b'e always'a't ybrir-B'er-vico, you can, by simply enclosing one. [pound,;have tho benefit of my experience in thVsame mannef as if I lived in your own torn, and with the additional advantage of thorough privaoy.-Yours, truly # -...<■ '.iii- LOUIS L." SMITH. Address— --,•--- Y";Dm,L.;;L; SMITH,. ; ; ; «i"IB2COLLINS-STREETvBAST,j ■/ • ■' ; - <} ''i i'.t Melbquriiev-- ; : thvt; \H CONSULTATION'TEJI/SI:LETTER, &l Fee.for personal Opneultationj' £1 la. . , The la. tter, is inclusive of Medicine/ ' Medicines forwarded, well-paoked, 'to-alf.' tlie Colonies, India, and Europe. ,' ' 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne.; ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S.RiIPILJiSJ IS warranted' ; to cure ail discharges' l from the: Urinary, Organs, in cither ■.pr! constitutional, Qravol audJ'ains in'the.Back. Sold! in' boxHD, ds Od cacli," by all OhoinMs' and Patent; Medtciue ; Yondors, > ' : : . ■•• ■■■■i- i -- : <':-r:- : -;', Proprloiore,. The IINCOIN AND. MIDLAND, COUJST[EB,DItIIG COMPANY, Llncol'u, England,; i 1 " ' ;,: ' ExportAgonts: ■'• '-i : '•■' Burgoyiie, Burbridgos and ;.Cp., Coleman-streeV iLoadon . • . ' , ■ ■ .-.■■'■ Nowbory and Soiis, 37, Npwgate'-stroot, London 1 i Barclay aiul Sons, 05,-Fnrringdon-streot, , London, ::■', Sanger aud Sous, Oxford-street, L0nd0n.;,.,..;;. .■! And all tho London "Wliolosnlo UousosV ' ; •■■ ; ' .-•: Agents for ;NewZealanl-; , .- . KEMPIHORSE, PItOSSBR :& CO., DuUOdlU, AUOK^ ■-~•: land; and ChristcluiK'j.'j,.:. . , : ... : SANDER /iND-SOiVOUCALYPIIIixmAOT-; Hosier, M.D., Prof. University, Gricfswald, reportst -diphthoria. Tonsils continually colioront, present, ing iilco'rs with white exudate. • Cured in H days.—j "' -' :v -'-' ■ :: ' ■■ -'■•' .. ; ' : --'--• ■' '' ■''■-■■■! SANDER AND SONS' EirCAH'TI, EXTRAOT.-: Moslcr, M.D., Pro. Univorsity, Greifswald, roports —Tho Kucu., Extr, proved magniflcontly. succossfu, invory sivero contusions, bruisos, spraiiw, wounds Bcal(linßS,bi'Okonribs,aiid'llmbs:-ADV . - : ' n .: SANDER AND SONS , EUCALYPH BXPRAOTia. tho only existing volatile oxtract; All other pro- , parations of tho Eucalyptus.'-'rib : matter-where mauufaotured, aro crude, rosluous oils, irritating ind bMeruig, and of re .1 danger ifjorrOuoously apjUcd n throat dlaoasoß, etc.—ADV. ;

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5283, 28 September 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5283, 28 September 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5283, 28 September 1885, Page 4


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