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MEDICAL. , : i■ . • t. ' ■■' ' ■■-■''•'■. What every Travelling Trunk & Household .-'■'■" I IN|THE;WORLD; OUGHT TO CONTAIN- , \ ■ '.■:■.■ ~'■■■ AjBOTTLEOF . ; ' • .'..,,! JiiJN U p si iJtii Ul luJxLx 1.-.-■ \ ■ . .. ■ • , ■.''■■■..■ "'• •■'.'..' • ; .' . :■•.■. JEOPARDY OP LIFE-ThFgKEAT DANGER OF DELAY. . : ' . ; YOU CAM CHANGE THE TRICKLING STREAM, BUT NOr'THE RAGING TORRENT. : !,,; ' " Wliat Everybody: elionlil Heart.—flow important .' jlsgiSiSlilßKSH ■ ia '° ever y individual to h;ivo at hand some. simple,' effective, and .to check disease at the onset t For this is thetime. SWith very little*; trouble you can change the course of the trickling mountain stream u ' no *' ' ne rolling river. It will defy all your' tiny efforts. .Ifeel I |||F cannot sufficiently impress this important information uponall House(h \wsilllliHß 'holders,, or Ship Captains, or Europeans generally, jWho , are visiting ■■" Si w> or residing in any hot or foreign climate. Whenever a change Is' confflk iT Wfes*mSmm templated; likely to disturb the condition of health, let ENO'S EBUIT NAIT be your companion; for,under any circumstances -its ! uso It \ WK&wk "'#JBißl benefloinl/aad ■never can do harm. When you feel-out, of sork . unat)le *° B»y-why, frequently without any. warning you' 'are suddenly ■■' B0 ' ze( l w '' n Inssitudo/ disinclination for bodily or mental exertion •■ '' il Wit ■ WXmmil, oi a PP etlte > sickness, pain in the';forehead,' dull achingjof-back and limbs,coldness,of the surface,,and often shivering, etc.. then your; whole body is out of order, the spirit of danger has been kindled, but you do not know; where it may cnil, It is h. real necessity to havo a simple remedyat hand, thatnvill always answer thd Very host end;' with i» positive assurance of doiiiggood in every case.and in no-case any harm. > The-pilot can so steer and direct as to bring the ship into safety,' but he cannot'quoU the-raging storm.'. The 'common' idea whon not feeling well is, I will wait and see-perhaps I shall be better to-morrow; whereas, had a •'■'<" " ply of ENO'S' FRUIT. SALT been at hand, andiusemade ,of it at.the -onset,■; all calamitous' results might iavo been avoided. Wliat dashes to the eartWso many hopes, breaks so many sweet blasts ■. . many auspicious enterprises, as untimely death? It is not exaggeration , , but simple fact, when i ,: ' J •'' that any little pecuniary benefit I may .derive from tho aaloof this Preparation is absolutely nothlngi ■■ ; compared wsththo immense benefit by those who usoit.. ■ ,- : .:,,-. HEADACHE AOT DISORDERED STOMACH.-" After suffering for nearly two and a half years from" severe headache and disordered etomach, and after trying almost everything and spending i much monoy , without finding any benefit, I was recommended by a friend to try your FRUIT, SALT, and before 1 had finished one bottle Ifound it doing mo -I'great deal of good,, and now I am restored to my', usual health; and others I know that have tried it have not enjoyed such good health for yeara.-Yours most truly, Robert Humphrey, Post Office, Barrasford." ? ; •;■,,,' ■ ; ■■ ■■-.:■■ ■;: ; - ;., 7 ,; THOUSANDS OF MILE 3 IJntfDIA.-" For many years' '-I have lound ENO'B FRUIT 'SALT, of the utmost value in the hot and dry soasons, 1 also in the mohsobhs. I have travelled some' , thousands 1 '■ of miles in India during the last thirteen years, and in;all the various changes of climate I have 'found ENO'S FRUIT SALT the most TofrosMni? bev.erage I could get, especially after long, heavy, marches • and other fatiguing duties, to which the-British soldier of late have boen exposed. 1 have always teen ' able to keep a supply of the FRUIT SALT on hand, andjcould6btalriit|ln most atationsi Sly dear wife dirr- ! ing her travail, found it to be the most useful thing that could be obtained. Many others here have iiound - ; ENO'S BRUIT SALT better than any beverage yet in the Indian market. I am, .yours &0., A. Warder Central Military Prison, Poonah, Bombay, January 30. ISSi-To MtJ.C.Eno." ■ ' ■ ■■ i .-<■■ '■■ THE REGION OFTHE ETERNAL FIRE.4-Charlcs: Marvin, , in liis account of a Journoy. to the 'petod- - leum Region of the Caspian; says: •»It was anticipating history a bit, .but there is vory ltttle i doubt that before long it will be possible to do the journey from London to the Caspian-a distance of over 2 600 miles-inaweeki . ~-. AnymedioinesthotravellermayreQ.ubieoaneasilybeobtainedatthechemists'r shops in Russian towns". v above all, a few bottles of ENO'S FRUIT. SALT,.perhaps the best medicine in the world for the Caspian region, where the heat and.the dust occasionally provoke eymptoms needine & gentle and tavigorating treatment."-From iTeMcoeite MJy CArontote. ■'■•. :; ..;,• , rr>HESECRET o! SUCCESS.-" A new invention is brought before the public andcommandssuccesa. ,A 1 score of abominable imitations are immediately introduced by theunacrupulous, who, in copying the original closely enough to deceive the public; and yet not so • exactly l as to infringe upon legal rights' exercise an Ingenuity that, employed In an ; original channel, could; not fail to secure reputation? and profit."—ADAMß. •;■' ''■•'■•'■•■'■. '■■■•'•: i-.: r -! •;:: v'!;: J- ~■!■:;;:-,..■ . ..-,;■,!.;., ~( ;■ ■ ' CAffTION.-Examine each Mk andmthat tfocapmitismitrked "ENO'S FRUTT SAIT , '- IlWiotff if, you hm been imposed on by a worthless imitation.' Soli by all Chemists. ■ ■;':■;',•'• / DffiEmONS IN SIXTEENLANGUAGESJ^ PREPARED ONLY AT ! '; . ' v; '" J • ENO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, HATOHAM,. LONDON, .S.E., : ;■■-■• BYJ.;aENO'S,PATENT,^ : ■ ■"■'■; }\> ■'. -■ ■ ,■ ; : AND w all;chemists.:;:,■■ .^:'.C£Z:?\ . ' '■ , .. ■. . ~:• ,'. -,'\ ■-~,,....'! ■■■ .-..'■!• AGENTS:—Anokland, N.Z.—Kempphorne ) Proßser,.and Co. Wellington, N.Z. {Felton, Grimwade, & Co. Whanganui-rWakefleld & Hogg, 'Ohemietei' :" Christdhuroh, N.Z,' —Kempthorne, Prosaer & Co,;; L,E. Nathan & Co. ; ,:, thorae Pcosser, andCo.j P, Haymanand Co.,Rattray-sfjreet, "•'■"' j•; '

GRATEFUMOMFORTING ' OA, , (BREAKFAST). •] By a; horongh knowledge of the natural laws ] which govern the operations of digestion and ( nutrition, and by a careful* application of the fine ] properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps. htys pro- ( vlded onr breakfast tables with a delicately flavour- i ed beverage, which may save ub many; heavy ( doctor* bills, It is by tho Judicious use of,such . articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually • built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are , floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fata 'shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame —See article in tho Civil Service Gazette ;. Made simply with boiling water or milk. 1 : Sold iri Jib paokota, by Grooers, labelled , : ' thus JAMES EPPS & CO., HOMEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, ' LONDON, ENGLAND, " ! Diseased Nature oftentimes breaks forth in strange : eruptions."—Act iii,' Scene 1.-' j to the"public. :; SOME patients suffering from nervous affections are afraid from'sheer baslifulness and modesty to consult a medical man-other patients have not the self-possession and coolness when in the consulting room, to accurately describe their symptoms-their habits of life, and the nature of the disease they suffer; from. - • ■ • Let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down in tho privacy of theit own apartments,' andwith calm; minds describo clearly each symptom of their case, a clear statement thus written, and laid before me, is far preferable in nervous disoaaes to a personal con- ' sultatioDi Where, however, a disease is of a peculiar and exceptional character, a personal consultation may become necessary; but my success in correspondence is so great, that of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated by letter.during the last 32years,nota single mistake has ever occurred, not n case has evtfr been made' public—in f act.ltho very simplicity of my Bystem of correspondence prevents " At thesame time mediciiies are sent to my patients in such a form as to defy detection. !-; i . llow many thousands havo I not brought joy to? How many have ; been enabled' to enter into the. marriage state through consulting me? ; ■ ' How many after carriage have privately, consulted me and ibeen .blessed, and their married, lives inado fruitful and happy. j How many wastedrmned youths of bothsexeshave also been restored to,health, and thanked their man- , hood for having, consulted me by letter. , r ' How miiny questions arise where the family physician is unable to unravel the case, and; where ■ eften the patient ltageis on, not daring to tell Us family, medical adviser the nature of his oomplaint;'until 1 consumption, wasting, or mental diseases set in, and the sufferer, gets beyond the curable .stage,, and is left a hopeless wreck. . ' : . J . " I A letter \vrltten In the privaoyof the room and dropped in the post box reaches me quietly; the answer is returned as quietly and, unostentatiously, and the patient, without stepping from his chamber, except to post his letter, is by return of post put in full,possession of the nature of his case., His hopes aro raised, his doubts removed, and he is comparatively a new man; in fact, in many cases, a new being altogether. ■ - The only addition to the ordinary written; lettor is tho age, occupation; habits and symptoms,; nothing more. The usual consultation fee of 1!. (one pound) must he enclosed,.otherwise no answer, will,be returned. . There aro thousands of cases in daily llfeiwhere a 3 consultation with one at a distance; will remove : by asingleletter agreat fear,agreatcare,anditoften solves what appears as an impenetrable mystery. • Many asad heart has been.made joyful on receipt of an explanatory letter from me. To those who are about to marry, I would say consult me before doing so, aridthuß prevent maiiy after i troubles, and romove many unnecessary fears'and prejudices; to those, more especially who have suffered in early years from disease.or who have yiolded to their passions, -to these I say, at once, oonsult I with me, do not tarry, delays are dangerous, and as 1 an expert, my tirno may not be always at your ser- ' vice, you can, by simply enclosing ono pound, - have the benefit of my experience in the same mannef as if I lived in your own town, and with tho additional advantage of thorough privaoy.-Yours, truly, LOUIS Li SMITH. , AddressDr. l. l. smith, 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST,' j Melbourne. : CONSULTATION FEE, BY LETTER, fil; ti Pea for personal Consultation, £1 Is. The latter is inolusive of Medicine. Medicines forwarded, well-paoked, to all the Colonies, India, and Europe. 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne. SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT— Surgical Clinc of Prof. M'lntyre, College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louls-Scirrhus of Breast -Exdsion. Eucalypti Extract oinployed. No* swelling, heat or discolouration. Cured iu H days -ADV.

ONE WORD. : DeakFrienis:, • , : . We have some hesitation in addressing you in the manner following, but ihope that it mill:not bo looked at in any iuvidious light, when we state, that it is only our regard for your health'that causes us to do it.. We have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many years, and have in the long course of this time ;manufactured icerfain Medicines, that being.based on scientific.formula arid absolute' care and-precision in manufacture, have enjoyed a popularity far in advanced any other Pharmaceutical Preparations of theday. How' successful we have been in this, is 'only to note the: extraordinary amount of the sale of onr Haydock's New Liver Pill.. We havethe pleasure to state that' wehave'sold .■■■"','■.".'■ ■■" ■ ".'•!• ;■■• ■ 28,089'VlALS OF.DR, / HAYDObK's'NEWi " j , '! -' ; '•• ' Liver Pills. ■ ' V:i,;/ ;.^v.v The reason of tliis demand is because wo find in.,, : !, Haydock's ; 'New Liver' Pills i a wondorful and extraordinary combination iof concentrated medicine.) The .Victories of Sciince— Electric Telegraph, Steam arid Printing-frevolu-tionised the whole system of the globe; and made mankind wiser and better.- •, So: although. there are countless Pills used for diseases and claiming much as to'their merit,' tho! remarkable: discovery of •Dγ; Eaydook has eclipsed them all, and has founded a < 1 ■'■■'•'. ' '■ ■'•■ .New MedicalSystem.-;^ ■' The Doctors; whose vast doses of four or five,pills enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, must give way to tho man who restores health and •appe- , tito with one or two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills;., One or two of DR; HAYDOCK'B HEW,LIVER PILLS suffices, to place the stomach in perfect order creates an appetite, and renders the spirit light arid buoyant. > < the liver: is iaffeoted its functions are: restored, and if the Nervous System to; enfeebled, is invigorated and sustained.' '• ' '■•"-.

; ■■;■■• yv) }■;.: (IRANSIATION.) i i-;.! , "-.:!!-:. i ~, lAyk'ab,Province"ofßurmah ) B.l,' Honoredand'LearnedPhysician: i , . The..unworthy J ;one.who daree to address'you , and come before you humbly in the dust, his people (caste) thatyotl would deign to look upon; their ignoble miseries and oure them with your Life-Giving grains, (Mils). .Illustrious on?- .'•■ your most■• potent medicine is -life to them and their children,,,; and all the Drug, Jtaaars, are empty and' your soul' is 'not them.' 'This' humble petitioner; although he ia ignoble and ■ linworthy.tb: be in your high presence, prays that you will; graciously permit your Lifo- grains' (Tills) : to. come'.to' Aykab.\.To the most learned.and .wise Physician Baylock (Haydock) of high name.' Native ,tothe States of'Americaiiunited in North America Country.' 'fServilely r signing for himself and. twenty-three others this Petitioner placed his sign. '; \ .^■■:;. ; '■'■■'■ " • i TKAffl FiUAIBBBERAROieii. .... ; . .'.'.-■ ~'' , "■ Carmi, Hl.'/ April'2,lßß4;.' : Dβ. J. nATboci: , ; ". ■'."'.•: ■ Dear'Sir:-I received your Pllli a ; week ago.. I have tried them and must say, that; Ijneyer much good done by:anything:B3 they ; haye me. 1 -!' have suffered for years with ; biliousness, ! and, have been so slok at times as not to care to live, but your. Pills have cured me. One here has taken' from me only two of your pills, and I wish you could Bee him. He hasihadno'appetite for five imonths, and today .he eat'auclv a dinner as a,ploughman eats, ::I< had to .check him, but he laughed and said he tob treating his stomach' to a new sensation for it really was-htingry;; I hand you; with.this four dollars.;; Please.aendat once, aa below, your Pills,;f, ■ -~. •, ''. .MBS. SARiHMAHHERS.'' , ■ ' ■ ■■!.•: .:i: i.! , ; i"'i ;i r CarmiiDUhois, ;;:.We would fatigue you if iweiwere to goioD with them,'as we very well could do; but the above must flufflce.." ; """.'■■'. : . ''""V ""J :V '1,. Liver Tills. Are the true grains and essence of health,! and; the greatest'blessing that .science'has 'given to the lor' Nervous: Prostration, Weakness,.- Gfeneral lassitude, Want of Appetite pdlSlck Headaohe; Dr.'iHAYDOOK'fI New'liver Pills will be,found an EffectualKemedy. :.k- ■ • ■ T " '." Each vial contains Twenty Pius.' Price iwenty-, five Cents, Sale by all Druggists. ■:/_!, . ■Any sceptic can have a ; vial of. jPllls SENT HIM JRBE on receipt of Us .name and address, for.a ■ Send a postal card for copy of pamphletT"THE LIVER AND IT3 MYSTERY. , , , It iuralshes valuable information to all.', ';';'. '■'■'".' I'■' . ■','. ; HAYDDOK AND COij: ; h .; .' .' , ;: ' : NEW YORK, TJA' OAUTION'I-Druggistsare desired to notice that the name of J. H. Francis, Sole Agent, is 'written across each dozen paokages of HAYDOOK'B Liver ■'" ''■ ■ Auckland and Dunedin, ■-■■••<. ~ ;. „....- Agents,;Now;Zealand.,

AimOE to'Mothbbs' !—Are you broken in yoar rest by a sick cliild : suffering with the pab of cutting ■ teeth ?: Go'atonoe to a ohemlat and get a bottle of Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup. It will:relieve! the poor sufferer immediately. Itis perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces inatural, quiet Bleep, by. relieving the ohild from pain, and the little oherub awakes "as bright as a button." It soothes the. child, it softens the gums, allays all pain,; reheves ,vind. regulates the bowels, and is -tho best known romedyfor dysentery anddiarrhopa, whetherarisingf rom teething or othercauses Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup is, sold by Medicine dealers everywhere at Is ljd por qottlei

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5186, 5 June 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5186, 5 June 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5186, 5 June 1885, Page 4


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