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. ■■:■!. .:.■■: . " : .-; MEDICAL, :■■■■ ::;'X'V What every Travelling Trunk & Household .;',,.;. ■'',,■ iNQTHßwoßLDought To ; comij^:,V//:' ■ v' :. i-. :. ...' "'- : '„.: .::". ;A BOTTLE.OF,.,'',' ;".' ■ ■•.:'.'..'\,"^' ] .''''" '':' ' .- JEOPARDY OF LIFE-THeIbEAT DANGER OF DELAY; ■■>'■.''■ ■' : '. YOU OAFCHANGETHE TBICiaiMSTE'EAM.BUT NOT THE'RAGING I TORRENT. . Is to every individuaVto. have..nt,hand : some simple, effeoUvSnd palatable remedy such as • '■•■'■■■ ', ■•* ' OUB v»»»»» uuu , ' to chock disease at tho onset! For this Is the time.' With verv littlo trouble you can change tho course of the 'trickling; mountain 1 steam , but not tho rolling.rfver. ■It will defy all your tlmi efiorta I fceTl cannot sufflclently Impress this importaut information uponail House- < holders, or Ship Captains, or Europeans generally,-who are visltine or residing in any hot or. foreign climate. • /Whenever a chance is cmtemplatcd, likely to disturb the condition of health; let MoTtoit wl?„i 7o«r companion,^,:under'any circumstances its usoit , bencfioial, andneyorcan doharm; Whenjou feel out;of fsbrts, unable to say why, fremicntly.wlthout any warning you are suddenlr of appetle, sickness pain in the forehead/dull.aohing of back and whole body is out oE order,tne spirit of danger has been kindled,' but you" do not know US Send. It is ft real necessity to havo a simplo remedy/at hand/that will always ahsiver the verv best en,i with a posltlvo assurance of done good: n every caso and .in no case, any, harm; .The pilot canTo steer and direct as o bring the sh p into safety,, but he cannot, quell the raging, storm., Tne idea when not feeling well is: IwlU wait and see-perhaps IShaU'be' betterto-morrow;' whereas had a" ? ■ ply of ENO'S |BUIT aAlT,beon at hand.and use made of if at the havo been avoided. ;i What dashes to so many hopos, breaks so many sweet alliances blasts many auspicious enterprises, asnnttinoly death? It is not exaggeration,' but: simple'fact wtien' ' ' ''- that any littlo pecuniary benoflt I may dorivo'f rom the sale of this Preparation is absolutely hothine compared WBth tho iir.monso benefit by thoso who useit. . : „. , ' b HEADACHE ,ANE DISORDERED STOMACH.-" Af tor suffering for nearly two and a half years fronV sovere headache and dlsordered'stomaoh, and aftertrying almost'ovOrythlng.and spendirismuch money without finding any bcneluv I was recommended by a' ;friend to try your FRUIT SALT and before I had finished one bottle I found it doing mo ■» great deal-.of, good, and now I, am restored to. rriv usuat health; and others I kuow that havetrlod it have not enjoyed suohgood hoaltli for years.-Ybiirs most truly.ROßßßl HOMPHKEYs,'Post Office, Barrasford." ' ;,.':r. j- "v.* : ,jv ,- -;i"" .-i;*?™.™ 0 " THOUSANDS OF JULES IN INDIA.-!! Formany.years'l havo .found, ENO'S, FHWT.--SALt'of the 1 utmost value in the hot and dry, seasons, also in'the.monsoons..' I havo travelled somo thousands' of miles in India during the last thlrteonyears, and in'all the : Vnrldus changes of climate Ihave I found ENO'S FRUIT SALT themost refreshing beverage I Could get ( ,especially : aftbr.llong, Heavy -marches ■■' and other fatiguing dutios, to which tho British soldiers of late have been exposed, l have always rcim' able to keop a supply of tho FRUIT SALT on hand, and, could obtairf Itdn most stations; My dear wife duringher travail/found it to be the mostuseful thlng.that could be obtained, Many, others hero have found ENO'S BRUIT-SALT better thanany boveragoyetin the Indian niarkot. I am, yours'fib;. A. Warder Central Military Prison, Poonah, Bombay, January' 50..1834.—T0' Mr J. CEho." ~.' ] ;'.T'"r V riIHE REGION OF THE ETERNALFIRE.4-oharles'Marvin,iui : hisi account of a journoy'tbthePetro- • I ,leum Region of the Caspian, says: ,'' It was anticipating history a bit, but; thero is/very Jtttle doubt that before long It will be possible to do the Journey from London to the Caspian-a distance of over 2 600 mllcs-rin a week. .; •;■ ■. :.'• Any medicines the traveller may require can easily be obtained at tho chemists' shops In Russian torn ~.. above all,a.fow bottles of ENO'B FRUIT-SALT, perhaps 1 the bestmedicino In tho world for the Caspian region; where the heat and the.dust occasionally provoke symptoms heedlrie a gentle and invlgorattag ."'.:' '. ' i j:i;v l '' ri%ESECRET of SUCCESS.-" A new inyontlon is brought before .'the public andcommandssuccess '<< A • J ■ score of abominable Imitations are Immediately. Introduced ;by the unscrupulous who in oonylna'the original closely enough to deceive the public; and yet hot so exactly as to infringe upon legal rights' exorcisban ingenuity that, employed in an origtoaTchannel, 1 could not-fall to' securerepufationand" 'profIt."~ADAMB.-'v : , ;'' .'.'■';'.' ' • •'"- ;•'!;:<•':• ':■'■■■• .-i;,v::-,", ! '.-:- :■;■<::,',■.■■>) Fiiii , , CAUTION.-EtamlwmlMtU, "MO'SFRUITSALT»i~' IPttnoutt'f i/outoefteeninHrwcS.-on.^^[t^A^f^m^^'V^diyalf ! . J ..' i ,,'' ;;■ ;'" •■■■;■■ ; ! ' ! DIRECTIONS' 'IN BKTEEN;LANaUAGES f HOv7 : ;TO PREyENIBISEW^:'':! ; „■■'.' ':< • '■•■■',•■. PREPAREUONLY-AT I '!' . , ,■■'":'' .!...'; ''- i,--' ;-::. ENO'S FRUIT. SALT: .HATOHAM, 'LONDON,: ;5.8.:..'. i * '•:. >..■:■-■: '• "BY J. d r ,ENP'S.'pATEIfT, , . '..:,','„",; , .. ;...-. ,' 'AND OF, .ALL' ■OHEMISTS;. AGENTS i-Auokland, N.Z.-r-Kempiihorne,i?rosaer, and Co, Wellington, NAJFeiton ' ! • :>■ Grimwade,&Co„ Whanganui-Wakefield&Hogg,Ohemistß. Ohrifltohttroli.iN.4 —Kempthorne, Prpsaer \ &„Cp, j L.B, .Nathan & C 0,.,, Dnnedin, : N.Z.—Kempi:' . thorne Jcosser, and.Co, yP. Haymanan'd'Cp.cKattray.stjeet,;.'' a".;!;.! >■ .

■■■■■= eRATEFDL-OOMFORTINGt :: J:'.';"'.' '"] (BREAKFAST), :.'-,. /; ".}J;'. Jy a' borough knowledge of the natural iaws which govern tbb-operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho fine properties of well-solectod cpcoa, Mr Epps ,has provided.our breakfast tables with a delicately flavour-' ed beverage, which'<inay save us 'many heavy doctor's bills, It' la>by the judicious use;of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built 'up until'strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us roady to attack wherever, there .Is a weak point. 'We may'escape many a fata ; shaft ■by beeping ourselves well' fortified with pure.blood and a properly nourished frame , ;-See article in the CM I Service Gaiette ■, .Made simply with boiling water M milk',''• Sold in Jib paokets/iby Grocers, labelled/ ,: ; : :■':■;:'; ' 'thuß:-...■••::.. ■■'■ ■ - I'.;. ■■■{,: JAMES'-EPPS & OO.i ■ •:. > HOMCEOPATHIC OHEMISTSi' ; '" 7 ; ; ' /j ■ .' :: ' 1

: ' : ■•- We : TOD; ' ■,'•'" DEAnFRIBSDS:;.;;,; :..-, ; -i •,, : ~; ! • I ■ , ,We have some hesitation in addressing you in the manner following,-but 1 hope that it" will not be looked at in.any invidious light, when iwe state that it is only our regard for your health that causes us to doit. We have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many:years, and have in the long course of; this ; time. : manufactured! certain Medicines being based on'scientific formula and absolute care andjpreclsionin manufacture, have.enjoyed a popularity -far; in i advance; of any'' other.Pharmacentlcal Preparations of the day.--How successful we have been in this/is "only to ,'note the extraordinary amount of the sale' of our 'Haydook's New, liver Pi 11.,, We have the pleasure testate that wehavesold ■, . ■'• . , .; ... ■.■•,<■■ 28,089 ■yiAis , opi)B,"BA ; iti)bok , s'N'KW-. ■■■• " ( ;''':''." LlVEB.PiiiLs. | The reason of thts demand is because 1 we find In ~;! Liver 'Pills;;, ■ a wonderful and extraordinary combination! of con- i centrated medicine. . The. Victories of - ; Science-' Electric Telegraph, Bteam and Prjtating-frevolui'! tionlsed system of the glebe, and made mankind wiser and-better; So-although'there are cpuutless PiHs used for, dlseasos and claiming much as to their merit.' tho remarkable discovery of Dr. Haydock has eblipoed them all, and has'fouuded a. ■'if'-" ; :New'Bledical System ; ;| | :^ '' Tlie Doctors,' whose vast'dbses of four or'flve pills ■enfeeble.the stomach arid paralyze the bowels, must givqway to the man who.restoreshealtb. anil appetito with oneor two'of his 'extraordinary Vegetable Pills; i One or two of DR. HAYDOOK'S NEWiLIVEE, PUIS suffices to place the stomach in perfebtbrdeY creates an'appetite, and renders.the spirit lifeht arid) buoyant.' ''the Liver is 'aflfeotedvifa- functions' are restored, and if the Nervous System is enfeebled, '•' lis invigorated and sustained, ~: .;,. " >>: ''" !''' !; l''^ ;i ''(TliANSLATl()N.)'';. ; ' : '.' : | y.v!'.';'; " : ' l|!l i;ii vAykabi'Provm'cebfßurmahJß.l.' Honored and learned Physician;.!;!: ,; j ]'•'■•• " The unworthy one who dares to address: you and come before youhumbly'in the'dust, begs,,for his people, (oasto) thatyou would deignio.lobk upon their, ignoble miseries and .cure them witti'your Life-'Glving 'grains (Pills).".,lUustrio'us,''onb your most i potent-mediome la 'life ;tbithem<and .their children,., and,all tjlie Drug|Bazaars arel empty' and your' soul "is 'not them.''- This' humble. petitioner, although he is ignoble and unworthy, to 1 be in yourhlgh presence, prays that you will graciously permit your 'life gralas"(Tlliß)'to borne to Aykab. : Tb'thombst leara'ed'and'wise'Pliysiblani iHaylook (Haydock)of>highi name.". Natiyelto .the I States of America; united in North America Country. Servilely signing for 1 hlmsolf and.'twentyrttoee others this Petitioner places hls'slgn.' '■■■;■) 1; ~ ' ; ~; ~;; ■ „.,..,,TNAU.PANAIBBBJIRAIjqBIi, : '.•' ' ::; '■■' ;,: ' : ."'''.JCarmi,'Jßt,-'Aprli'2/lßStq(' Dit.J. HAYDOCK; ; i! K* '- : ''V : -' ; '' : j-fiORW ,■ Dear,Blr:-Ireceived ; your Pilb.a week ago. ,t have tried thorn aud must say that I, never ihad so muchgood'done by anything as'they ;tiave jmaij I ■have suffered fori years with; biliousness,; and, have, been so sick at times as not to care to live, but your Pills have cured mb. ..'One' a'?'n here nab taken 1 ' from me only two of your pills, and Iwish ybucould see him.: 'He has had rio/'apnetite for. • five months, and'today-he a dinner. 'x<, o;'ploughman eats 1 .' 1 1 had''tb;check:lum, l but 11 he ; laughedrand said he.waaitreatliighls stomach tb. : a riowttebsatlon,; really was lumgry. .J hand you. ,with this four doUars. -Pleasßseniatbnce|ashelbwi'ybiu'iPills.:i J "V;i:;:rf'i •»;<.- MAnhbbs. m • •;■ - :•■,.■; -•■ )■:-,>, Carml,DUndls,UA We would fatigue you if, we.were to go ,on- with them, as we very wl could do; but the 1 above must suffice.'v r ■■■ -i'"':i':'-v: -.:' iimo; ,-;•;;■;' ; i; „. j , ; : Haydook'sNew-'LiveryPills.,,' •, Are thetrue grains and essenoe ol; healths ; and tho greatest,blessing,jthat, science.jhas.given to the world.' .' ' "',.■ ""■'' '■-, i '• ' "i ''•'' ; ■ For'' Nervous ' Prbßtratlo'nv ■'■' Weakness, Genoral lassitude'/cWant of Appetite and (Sick, Headaohe, Dr. haydock's New.Hver Pills ,wlll'be found'an 1 Effectual Remedy. ':;"'■■ '..'■'.', /")"'; Eaohvlal contains Pills.:'-Prloe twenty-, five Cents. For Sale by all Druggists.;.., ..,, '.'' , Anysceptio can have a vial of Pllhl SENPHIM FREE 'on:receiptvofihis',name,andiaddress,:fora trial..: .„',.,,:,., „v ; -'..'i: ;:■■■•;. : 0 '■ .' Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet-" THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY."'It furnishesivaluv ablelnformationtofllU ■„;n ■'■;'■; :)*■'. ■ ~•;.; p ■~/,',;:'. .^■timwmlys.-u ■ CAUTION l-Drugglsts are desired to notice that; the name of J. H.,Francis, Sole Agont, is written' aoross eaoh dozen' pabkagbs of Haydook'B Liver Pills;-All without this are counterfeits. ■; ■■"■' - ,;'• • P.HAYIIAN.ANDCO.,.' i ;■■■■ Auckland and Dunedln, .',.,. , Agents, Now Zealand. 1 ;;

ifDiseasedNature breaksfortli jt'nstraugo [ ■. • oruptlons."—Act ill, SceriQ li ;; j ->.' TO'THEPUBLIC. 1 HOME patients suffering from nervous' iifJeotioris l 5 - are afraid from sheer bashfulness and > modesty to Personam? 'consult a medical man-other patients havo not the eolf-posaesaion and coolness when in'the consulting room, to accurately describe their syihptomß—their habits of life, and the nature of the. disease they, suffer from. •• ■ : / let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down! in tho privacy of their own apartments; and with.calm minds, describo.clearly each symptom of .their case,'a clear statement thus mitten, and laid before me, 1 is far preferable in NERVOUS diseases to a personal consultation. :\Vhere.>howovor, a diseased of a peculiar and exceptional character, a, personal .consultation* may become necessary; but mysiiccessin correspon: dence ; is so great, that of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated byslatter. duringithe lftsfc 32years, not a siuglo mistake has over occurred, not licasehas ever'beenmiide public—in'fnct,ltlievery simplicity of my system of correspondence;prevents publicity. ' i. ' i: '; 1 At the samo tinio insdlclncs <iro flwifc to ffly pcitionts in such a form as to defy dotectlon. i'>" . . . ' How many thousands havo I not;brought Joy to?' .Howmaiythavo bcon'enabled to '.enter, into sthe marriage state through consultlngme?'''. 1 >. rHow many after >marriage:have. privately consulted me and beon blessed,, and their, married lives' mtido fruitful and happyV i.. ■ How'mariy waßtedruined youths of both sexes haye alsoibeen restored to health, and thpked their manhood for'having consulted me by, letter., . | " How many questions arise wherd the family physician is unable to unravel the case. and. wliere often the patient lingeis on.'inot daring to tell his! family, medical advisey tho,nature, of his complaint, nntil consumption, omental diseases sotih, and the sufferer, gets lieyond curable, stage, | loft a liopeless wreck. " , . v. ' A letter written in the privacy of the room and dropped! in'the post'box reaihes me quietly; the answer is returned (is quietly,and unostentatiously,' arid the patient, without stepping from his Chamber, oxcopt to post his letter, is by return of post put. In full possession of,the nature of his case. His hopes are raised, his doubts removed, and he is comparatively a new man; iii fact, in many oases, ; a new being "j." '1 ' i The only addition to the ordinary wrltten.lettor is tho'age, odoupation; habits and spptomß, .nothln« more. : Xh'e usual <dbnsultatioti tte oi Hj (onepound) must ba enclosed;otherwise no ; answer will; be-re-turned. I ■ ! .• 1 There! are thbusands 6f cases in daiiy'life where a consultation with one'at a distance;,will romove' by a single letteri a great fear, agreatcare.andjt often solves' what appeal's as an impenetrable mystery. Many a sad heart has been made Joyful onreceiptof an explanatory letter from me... . , ;! . : To those. who are about to marry, I would say con-, suit mo beforo doing so, and thus prevent maiiy after troubles,; and roniovo many'unnecessary fears and prejudices; to thoso, more especially, who havo suffered in early years from disease,or who have yielded to their.passions,—to theso I say,'at once, cousult with mo, do liot tarry, delays aro dangerous, ;and:as an oxport, my timo may not be always at your service,you can, by simply onoloslngono pound, have tho benefit of my exporionoe in the same,mattnef as if I lived in your omi torn; and with the additional advantago of thorough prlvacy.-Yours, truly, LOUIS ,L, SMITH. Address— Dr/ L. L. SMITH, 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne. CONSULTATION FEE, BY LETTER, £1, Fee for personal Consultation, £1' Is, The latter is inolusive of Medioine. Medioincs forwarded, well-paoked, to all the Colonies, India, and Europe. : 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne, SANDER AKD SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACTSurgicalClino.of Prof. M'lntyro, College of Physicians aud Surgeons, St. Louis-Scirrhus of Broast -Excision, Eucalypti Extract employod. Nov swelling, heat or discolouration. Cured (u 14 days i —ADV.

i Advioe io Mothers. I—Are you'"broken, nv your. a siokohild Buffering with the pain of outting teeth?' Go at.onoe to a chemist and ,'get'a bottle of MraWlNSl'ow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the'poor suftbror immediately. Itis perfectly harmless and'pleasant to taste, .it produces natural, quiet .sleep,-by- relieving the ; child from pain; and the little oherub awakes- " :as brighTi as a button."■■'. It soothes the Ichild,' it softens tho gums, allays all pain,' relieves ivind. regulates the bowels/and is the best known romedyfor dysentery and diarrhoea, whetherarisingfrom teething or other oause3 Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Modicine'doiilera overywhere' ot la ljd per qottlof

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5185, 4 June 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5185, 4 June 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5185, 4 June 1885, Page 4


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