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I The : eieefcioii' 11 'of* two audifara v for the Borough pi, Jhames;,for.. the.ensuing .year was held yesterday at the ; Borough Cham-. bers,..Mr..]?., 8.. fif _lWobdward.;acting- as Rehiring Officer. The result.of the polling was announced-shortly after six o'clock, as follows :-J. ,o^l;''Gibson/120 ;';D,.K. Gellion, 83; Wm. Smith, 81; and' E; Honiss, 57. Messrs Gibson and Gellipn aro,there : fore deoiaied:to'en.'duly eleoted. l t | ■ , :i:.f..ii')! , jl(Hi'|l'l , W'.i.!'-,yir.l'*iv < • 4..' i Mr,A..Horae,hasJbeen duly, appointed,, the ; Board of to ; 4ho*.pofttidnlof; Ihe'ad mastex^o| l :; i the.,Tararu.SQhoql,. The appointment is, however, subject to the termination of ; his present engagement in the visual manner,,.so that.Mr.tHome is not likely to take charge of the school until the month has .'elapsed. .'.' ( .'.' -r-yn: «»k,v ; . ! Messrs A. & G. Price have just completed jihe manufacture of-allargeOmulti-tubular boiler;to the order of the proprietors of-the ftei^'Zijaland'ffialil!, .... ■ The,, boiler, was sh ! ipped.;'jn:ithe'ketoh Lizefcte'at'Shorblamt yesterday.;> ■-!.;■ •• y ■■''■™.'p\ ! Ah' extremelyinarrowi escape l '^rom'serious' accident happened yesterdaymorning*at;th'e'Golden^Crow'n , while-the; men were engaged in;ifixing;thp! clips at No.'Mev'el, ai tomahawk were using fell into the'shaft, : ;and"'dropped' to tho bottom, a distanoe'of'about 60 feet. Qneipf the!miners, H namodi David. Downes, was forking underneath the shaft "at tho, tiiiie: "\ TheThcad'of. the'hatchet'luekily, missed him, but he received a severe blow on 1 thelGg'from-its handleV which:did riot, howovor, cause any seridiis injury. ',: ;i)o\yues had beon cautipnedtb'keep,away;fro'm'the shaft while tho work .was proceeding overhead, but had disregarded the warning. ,\ '' A complimentary supper was given at the Camdep Hotol; last, evening to Mr P. Herbert,"6n 'tho Qve of Iris departure from $he district. „ .Mr Horbort has taken a promi: nant part in athletic Bports during his residence at the '-Thames,; and a .number of friends woro loth to" see' him leave without somo expression of regard. About 20 persons sat down to supper, and a very pleasant evening was spent. ; : Stkanob Insubordination.—Who has not experienced a sort of malady when all tho faoulties seem in rebellion, and labour is aosolutoly impossible ? It is' a condition of nerves and stomach and brain that can only bo cured bjr tho use of that in'osistiblo, 1 rouiody-Hop Bittetß, Road

The inhabitants of tho Miranda distriot ■ lately-prevailed upon the Board of Education to grant the muoh-needed school buildingl andacontraot was let several weeks; . ago to Mr A; Boyer for the rearing of a substantial .structure on a suitable site provided;' by the settlers, The work' has been com- V plefced, and the opening of the sohool was ; celebrated on Friday evening by a dinner '/ and a'ball, which were largely attended by :; visitors from the surrounding oountry,; while a numerons party of exoursionists / from,the Thames jvere ajsp presenbr faring .'• a'n interval'in ; the gaiety, 'an address on ~/ "Education" was given by Mr J. Adams, was deservedly'^'appreoiafced-T T dn'" : ' Saturday | eyening-a lecfcurew" Cyruflt.tb.9 Great 1 " was-'delivered"m'tfo^ewf'bnilSing,'■'•••■: by' ; -the. Rey. ( . P. Smallfield, and on -Sunday ]'■,, jdiviiie service" was'"conducted-by"'ffie rev. ■:. ;gentleman r 'a-TlSm^'dr^nißt;and-:bhoic : ''-''-. 'rendering assistance in the mußicalportions. • , jof the seryioe, t ; -The,^Thames,excursionists :: [reached home 'at'' a i early hour yesterday ;'■■; jmorningi'and'were undnimonß in' declaring: jthe trip to have been most enjoyable, ' 1 The'man, RichardMc'Ooid, against whom; , a protection order wasbbtaine'd, ' on retaliating his family by threat?, for which he received ;' ■ jiis deserts atithe"; Police '.Co'u'rtvyesterday,/• , from Mr. L. J, Bagnall,J.P.; The charge '.- ; 'preferred against defendant 1 was' that of hav-:; ing beenv -.;■'; cording to;the evidence giyeri by-Kia s'qi and- ki ponstable O'Brien/:his -conduo't ; ' ; Was]'"inore : |:; serious. It appears'that on• •Saturday'nighfc :i ':■■. McOoidpresented -! tage, and meeting his son in the passager threatened to blow his brains ! qut, l 'arid''also . displayed a knifej'stating that >he hsd three - lives to take before i morning.' who was present:secured , released him. Some time after wards'he re,-.;: turnedj'andconcealed. himself "'• yard, with his:pockets'fiUedlwitH-'stqnes,: -' but being'dis'coyered'he wasiprevented from ; using the missiles'. I Hecaused'a greatcbin-'' ; kotionih'.Oochrane-street, opposite his whW. premises/andeventually'Constable■ ~ took him into -Kiety' ! urged that the caseiwas , n6 v pointed oufc.that special provision .was made " for such circumstances in the Fblibe'Offences Act,♦theiaccused beirig-'reridere'd'liable'to', three months' imprisonment. ; His Worship .■ thought lenience In-such a case would be misplaced, and' sentenced McOciiditdJseyenv days' imprisonment with ..- i , -Ttie^B%'-'sen6bner : Tao-faii v '''iß'no^'3^dy, : for launching at,Mr'Robert.Stone's ship-; building yards, 1 'atid'\thy3 i construoted, so that the mitted to the ■ favourable. ; .;: l ;-'' ! ' , ' f; ' i >^ ! '#' : :^V ;:: i .. . ■ v,(w r':ii:-".'"..'iV--(K!!ii ■•-.. ' ■' :■ - ■ \ Judge Smith;, being! in -.:.;.; conducting the~enquirip3 u into,t,.the;!te(!enti ateam-boat collisions, ..will be','unable, to attendihe .monthly, sitting of. ;th.ej DiStribtß CourtVto-day, and'ithe)business will, con- : - I Theriew r surgical'■ ward l of-,the' 'hoapital, -,': thqiigti* tbe'' ; most''o'ommoidius''part ?bf •<the*establishment,* isCnbtie foo^larp^for^'the^;.-.-.■ present demands' upon'its'ipace?'' There are.' 1 ' -• at present eleven patibnts'in' it/the majority I ''// of whom' have .been 'admitted/.within, the. . laWtforfnighi■'!;The^fEeryra--byJffieV'tote^-.\. powder'/'explbsion;-are^projressirig ;; ably, and Wells, whose' : badly; ■'~ fractttred'ibrt i Friday-'iVsV'ia 'also jdoing'. pa ;". ttiat ; it is proposed,, thatythc-rpom 'recently•;. ; vacated by the'surgical'patients shall be''. converted into a qonyalesoent.ward. <y i" : ui' j 'S "patient theVAuoldand; ■; Refuge,' named Jphn,'.Mrris,''. "attempted V. > suicide on Sunday'-by- butting his throatwith a table knife, which".he had taken to ;.;/ bed with him, but!did'"nqtinflictjhy serious ; injury. The wound is rather ; an ugly'qnejV the veins-having, been out, but is hot 'likely'';' to prove fatal. ~r .■'■-.. *'•.' *?f?J®-?'***. ..- ■ ■"-,. i The"Rev^JfT, : WUls'pSly^pb^eid\i - , letter compkinMng''that,ihe( ) Te ; Domain Board-,^had giving him freeuse'of itho.baths; • •A'cbrres- . ,-. pondent signing himself of .the" . Church of England" 'wntb's us l as;'f qllqws :— '.- ■ > f The he A jfrbj^ik^n;qli!,an;.';, unohristian niahher is as'followS, 4 Te'Afqha: v is blessed by Naturewith ;hot springscon-- v taining I'great curative powers, an'd :i nntil;. t ; , lately-it Has been.the ;custom;to iaUb'^.'; • aU ministers, no'matter of creed,; to'',' - use. baths free. ; ;The ol Dbmain r |Bbard : ,!: have, (and 'quite 'fight; too) resoinded'']oiat *. This lonohes the' B corhsvbf v -after,'tfie '■■'■'■ spiritual- welfare*- of : >.'the v, ;We3leywip.': 'kfi :'■':■ ; clergyman ! 'bf' the Catholib-' faith l (dl the';;: . way from/NewSouth Wales) is still allowed'<>■ : ; the use of the baths, free; and many people ask,-"Why has ! ;one' : ;to s .payj ; 'and theother nbt?'' : 'THeahswe'r' ! tp.this ! One enjoys per! theV'other ) is'V ■' suffering?from -a' l 'severe-attaiokof- soiatioa.'; Mr ! '%ll9 ! sjwuld''remembqr::'the gpqd ;, qld;V '.; gblderiiriiley as,ydn would!''/ ;' : they do unto you,; --If 'Mr : i'Wills iwarits V; use 61 the Paths'freb,- 1 let him plead poverty ;. br sickness, and the powers that; be will be >. ;, only too" Men of Mr Wills' stamp are not required'in' ';; : such a small community a 8 ours, ; put creed against creed, instead of letting ■ "> usliye together in unity. .-;/:-' ' ; ;,; ! Mr thetesfcqf To,'!;'",;; Aroha ore and tailihglby his precess i? pry: o ktisfabtery. The' tests made* of tHe'thou- : sands of tons of tailings lying at Firth and ": ■ Clark's mill, and wMohi has alreadj .been , through the berdan/ahow them to be worth; ' / f rom-Ioz; lßdwts to % 2bzs, 9dwts, per ~ton.; . - jhese 'tesfe' we're, .carefully .made) and 1 Mr La Monte'Ms satisfied that' the assay valuerepresents the proportional value of the bulk. A test of j'tailingsirbih'the Cambria ~ mine;'' Thames;! Igives '*B;worthfof>'buUic«y!;;/ j Special attentiou;is;calJed. to MrC-Mo-; ;; Liver's new advertisement. 1 ; ' ; This is;a.': ;; genuine' f clearingiout ,sale\ r of \presbnt' stock;?,, in orderjt'd make-l'oqmvfown'ew.gqqds to-.i-VnSb■ j V |We reprint the following-from the SerM ; of Satoday, in the hopo that it will act as . an'encouragement .'to 'others- tb:ntilisq;the;J , ; many natural!prbduots;we have abent'ns '/Recently we drew -iattentionto the dis-; :• covery made by Captain Smith of the suit-:, abiKty of the of durnative trees: for the preparation of writing ink of.:. i superior quality.., .timqwe had not; ~ seen the ink; altbbugh%icingsmadewithit: /; were, shown. Since first^ notioing f the : dis- .-■;'■' covery.'ftne ink' been'Shownitq,iis| ai(d , upon trial it' certainly flowed clear and .;; freely from the pen. The ink, immediately ;•: it is nsed, has a darker colour than Stephens' ; blue-black ink, and in the course of a short.; ; ; time assumes quite a jet blaok colour, : The ;.'■;.;.■ permanenoy of. the ; colour -has been, tested. ; C With acid so strong that the paperwas quito ; ' :/ destroyed, but :the.writing remained undis- > charged; it ; hds; been-'sabjeoted for .a ~: lengthened- period,to'the aqtion of ohlorino, .;: bu't' ; a blue, which the application' of ah 'alkali', restored to its briginal oolbur. 'If the fading •; acticn bf time, and strong sun light is, resisted as-well as the other tests which have ; boen applied, it should prove an ink of great \ value to solicitors, bankers, and literary : , v porkers. ; Captain Smith, intends .sqon-to' /; in the inarket," p lilA f{ 'V.; ; - | We would'again remind qnr readers, of;/,; the imporfentJandsale'whibh'taKe^placeat;;?; theAicademy of Musib to-day The whole of that block of land upon tho; .;.-;- banks df the Kauaerahga river, khewh'a's thd;',. : Bbrqugh Recreation Reserve, is to be offered ;j-.'->-tb publio'obmpetitlpn by Mr. Jas. Craig, and;:;/;; is a'favburablo wish to seourea small freehbld;bn e/j; reasonable term 5.;......:. - r: ~ r ..;.-/-;,;./;;^■■• :: - ;;:;/ | The annual mooting cf. the Blue Ribbon Army will beheld' this:evbningin /-;:/ tho Temperance HalVßbllcston-street,;fqr:-; ; ; b the election' of officers and tlib ■ of the'usuAl anmmL businoW,,' ; '^p

A service of song 1 , founded on the history of "The Rise of Methodism," wa3 given last evening ;b'yl*then ohbnHof the i Primitive Methodist Church. There was a considerable.attcndance, and, withflid from wind and string instruments, the mimical portions of the ■ service/swere -. creditably; given;:;: The Rev; W. S. Potter gave the connective readAcolleotion was made on 'behalf; of the Trust 1 FomLof thechuroh. ' '■'":; ibThe-PialJb County Council has given permission to |Mr John.Gibbons, to start a flax fac'tbry on'the.Waihdu Reserve, near ..tho Te Arbha' ori payment of 2s 6d pertpn .royalty -fat 'jeyery ton of manufac- ■•'; V^';';:r ! ■ -V:-' '■ )■-■■ • '■'' ; : ' : Th ; e'cpllection : ,at'St.;Patrick's Cathedral on{Sunday,/on the occasion of the openingofthe new organ, to total rebeipts at the; Oriental Fair in tjonnedtion' with St. Mary's Church,'Parnell, Eve'been'ii3li. V''"' v : ; '.';.:,:•.:; ■■•'•

; ;m'ornitfg a,;ohiid: named McLaren' was '.severely 'bitten: savage .dpg!;in",6undryrstrbet, Newton.(Anckland). .The.brute bit the little girl in the face, tearing a i i'triaiQgnlar:flapi of skin and'flesh from aboyb 'the eyebrows to the nose. ■;;': ',; : ;. ■ ■■: John-Sheehan;; the' newly elected ■, member for Tauranga, is now in Auokland, arid,''i£.time- will mak'e'a-run through;the 'electorate/before leaving for ;Wellingtbn|'beginning at the Thames, and proceeding by, way'of Opotiki to Rotorua. On leaving.Tauranga .on' Saturday evening, a largo > number of eleotors, representing both aides in' the late; hard-fought contest, 'amorigijt whom'-.MrKelly himself'was conBpidupjiSjiurned.'ou^and as the Wellington moved, away-from the wharf hearty cheers 'were givenfor the member. ,■/.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5183, 2 June 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5183, 2 June 1885, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5183, 2 June 1885, Page 2


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