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■<■■ , •■•• ;, y -'■ : ..', {■ MEDICAL. ...•■ .. ; ; .:, :,■■-■:■■ '.. j] -. ' ,: : \: ':., "'.. V '-'M THB : WORLD:OUGm TOiCONTAIN- ; J' 't 3!";':' : ;;; : 3 '™$frfss« ;"| if -'" ■■■-; JJEOPABDY GREAT .OF DELAY; ■;•-■ YOtf pAN CIIaME/THE miCKLIM STREAM, BUT NO! THE -.RACtiNQgTbRRfNT. I'; ' '_,'; .. %&&£S/UHKs!iU[ ■: ■ What Everybody should 31<!a«1.-HQw,imp.ortaht r ' ■• ••'? '"■ e V er y, individualto. have at .hand .some simple,.'effective, and ■ : BlSSfiß''" , ' : ' v '' ,7 iß'i^ri*s'- : i7P'tTfi i:^WT''i ''- :;! '-' ; i i: to,checlc disease at the onset! -; For this ie the With'very little ■■ Wffi&ttP-wSBBgBiSS ■■> trouble you can change the course of i r Wmr ;; W l o ' ' no rolling river. tlt will defy all your tiny ; effprtsi I feel I \ Wμ' 1 cannot sufficiently inipre'ss'this important inf6rm'atiori upon all HonseJβ '$$JNr!v2lm&imgfm ■'holders, or.Ship Captains, or Europeans generally,'Who'are visiting '• ■ 881 ■W'~Ji£' : \re®mHM ■■ ' ' or res itling in any hot or foreign climate.,. Whenever a change is con- ■ '■ ' templated, likely to distiirli'the c6ndition of health, IetENO'S IIIUIT "''' wm'''Jsß*? l 'j 'ililli ,i: PALT be your companiorijforiuuder afly)circumstances its use it n„; i' <#Jll!lIli •'■: beneflolai/jand never can do.harm,} AVhen. jrou-feel, put ;of • : eorts;' : ;: ■' ' 'ill m&lMi' '*:qf;appetite/ sickness, pain; in-ihe forehead, dull aching'of back and- .-, W§ns^--^®pW, 'limbs, t cpldnesa of[the surface,- and,often shivering,,etc, thert,yom! : whoieliiiily W put oE .order, the spirit of danger' harbeen kinille'd,' but you'.do not, know where it may oml?' ; ltriS'ii rail -h'eobasity ■to ;have thatwiir alwaysanswer the'very best end,"' :with : i positly.e assurance;nggood;iii;every case and la no,case anyiharm.i,Theipilotcanß'o',steer : !and direct ae to bring the ship into he cannot quell the. ragirig storm, ', The common' idea-, , ivhoii not feeling wdll is'/1 will watt and see—perhaps! shall be'better tb-mijrrow; whereas, had a '' T)ly:of "BJfO'S; FRIUC'SAL'I , been at of It at the onset, all calamitous might have beenavoided. \Vhat dashes to the. earth: so maay hopes,, breaks so many sweet alliances, plasts niany siuapidions enterprises, as untimely dea'th f ; ' It' is not exaggeration, biit simp 'e fa'ot,' when' i flint' hiiy' Uttle-peciiniary benont Imay derive from the sale of this Preparation -is 'absolutely 'nothing j compared wstlv the. immense benellt by, those. *ho use it. ~.-.....■,.-■•.-:,■ .-•■;■; .-. ■,:■<>■■■; \-Ui\ ■■:■! \ TTEA&CIii! i ANE'pisOßDEltE'p"sTpik¥ACH;—.'.'Aitep.'aufferliisf'foif Sail' yiears from H''severeheHacheahddisordered after trying;almost everytWng'and : ependirigimuch ■inoneywlthout finding any benefit, Iwas recommtoded ; by tryjp'ur before 1 hadflnlshqd one. bottle I found it doing mpa'great deal, of good, and,now, I ; ajnrestored to.myjusual health'and'othe'rslkhowthat'havetrtqd'it have'not. enjoy'edsuch good healtli for, years.- Yours most ■ triily/R'pBEMBDMPnREYSi'Post Office;;Barrasford." '.■.■■.■■■.\h'--. ■:.- nx;;;./;'/ , .-/ ■■<;:■ t " f::i _'; l "|. : ,,; ; >~ mHOUSANBSOT MILES IS.INDIA.- , ' Pqrmany years' I FRUIT: SAIT of the : T utmost vaiuoin'the'hot and dry seasons, also in the monsoons.' I have travelled some thousands '< bfmiles in India duriuif-the last thirteen "years, and in all the'varlous,ohange3 of.climate I have -found - ENO'3 fWJl'f, SALT!the most refrfcshing.beverage.l couldiget, e3pecially j; alter,lpng,-.heaVy marcHe3i an'd other fatigiiini; duties, .to which the British soldiers of lati have been exposed.-1 have always beenj able to keen a supply of the FRUIT SALT on hand; and could obtain it,m most stations.' My dear wife, dur-. ine her travail found it to be tlie most useful thingthat couldbe obtained.. Many others here have found' v N'O'S ERUIT SALT better thau any.beyerage'yet in the Indian market.' I am. yours .&<:,, A. - Wabdbr, ; Central Military Prison, Poonah, Bombay, Jariuary3o.lß3*.-To Mr^.C.ENO: , ;;;■;: :,. \ \\Z\ m'HE REGION OF THE ETERNAL Marvin,'in his account of a journey'to the P6troI leumße"ionof the Caspian, says yM It was anticipating history a ( bit, but there is very Itttle doubt that before long it will be possible to do the Journey from London to the Caspian-a distance.of over 2 600. a week , '•' :: ( ,v '•' Ahy hedicfiie's the'traveller may reojilre'can easily be obtainedat the chemists'., shopsin Russian toTOJ.;:i'/ aDpve.all, a feWibottles otMO' SALT, perhaps the best medicine in the world for the Caspian region, where the;heat and the dust occasionally provoke symptoms needing , ' & gentle aridinvigOTating.treatme'rit. ,, --Froin; Newmtlt Daily Ghronvsh . •. ; ".;;;■ ..V; '■' -\ a\\. :i ■f B iHE SECRET of : STTCCfESSl —" A new invention Is brought before the public and commands success?' A■L ' score .of abomiuable imitations introduced by unscrupulous. ,who, in copying the 1 oricinhl bldsely enough to' deceive.'th'e publio.and yet , not so exactly '.as' to, infringe, upon legal rights,! exercise an-lngenuity that, employed in'an orlgindl channel, could not foittb Beciire'reputatlon and pvoflU'-ADAMS;.;' . !i:r T . : : -v "-v--''r \ ■;.■::! :■■:•■■ v<:;:hi; .VS.. t'',' ' CAtiiioN'-i%dmiM cactißottU, ateskihti yUHoittit youhaw been'imposed on lya worthlessimitation, SoUbyallCkmuta. -;."■ ;, :'. ; ~,.•,; ; :•■ • ..DIEEOTIONSJN SIXTEEN LANGUAGES HOf TO PIIEyiIOTDISEWE. ;., _=U | '■ ; ~ :: ' :i ' ;i ' : '-: : . : : ,'V PREPARED ONLY AT ,''''' : ": '■'"'- .'"'' . • ':. '■ I-"--- .■! " RENO'S FRUIT^SAIiT;;WORKS, HATOHAM, -r,,^ '''-■ ' :: '■ ' ''■:'"" .; 'bYj.ceno's'patent,: : ''' [ :\'.., r 7" 'i.',''' : 7'-"'{ AND ;OF; i; .-, ; '< '^ty^' AGENTS;—Aiioldand, N.Z;—Kemptho'rnejProsser, and Co. .Wellington, N.Z. rFelton, ' : • Grimwade, k Co, Whanganui—>Vakefieli.& Hogg,'Oh'emisfe, Ciriatehuroh, N.Z,' .'". —Kempthorhe. Prq9aer, & Co.; L.'B.'Nataan&Co. . Pttnedin',"N.Z.—Kemp. ' : ' thorneProsser, and' Co.; P. Haymariand Co.,Kattray-sfcreet. . ; ;: ; •

■ iJRATEPUL-OOMFdRTINa ,:, E' ' '•P : FS>S'"TfI-6.' , 0;:0..i,'-.'. , "r '■'■■'' ■ r | (BßE^^T).'-'v ( .'-.'.-:K:; i ' ' By a horoiigh knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations "or digestion and nutrition, and by a careful oppliontion. of the ,flne properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps haß pro v vided oar breakfast tables with a delicately flavonrei -beverage,' which' may save many, .heavy. "dootor*. Mis. It is by.the judicteuse.of such, articles of diet thafa constitution may be gradually built "up: until strong'enough to-resist'every-ten: 'dency to disease. .Hundreds of subtle maladies are oatiriu around us ready to attack wherever i there is a weak point.' We/may escape many a fata; shaft >y keeping ourselves veil fortified with pure ;blood and a properly nourished frame ■ ... • 'i-SeeSvrticle in MOM Service Gazette. .. ... Madesimply .with boiling water or milk,. Sold in lib packets, ■by Gγooers, labelled ;...- : ; thus:— "■:,;..• .' ■i■ ; . JAMES EPPS '~& CO., V ■■•■.-' HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, ' ■ ■ ■-'••■• ' "LONDON, ENGLAND. : Diseased Nature oftentimes breaks forth in strange : ..' :■'■ ■ eruptlonsV'-Act iii, Scene 1. > r ••' ; ■" ;! ■ homepnttents■suffering 1 from nervous, affections jj are afraid from sheer bashfulness and modesty ;o Personally consult a medical, man-other,pa-, tients have not the self-possession and coolness when in the consulting room, to accurately describe their syinptoms-their.hablts of life.-and the nature of the diseaseJiheySuffer from.' ','." 'V,, ..:'.' . let such persons (he i-r 'she) sit' quletlyjown In tho privacy of, and nylth calm niinda describe clearly each symptom of ; their case, clear statement thus written, andlald'befpre me, js : far preferable in hervous diseases to a personal consultation. however, a disease is of a peculiar, aud exceptional character, a personal.consultation may become necessary; bufmy success in correspon. deuce is so great, that,of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated by letter during the last 32' years, nota siugle mistake has ever occurred, not a case has ever been made public—iu incline very timo medicines are sent to my patients in such a form as to dofy detection... ' . ; How many thousands have I not brought Joy. to? How many have been enabled to enter into the marringo stato through consulting roe? . How many after marriage have privately consulted me arid been : blessed, and their married lives made fruitful and linppy. ~.,., ■. How many waste'drulued youths of bothsexo3Bave also been restored to health, and thanked .their manhood for having consulted, letter.. ; . How many questions arise where the family physician is unable to unravel the case,and where eften the patient liiigeis on, not daring to tell his famny medical'adviserthe nature of his complaint, l until consumption, wasting, or mental diseases set In, mid the Bufferer gets beyond'tho curable stage, and Is left a hopeless wreck. •■. • ' A letter written in the privacy of the room and dropped iu the post box reaches me quietly; the answer is returned as quietly and unostentatiously, and the patient, without stepplnj from his ohamber, except to post his letter, is by roturn.of post put in full possession of the nature of Us case,. His hopes are raised, his doubts removed, and he "is comparatively a new man; in fact, in many cases; a new being ": Tl?e e only addition to tlio ordinary written lettor, is the ago, occupation, habits and symptoms, nothing more The usual consultation fee of .11, (onepound) must be enclosed, otherwise, no answer .will be reU Thore are thousands of cases ifi daily life whore a consultation with one at a distance, wiU remove. ( by asinglelettor a groat fear ~ a greatcarn,andit often solves what an iniponotrablfl mystery. Many asad heart has been made joyful onreceipt of an explanatory lettor from me. .■'•■■■,. ■■■'■" To those who are about to marry, I would say consult me before doing so, and thus prevent many after troubles,- ami remove many unnecessary fears and prejudices; to those, moroespecially who hare suffered in earlyyears from disease.or who have yielded to their passions,-to these I.say, at onco, consult with mo, do not toy, delays aro dangerous,- and as an expert, my time may not be always at your service, you can, by simply enclosing ono pound, have am ll.l smith, : 182 collins-street east, f Melbourne. CONSULTATION JEE, BY LETTER, £1. Pee for personal Consultation, £1 ls> The latter is inolusive of Medicine.' . ■; ; Medicines forwarded, well-paoked, to all tho Colonies, India, and Europe., i■ • 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, Melbourne. SANDER AKD SONS' EUCALYPTI BXTRACTSnreical Clinc of Prof. M'lntyre, College of PhySi and Surgeons, St. Louls4<!lrrhus of Breast -Excision. Eucalypti -Extract -employed..JSoswelling, hoater/dlßcolouratlon, Oared tnßli dayo -ADV. . , -

■■-•-: : one word; :^. ; Dear Friends: .■..'.. ~;■.• ~.!■. ■;'..-, ; • ,; -■ Wβ have some hesitation In addressing you; in the manner Mowing, but;hope that it will not be. lookedat inany invidiouslight,wheniwe state that it is onlyour regard for your health that causes;us todo ! it. :We have been a Firm'6l Analytical Chemists for many, maiiy. yearsr'and , have In the. long course of ithis, timo; manufactured certain Medicines that being based on scientific formula, and absolute care and precision in manufacture, havo 'enjoyed a popularity,:farin~advancei6f 'any other pharmaceutical Preparations of the day.; Bow successful/ire havo been in this, is .only to note; the extraordinary, amount of the sale of our' Haydo'ck's JTew,'liver Pill. We ; haye the pleasure to etate'that we.havesold ', :'•,". ' ■ ' ' • ' ;■;;;•;:;' > 28;089 VIALS OP.Db.'HAYpoOKVNEWj:,, ' •' ;I •' !: LlVEßPltlig.'. ;'.;. - ,;,.'.,, ■': The reason'ofthis demand is because wofuidin ' ;. ; i iHay dock's : New' Liyef ■ .Pills ... awonderful and extraordinary combination'-of concentrated; medicine. The iVictorles; bf_ Scitnce-1-Electric Telegraph, Steam and Printing—revolutionised the whole Bystem of the globe, and; made mankind wiser aud ibetter.l. So although there.'are countless Pills.used for diseases and claiming much' as to the'ir.merit. tho remarkable discovery of Dr. Eaydock has eclipsed them all, and has founded a . ■New Medical System; !ij :';,' ' ;. The Dootors, whose vast dose 3 of four or five.pills enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels; must give way to the man who restores healthc and: appetite with one 1 or two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills. One or two of DE. HAYDOCK'3 NEW MVER PILLS suffices to place the stomach in perfect order creates an appetite, arid renders the spirit light and buoyant; •■ the liver ls'affected its : functions are restored, and if the Nervous System is ; : enfeebled; Isinvlgorated'audsustained.,; ~;-,;„ .^.ji : '- '5 "'■'"'■ i'-Klm-) (TRANstA'rroy.)' , ';. 1 •''''!, m :; .'■n fiJ >n■ Aykhb^Province o| Biifmflh/ B. I, t ., Honored and learned Physician i> \.'■ .;•.■;■'] ■' '•''.'; '' The.'unwprthy dares, to address you, iind come before you humbly In , the dust," begs ,for ( . hhls people (caste) thatyou woulddeign to look upon their ignoble miseries,and;cure; them with your life-Giving' grains' (Pills).'' Illustrious" one i your most potent inediclue is life to them and their children, and all 4he Drug-Bazaars are empty and-• "your'"'souMs- riot them."" This humble petitionor.althoughhels ignpbleand unworthy to beiir'your'higtipre'sence/prays that you wlll|graclouely permit your-ilffe grains fPllls) to come to Aykab. To the most learned and wise Physician. Baylook~(Haydock) of high name. Native to;.the States of' America, united In North America Country. ■ Servilely'signing for himself and twenty-three others this Petitioner places his'sign. ' ,; ;. • ■ TBAO FANAIBERERAHOIEI/. '■; .■;.;•;■■■ : ' " Carmi,Bl;,AprU2; 188*.' db.J. HAroocK.v ;■; , ■t; •■,;■•• Dear sir:— l received your Pills a week : ago.. I have tried them and must say that I. never had ,so mach good done by anything as they have me.; l< have suffered for years with.bllloußness, and have, been so sick at times asnot to care to live, but your Pills liave,cured'me. : One a?ed man hero has taken from me ouly two of your, pills; and Iwish you could see him. He has had no appetite, for .five .months, andtO'day he eat such a'dlnner'a's a ploughman eata. ; I-had to: check Mm, but: he:laughed and said he was treating his stomach to a;new sensation for It really was hiingry. I hand you with this four dollars, Please send at once, as below, your Pills. : • MBS. SARAH MANSER9. " Carmi, IlUnois, U.S. We would fatigue you if we were to go od with them, as we very well could do; but the above must SUfflCe,' .-.■ - ; I : ; ■ ;: Haydook's New Liver; Pills, i: ; ! Are the true grains and , essence,of health/and the greatest'blessing that 'science has given to the Tor: Nervous Prostration; i Weakness,: General lassitude, Want of Appetite and Sick Headache; Di , ; Haybook's New'Llver Pills will be found an ;: ;.■■ ' " '■' ; --|. -'•■■• i Each vial cautalns Tiventy Pills. Price Xweuiyr five Cents, For Sale by all Druggists. . ; • Any sceptic can have'a vial of Pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of hie name and address, for a trial. ■ ■■::.. Send a postal card for copy ol pamphlet-" THE lIVJMt AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable information to a 11..... : . p; : HAYDOCKANDOO.,: ; NEW'yOBK.U.S.J CAUTlON!—Druggists are desired to notice that tho name of J. H. Francis, Sole Agent, is written across each dozen packages of Haydook's Liver Pills. All without this are counterfeits. i P. HAYMAN AND CO.. Auckland and Dunedin, : Agents, New Zealand. AiiffiOß to Mothers !—Are you broken in yoar rest by a sick, child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth! Go at once to a chemist and; get a bottle.of Mrs WiNSlow's Soothing ' Sykup. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. Itiaperfeotlyharmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep; by relieving the ohildifroin pain, ?and the little cherub awake? "as bright as a button." Jt soothes the child; it sohens the gums, allays all pain,-:relieves yind. regulates the "bowels, and is .the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhcea, ffhetherarisingfrom teething or othercauses Mrs WinslowVSoqthing Syrup is.'sold by Modlbine dealers "eVe'rywhere''at leljd por qottlei

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5178, 27 May 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5178, 27 May 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5178, 27 May 1885, Page 4


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