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NORTH ISLAND ENGINE DRIVERS CEASE WORK. COME OUT TO-DAY. Per Press Association. 0 . ROTORUA, April 27. Rumours of a possible stoppage of the railways in the midst of the celebrations attendant on the Prince’s visit are exciting the kcotest interest, as tho town is full of people deeply concerned as to tho. manner of getting away in the event of a hold-up of the services coming to pass. Mr. Massey, Minister for Railways, was in communication witli 3fr. M‘Arley, general secretary of the Enginedrivers’ Association, during the day.

Tho first telegram from Mr. M‘Arloy to the Minister read as follows: —• “Locomotive men have unanimously decided to cease work at midnight, Tuesday, 37th inst.” To this Mr. Massey replied; “Your telegram received, contents of which 1 was very sorry to read. I trust that even now wiser counsels may prevail, and that, at all events while our Royal visitor is the guest of New Zealand, peace may prevail between the railwayman and the State. Anything in tho way of a strike just now would he a disgrace to tho whole of tho Dominion, and more especially to those who become responsible for it. The fair fame of New Zealand is at stake, and on that account. as well as for other reasons, I appeal to your Society to refrain from the contemplated action. The railwaymen of this country have had, up to the present, a well-earned reputation for loyalty, and it would be a matter for extreme regret if that reputation were tarnished by the action of any section of the railway employees.”

A later telegram from Mr. M'Arley to Mr. Massey was brief, as follows; “Impossible to hold strike back without your assistance.” The Minister then addressed the following telegram to Mr. M'Arley: “Your further telegram received. My assistance has so far not been asked for Your men even declined to state your grievances to me on the occasion of my recent meeting with representatives of your society, referring me, when I asked what your troubles were, to the evidence given before Judge Stringer’s Board of Inquiry. Tho responsibility for what ma> happen is yours, though if I can prevent further trouble I shall he very glad to do Anything possible.” There matters stand for the present. So far as the Royal visit is concerned, the authorities are not prepared to say what will be done.

Late to-night the Minister of Railways received the following further telegram from Mr. Lewin, president, and Mr. AY. M'Arley, secretary of the Locomotive Men's Association:—“Telegram received, and in reply I respectfully desire to remind you that you agreed to read the evidence given by the Association before tho Board and which was a very full statement of our trouble. They expected you to read the evidence and go into all the points therein. However, wo appreciate your offer and again repeat that we can do nothing further without your assistance.”

The Minister replied to this as follows:—“Replying to your latest telegram, may I remind you that it was only when you refused to state your case to the general manager and myself, I said I would read the evidence which was placed before Judge Stringer..-1 intend to publish the whole of your statement before the Board, and let the public judge for themselves as to whether yon were justified in taking up yom- present position.” Tho Minister has already received a large number of offers of assistance from experienced engineers and others to keep tho railways of the North Island running well up to ordinary time-tables, and it is not considered likely that the public will suffer very seriously even if the men decide to come ouh.

Sex, far as the- Royal visit is_ concerned no trouble is anticipated, but if the worst should happen the effect would ho to cut all the balance of the North Island programme out. Tho Prince would be returned fo Auckland, whence he would bo taken to Wellington in tho Renown, arriving there next Monday on schedule time. This would mean cutting out visits along the Main Trunk line, Taranaki, and Napier. That, however, is only a possibility, not a probability. The authorities aro still confident the original programme can be carried through with little or no interruption. Ono thing agitating the people in Rotorua is tho problem of feeding 10,000 visitors, including 0000 Maoris, but it is pointed out that foodstuffs can bo secured by motor from the East Coast in ample supply to meet all requirements. Ono incident occurred this morning at Auckland which only became known later. When tho Governor’s train was duo to leave at 9 o’clock, it was discovered that the fire bars had been tampered with in some way unexplained, necessitating tho substitution of another engine and'a consequent delay to the first train. In the light 'of Inter developments, the incident bears a rather unpleasant appearance. POSITION IN AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND, April 27. The strike of railway engine drivers, firemen and cleaners in Auckland commenced at midnight. An indication of what was to happen was provided earlier in the evening by the refusal of tire men wifo had completed runs to undertake, any further work. At midnight the engines engaged in shunting at the station yard will return to the sheds, and the cleaners on night shift will cease work.*


-WELLINGTON, April 27. The following motion was passed by the AVellington branch of the New Zealand Railway- Officers’ Institute last night;—“Wo are astonished to learn that Mr. Massey has failed to grasp the fact that Mr. Justice Stringer’s findings with reference to the claims' placed before the Wages Board on behalf of the railway officers are totally inadequate to meet the reasonable demands made, and we consider that any now proposals based on those findings can only tend to prolong and intensify the trouble. “We deplore the fact that the Government failed to doaP with the claims in a practical and sympathetic manner. We have no confidence in, and absolutely refuse to recognise, the Commission now proposed by Mr. Massey and which wc (irmly believe is merely a further attempt to side-track the whole business*

“This meeting considers the Minister’s reply tantamount to a tqrminatfon of amicable negotiations, and requests the Executive to obtain a legal opinion as to the application of the Labour Disputes Investigation Act, witlT a view to having the present dispute beard before the tribunal appointed under that Act.” Officially, the members of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, comprising the traffic branch, that is, guards, porters, shunters, plate-layers, workshop staffs, signalmen, and, in fact, everyone outside the first division officers and locomotive men, will not he on strike to-night, but the built of them are undoubtedly sympathetic with the locomotive men, and many of them, it is said,, will be quite prepared to go out. The. Society has filed its dispute under the Labour Disputes Investigation Act, which provides for the matter being dealt with by a specially appointed tribunal, composed of representatives of the parties involved, and a chairman mutually agreed upon. The Act further provides that, should the suggested award arrived at Toy this means be not satisfactory, to the men, they may give seven days’ notice of their decision to strike. That course was also open to the Engine-drivers’, Firemen and- Cleaners’ Association, but they have chosen the more afreet method of immediate action. POSITION OF A.S.R.S. The position of the A.S.E.S. was explained briefly by the General Secretary, Mr. M. J. Mack, who said that at the outbreak of hostilities the Society was negotiating- with the Government tor improved conditions and wages. “We immediately,” said Mr. Mack, “waited on the \ Minister for Railways and told him thaiT so long as the cost or living was reasonably controlled wo would not press our claims. As everyone knows, tne cost of living has not been controlled, and lias continued to rise, with the result that we have from time to time been compelled to ask for increased wages. We have received in all 4s per day by way of bonuses at different times. Three shillings of this has been converted into wages, which, in effect, has reduced its purchasing' power, for the men have now to pay superanntation charges on it. The cost of living has increased, as stated the Prime Minister. 62 per cent., and our men have asked for an increase in wages of 2s fid per day. Of this, one shilling has been granted by Mr. Justice Stringer’s report. “We also desire improved working conditions, detail! of which : have been placed before tlie Department, the Minister, and the Manager, and printed repeatedly. The effect of low wages and bad working conditions is that men' have been leaving, and are leaving, to such an extent that, quite apart from the cessation of work on. the part of the men, the department is finding it difficult to carry on. Here is an Illustration of what, is happening: Coal is waiting at Greymonth tor shipping held up in for want of trucks. Over 150 full trucks are standing in the Wellington railway yards waTTfug to be unloaded, and the Department cannot secure labour at the wages of-, fered. Vehicles which should not be used are being used; men are working excessively long hours, and unless these things are remedied there must be, sooner or later, a general smash. Wq have filed a dispute under the Labour Disputes Investigation Act. This means a further delay, of which I have no doubt the Government will take-full advantage. In the meantime,. lam afraid the men will not wait for a settlement in this way.” Sir Francis Bell further stated that the thoughts'of the public were at once turned to the Royal train which is to take the Prince over the North Island. If arrangements are not made to run the -Royal train, thousands 'of people will be denied the long-anticipated privilege of welcoming the Prince of Wales, and the extensive arrangements for his reception will be upset. The officials of the" E.F.O.A. have not yet been approached regarding their willingness to provide a crew for the Royal train. We have not considered tho matter yet,” stated the General Secretary, “and it is for the Government to make the first move. Any representations from the Government will he considered immediately.” It is understood that offers to provide a crew to man tho Royal Train have already been made to the Government.

POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS. The Secretary of tho General Post 1 Office advised this afternoon that in view of the possibility of a railway strike taking place at midnight, tho following'arrangements would hold for places throughout the Dominion where mails are served by the railway: Motor services will be provided and mails will be sent from Wellington to . Wangnnuj thrice weekly; Wanganui to New Plymouth thriqo weekly (on the days following the arrival of Wanganui from Wellington); Wellington to Woodville thrice weekly; and Palmerston North to Napier thrice weekly. Similar arrangements will be made in other parts of the North Island and throughout the South Island. As bulky mail matter such as newspapers, packets, and parcels, cannot be conveyed by motor, in no circumstances will matter other than letters be transmitted. The mail services other _ than those run by train will not be interfered with, except that letters only will be transmitted. MESSAGE FROM WELFARE LEAGUE. When the news of the intention of the engine drivers to strike became known the New Zealand Welfare League, which had already interested itself in the dispute, sent the following telegram to Mr. M'Arley, secretary of tho union:— , , ~ ■ •The Welfare League deplores the possibility of a lightning strike by your members, apart from the grave inconvenience to the public and the dislocation of all the Dominion businesses. Such a rourse would bo condemned by the whole public, and would militate against an equitable adjustment of your members’ chums. “The time of the Prince s visit renders the strike especially inopportune. Wc urge y° u to consider your grave responsibilities. Tho league is in favour of a fair and just consideration of your demands, but if you persist in striking the league must support the Government ami the public. A\ e feel satisfied that the whole community will take that view. If action was postponed during the Prince’s visit you would secure the approval of tho whole country and their help in getting a full consideration and fair settlement of your claims. f “Although you may have reason to think that the delay in dea'mg with the question has been excessive, we aro satisfied that the above is the wiser course in your own interests. The league will vigorously press _ on the Government immediate consideration of vour demands,” At tho same time the league sent a copy of the above message to tho Prime Minister, with the following addition addressed to Mr. Massey himself; “We earnestly urge that no 4e~

lay should take place in tho adoption of some course to determine the. men's grievances. We cannot see any objection to setting ,up a Labour Disputes committee under tho Act of 1913, and believe that an assurance from yon that this will be done will avert, or ar least, postpone an immediate, strike, End give time for proper adjustment.' ■ Mri H. Holland, chairman of the Parliamentary Labour to-day telegraphed to' Mr. Massey urging that in view of the threatened cessation ot thc railway service, owing to the unsatisfactory wages and conditions of employees, Parliament be immediately called, together to deal with the situation. SOUTH ISLAND MEN. CHRISTCHURCH, April 27. It is stated here that although the Southern railway drivers are not very strongly disposed to go out on their ov n initiative, the opinionis held very stiongly in railwayman's circles that ii the Northern locomotive mdfe go out tho Southern men will strike sympathetically. NAPIER EXTREMISTS. NAPIER, April 27. At a large meeting of railwayman here to-day in regard to the. wages •question, the following resolution was carried: “That this meeting strongly objects to the proposal for further commissions or wages hoards of any kind whatever, as we are only getting fooled by the department, the Minister and the Government; we urge upon our executive the necessity of .gfving effect to the strike ballot immediately if a hearing under the Industrial Dispute’s Investigation Act is abortive ; also, we demand full acceptance of the schedule as placed before the Government by our executive; also, that we urge upon our executive to give tho E.F.C.A. our whole-hearted support in tho event of 9 strike.’ MAIN TRUNK EXPRESSES. WELLINGTON, April 28. The raiwaymen stopped work at midnight as threatened, but actually completed duties in hand, all cleaning befinished before the men went off. The Department intends to make an attempt to run the trains, and hopes to keep up the restricted suburban service. Expresses from and to Auckland and Wellington will complete their journeys to-day. THE UNION EXCUSE. FOR STRIKING IN NORTH ONLY. WELLINGT(H, April 28. The executive of the Locomotive Men’s - Association met to-night and communicated with the Prime Minister by telegram late in the evening that the position was stated to be unchanged. “Wo think that we can hold in the South Island but tho North Island is absolutely out of hand,” said the secretary of the Association (Mr. M‘Arley). “We had to let them go, as the men would wait no longer, and their resolutions passed at very large meetings were absolutely definite. Some people seem to think that tho North island men are out because tho Prince of Wales is here. That is not so at all. if we had been able to hold the North Island we would have done so. We have had numerous telegrams from the branches in the South Island asking to he allowed to join their comrades in the North Island, but we have instructed all the Southern men to stay at work.”

POSITION IN WELLINGTON. TWO LOCAL TRAINS RUN. WELLINGTON, April 28. Events in connection with the railway Strike were quite orderly. The trains ran to schedule time last night, but at .the end of the shifts the engines were run into sheds, the fires drawn and the engines left. The Main Trunk express arrived this morning -three-quarters of an hour late owing to stops having been made to pick up suburban traffic. Only one train left Lambton to deal with the suburban traffic on the Hutt line this morning. It carried to the meat works at Ngahauranga and Petone and to the Petone workshops and was manned by a running foreman and loco foreman with a headquarters employee as fireman. Outside Petone tho train was hold up a quarter of an hour by tho signals, but was' then allowed to proceed. Prior to leaving Petoue later for Wellington people boarding it were barracked for travelling on a scab train, and as tho result about fifty left it. A small train left Thorndon for Jobnsonville this morning to bring in suburban passengers. This was also manned by emergency hands. It is reported that this train wits held up at IJgaio by a refusal to give it the necessary tablet, but tjhere is nothing official about this incident. P.ed Cross vans and other motor vehicles, are bringing milk to the city from the Holt valley and buses are running between the Hutt, Petone, and Wellington for the conveyance of business people, but only one such bus was available for tbo run from Johnsonville to town. An important meeting of tho executive of the A.S.R.S. is being held this morning. AUCKLAND—WELLINGTON EXPRESS. A RUSH FOR SEATS. AUCKLAND, April 28. Auckland railway station was a scene of great activity prior to the departure of the Main Trunk express last evening. Nows of the impending railway strike had apparently forced visitors to / curtail their stay in Auckland and there was a rush for seats. About 200 people had collected half -ah hour before tho time fixed for tho express to leave. Those who had taken the precaution to reserve seats were admitted to the platform at once, but tho others had to wait. Some of the latter climbed the fence at the end of the platform and succeeded in reaching the train. Eventually all the passengers were admitted. The- Railway Department provided nine carriages at the commencement, four first-class, four second-class and one composite. Owing to the rush three extra second-class carriages had to be added and this accommodation was quickly taken. There were no sleeping'carriages attached to the train. In all there wore about 470 passengers. Owing to the heavy traffic the train did not leave till 7.25 p.m., fifteen minutes behind schedule time. > On inquiry being made at the ticket office it was stated that tickets were issued to all who applied. AUCKLAND DEPENDENT ON COAL. AUCKLAND, April 28. If the railway strike is prolonged i £ will have sar.iftUi* results in A■ 1 cL-.Lu.i\g

city. The tramways, electric light and power, also tho gas supply depend on coal arrivals, largely by train, and stocks are very low.. A tew trams were running on the suburban lines today. It is stated by tho department foremen that tho raihvayinen express the utmost indignation at the report from Rotorua that the' iiro-hox on the engine of the Royal train was tampered with. This engine is now in Auckland shod ready to run. What happened was the falling down of a defective iron bar. Tho engine had been inspected and the man responsible would not be a man concerned in the strike and the defect could easily have gone unnoticed.

NO STRIKE IN DUNEDIN. DUNEDIN, April 28. The news of the railway strike comes as a great surprise here. There have been no developments in Dunedin and the trains are running as usual. Two local members of the executive of tly> A.S.R.S. left for Wellington to-day in response to a call from the society. GISBORNE LINE RUNNING. GISBORNE, April 28. Tho northward railway ran as usual this morning, tire local staff having received no advice, regarding tho strike. MESSAGE FROM MR. MASSEY. URGING STRIKERS TO RESUME. WELLINGTON', April 28. Dir. Massey has sent the following message from Rotorua to tho secretary of tire Locomotive Engine-Drivers, Firemen’s and Cleaners’ Asociation: I am leaving for Wellington presently, but before doing so let mo appeal the strike off until tho visit of tho Prince of AValos has como to an end, and for this purpose a complete resumption of the railway services is absolutely essential until at least the date of his departure. WANGANUI RAILWAYMEN. WANGANUI, April 28. A stop work meeting of the local branch of tho A.S.R.S. was held this morning and strongly favoured siding with the strikers, but accepted a suggestion by the chairman to carry on pending instructions from tho executive at Wellington. Tho men intimated that they would immediately cease work if any attempt was made to force theta to do scab work. GOODS AT TAUMARUNUI. WELLINGTON, April 28. The Taumarunui locomotive railwaymen stopped at midnight but completed the duties in hand. , The station was heavily stacked with goods and 30 trucks of sheep and cattle. STRIKE MAY BE MET. BY MOTOR SERVICES. BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENT. WELLINGTON, April 27. Opinion in official circles hero is that though tho railway strike will cause grave dislocation, it will not last long. Probably the example set by England in tiro tise of motors will be largely followed, and will establish a service which will not bo very much worse than that at the time of the cut. No difficulty is suggested regarding the Royal travelling, but persons contemplating visits to the centres will suffer, especially children, for no arrangements can ho made for them without a complete rail service. A. stoppage for any length of time will "affect country districts seriously. Most of the secondary towns depend for their lighting and some for their heatiug, on local gasworks, whose supplies of coal have been short for a long time past, and little or no reserve is kept. The coal used is hauled from tho nearest port, as none of tho inland coal of fhe North Island is suitable for gas making. Firewood in many instances will be available at a cost for heating and cooking, and in the event of failure of the gas. there are kerosene lamps and candles as a last resource. Many towns such as Taihape, Ohakune, Mangaweka, Stratford, and New Plymouth, have their own hydro-elcctric supply. Country storekeepers who have got wind of the trouble and who are within motoring distance of the city, have sent urgent orders to their -wholesale suppliers in Wellington, and supplies are being rushed out wherever possible. The supply of country produce, vegetables, etc., comes into AVellington chiefly from the Mauawatu but tho Hutt Valley also furnishes large quantities and should bo able to stave off an absolute shortage. POSITION LOCALLY. Mr. J. O’Shea, stationmaster at New Plymouth, had received no information on the question of the strike when seen by one of our reporters on Tues- , day afternoon, and several members of other branches of the service, too, appeared to be unaware of the decision of the locomotive men. Later in. .the day, however Mr. O’Shea received an official announcement that work would cease.

The opinion was freely expressed that whilst local men are not by anf means satisfied with their conditions the majority were not in favour of striking, and doubt was expressed as to whether the older men in the service would bo willing to sacrifice their superannuation by coming out on strike. Our representative sought to obtain a statement from officials of the union affected, but did not find them * at home.

About fifty prospective passengers for the mail train presented themselves at the railway station at New Plymouth this morning and several of them required a lot of convincing that there would bo no train. However, eventually they realised that such was tho ease and some returned to their homes, others to hotels, and a few who wore not travelling any great distance secured taxis. INTERFERENCE WITH SHIPPING. * RARAWA IDLE TO-DAY. FRUIT AND SUGAR CARGO. Owing to tho wharf at New Plymouth being controlled by the railway authorities so far as the handling of cargo is coiftcrncd the qtrike is interfering with the landing of Onehungn cargo from the steamer Rarawa. The vessel brought about 150 ton of cargo, including over 50 tons of sugar and 350 cases of fruit. When the waterside workers assembled at S o’clock this morning no trucks were available and the workers therefore dispersed. Eight o’clock is tho onlv hour of call for labour at the wharf.

The town is again bare of sugar and if the discharge of the fruit is held up it will probably deteriorate and hu unfit

for sale. In view of these facts concern was felt by the grocers and fruiterers concerned’when it became possible that the cargo might bo carried back to Onehunga. Consumers of sugar will appreciate tho prompt steps which wore taken by representatives of the town grocers to endeavour to secure tho sugar on board without delay. A deputation waited on the chairman of tho Harbour Hoard (Mr. Newton King) this morning and also got in touch with the stationmaster with a view to obtaining permission to run .motor lorries to tho ship’s side and tlipro take delivery of tho sugar, In 'both cakes the grocers were assurbd of their efforts being facilitated so far as possible. The secretary ot tho Waterside Workers' Union was then waited upon i ' liet)i"r the watorsiders would discharge the cargo this afternoon. IJic secretary undertook to call a meeting of the executive. to deal with the matter. The captain of the vessel, in reply to an inquiry, said that the sugar and perishable, cargo were in such a position that they could bo discharged without delay.

Later in the morning a reply was received that tho watersiders would not In at tho wharf again to work until to-morrow morning and that if the vessel was detained it would then ho worked in the usual course. The branch manager of tho Northern Steamship Co. telcgarphed to the head office (Auckland) to ascertain whether tlic Rarawa could be detained here until to-morrow night ana thus enable at least the most urgently required cargo to be discharged into lorries tomorrow.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 16725, 28 April 1920, Page 2

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RAILWAY STRIKE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 16725, 28 April 1920, Page 2

RAILWAY STRIKE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVIII, Issue 16725, 28 April 1920, Page 2


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