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At a siaec'iid. .- meeting- of, the * Kaponga Town Board, - the Chairman ■ of the Board was credited , witli saying, when speaking on .the subject- oi' '■ the proposerl Opunake railway, that tho New Plymouth ..Harbour .Board had spent over a million of money," that tho sot-tiers were p&ying rates 'on it, and that, ilverefoie, they should push the railway towards {his ]3qrt. With the latter proposition we in thorough agreement, as we have already stated, and we only- recur to the subject to neraove any nviscon:eption that might arise 1 from the reputed statement as to the amount expende d, by the Harbour Board. We have . not the slightest doubt that the Chairman of the Kaponga ; Board was cither misreported 1 or that he was guilty ot that slip v of the tongue that at some time or another is the f«\te. of even the most practised, speaker. Had tlie Harbour Board had the chance of spending a million, or even half of tlmt smn, we wo^ild now have ] a harbour that would accommodate all the shipping this' district would need for the next ' fifty year?, and, incidentally, there would be absolutely syeed for the present Tsattlo as to the route of the Opunr.'^e railway. Unfortunately, for Taranald, the amount so far expended, upon harbour construction here more nearly approximates a. qXiarter of a million than a million, says much for the work done in, the past that' we havte ' tb^y-such an" excellent. . harbour, -onei which has 'been respon- - svble for a - good deal of the progress 'of the province, deny it who may... "Had* even a half million been spent "we. would now possess a port equal to; lif not i v superior, to tha* of. Timaru, and at the risk of being taunted with iteration, we want that fact to sink into the minds of country settlers, for we believe that when 1 it is fully borne home to them. ♦ that^ harbour; extension >voukl -be .ns \ . nyuch to their interests as to -the \\\- terests of town .dAvellcrs, 1 there ' will commence, a, v .forward policy that must eventually „ mean imVoh for the whole of Taranaki.

■Mrs Lc^non' forwaTii'S a parcel of "Books 'for Bushmen." To-xlay is tho. 'fifty-fourth anniversary of the establiahmcait o? the Taranald Herald. . We paißlish in our advierbrsing , col-. : umins tire cast- of chiav-acters fo^ the comecly "'My. Turn Next/ which is totUre staiged aaox* Tuesday. Thi-a comedy is cms iof -tli© most amusing, , mtd m such capable ~ hands should bo well worth seeing. proceeds arc to be devoted to a worthy object. / •We have recently, had instalktl a 2 h.p. motor in this -office to drive the typesetting ■machines. Last evening it was ijsod for tho first tima, and gavio complete .satisfaction. It runs* ai> a speed oi IjSOO roroluiaon^ pe*r miiiiiite, is quite free from, vibration, ami alnxost noisekss. \ For ( anyi of the p\iblic whoimay wish *to sco it running, it will be op-em. 'for inspection nnjxt Friday evening b-c-twoen <) and 7.30 o'clock. Messrs C. Gausrtad, „E. Bisholl, and H. T. Joll, rmcthilicrs -of t-ho Clifton Coimty Council, wer.c in town to-day as a deputation from their Council to wait on Mr Jenmmgs, M.TLTt.. with „ a view of- securing bis co-o]3ox*a-tioiv and in pushing on th-o Otaraa R^a-d deviatioii and get ting this ro-a'd opeaicd up for regular traiiic. It' is os-t'imated that a grant of £1000 would' bey ample for the^ work. Tho Mum-Mokau Roa-d roqniromtmta were also* brought forward, and Mr Jcn-ni-ngs is very sanguino thwt ho will l>e able to get . something su-b^anti-al. for ,' these hitherto much negloetecl roads. ' - , In the veterans' match on Thursday, R. Baker, who can boast of S5 whiters. put up a sooro of 34 out of a possible 75. "Though ' he hacU- not us«d a rifle for -thirty years, and never handled -a foreeclr-loador bf-forc;. ho managed out of five shots at 300 yards to register. ..two -^bulls-eyes and two centres, though he was hardly sa good at tho 200. Edward Lye, 7S years of 1 age, was not far of? top score 1 as ho pat up a total of 53.W. Rivhdle,. who has passed the T6fch mUestono, ' ; got thirty points, and Robert Hart, a year his junior beat'; him toy -two. Lieutenant -Colon el Olcey was astonished at such fine marks-, maiphip ..from nwm unacquainted with the modem rifle. . j ■- , ■ . ;

A brake lond o£ 801 l Block s?tt] *< - wilJ be among tho.< 0 ntto-Klin* CapTW 7O7 OU °KB.K 8 . !«*•"« at Oknto or, Jhursdny evening nexl. A rqjrcmwtau\o gmt'hwinw is nxpncfcd. ™ r R. L. jftfcstnycr, consulting engineer to the Borough Council, will arrive on Monday evening to make an inspection in connections with the waterworks tunnel leakage. Captain Edwin wired at noonsStrong winds to gale from between west and southwest and south. Glass rise, tides high, sea heavy, rain probable, and weather cold. * Tho temperature locally to-day was SJ, four degrees -higher than yesterday. The barometrical reading was 29.90. The majority of stations reported bad weather. The Goverrxiron t Jvos.-senfc invitations to . the Australian Stut-s to send representatives -to a Confewnco to be hold at Olivia tchuveh tSurvn"- l-b> Exhibition, with ivgard- to food ad'alte-ri-ation and quarantine. Through -the efforts pf.the'N.Z. Athletic Union the prize money attached to the Sheffield, to be contested at the Christchurch .Exhibition sports, has been increased from £25 to £40. At -a •meeting' at Blenheim 6l the local executive of the Evh l K;<it:lon; > "it was re^olvr-d to t^le^raph to- Ohristchurch for the grain schedule, • -a-nd general information ra^ard-ing ' exhibits,! operations 'being ha-niporcd -through lack of these. *-?' Mr \V. G. Biddoll, SvM., at Dunedin on Friday, gave his decision, deciding that the 'heavy traffic by-law of the Taieri County Council was invalid, , oa fchie ground that there was no prop* that it had, as provided «by'ihe Pu-b-lie Works Act, been sent for approval to the Minister of Public Works within seven days after it was made. The 'provisions <i the Counties' Act ihad boon, complied with. ~ / The oldest veteran w-ho attended ,; Thursday's reunion called ,at tho Herald office this m billing and spoke in most complimentary terms of the function. Tfc wished to express the thanks of -himself and 1 comradis to the promoters, and to the landlord for tho excellent sproa'd in the evening. " I think every man ought to, be pleased," said our informant. c( It was the best entertainment of the kind that I have over attended during any .sixty-five years in the colony." » Accompanied by Mr Dempsey, the headmaster. tl\fe senior scholars of the Central Scltaol were afforded an*in : teresting run in the "Rec./'. where Mr< M. Fraser. an enthusiast fof this study, gave a practical lesson on botany, illustrated 'with, the wealth of verdure which the Grounds furnish.' The instructive outing was much appreciated. "Mr V. P. Corkill, cbair•injin. of tho Boiird^ was in , atto|ndance. % ■ • The (questions of maintaining tho Powderham-sfc. and Liardet-st. bridges cropped up at l-'rklay's Council! meeting. This will fall on the Council when the railway line ,is removed, and the 'general opinion ' seemed 'tp be' that the cuttings should be.' filled in as soon as practicable and ' the bridges dispensed with. This' would certainly be an improvement tjo' the roadways, though the Powderham-st. work may prove expensive as tne stream will necessitate a strong culvert being, jirovkled. iA't the Comncil meotinj <>n Friday, Cr*. Bellringer and Bro-okimg advocated Sfcram'don a-s the most coiW'enient si to for the new s-uiburban station. ■ The Mayor said that the DeiJartmenit favtoxuvd a- lovel «ite, and* for this reason ho did nofcthin;k the Department would solpct this spot, apart from any ropr.-s.fnlation^ of looal bodies. Similarly, tha ' propos'l'tion to have it at Eliot-st. would mot be ent'cr-ttiincd, as there was an ofajvetion to 'having ste£« liea-ding" to - the station. 'AutereHF't. * did not laffoaxl a strarg'li t approach, and 3Fr Bi.s-s hAd said that for a level site that referred to in Tlobacm-sft. apiJearcd ,Bio®t suit r able. The Council •• dofided, after discussion, to ask that tlae s-tati'oax be as nrar Ilobteion-st. as possible. A recent message -frcm 'Wi-lling'ton stated that it was the intention o£ the Government to amend tho Act so a* to provide for tin 1 slaughtering- •&£ pig's, at abattoirs. At a meeting, on Fridafy, of the Auckland A. & I*. Association, 3fr !R. Jlall (President) said that no doubt the Dopartimoni was right in protect'ireg the public a"-itinst disoascd nu'af ; still there shoxild lie no needlejs re^tiietiori^ placed on fannoi's. The secretary s-o'.d he liad seen Mr. {Ritchie, Secrotary for Agrieulturo, who said th-at if tho (lux wore left an t-hn ]3i*js' 'ca'icaKfS, the mrat could bo properly inspect* d for disease. It waw resolved try; oxni'O.=s the opinion, -thjxt some nrpt-hixl 1 of, inspecting pigs plVould 'be devised whereby,, while , Ju-lly projecting the .pulvlic, provision wouM be made enabling f-ar-mers io conlinue Idll'mg- a linrltrtl number of pigs on the farms -per * week. . i' 'After invany " years of idleness, • 4/ho isub-seotions adjoining the- (New . Plymouth town hall are to be utilised. On Friday Mr "Newton King put, up the Ijoase of the four kvt® by auction, and Uiree were securofl • lay Mr C. . W. Govett, as agent for 'Mr t E. Gi-iffith-s. The sujy-section immediately abutting on the town * Jiall <did not -elioit a bid. The upset price, rea'liwd, Was, £2 10/ per fovytifios >a- frdn-tingjd -of 49 ft. to Egmont, land (£-2 par foot for the -siiij-divflsion with a frontage to King»-st., thus >}>rlinging in £185 per annunn to the 'Borvyug-h Council.' T-hd term is for 21 years, with rigihits of r^nmval, -and the conditions provide that a 'buikKng must be erected at a cost of not" less than . £1500. Wei awidors^and that 'Mr Griffiths will establish a l>iisinoss on his own account, » and the site is one of 'the xn]ost central and conveninnt an-tho >-to^-n.

H tho Supremo Court, MVllfoigto Sidney Mark C] ar k, charged wi hi«Achtti of t'hc Bankruptcy Aot, wj nrqaviltivl. .Mr G. W; Browne, chairman of tt Western Park Board, acknowledge with J th a nks, a donation of £i froi Apr F. Watson, and 'the receipt - < £1 17/6 in connection with the Sout ■Road euchre party. The tender ( Messrs K. a nd P. Sole, of Westowi has been accepted for. tha removal c earth in the continuation of improvi ments. Tho sports .ground will h ready for use in a few months. Me/rsrs BewJcy and ' Griffiths hay dissolved partnership, and their pr( lnisos in :^)evon-stfe<'t have been seem edby a'n(>w firm. Pending tho orcc lion of new promises on the section adjoining the Town Ifall, Mr Griffith] will conduct, business at tin* corner o Egmont and Devon-sirccls. ]\lr Bew loy will continue in business as t general agent. Xh<e next -ed'Hion of "Prn<givss'' wil contain an article by Fnrrfk T. Bui lon, o c n ''Evolution ofiNew Z-oalanc SMpping] A euchre party and dance to b< held in St. Joseph's** schoolroom is advertised." " ■ Messrs JJewßoy and Griffith,; adver tis*e a clearing sale at .FTuirari'gi O n accoiuit of Tilm J*!. Hudson on Wednesday. August 22nd. W. T: -Hookliam, Cash Clothier, New Plymouth,^ announces in this issue a special v sale of- sm-art suits. The prlicest advertised speale for themselves. A farewell social at Okato will be given to^ Bey. and' Mrs F. W. Young on Tuesday, August 7th. The subdistiiets o£ Oakura, Tata-raimaka and Okato aye uniting for the pur^ pose. y . • ' •'- Mr D. Laing, l a te G, Pott <amd Comi panj T , announces thfe an-ivlal- - '-of this season's slup;ment hi Sntfcosn's English farm a-nd.i gardro 'seeds. Inspection ,is invited. An' early selee-tion is advisable to avoid disappointment. On Monday/ August 13th, Messrs Bcwley and- Griffiths will hold an important sale of- dairy' cattle 4 and horses,, on account of Mr Earp, who has sold his fawn. -Mr Earp'si cows are a particularly /good lot, having tho highest record at the factory. A reiniiridoi 4 . is given of tihe clearing sale f o>l dairy stock to be held by Mr Newton King at Cawmg-ton Eoad .on Monday oh account of Mr R. J. Kiley. Th-e cows a re Septomfbefr calvers, and the", average lest for* the ferdj last season, was 4.2. The sale of -work at the Te ITenaii Schoolroom came to a successful conclusion .on Thursday evening. The ladies of tho Guild are to be congratulated on their work, the proceeds amounting to £45. As the. expenses were vciy light, there will be a substantial sum to hand over to tho TaranaJii Maori Mis^iqn. • TKe services in Queen-street Church to-morrow will be conducted by the Pastor, the Rev. John Nixon, moming' and evening. At tho evming. service Miss Blake, from England, will sing "The Heavenly Song" by Hamilton Gray. All seats free. I—Advt.1 — Advt. Members of the Equitable Building Society of New Plymouth (First and Second Groups) are notified that' subscriptions will be dife and , payable on Monday at . the Secretary's Office, Currie-street, from 9 a.m. to 12.30, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 4 7 p.m. to 9 plm.— Advt. , c 564 "The Rev. H. Worrall and -the liacourso Tragedy " will be tho 'subject of tho Roy. T. -G. Brooke's monthly address to young people in WhfU-le£- M-cmorial Church to-morrow evening. Mr Worrall is a minister of jAvemty years' standing m the TTesleyan Ohuroli. For many years he was a -missionary ,ia Fiji, "and since his return io tho 1 Commoiu^alth has acquired a, posi-tio'ii of con^ideira-l'lft in/liu'nco dn t^ho Victorian, Cpnfmvico.— Advt. 'r . » . .-. *

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13234, 4 August 1906, Page 4

Word Count

HARBOUR EXPENDITURE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13234, 4 August 1906, Page 4

HARBOUR EXPENDITURE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13234, 4 August 1906, Page 4


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