l*" > -iyiJ.'J.'. ..! ' \ • . The Show, was very successful, tl attendance yesterday and to-day bein excelleni. It will he con.'timuecl t< night, when ike art „ union, will s I drawn. Notes on the different exhibit and a general idea of the Show wi be given in Monday's issue of the Hei aid ; a|sb a t a ! eport of the annual dix ncr of tlie Society held last evening. *;• POULTRY. Judge : Mr W. A. Sowman, Bleaaibeim LEGHORNS. Brown, ' co6fc— A. ' Montgomery 1 McEwen Bros. \2, Jas. Mynofct 3. Brow*, hen— McEwen Bros. 1, A Montgomery ,2, G. Leifteh' 3, Jas. Wei bam v.h.c., R. M. M. Coi*ey ih.c. Brown, cockerel— A Montgomery 1 and . 2, , McEwen *3 | and v.h.c, S, •Willie h.c^,*' Jas. Mynott c. • Brown, puUetrrA, Montgomery 1 affi North Island " Championship, G. Leitch 2; 'Jas. I Mynott. 3 and v.h.c, H. I?ipl»dy ; h.-G.V R. M. Corney c. • GAME. . Black or , Brown Red, cock-Win. Beals 1, G. G. Boutton 2. Black or Brbwni Red, hen— W. Beals 1 arid c,-G. G.< .Boulton 2, ,3, and v.h.c Black.: or Brown Red, cockerel.— W. Beals 1 ? G. G. Boulton 2, Jos. Jenkinson * 3. * Black or Brown Red, pullet.— W. Beals X, G. ,G. Boulton 2, 3, and v.h.c. iPdie* or Duckwing, cock.— G. G. Boulton 1 and 2. v Gama, pile or duckwing, hen— 'G. G. Boulton, 1 and special .for best gaan« bird 1 of th» Show; F. Goodacre 2, G. G. Boulton 3, W. Beals v.h.c. Pijc or. duckwing, cockerel — W. Beals 1. Pile or v duckwing, pulled— F. Goodacre 1. Indian, cock— F. Tait 1. Indian, hen-iG. 'G. Boulton 1, G. G. S~alway % 2, iA. J. Hopson 3, G.G. Boulton ,v.h.c. Indian, cocker.el- TIA.T I A. J. Hopson 1, H. Cole 2, G. ,G. Boulton 3. , Indian,* . pullet— G. G. Boulton 1 and -2, 'A. J. Hopson 3 and v.'h.c. 'D.OREIiNGS. , •Dark, cock— F. -Goodacre 1, Jamete E. Pipe 2. Dark. hen— -F. Goodacre 1, G. G.. Boulton 2, James C. Pipe 3. COCimN A3FD BRjAHM'AS. 'Any 1 variety,' hen-TJMex. Kerr 1. ; Any y-ariety, cockerel— Alex Kerr 1. !Any variety, pullet— lAlex Kerr 1. FAVjEROLLES. Cock or cockerel— W. J. , Northington l.~ vi ~ " Hen or Pullet-W. J. Wortnittgtofn 1, M^r.;;l r - ,; ;. I ..., ,ORPJN<3TONS. Black, single comb, cockJ—S. Teed 1 and special, Mrs James Salt 2/ F. Goodacre 3. • " , Blac#, ' tkwgfor comb. •hen-'F. Good-t ucre 1, E. E. ißVomon-t 2. Black, single comb, - cockerel— F. Goodacre : 1, S. Teed 2, E. >E. Fromoftt 3, ( lsaac Gaodwia v.h.c. Black,' single ;comF, pullet— S. Teed, 1 and 2, F., Goodacre 3.. Black, rose-comb, pulleft-S. Teed 1." Buff, sin^le^comb, . cockj—S. Teed ,1,, McEwen Bros. 2. ,■ ' . / ' Buff, single-comb, Kpnt— Georgoßrink-' worth 1, (MoEwen Bros. 2 and", 3. , ; Buff, single-comb, cockerel— jMcEforen Bros. 1 and 2.- , ' ' ( Buff,:, single-coanb, pjullet^-McEwen Bros. 1 . and 2. - - - ' ■Any other variety, pulleti— T. R. Surrey. ; ' P T YMOU.TH Rb f GKS.., *'".', Barred, cock— T. R. Surrey 1. Barred, hen— S. Oliver lj '*W. 'A. Shephard2, T.R. Surrey 3 amd vfec, G. G. Boulton h.c, . Barred, socketfe!— S. Oliver 1 amid 2; J £. R. Surrey 3. ' ' ' Barred, pvdtefe-^S. Oliver 1 and 2, G; G. Boulton 3. Any other variety, cockHE. S. Allen 1, T. R. Surrey 2. Any other variety, hen— T. R. Surrey 1, J. C Ekdahl 2. Any otk'er variety, cockerel— J. C. Ekdahl 1/ T. *RL Surrey 2. Any other variety, pullet-T^ R. Surrey.!, J. C. Ekdahl 2. HOUDAN OR POLISH. Hen— F. . Goodacre 1. Cockerel— Mrs James Salt 1, F. Goodacre 2. ,' X •. „ ~ , OPuUet-^Mrs, Jas., Salt ,_l, F. Goodacre 2. j" WYANDOTTES. Golden,- cock— C. E~. Btood.l and special - for best Wyandotte in the Shß*'F&.' "B. Hpod 2, W. H-all 1 3. Golden, -hen— C. E. Hood 1 and'2;,W. Hall 3. Golden, cockerel— C E. Frosmont 1, W. G. Goodwin 2, R. J. Frewin 3, W. Hall v.h.c. Golden, *>ullet-W. Hall 1, R. J. Frewin 2, E. E. Fromont v.h.c, W. Mfclhdoo h.c, ,C. E. Hood c. Silver, cockh-C. E. Hood 1, T. C. Schnackenberg 2, R. Todd 3. Silver, hen-C. E. Hood 1, W. Hall 2, T. C. Sdhnackenberg 3., . - 'Silver, cockerel-W. Hall 1, F. . W. Cone 2, ,C. E. Hood. 3. ' * Silver,, pullet— C. B. Hood- 3. Sib/el^ pullet-C. E. Hood . 1, il.i 1 . W. Cone 2 and 3, T. C. Schnackenberg v.'h.c. .White, iea-S/B. Corry 1 arad 2. •White, cocloerel— E. T. Balwnan 1. Wliite, pullet— 'E. T. Batean-an 1 and 3, S. E. Corry 2 and <h.c Any oth«r., variety, oock— Jas. W. West' 2. Any other variety, hen-^J. W. West Any other variety, cockerel— C. E. Hood 1, W. N. Stevenson 2. Any' othe-r variety, pulkt^C. E. Hood 1, W. N. Stevenson- 2. "-"/' ' AKCO^AS. f' 1 v " v ' - , Hen or pullet-F'. Goodacre tv , . . MXNORCAS. Blacky cock-Mrs M.M/Burgegsly
Black, heir-Mrs M. 'M. Burgess 1 ~* -John Benaett 2, W. H. Shephard.3, Black, cockerel— Mxs M. M. Burgas: - 1, 2, and special for best iMiniorca it Le the Show, apeoial for best bird ia.thi 2 Show; Johnx Bowen 3. ' •' r * Black, pullet-Mrs iff. M. Burges* ] c and X JoW Bennett 3. 4 3 LEGHORNS. H White, cock!— €. E. J, Evens, 1,/ A. '.- Hansen 2. - l- Wlhite, hen— 'J. ,W. Johnston d and 2, S. Teed 3, A. Hansen v.b.ic M I.L. Gordon Glassiord h.c. and c. l •White cockerelMJ:' E. J. Eyans 1 and 2, M. L, Gordon Glassford . 3, J. W. Johnson v.h.c* Mrs E. P. ' Beals h.c.-; < ~ •,.. Wih'ite, pulletr-O. E. J. Evans 1 -and ' h.c, specials, "best pulled in show, best Laghorn in show; W. A. Ballantyne 2 «uod' v.h.c, M, L. Gondon Glassford 3, W...J&. Goodwin c.. Buff, hen— G. W. *Bennett T 1 *and f 2. ' Buff,' cockered— J. -Tippins .1,. G.,,!W. 1 Bennett" 2 )j aT*i ! 3.. ■'' - '- • ~ ' Buff, -pulkt— J: Jippins !*• 2 a** l 3 - ' Any variety rbgWtoinb, hen or pul-let-H, 0. |&n*o' ' IV " '' ' \ SPANISH : .OR ANDAiLIJSTA'N. , Ooek-^Ai Gi UJ'ohn'stoiie 1, F/jGoodacre - --Wo,W * o, - .. ' Hen'- 2^; 1 Goodacre' 1 and 2, A. U Johmfetonfi '3. : •" l • -• Cocterel^F. Gbbdaore 1, 2, ami 3. iPullet— F.^Gofidacre 1 -and 2?. % ?"Hi^.BfU-BGS. - ■■ ' Got'deii ;^'T%flv^r penciiled 'oockWP. Goodacrfe '$.',. -< "■ ■" .' .V. Go^aon^, To?: ' siivor-pencillerd 'hen-^r-G. <Z. Bojilt,Q^i." l» v jB 1 - Goodacre 2, iW. Patt^c^,^,...' _ . , Golden? o?:w v er;p i en i csilled, ooo^erel— G. Gfr&ojilikxa 1, Wl Patbearscwa^, Eric GowJ^<*« - • . - Go^?^ or pulie#— F. Gootiacre 4iand 2, G. G. Boul-ton 3. GotdM^i&Nd .:ailver-spanglod, ao<M— J. C. : »dki ; :lrW. H-all 2. i Golden , or - silver-spangled', hen>— F. Goodacw'ir W.-Hall 2. . Goldm lor silver-span^lted, cock'eret— F. Gbocfacfe l l> 'W. Ball 2. Golden oofr f pullet— W. Hall 1, %* q. 'Ekdahl 2. Black, eocta— F. •Gobdacro 1. Blacky jljcen-^F.' Goodacre 'l. Black, "cock'erei— F."Goddacr«e 1. Triosy^&by Variety, whole coloured, clean' legged— S. Teed 1> Mrs 'J'as. Salt.^2.. jt^- 5.^,.,^1 ,:•-' -,-. „ ,- .■ Trios,, any variety, marked, clean logged^James .S/ Pipe I,'E. «Todd.2! Trios; any variety, marked, feather legged, ;W.* J". Worthington 1. ","■ * Any other Variety, purebred 'poul>firy, cock or cockerel— John Bennett 1, /F. Goodaore 2. Any ; other- variety, purebred poultry, ben , pr- .. pullet— F. Goodacre I, ' John BewxefflS, F./Goodacre 3. ;.';-•>■ •: "BANmAM«,' • • . _ , . dJakne}: black red, cockr-F.-Goodacre 1. , • 'Gataie, fbla'cfc or brown: r-ed, h«nr-F. Goodacre 1. ' , ..,.■■ Gam«, bla'cfe' ' or Wowii fed-/ ooclieTceW F. Goodkcte' l. • '' ' '" ' ' ' Galme, black or bi'o?wn redi pulled- '* F. Goodaore^ I. "' ■■- '• - I• : •' • Eosecotoib, any colour, eo'ct'-ox cotck-erelu-Jos. J-erikinißbn . 1, F. Goodacre 1 ?^ and 3. [ • - ■ • - ;>• • -, ,"• E6'secotoibi : any colour, -hr- or pull^ —Jos. Jenkin«ari i^ F.^Goodacre 2 ! and s." - ■ '""""' . ;- ■ ' a £ , DtJOKS. ; -. .''■,, Rouen drakeh-Geo. R. Croll 1 andi special', for best duck in the- Show, 1 ; and North- Island championship. Rouen (under 12 months) drake, pi-. so ducks-<Jeo. R. Qroll 1 and 2. -•< ; ' Peidh duck!— A/ J. Ijuxton I.- ' '-' "' Bekin (under 12' months) duck— A* t.^ Luxton2 'and 3/ • . - • < ■. : m Indian R-uimer ' drake— o/ L. .''Bridgesi 1- ' ■ • , - * '~' 1 ' Indian. Runner /duck— C. if. Brjdg«s 1, A. J. Luxton 2. Indian Runner (under 12 months);; drake— C. L. Bridges 1, Masemann '2, J. 0. Ekdahl 3. ' ;'; ' ' : >!tiT " Any other variety^ difake—^. ( ST.. Stephenson (Buff Orpington) ,1,. -H.. C. Monro (Buff Orpington) '2. . . «. Any other variety," duck-nW, -N. ; ; Stephenson (Buff Orpington) 1, Hj. C: Monro (Buff Orpington) 2. .: \ 'HJRiKEYS. Any variety; cock or* *hen— *D. : P^tf - warden 1, F. Goodacre 2; T. R. Surrey 3. • ; ; -• ' V: SEALING CLASS. " • - - *•'- Clean-leg; - - cock or I A cockerel — A. Montgomeriej-li r. Jas. ;Myaiott 2>, M-c-E^van Bros. 3, C.iE. .W'OQd's^y.b.-c.', S,^ Teedi.h.c. ' ■ „..-'. , /. : ,' : <jlean-leg, hen or • J p ( ulletr7'A.<:.l't'ont'-, goinerie' 1, W. Mclnidoe ;2, ; .F.» .»Goad-i acre' 3. • [ ' ' '"'■' ■ ■ . -v-j-» •Bant.am', cock or cbckerelvrr'F.. Good-f acre I.' -' " -^- }-'<'-■■». -. M-..-^ ,:.j- t ± Bantam, hen. or' pulle*— ]?. ©bodacre "Best kip, .a^/'VaHety-^-W-: Mclaidoe JCable. poiult^ ,'^est lpwl# — W.-J.' Tsajpsai\y:i'r vlh V,V' r "' ;..' ,->.;■ i EG.GS^,L ri ::/ . Best\H6zeiiri.fawi, jeggs^wtjw&e,. fo^ setting^Mrsi J^aes^Salt J&'.i - • I)ift6 : ;^rown^^ts' : Jato€fe Sait 1. - , Judge: Mr AY C. Johnstone, Lepper-Dra-goons, any colour, henM?. Goodacre 1. „«,,- r,-. »v: v r ,i. m . Piai«!fc«^'an^>ool^ur, S)ck or henhF. Goodacre 1 and 2. •IBli^fti fiitasri&caiy' oo)lour, cock^ iC. Bixon. . . ■ -i .• ,- • Homers, shpw^^ny; colour, hen;— C. Bixbn 1. Homers^ worlsisg,, blue, coekl— W. H-. Heralding if- j? tikugpooß**, »• 'E. Pipe 3. Homers, working, blue henHG. A, Corney 1, J. S. fjStiet % R. iW. Dixon 3. _ Homers, ' wfeMngy' bluer' chequered, cock— S. E.-'Boe^l, G. A. Corney . % IW. H. Hbuldinf^, D. Btfrrell v.h.c. 'Homers, w:orking, blue chequered hen— R. W. DixoniC^: C. SycaJmore % S. E. Pipe. 3. Homers, 1 ' working, 'aiiy xvbher Scotout 1 cock— R/W. Dixonl and 3 anid 1 specie
1, 1 for best Homer in Show, G. A.! Corn< 2, S.- iB. Pipe v.h.c ss Homers, working, any other colou ben-S. E. Pipe 1, H. Hall 2, G. j Le ' Corney 3. ,^ Booners, working, blue or bit 1 chequered, under 12 months, cock- • -m. Park 1, W. H. Houlding 2, R. V . ;Dixon 3. -] Homßars, working, blue or bit ! chequered, under 12 months, hem—^l 1 'Burrell 1-, R. W. Dixon 2. '*. Homers, working, any other coloui . under 12 months, cock—D. Burrell 1 J. Stagpoole 2. ' Homers, working, any other colour under 12 months, hen — J. S. Lister 1 "SOCIETY'S SHAKE, 1905-06.— Dis -' tence, 100 miles. A jG. A. Corney's No. 294, time i 'hours 57mim, velocity 997 yds lft Bi] per minute, 1■; Bayly's No. *6, tdimi 2 'hours 56mi'n, velooiiy 996 yds lfi 9in per minute, 2 ; S. QB. Pipe's No 268, time. 2 hours 58min, velocitj p92 yards' Ht 7in per nrinute, 3 ; OE Ward's 'No. 233, time 2 -hours 57£ itnin., velocity 987 yds 2ft llin pel minute, 4. % . ;, IHomers, working, cock or 'hen. Certified to (have flown 150 'miles <?) over— R f -W.- Dixon 1 'and medal, ""Ct. A, Corney 2, S. E." Pipe 3. ' Homers, working, cock or hrn, 'certificated to 'have flown 100 aniles, and up -to 150 ; ••malea-^E./Ward 1, ; ", S. "E. •Pipe 2, G. A. Corntey 3/ •• ' - l ; Owls, English, any colour, oocb— F. Goodacre 1. ' Owls, 'English, any colour, hear— F. Goodacre 1. • . Magpie, black, cock— T. W. Francis 1 and 2. Magpie, 'black, henh-T. }W. Franteis 1. Magpie, -any other colour, ■ cock or hen.— T. W. Francis 1, 2, amd 3. (Magpie, any colour, cock, under 12 months — T. W. Francis 1 -and special for best pigeon . in Show. t 'Magpie, any colour, hen, % under 12 months — T- W. Francis 1. v Nuns, any colour, cock or hen— 'F. Goodacre 1» , Fantails, white— 'E. and J. Shaw, 1 and 2. 1 Fantails, any colour, under 12 i months, cock or henr— E. and J. Shaw ! 7 i|acobins, any colour; cock or ben- —¥. Goodacre 1, 2, and 3. Tumblers, long face,^ clean-leg, whole colour, cock or hen— A. H. Faulkner rl -i , . - fpumblers, " long face/ feather-leg, whole colour," cock or>hen ; — A. H. F'Julkner^l. ' ■ ; "^umblers, long face, foatber-leg 1 , any -other colour, cock or hen — A. r HL FaulkJ ner 1. Tumblers, long-faoed, beard or bald ;h'elQ)d, any colour, cock or henh- F." iGoodacre I.' ' ' " . ; Tumblers, long-faced, beard or; bald h«|ad, any colour, under 1 12 anionths, cock* or honMP. Goodacre 2. ■ SeUittg class, any variety, eocli— F. Goodacre 1. ' - Selling class, any variety, ■fcenr-IP, Gootiacre 1. , ' - " . CANARIES. " Norwich, clear yellow, cock or 'benbF. Goodacre 1. Norwich, clear buff, oo'ck or , henrrF. Goodacre 1 and special for best canary in sh,ow, F. Nicholls 2, ,Mrs J.^ Grupen 3. . , Norwich, . imff ticked, marked or variegated; cock or. hen— F.. Good,acre 1 and 2. /."'"' Norwich, or buff tidbed, ' marked or variegated, crested, : oop'k' or hen— Mrs E. Mcl-ntyre' l. Norwich, clear yelloV or buff «rested, cock or hem— W. H.- Slifeppard 1. 5 Yorkshire, clear yellow or buff,, dock or hen*-^Mxs E. tMclntyre 1, -F. Goodacre 2 and 3. [Yorkshire, :or fbuff' "tickied, marked or .jvariegatedj cock' o.r^h'en^; F. Goodacre 1. .Cinnamon, clear yellow, cock or hen *-Q?... l Gt>.odacrj8 r l. :r , T rr r . Cinnattnon, clear^ .Jwff, cock^'of r ,:iheii — Fi Goodacr^ If . *r~ - : . r^ ,„ . ;? Green, plain head, cock or -hen.;— F. Goodacre 1. Green, breeding, plain, 1 any variety — F. Goodacre 1. SELLXNiG CLASSES. 'Any variety, cock, price not to exceed. 20s r -rR ' Goodacre 1.. WLny variety, hen, price not to exceed 20/ — F. Goodacre 1. ; .CAGE KERDS. 'Goldfinch, house moulted, cock or hen— F. Goodacre 1, Mite jE. P. Beals 2, ;Lark or Thrush I—F.1 — F. Good-acre 1. 'Any other variety, British, Foreign, or Native Bird— R. Davidson 1, .and special. ' GIFT CLASSES., Poultry, pairs, any variety— J, S. Lister 1. , , Cock or cockerel, any variety— -^F. Goodacre 1. Hen or. pullet, • any VaMetyHF. Goodacre 1. ■ . ' I Pigeon, pairs, any varietyp- 'F. Goodacre 1. Canary, any variety— F. Goodacre 1.
: No matter how good and stylisft your *uit is, you're not well-dreißWHl if your hat is wrong. Try a Llentoa irom Tlii.Kasfc.— Advt. ; The Melbourne Cloi-hing Co. announce the arrival of another shipment of their famous unbleached twill Herringbone Sheeting at 1/ yard, full double%ed width. Intending purchasers lought to lose no time in securing sotn^f of this.*— Adyt. Bo yon ■wieii td send goods to any part of the world ? If so band tliein to tke New Zealand Express Company, Ltd., wh©se world wide system of agencies enables them to forward from point to point with promptitude and general satisfaction. Household removals by ro«L& rail, or sea a speciality. — Advt. i
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13204, 30 June 1906, Page 7
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2,346TARANAKI POULTRY SHOW. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13204, 30 June 1906, Page 7
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