;. The general qfuestion of S'unfdlay. en- ; terta2nm!enis was raised by ax application dealt \ with by tne BotrQugh I «n ; Koi^dtay; eiroining, fof a permit for. a sacred -concert . at the Thmtre Social. < Tliq applicaint s*ubituitted a |pp:ogranxme and offered to eotttrdlbute Jialf * the . pr/ofits thie hospital funids. No possible exception can be tak^n i to any of thje items J)i*opk>&eid to he reaxderod j inideed, jwfopterly interpreted,' any single item of tifose mentioned may be as elavat>njg. in its moral effect a#) miajtry a kermoni. The element, of profit,, t'hoiulg'h in tSiis particrujai's qase a cfalaritable object is to benefit, does not realty 'enter into Wia etihics o^f ■ The question, whi'oh 1 is, wthet'her Suaiday entertainments are right or wi^ong. - -If ribald somgte ¥ and risky skirt "dances find a place in thte .ptograKime, then decidedly snich an entontainment , is. • not only on Sunday, bM t t on a* week day also. Vt T ,e. must c<Dtafess, ,h!owe\ 7 er, ithat we see no niore Inarm in attending the Theat<re Eoyal, to Ihlear. stutah !songs as "Ora Pro No-bisV or "The Holy City," din a ". Staindayj e^^eoinig, thian in listening to thte same songs in the seckis'ioto \ of, a' | .p^Wate {hlojujse. Thtere } are dpubtlesfe, comftnuuities wKere ptiiofane music on tihe- Satitoiath \» regarded as , shocking,, wjhierfr to \wMstle is on Simfday imjaropier, Mat here has santetioned! Suatdiay Jevening entertainments of a sacired or semi-sacted aharacter. The pjublic may safely- be permitted to lufclge for \ tKemjseht)s, anfct the fact that, when '"oppjortoiittity offers to liiear gokSfL m>ueic and to see beautiful t pjicttutrfs >,•. on a Suiniday evening, arowßs of re^*e6table pedpHe of botlft sexes aiAeri^^is to ouir mind sufficient pro»of thai^tiU&re is nol'hing\ imaoemly in tihte ; [^^tjoiice. Pojssibly on one or two j €*cjo|ajsians jprogtaimlmes tmfitte'd to "tihfe" "time 4iave "beeaf submitted, bXit tJi'e v&cy iaidt tirat a scandal was tonloe daused seems W indicate tliat ihe> pjufoli'c taste isl not at fault, a/nid tjhiat the ;peoj)l€» dan be tatfsteid to/toleUate uotihiaig indocept. As for the, mione•tary si(dle of ihe iqiuJestioti,, if Sfuinjday evening enter%aJMnents are wtroNg and' 'immioral th«( fact that the ijp'rioiceeds go to a good object' does -J mot ma(ke rthW rigflit or raise ' tflxeir tone. Shows, lilce itnj^vidibials, have ahafactens, awi if oare^is, , taifien not to griajat permits to eiiier^ajiinsmlenlts of notoirioiuisly lo(w type we catti(n!ot see wiy the plulblic shojuld be debarred by fh'e Boro,ug>K Council fnom attenidinig wholes-Some Sunday ewnitig cortoerts if thfey wish to do so. It is calculated that about 00,000 sacks of barley will have left the MJarlb'orough district at the close of the present season, representing a va-, rue of about £54,000. ' ■ - ■?.
I The whole -of the Invereargill loun diall debentures, amounting to £16,000, have now been disposed of. In onowwk reoontly no fewer than ■ 74.. tourists -visited I'lva"" Isle in their wanderings throuyh J'nlerson'h Tnlet, Stewart Island. An onoranous number of eels (says ,the Akaroa Mail) was found in the drains cut to take off the Lake Korsyth ovorflow. Fully tMOO w<>r«> procured in one day.-Messi-s'i Bauciiope antl Webster were in error Mi'-s-ttathig, in their lettes to the Borou^lt ';Caimcil, that thft South British' is^'thb only insurance company in New" 1 Zealand Holding any of the. Borough" debentures. The New Ze a lana Insurance, .Company also holds soxne"bf the debentures. Mr J. -H. iWitheford, 'M.ft.'R., who is n.ov/ in 'England, informed a 1/omlon correspondent of a j New Zealand newspaper combination that he is in,ter.csted in. tJiir T Alfred ( 'adman's 'company Kvhich seeks to exploit Now Zealand's mineral resources, particularly iron." ' iHe had s ; olme very encourao'iivor negotiations about this -while he/was in America, especially at *Pittsburg, the great centre of the American iron industry^. It is not merely .'the ironsand deposits they ai-e dealing with now. but the extraordinary rich; hetnajtito «>'<) which abounds in Such vast quantities in' tNew Zealanci, notably 'at Oollhigwoocl. flTe fully believecl that something very, big •will come.rtf this, •: II '■ " • Tlie Paris correspondent of the Daily Mail f/rote;- under' date February sih : — " Several of the Paris' papers refer to a Beri6ifs*--feoantlkr-wli[ion 'is expected to result in " tlie '"disgrace" -of 'a high fimctionary attached' ici ythe- 'Ministry of the Colonies, M. Clemen V ' one 1 of the deputies !qv. < Martinique, asserts - t that the relief Commission, sent to Martinique to distribute the money voted by Parliament to the victims of : thof great -eruption cf MoiiC'Peke spent £2000 on' themselves, although^ they voyaged in a "French w.a.£shjp, ancl^only, doled .put., £700,. to, the sufferers. M. Clement also 'states that the chief of : the mission unlawfully ' pocketed a sum of £8 per. day for the whole time of his absence." , - The Oo'ok County Counoil on Tuesday considered, the proposed inland Wjitapu light railway , from Te Ivaraka. "^ It •was decided that fifty miles to Matahia from Te Karaka. should be ccaistructed/ J.t ,is , estimated t . that the total cost "will -be £100,000 and' the mterest would amount -to £3500 per. annum. The Government is to be asked to pass an Act empowering/ the cbn&tjruction of a narrow*, gauge,, line, tfye "guaranteeing 1 the interest, and .indemnifying /themselves by ,rating,(jif jiecessary, under ie betterment, <pl an.., Mho Government' is ' a»so 'toV'be asked to assist in a money grant, because the line lyould, greatly •increase the receipts' of the Gisborne--Caraka line. •' ' A man manied "Bert Lantzko, a na'tive,of PerCh. Australia, narr.owly- escaped a terrible death while - cliff climbing in 'Aklerney, Channel Islands^ When adventuring -doAVn a precipitous cliff Ee' slipped, but managed, to scramble^ on to to a jutting spur hanging midway' between the -summit arid ( the rooks a' hundred feet below. The spot was an unfrequented one, and >*or several hours he remained, in, this terrible position," when a lQ c al doctor saw his, 'signals -.of -distress. .Be .organised a party cf islanders, who hastened with, rop&s to the rescue. One man was lowered down the precipice. He tied Lanteka to^a rope, and both were hauled up. 'f he ''rescued man had laid there, five Jiours exposed, and was very exhausted. * A' Strange-looking lish was captured thet>ther day inik* Reamers", basin at l)imedm, says "Star.';; Tlie creature, haci been swimming between the wharves: for some, time,- and frpni the cut of the dorsal fin it was taken to .be a shafik. The -capture w a s ef-: feeted by Emanucl Shanto, mate oi the schooner Sir Henry, who, taking a small harpoon, got into the schooner's dinghy and rowed off in pursuit. Getting to close quarters, he drove the iron Kome with a very good shot/and towed the fish alongside. It was found to be Bft long, the fins and' colour resembling that of a shark, but 'there was a long projection on the snout resembling that of «. swordfish. The skipper dubbed it a '-'cow-* fish," but this particular branch m zoology seems to be in some ne«d of explanation* l A now fuel called " radianf," to be used in connection with gas and oihe* fires, has been invented by two young engineers of.Southend, and, if the promises are, tq'/Ke believed, it will cause as great a revolution in the present system of gas-heating as -did the introduction of the Welsbach mantle itf gas lighting. ; 'Thc five points of Wonder in* tlie claims are that it gives treble the heat with the same gas consumption as an ordinary gas fire, takes up tlie carbonic oxide from the ,ir, and purifies tfce atmosphere, does away, with .the unpleasant smell given off by gas' nrev^rns brightly like a coal fire", and is' as cheap as fira-clay, and. is inexhaustible. The two young inventors are connected with one oi the i'larg-es.t_ firms of gas engineers m the country; and have been experimenting' for years, with a v j ew^ I producing a-fuei such as "radiant, which will take the place of t-he asbestos or fire-clay balls, and will, .it is said, give out an intense heat. Tt is made from materials that are now waste products of chemical works. The now fuel captures the blue flame, which at present is lost, and converts it "into intense heat.— "Wcok's Progress." For Up-to-date Printing cali at '
/Water is scarce in Wtellingtion. Tke Stratford Brass Bauid l*as disbanided. Captain R. Matthew's son is being educated at... the, ..atfUtory^school, Cheltenham College.' Mr. H; C. Wiright ami Mrs Bafrison Jofwaixi a jwireel of "Books for Bu&hruen.'-' T&e Law School in connection with the- Dunedin University !hbs been re-; estiaibHsßwi, r ' . The '{Jarrision BanU will give theiv fo^jrtdi municipal 'coztfierit 'this evening-, at "The Pii»es." The Brindisi xn&h, which left Mdbournc on 22ud February, arrived in London on the .night of 24th inst. A notice. froln the To\\m Cleric in connection with, 'dog tapi for i 905, appears in this issiie. Mr ,Matsey calls for tenders in this is.suo for excavation work in ' Vivianstreet. Tlie Sonoma, with tho mail, arrived at San Francisco at midday on the 271h. .. The Town Clerk motifies tihki the use of gar Hen hose has been prohibited for the next few weeiks on acooiirnt of lie siubrtage of water. A man was arrested in connection with the Bii-ladale outrage, but the girl did not" identify Mm and he was released,. Roarlci-s' attention is drawn to an • gsr't*riiscinr*it apiioaring" ir< our coluiiips from C. Carter,' the People's Grocer. * Mf<!.vrs Bowley and (Griffiths advertise in tliis issue a salt 1, without reserve, of the furniture of V.v -). dovdan, Devonstreet, to take place to-morrow, on account of hrn immediate departure from <New Plymouth. Our Waitara correspondent writes^ :*— The tender of Jffessrs Brabant, Batchelor, and Christie for tho Slarbour Board breastwork was accepted, the price being £213 655. Tho other tenders were :E. 'A. Dugdale £266, W. Buckfnffham &. So. £295, HilE and Jones £334. During this year 177 dwellings and 0?. shops have lieen erected inPalmerston North, representing with additions to existing premises, an expenditure of £106,365. In 1902 the number of new Houses and. business places erected was 179, and in 1904^ 295. In *1902 tho total, outlay was £50,116, and in 190# £72,070. Thus it ,vill be soon that puring the period cited, each year has shown a steady advance in values, wKUe Jchc three years together disclose a total investment to the value of £237,551 in new buildings. In a charge of theft investigated at the Police Court on Tuesday it was disclosed that complainant went into a local hotel and while dozing had his watch'and chain stolen. The S.yrt. remarked that it was a shocking state of affairs when a man in dozing oft in a hotel for a few minutes ran the risk of losing property from his person. iHe thought the attention of the Licensing Committee should be directed to the matter. , ' " ■' Ci?. Collis. w,as subjected to a •Wrief examination in. Ijotany at -tfoe\ meeting- of. the Boiiougjn Caunicil on Ulion-. day night. He mention in bringing) • oown the Reserves Committee's report on tie condition of Borough reserlves at Ngjaire that "dfodfc" had Veen, erroneoupJy stated, the weeS intenfdfed being "ox-eye iiaisy." "Do know the difference between dock ain)ii oxeye daisy, fy" enxjkiireld I Cr^ 'Alhiier, amidst laughter. "Do I ldnow the ilifference between a da}^ anid a liorse V retorted Cr. Collis. Cr. Fraser pointed out iifcat bwtterKjup was mentionocl and lie was -not aware tnat it 'Jbad been pfoicjaiineldl a nwxioue weed.. Cr.; Collis : "It depends ori what variety." \ Cr. Praser: "There iis cmJy one viaitdety. v Cr. Collis : "Well, you shojujlia , see the bu-tterMcups growing on tihe; land." (Lajuglrter.) When tiha of a rebtete to tlie FiUzSroy School on the dhiarge for supplying water was umder disWussion at 'JlWlay nigjht's medtifag of ihe Botfougk Cowncil, Cr.. jWofoKfe said he was in favour •of a refctafetaofe. to schools, arid, in fact, belidveß in prorifcllpag t^ieim iwitjb Tdajter tree. On. Collis thtoi>gjhi if that was ito be Siome the to\vn sdjotola should tote started witfe. Cr. :Qff«diley ag-reejcl.. Crf. Filaser cons&ferflJd it itofair to. charge sbhbols, as parents anid •h'oiu'seihlol'dters already contribtrted rates. Cr. Collis pjointfeed . out thfct in reference to t!hie rebate the Council iibd a fixeld\ s)dale ofcharges, arid flesh sfli'o'uM.n'ot be m|ade. of one ai/d fowl of anoHfter!. 0)f they wer& going to grVe a free yater the towai scS)K>ols should be first sttarjted witli l. Or. ASwer 'did not see iWat by granting the rebate am irijaXiotilß precedent was" being estaiDflisiWefcl. He itiiJd not favk>u(r a rejdSuctioin to ratepayers, "birt in order to gkve\ rTriltJren the aidtMantages of free water it sitauH he made as cWeap as possible. A rebate was apfprolVieidj. Wihen p/urcli(asing yojur sjupfplies at tho gtocerfe * please specify ToAskfer's Jelly Crystals. These. Eire 6M establishftid faVoufrrtes of tlie New Plymouth public. In getting T«jelier/ 0 Jellies, you are mot asked to try some new ! brankl. "just as godd or in- fact better than TtfcJker's," you. aare getting j the best possible Valtao for your j money. This,is saying a .great deal, but to a public wno know when they laste a good article, tMs statement carries trtith, with'- it. i (VPlhete cool weather comes along, anrpP parties are on the "p-o." remember a 6fd paolcet of Tucker's Jelly Crystals will make one anW n qjtiarter pints. In -hot weather a fuill ipint can "be made. FAery grocer can supply them in 17 different flavours, cotfi » separate '•olour. —Advt*. *
The temperature this morning was 64deg. in the shade and barometrical reading 30.40. Visiting 1 delegates from the recent conference will be present at a meeting of W.G/P.Ur tb^mori'pw afternoon, in ■.he Whuteley Hall. Among the speakers will be Miss l^ Hughes, late organiser, . Capt. Edwin wired at 12.37 p.m. i— Hoderate to strong winds from between north-east, and north, and west. Glass fall, tides high, sea considerable, indications for lain. I At a committee meeting of the"" local Poultry Society held on Monday night the date of the show was fixed for 28th and 29th July: Regret was expressed that tEe Association jjoiild not allow earlier dates this year but it was hoped that in future years dates at the end of June would be allotted to< New Plymouth. Permission to hold the usual art union was read from the .Colonial Secretary, and it ' was resolved that gold nuggets be obtained for prizes io the value of £30. Messrs Sowman (Blenheim) and Johnston (Lepperton) .were appointed judges if satisfactory arrangements can De made. On account of the increased interest in the. larger breeds of fowls, it was decided to purchase new plant of a larger than formerly used. .Accounts, gmounting. .to £22 were passed for payment. *• - v
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 12818, 28 March 1905, Page 4
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2,423SUNDAY ENTERTAINMENTS. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 12818, 28 March 1905, Page 4
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