MWTON KING. Auctioneer, Land and Estate Agent, Devon-street - - New Plymouth. BTHATFOBD DIBTBICT.-§9Bli ■«*«> 600 aexes la grass, fa* 1 ** 0 * I 0 busk land ; good graitog eo«atry % 8-roomed kouse sxd outbidding*, skecd yards aswil dip, orchard; *$ mile* feaoiag ; good toad, to propert? ; 10 miles from towaskip .; t rare " opportunity ic* imvestors i price £ 1 »» 6d per acre ; very, easy term* eaa be arranged. 1942 OKATi.— I92 ncrefl all im gra» ; wne •d and divided into 6 paddocks } good 5-roomed kou*», cow-shed and all necessary outbnlldixgs ; fromtiag mala read ; 1 mil* U townskip a*d school j factory. o» property ; a bargain ( owner givimg up dairying; price £10 pei acre ; easy term*. 3.950 ff©Ko DIBTBICT.— I36O aczes j 600 acres la gatas* ; balance good bxuJt I«m4 ; leaned asd divided farts skeep preoi paddoeka .j % mils* i© »dio»] a*d poitofci; aboat Ifl nilw t« Toko } ?xi«« <4 p« *rt«, o.9a] lOBW PLTM9UTS.~d.4a a«M J aM »• r«l aad lm g««d wozUma osdo j «- nooxad kosMj 80-bMI •ow»fcW, ■UM«« irap-kovM «md plgg«ri«i ; •rekurd »mc gardoi ; 38 ehaiu t« iMtoKf amdl sckool ; A vllw *a tomuU? } g»«d M«tal t«ad } prim fl'li por acr«>; «asf tcrtttt. 18JM BTBATFOEB.-S6« acr«« ; all im gcvn, witH 6-K«o»«d dw«lli«g koiu*. Jari-akfid, Ifl-ball eowikoi, pig Irtyto, vtc. } rabdivided iato «v«r«) yaddoAks ; w«U forced ; a nilwt t« aoamarji and aekooi ; 4 milw U ttmSmaj. itatiomj pric* £13 p«r Mn, oa will l«ai« fax 5 yean a1 QL2&B Cd p«x atra. I*C3 VJLSATA,— I3I aertaji all la grauu , fobMd a&4 divided into JivrvraJ pa4do«ka ; A-r«omed koH««, m«v eow*kMl azd ontbuildixtga ; 3 mil«» to factory ; 4 milw ir towmohlp ; : food metalled road; price £9 p« •era. 1966 ffmST-CLASS Bafc^ Titzm of 150 accw ; ail devra is good grasM*, axe«pt patek bock land reserve foi akoliur s lovel aad w«ll watered ; »0i« 7-room«d kotu» aad all a«ce» •ary ostbulidings ; nicely pl«nt«d witJi various trees about kora* stoad; lawn, orckard ; 8| mile* to railway station ; 1 milt to lac tory aad tchool; 7 miles to X«w Plymoutk ; for pries aad iuttk« ' partiealan apply; to Wewtoa Kiag.. 1946 [NGLEW««D.— 2OS acrrt ; 200 acm - im gran ; fenced auii subdivided In to paddoeksf a«w Bix-ro9m«^ komis; eowsksd; good metalled roftd; 1 nils to factory aad ockool, prios £11 10s per aer* ; saay Uxmt eaaf be arraaged if jjecessary. 1988 KGLBWiQOD DISTBICT.— 3SO acrw ; all is grass | good l-roomed koas» cowsked aad man's kquat, trap ■kod, ksf-sk«d, axd oiiibizQnu*i|* } ribdiyidtd Uto 7 . p»dio«kx | ■ills to eckool, iaotory, post oMc«, aad railwau statioa j pri*# £12 p«r »sr«. ■ •■ - r ■•■ ■ ■ RAHDTU.— I9B *creaj 100 im grau; ba) anco good busk landV fcnc«d aaii dividsd into 8 paddocks ■; bow 4 roomed kou««| good m«tal roafll j If miles to factory ; ' school oe proporty; pric« £6 10s p«r acroj item* £800 caah ; balancs cam b« arranged for. 1131 EABATA.— 2©O acres ; all , la grass j fenced and divided into aeversJL.paddocks ; good 4-roomed house and 10-bail cowshed ; kandy to towm, school and factory ; price £5 pcs acre ; easy, terms can be axraag •d. (1914 KAPtNGA DISTBICT.-120 acres ; aU im grass; well fenced and divided into paddocks 5 8-roomed kouse ', all 3eceßBary. outbuildings ; J-mil« to school ; * creamery opposite j good road ; price £15 ; easy, terms can be arranged. 1908 tB KUITI DISTBICT.-967 acree ; 800 acres In grass • balance x good busk land ; 1 mile fencing ; whare; good road to property,; price £1 18s pier acre. &597 INGLEW©OD DISTBICT.— 94 acres, kandy dairy farmj 4-roomed house .; . 10-bail cowshed and dairy, subdivided into 6 paddocks; 1 mile to railway station, factory and school ; metalled road .; pric« £18 5s per acre. 1887 INGLEWOOD DISTBICT.— IB4O acres; all well improved ; 5-roomed housi and all necessary outbuildings t wool-shed and yards ; vtabies looffs-boz, cow-shed, etc. ; divided Into 5 paddocks ; within eauy distance of township and railway ; price £4 5s per acre 3 easy terms can be arranged. 1886 TOWN AND BUBUBBAJ*, i acre, 6-roomed house, Devon-street Price, £700. 818 Store business, stables, dwellings, with 10 acres land; doing good business. Price,' £800. Stock at cost, plus fi per cent. £11 3J acres, Fitzroy, good building site j Price, £600. 81< •6| acres, Westown, with good dwel ling hbuße and outbuildings. Prioe, I £700 r 1W 1J acres, Yogeltown J , good frontage ! Price £500. 188 82 x 77 links, Devon-street, with shop and dwelling. Price £2590. 191 acre Fitzroy ; corner section, Frlct £300 194 acre, Gover-street, with good 7roomed house, bathroom, hot lutd cold water laid on, scullery with boiler fixed in. Price £1450. 17« 140 feet frontage to Devon-street. £15 ; per foot. 135 I acre with up-to-date residence; five minutes from railway station ok post office. Price £1000. 187 I acre, Fitzroy. Price £120. 144 acre, Gover-street, with good 7roomed house, bathroom, kitchen, wash-house and boiler ; lawn tennis ground. Price £1300. 147 acre, Vogeltown, with new 7-roomed j house, bathroom, wash-house, stable, conoorvatory, trap-shed, large fowl-houae and run. Price £i6oo. lev \ KEWTON KIHO. 1 LAND AGICNT. > f\#J, flox No, 100. Telephone: No, SO*
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12759, 12 January 1905, Page 8
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820Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12759, 12 January 1905, Page 8
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