iNEWTON KING. Auctioneer, Land and Estate Agent, Devon-street - - Hew FljmQuih WSSLkIW9SD DISTBiCT.-S»8a! mm, 600 acre* Ift pui, baJfttic* 8<> o * baah l*ad ; good ffrasiiiaf country j 8-roomed kcuaa &a<l outbt^ldlHgs, »kand yards xa.d dip, or»'b*.rd j Hi sui!<*s isaoixg ; good ro*d 1° W* pertj; ; 10 miles from toTrssiskip ; c rarV' opport\inlty fox ixveetors i pric* £1 9a 6d per acra j vary swy ttsmz can b« ztsasxged. IV-12 0J6LAT9.— 193 acre* ».ll ia gra«» ■; i«a«i «d and divided into 6 paddocifia $ good 5-room»d koua*, eow-«hed Kxd All 3iec-ft£C3?ry ou«buildi»3» ; fesatioijj maia re<wij 1 «uil« *« i» I »r2)skip wad ce-booi j lg>«ior% o» property ; r fesxijaia g otra«r givijag \»p dalryiag ; prica £-10 p« sera ; 9str.y t*rmia. 1950 ff®KO DrSTEICT.-ISSO aerw j *00 aerss te pr«» ; as*lft»c« fooi b«si !«&4 immi *n4 iivid«d izts tkwf pazvl p«^d«eke ; 8 mile* to school &X.A po»t offic* ; tvboui IS niles t« T«k» ; prict £4 p«* aote- &$&! K»W ?LTM®STH.-aA2 wssa 5 aB l» T«i gm4 Is go fid wsx.Wxf oxdas ; &■ s«#3iacd k*us« } 80-bail cowsk«i ( s»iabl«, isnp-konsA and piggedca { »rck»ri ai»<fi gftrsfon ; 2i5 chaias t« «»<rtorf «&^ eeicjui ; i mUm *« tftwaoii?? j acoed jiaatja cog.4 j p»Je« STSA'.WOSS.~SSS &ere* ; all l» jr»ts; wiik 6-rsQin«(j d>»t;4i>af kea*« feiy«ft, «ic. ; j^bdiviitwi bits several ya<W«*s:d ; -wrll f«3ip*d ; a zaifai U «2asn»ofj| tiad school ; ■& mil«s t& lr*iav«7 »tatic» { price £13 p«o am*, as T«ill k*s« fo» 5 ?czxi- «i SJLBATA.— IBB s«rea ; »U J« jrAK , ivaJtDi. **& divided into «ove>:*; jpa^docka ; bo I^*, E»f cetrahed aad outbuildings ; 2 iril« t* i*«rfcorr ; 4 milt* %r> tom&sktp : gutd moUiltd tread ; prlcu £9 uta •CM. 1968 J STSfeT-CLASa BftJry; r«rm c 3 150 ficrw ; &11 dona ia. good §x»fl*«», •avspi peick hnnh. land reserved foi *&«lt«r {, lev*] sad wall watered ; a®w 7-roomed hous« and all n^ccs sarjr •ntboUdinjra ; nicely plaated witii varioui trees about korc* wtsawJ • I«wb, ozekard ; 3^ mile* te railwfcT station ; 1 mil* to iae iory and icfaool ; 7 miltus to N«m Fiymoutki ; (or pric* said {urtkta pasxticultra a?psy, &c Newto* iNGLEWO»D.— 2OS acrstti ; 200 acreiim jtbco ; f*nc«i m»d tubdividod in io padaoeic y m&vr ■ii-ro-*m«d keai* ; gowzh&ii j jsod metalled road; i ntil« t« factory aad school) pric* £11 10s per acre ; easy isma oaa b« arram^ed If ueceeeaxy. itfSfi NGLEWOOD DISTEICT.-250 *crea ; all In great $ food B-rmaxatd hou* cowshed aixd raan'i houao, trap shed, h«y-«ked, an^ «ntbul{<a>.{s . subdivided inte 7 padaiock* j mila ie ickool, factory, pc«i •ffle« J aad railway ttatiom ; pri«# £11 f»«r a«r«. BAH6TU,—I9B acres] 150 ia craM; bai anc« good busk land^; f«nc«d an^ divided into 3 paddocks >; n«w 4 ro«mcd hou«« ; good m«tal road , If mile* to factory ; ccksol o* prepwrty • price £6 lOh par «cr» j terms £600 cash ; baJanct ea* b« arranged for. ]*38 tTABATA.— 299 acrM ; all in frau i fenced and divided into severed pad docks ; good 4-roomed house a&o 10-ball cowshed ; handy to towm school and factory ; pric* £5 pas aero ; «asy terms can b* arrang •d. ' J. 914 KAPONGA DISTBICT.-120 acres ; »L; im grass ■; well fenced and divided into paddocks • 8-roomed hous* ; all outbuildings ; to school ; creamery opposite ; good road ; price £15 ; *asy terms can be arranged. 19Of 5B KUITI DISTBICT.-967 acres. 800 acres in grass • baianco gooj? bush land ; 1 mile fencing ; whar« good road to property ; price £1 13s per acre. 0-897 |KGLEW©OD DISTBICT.-»4 acre*, handy dairy farm ; l-roomac house.; 10-bail cowshed and dairy subdivided into 6 paddocks ; 1 mile to railway station, factor} and school ; met&lled road ; pric* £18 5s per acre. 1887 INGLEWOOD DISTBICT.-1840 acres, all well improved ; 5-rooraed hous* and all necessary outbuildings t wool-shed and yards ; stable* loose-box, cow-shed, etc. ; divided Into 5 paddocks ; within easy di» tanes of township and railway , price £4 5s por acr« j easy term* can be arranged, ' 1886 TOWN AND SUBUBBAJf, I i acre, 6-roomed house, Devon-street, Price, £700. Sli Store business, stables, dwellings, with 10 acres land ; doing good business. Price, £500. Stock at | coat, plus 5 per cent. 811 3£ aciea, Fitzroy, good building site. Price, £600. 214 j 6} acres, Westown, with good dwel- j ling house and outbuildings. Pric*, j £700. 19f 1£ acres, Vogeltown ; good frontag*. j Price £500. 188 82 x 77 links, Devon-Btrect, with shoo and dwelling. Price £2500. 191 acre Fitzroy ; corner cection, Pric* £300 194 acre, Gover-street, with good 7roomed house, bathroom, hot nad cold water laid on, scullery with boiler fixed fn. Price £1450. 174 OL4O feet frontage to Devon-street. £15 i per foot. 185 ) acre with up-to-date residence $ five minutes from railway atatioD ox post office. Price £1000. 137 i acre, Fitzroy. Price £120. 144 acre, Gover-eLreet, with good 7roomed houee, bathroom, kitchen, wash-house and boiler ; lawn teanai* ground. Price £1300. 147 acre, Vogeltown, with new 7-roomed house, bathroom, wash-house, stable, conservatory, trap-saed, lari?e fowi-hoas* aad run. Pric* £1000. 18? KEWT OIH KIT! Q. LAND ACKNT. jt'.ft. fioic No. 100. Telepbona No, 20*
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12758, 11 January 1905, Page 8
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806Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12758, 11 January 1905, Page 8
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