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Harbour aboard.

The Harbour Boarcl met on Friday, Jfrine lUth. Present : Messrs* J - -J*Connett (chaiiynan), N ., Km&U MacLean, R. Price, R. Ding c; J, }V^ore-, mtvn E. Maxwell, ai&l J- Ward. Mr X. W. Marcnant, C.R., was al«o in .attendance. ■ DIVING GT3AR. Messrs OanVpboll - Ehrenfried and Co/ notified the return of the diving S e ar; hired from the Board, an:d apolnguiea for, the delay. KEMO'VJNO GRAVEL. *.A cliseHission place, rupon a letter iiom the General ."-Manager"' of _ Railways with respect to the removal of gravel from the beaqhi, protesting against' gravel being- taken foi 7 the salt-water baths. Mr Maxwell exl)lainecl that while the Railway De.partment had iio actual right of control, tbp Boaiicl ha.cj practically to do iliKe Deparfenent flesi'rexl. In a j^avtic]ular case the . Board, had. recognised t,he justice- of the ; De,partmenfs protest against the .removal of stone, which might imperil the railway. , The ski^ply'.of /65G yaicls of sliiiigle to the Department wasj epttfirmed.\ -< < ;_ . .TH?, DISMISSED ..DWEIJ.' -, ; VMf Tautier,/ late diver- to the^BoawU ,Wi*.ote .prfttestiiig agaiiTSt-Jiis /dismissal i jijsjt. v .ea?)ts.e y 'Messrs .Weston. ami Weston also wrote oh behalf:; 61Tai^ner, pointing 'out ,iihe. hardship, awl asking:' '^hat he should be reinsjtatexL.or his notice extended. . . *• A! further, letter was road -from Tanner asking for a^t^stimo-nialV The Chairman made a short explanaj tion anclit 'decicled on Mr' Maxwell's motion that'iio further \action be tal<eu. ' »- ". '' . - ' "-»' new piyerV ;-; , " 'Aji explaniation* was recei'ivecl froiYi.O. . .G. Warwi6't for the ppsitiop pi cliyer, v -" It was decided to "offer him^lO& per day, anicl 10s, extra when engaged^- in • I diving; to- do:^uc!h worfc as. he is cli.i*- * e,cted^ when no,t "diving. , CONSENTS TO MORTGAGE. "Messrs, Govptt and Quilliam wrote suggesting^ that the JBoarjd. should em[power the' Chairman to give consents -■ to mortgages on behalf of the Bpaixl. ,0n the. motibiv of> Mr. Maxwell a re-" ' solution to ±hat effect was passed: : PAYMxENT TO CHAIRMTOSN: .. Ilhe " Katbour Boarcl -wrote , in|yit;ng .the co-operation* of,the~l}oard - ' ' in_ obtaining. ," .an Act of Parliament a'iitih,<>risi-ng- "^Ke- payment of an horror - ( mijiirn; tp . the. ejiaipnen- -bf^ Harbour | Bpar'ds,; iQn the motion of the. Chairman seconded by .. Miv Maxwell, the Boaiid'affiVmecl a former ;- "clining to co-operate. An ainenchnent by Mr, jPrice, ' „" secowdecl by Mr Ward, • [.a^reenig, ...^o^; QPiop^rate was rejected ronr 'on ;df t the.-OJ^airmari. ~ t'Me&srs?,. Jungle Price, : av<L a^d Fore T _ m^ irotetl in .favoiii:. vi,, th^,amen«"lmerit.-*"-.' l":^--. 1 ! - .J-:> '•'• >. QPEN;3Ef^iAJiIK:i SrJtEHT. , f ,A claim from thY* 1 lioicugh' -Ejigmcer for £31 Is 4.d fpf ' remo viEtl^ 6f\ > earth .. from Ariki street t>' enable' : the proprietor of the _.Tro>a lero> to erect a .ver,aittlah led -to n,di?oussion -or. the _, question of. the '^oaril's responsibility . in tliel matter. The oniiibn ci- Mr SainSuejL: was? read.; s^ '. v Mr J^aywell moved that the , r-arn £>c not ,eritVr,tiaine'..!.. urging ilia* an ex " p s enditjlire"oh ih'e W ; ud ! ,u«?l l.c justified by .any* return, tha* would rc^ suit: ' Mr/.|MCacLeaai secTwuTed. • ; : . * - I* ; The .moved, an' amendment ' that the Coiuiicfl b. 4 referred to -a lormer je v^b^itkin" : ot > ttofr BoaiKl asking the Council to state what proportion , of •^h^^^';|iieyJvdes^e.d-;\^he"Boia3ricl ' to ipay.'" " "' ' • - ''"' " '"■""!". \~ Mr Maxwell -consentecl to wltlwlraw., 1 moiio# i nMa'votir^- ' - •> of thof-aineiKl-me,nt. "... - "- ■ V HARBOUR EXTSENvSIOJ^ "Hhe Seoretary of the Chamber of <T6mimerQe 'wrote" enclosing resolufion . pa'aseH by : 'the.Chaniber 'urging .the 'heeirl^of* extension f§f the- harbpur. 'i^Khe" 'l letter. fsbUs", received.; '" : f CONTRAOTORS- GRA]KL . Messrs Kyßgjiickn' anil Co. >wiote apikj ing-', permission to'mal\e-'a aih&igle depot at the brealcv^aiter. ; '- - k Tftie Chairman'- 1 dahl * the imatter of . gravel. slujjlplfes fequirod'>lo'olving into. , large- oj^autitjefe^of-eraV-el -were • being earteci off the l '*6a^i, ' b«t the Boain' was nbt getting the reivewue.' On his m!otiojii the application was iv^faseti. - The {general question was referred' to , the > s f Committee. ACCIDENT iNSURANGEr "Applications were made by T the New' Zealand AxsaiAeat%'<- .Tjis f ui > Co. afcdihe Governmeiit Insurance, Department . 191* the BbatcVs risde. Jt s wa,s stated that it was costing, the Boar<l £52 a .year for htsjurance, "anil several ineuwbers thought the aum -large. . ' " * Mr Prifle mavetl that the Board, renew the existing policy*' , >• , 'Mr Foreman" seconded. ! Mr Mac Lean mave'd an amenclment that the Boartl takes* its bwn risfc. Mr Maxwell seccip,cle(l. ' The amendment, was xjefeatecl on the ca^tingj'.vple of the. Chairman, and the. original- niotion was carriejcl. The Board adjournod at 12.30 p.m. to ];30 p.m. THJj3.FORBSH:ORE LEASES.' k ,On resuming at 1 .30, p.m. the Board , went intp Committee to consider •an application for a lease of the fore— ahtore from the TVjaiwalcaiho to ,vthe Wlaitara River. Consuderation wasde — ferred until the next meeting, of .the , Board, in oaxlftr that tho H;on. A^. J. Oadman migiht have, an o^por^jamty of being present,- it being thought the Board 'shojukl not do anything prejudice the efforts ho has made at |?^eat' expense to establish lan . iron industry. • , HARBpURMASTER'S, REPORT. .. The harbourmaster reported that llUrinsr thefwe W6ol?s efnWed June l'tijh." 47 steamers; and one sailing ■ vessel were* berthed at the wharf, the aggri?*' .ofeHie frross tonnage beinc: 39,533 t»ns. Imports amounted to 5001 ions* includhig -506 tons of private coal, o'4O • toiia of railway coal, antt 3925 .railway sjleejiersi Exports weceVSOO ions, making »Sll tons of, cargp handled. Tihe dredge worked 22,davs...makintv 20S 'trips, arfd removing 17,580 cubip yards. (2<5,8^0 tons-) of.sanH. A survey „ made on June 15; th. sh'owecl a raarkexl imprcK-emont r in the v 'd«r)th of water . -throughout the, area, although there, had boon several* heavy accumulations of sanil during the last few months. FOREMAN'S R.EBORT. The Foreman rejported da workdp^iocljuriii|? tho^last, inon,th. , At the wharf two piles hafye been prepared for driv-' ing attd two'; driven. ' "Two.. new walings an'tl 'one oKafing piece h« .ye been piut in. The bpat has lhQ.<*ri fihbro'ughly repaired and 'painted. Sixteen toads of stpne have loeen pfut oK'er the break- . water; ailid abput four loads picked up , fi'Odtt Wie inside a»icl p\i% on the o\vt- , side, - aai'd two small. break's have been: repaired.'; Tile roafcl feivJe through the . tesei^ r e .has been cpmlple'ted. A slif^t ' break; on the'^dreilge had been repaiir-

cd. Se^iteen -lengths jof sand pipe v had been "iajken down for the Borough Council and other minor matters attended 10. The. diver's gear had been , retftiiTiad in good o«der, but a length of s dvose had been kept back aiul inferior sent in jts place. iA 'discussion too,k place, upon t*ho iqfuestion of the fencing mentioned, as to what was a fair cost to charge the 'Government, the road being fenced to give access to the Spfot&wood --settle— went.' . . ' . ENGINEER'S REPORT. ... My F. \V. Marohant, C.E., rcporterl that he had inspected ,the works and fo-und oVerythingi in a gonerally satisfactory condition: "'Wie \vorking of.'tjie drttclge pi nee the new boilers were set he described a&'particiularly gratifying, lie made suggestions with regarel t^> the mode of extension if prison labdUr is employed, ao as to aVoid the delay which was experienced when prisoners wvre formerly en*ploy<*cl on the wor/ks. Tn. answer to the chair.m&n Mr Mar- ' 'bKant said he could not recollect tho exact reasons given why prison labor ooJukl not quarry large stones, but he was cfuite. clear that it was a fact that uniler prison ' labour the largest stone was under iiK'e tons, while with free lal>oiir they got them- \*p to 15 tons oiut of the name quarry. 'Witn, feg-aivJ to^^he respective coat of. prison a^id. h'se labour, the ch'air--wVan, s*aH that the. cost of 1 laying traniway was cliargct.l to, tho work done by. prison ' laboiur, while wJien fi'ee labo'iu* was employed this was ohjarged' to a separate account. " The accounts -\vefe not systematically kept therefore the relative cost could <uot be accuxaielj'. gauged. ■ ' Mr Wfard endorsed the ohairman'-s Mr Forenhan thought the Board, if it could get prison labour, should employ them to quarry stone and place it on trucsks, the i;est being dcyne by free labqftxr. . In that way he thought the prison labour, would bo advantageous.' • - • Mr Dingle wished to hear what the Engineer had to say about the wharf, which he heard \vas not in a satisfactory state* ' ,' ■ 'Mr Mai'ohant said the s.trj.xcture-was b a fairly good condition, arid was being maintained as well as possible' by replacing- . clecaying- piles. Tlie. . -wJiarf Was, however* too small, arid •■fcbe trade was carried on itnder dis— adjvantage, while it was slow and expensive work to repair it while vessels- were there. Mr Dingle .asjked aixVut the dredge. Mr Marohiant paid ihe dredge Vas a perfectly wonderful little machine, but she was too small, ' artd difficulty was experienced wfth dredging salt! The, Board was goinw on. as it were, from> hand to inoutli, with no , reslbve .power^ In reply*; tb further auestions Mr \ Marolfaiitl^saitl ihte ; wharf- was .really too ;l siiiali' for' 1 tlie existing traxle. . !Hft>: •]kinew no-- wharf /on which so irilivch , trade was done in proportion to size artd cost., He 1 thought the s/anjcl p*nni|> should not. be; sold, as it would come - in. for a more^powjerftnl dredge. , Mot Dingle aslked what, an. extension . of the wharf woiuld cost. Mr Marchant saftl unless, the breakwater was extended any extension wosttld 'have to be shoreward, artel berths be dredged, but the Boanrlhaxl not sufficient dredging power. ;. ACCOUNTS. Accounts were passed and the Boarjd then proceeded lo .consider ihe report of the Special Committee on harbour extension. The /disaussion will be fqunicl in .anpther column. , , „

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12287, 20 June 1903, Page 4

Word Count

Harbour aboard. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12287, 20 June 1903, Page 4

Harbour aboard. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12287, 20 June 1903, Page 4


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