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Education Board.

♦_ The first meeting in the new year was held on Wednesday. Present :—: — Mr Allsworth (chairman), Mrs Dougherty, Messrs Morton, Adlam, MLcDonald, Wade, Mackay, Taylor, and Faiill. ARCHITECT'S REPORT The architect reported » that since last meeting he had visited Waitara, Oakura, Stanley Road; and Salisbury Road schools. The painting and repairs at Waitara, Mrs Dowling's residence at New Plymouth, and Oakura had been completed, end veri.'i..itors had been. placed in the roof , of Okato and Oaonui schools. The' painting of inside of Salisbury Roadischo'ol had' been completed and ventilat ors placed in roof, but the enlargement of the screens had not. yet been "done. \A. price for the painting of this, building was obtained but was too -high. The Stanley Road repairs would be completed this week. The final payments were due on Xnglewood, Wbrtley Road, and West Infants 'schools". Owing to some necessary repairs" at, Inglewood the] cost -was, increased ,by about ?£s' 10s, and' the ,- same applied to' Toko,' ancl West Infants. Accounts for. work! completed i were placed ..before .the Board. •He intended; to visit the Waitui school , this weekf The , contract for the- Punewhakau school was signed anii the contractor intended to start* shortly. . ' The Huiakania work was being 1 attended, to, and also the Lepperton York. , Tenders* lor school at Kahui were placed before the BoardAmended plans had been prepaiod ici the proposed technical school at SiratfOrd. The Stratford closet apparatus had arrived. NEW BOUNDARIES. . ' The application of ,the< New Ply-, Drouth and Carrington!/"- ' Road Com-" mittees whereby - the- former district will take in a "portion cf_ the latter was agreed to.< < " " ; - 1 ". PUNEWHAKAU SCHOoV The' action of the Chairman' find, Mr : Morton in reference .. to this^ school contract was .confirmed, ' <•' '/""'<■ KAHUI ROAD.b'C'JIUOL. > . ! Three tenders— Boon 8r0.«.,XP. * B. Ross, and J. Xioveridge-^ere received for the erection of a school at Rn-hui Road. It was decided to i-ft'l" <0r ftesh tenders, •as the tenders received' were -too high. v MISCELLANEOUS. The architect was authcxteed r to supply the % Waitui.,Comniittee with the wire and staples for fencing the school site. ' / ' ' '■ ' The Board regretted - tjhfty bad no funds to erect a new iv.idence at Stratford. • . - ' - • ; / The Tariki' Committee will hi informed that, the maiter of enlatging the school will ; tye oonsidored when making' (the n.ext allocation of * the building paint, and that the • architect would be, instructed t*i->so-3 at-out the^ defective ventilation .of '^c' s^hcoJ. The application for urgeut i^r-frirs at the Ngaire school was fre'exic« the architect with powar to act: ; The Cardiff Committee's wpplicatidn for repairs to the school ro >f mas re 1 ferred 1 to the architect ,™th .power to act. A grant of £> for £ op to £3 was voted, towards* v.osi> "of a r& The same committee will be KuV-rmed that it is' % eir . "<lnt,v to Keep ib'e school, grounds clear. . CHAIRMAN'S ItEiPORT^ , The, Chairman reported «bat since last ineetmg he had made appointments :— Sole I teachers— Mx JB. v Malcolm tft • Mahoe; Mr W t L. "Weiss 'at Pukearuhe;. and Urs Mariison at Koru. Assistants— Misses J. Climie (Inglewood); M. Potts (liahota\, Hickey (Stratford)',' J.ondon ' (P'hatna). Pupil teachers— Misses -" S . K tiddrell (Central)} E. King (Stratford). Pupil teacher transfers— rMiss • i*«. '• Kdd ' frcrn Central to "West-ei^d; , "Mies ;H. 3L. Dempsey from West-end .to t»i»» Central, and Miss G. O'Brien fjom Siratford to West-end. 'l^mporaty tea-: chers-Y-lSiiriss F. Smith, to Ho wan. Road, Mr G. Maginess to Ma'^oe, Mws-E.-F. Riley to Carrington Itoad, Mr Amoore to NgarikT and- Kahui JKoads. Miss S. Mills, of Ngahre, had been granted leave 'of absence miti 1 January 31st to attend the summer school at Aucklancl.^ There h*id^ been Considerable correspoaia-ice \vilh' the Department regarding iho grants for new schools at Piwangi W<l liaupttl k. Owing to Mr. T'orteous hnyiugwiiiteh declining the .<ippota'>n«ut as tw slant Inspector he .-ailed "the Selection Ooxinr mittee together and. their report would be placed lWore the Board. Miss D. Taylor appljel for leave to attend th** summer school: at Auckland, but after' rsferr<«g ihe s ma.ter to the Central School Committee the application was Uyciinedy The report ( wm received. DEPUCAriONTS.: Mr Bennett waited on the Jioprdio respect to school , reoniMmwi.s*' at WMtianga and Kahuraiahi l^ The Board decided 'hat the Government be asked for a grant for a i.ew school in .this district. ' Messrs "Wood Ichaittnab.), Weller, and Cutfield waited on the Board in respect to aid for contain nyijxirements at Fitzroy. -*~ . It was decided to ftapt b lor £> up to £3 to assist in re?erecting^ the fence at the Fitzroy school* itiCn. , Tho Board also decided that-lhe arcMtect be instructed to > have, the windows and glass in the tioor between the class rooms; that tiie .Board would contribute >£1 to , provide a cupboard for holding the school m^m »t\is, and the question of providing ji rew .ch^ir, was referred to the, Jn^pettor. BUILDING G.RAKT. The attention of tlte Midster of, Education will be called to --he fact that 1 no increase las been nmdc in the' building grant', for this cii?tiict although a large ' anea of tho Wsnganui district has been uJdod to the, Taranaki district. . FREE TUITION. Free tuition was' granted to owe.n Evans at the Stratford District High, School as recommended by the'headmaster and Inspector. TECHNICAL SCHOOL AT ,&"i BATFORD. The. Stratford Committee will bo informed that the Board is ,d,bing aU t in their power to expedite the exertion of a technical school at bjtratford. TEACHERS' RESIDENCES. TKe Ratapiko and Mahoo Committee wili be fhforined that consideration of tKeir requests 'for teachers' residences are deferred until the' Board. jprjpceed to allocate the building grant for tho -present -year. , -y

, SHELTER SUED. A usual grant of £7 16s was granted r the Hudroa school for the erection of a shelter shed.', '.. ** TOKO INFANT SCHOOL! The Board decided* they were not in 1 a position to erect- an infant school at Toko at present. A GENERAL INVITATION. , The Lincoln Road " Committee wrote inviting the members of the .Board, the secretary,' and Inspector .to attend a concert in connection with the- open-, ing of the new school. , »' : The Board thanked the. committee for their kind invitation. *-' _> l ' HELD OVER. ; \' '' In committee the Board decided/'. V that the consideration of the. request .<• of the Toko Committee, contained in , their letter of January 6th, fee held "over till after the examination in- ■ ' Hay. OPAKU RESERVE. Mr Mackay moved, That the Board again twith the Wanganui^ Education^ Board with a view oi jointlyturging the Minister of Education to r.take , action /during the coming session -of' Parliament to have the , revenue^ accrued .and' .accruing.' Jrom v the Opaku, University reserve utilised * -in" the interests of r those -for whom the said reserve was rofigiaally set, apart. Mr ;Dempsey /seconded the motion,, which* was carried: , , „:,! ; *' MOKAU HEADS',. SCHOOL. T /~f J '<* A letter from , the Auckland Board" about the Moka'u Heads school was' -referred to the Chairman 1 to deal with* ,'; The Auckland Board would not trans- . fer the school to the Taranaki Board, ~. but were agreeable that the inspection. 1 / and examination .^should be under- \ .taken by 'the Taranaki Inspector.. ' % RESIGNATION. Miss E. F. Riley's resignation as jbeach'er'of Carrington Road school was accepted. , ' ' - '•*".-.>'• NORFOLK ROAD. ' / It 'was decided that, .the" whole question^pf,the Norfolk Road, school be" to the Chairman for,' his re- ' port. '. ■i \ - '''.*"'. / ['; : RAN&ER'S REPORT. {■- / ,;, The report of t£e Board's ranger*. , was read and adopted,, and it.wasder ' c.ded that-L his recommendation be attended to. ■ ' '; -. -- , NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT. ' Correspondence was read relative to the Lincoln, Road being created a. new school district. The Inglewood -Com-, mittee recommended the creation. It > was decided to grant the" petition and that steps should be taken to definxr the new school district.' • .- ' v </> OPUNAKE SCHOOL MATTERS. ! x'he >BoardSvent into committee to >-, consider, correspondence , 'relative' 1 io% school matters air Opunake. ' * , '. A resolution was passed on the sub- -, ject. ' While, in committee Mr Allsworth. y made an explanation -. about - another 1 < school, and said , tbe matter wbtdd; come up probably at next meeting-; of , the Board. \ , " _^_ mAJSCING IN SCHOOLS! . •~ *" Mr Faull moved in effect that. th'eV-J-t school committees be communicated , with/ and their opinions^ be^-qbtained on the question of dancingr ini^d«ools, : and that the resolution allowing danc-f, ing under certain conditions • bi* not - acted, on Tintil such opinions were^,obtained! In speaking on the' motion Mr Fauli said he did not care If 'pea-., pie danced their legs oS, but becon-, sidered the committees should £aye a"; say in the* matter. , as to iiow the ■■ school property was to be used. • ' . ' Mr Wade seconded the motions and f considered- it was a fair way to de-. cide whether the resolution should be acted on; . " \\ . Mr Taylor, opposed ■ tbe "motion as committees 4 where J there were public halls would vote against dancing, and thus do injury' to small traces where ■ there were schools only available for 'dancing*' - . ' „, Mr Morton objected to" Mr Faull»> mdtion, which he contended was, only 'trifling with the subject, and * was* iaimed at upsetting the Board's re^ solutions . , \ , „ A %i j" Mr McDonald -said u,at Mr IfauJltf , motion would press heavily on the ,- places where ' there '■ . were no publip halls. , % V Wr Adlani said that dancing was allowed in schools in the Warigamu district," for he knew of one held at Riverlea. Mrs' Dougherty opposed I.he motion, and said that it was necessary to use the school houses for dancing in cider - to get funds for prizes. > ' ' The Chairman said that there was, no doubt that school pr.»j«i-ity vraV damaged, and it was .•* matter ,for th«; Board to consider. He boKeyod ll.iatt' ' the majority of the committees voul^ oppose dancing in schools. • ■, v Mr Faull in. reply s aid tLat ll!r Ad r " ' lam was awtfre tiiat damage had l»een done by dancers in schools, i?nd the teachers were often disturbed by > dancers as they lived close Y>y or ( prac tically under the same roof. „ , M^s Dougherty :—^But, th«»se c'ancea are only once a year. • . Mr Faull -.—They are every wefk. - The motion was -i ut aadJoot bn*he •voice's. ,\, / * ]' - " , RESERVES COMMIT CEHS' The report was read aa-.I gloried. Accounts were passed twA th^e Boerd adjourned at 5. 1S pro. .

The following speaks for itself :— Makotiiku, August 23rd, 1902. P. Bock and Co. pear Sirs,— l am writing you a testimonial. J» was Buffering from lumbago for some years. , L tried a good many .remedies before using your Kheuinatic Powder. I took yours ty directions, and I was relieved after the third , dose; I have not felt afty symptoms since. — Yours-.. Truly, L. B. Webb. # -^ \ , Mr VPehb and\ others tell us that they feel like new beings- sinijo, so., touch for Bock's Rheuinntic Powder. Bock's Jlheumatlo Powder, price Ss 6d; Rock's Cough Balsam, price la 6d; Hock's Powder for the -Kye.-J-stomach and hinod. price Is; -BockC Herb Kxtract, an iufalliblc cure for toothache, price Is ■ arid Bock's ' Neuralgia Dropa, price Is 6a, Can b» obtained of all leadiug stores, chemists and wholesale through th© merchants. - There is no doubt about it, that J..-H. Parker's is the leading -watchttta&ing/ and jewellery business . on the west coast of New Zealand, end is notably prominent for quality, "novelty, variety and cheapness of goods. All the consignments of 'Xmas and New Year novelties, selected .personally by Mr Parker in . HJuglattd are, now opened up. Kindly call and inspect the stock at the shop, next th« railway crossing, Tevon Street. I *t%vr Plymouth,* .

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 6

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Education Board. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 6

Education Board. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 6


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