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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. TH URSDAY JANUARY 29.1903.

SHIPPINd S "SUBSIDIES. ', The question .of -^fe effect ;upon. Bri-' tish trade df- 'silbsiciies |to'4team^hip companies "afid 4a^ing vessels under foreign Governments was recently, the subject of a report by l a Select (Jominit tpft of ft TTqiißP — of Commons..! •TKfe^iiivestigajt^Qii^lof the* Committee led it to; the' conclusion that British, shiggjn^ v creditably i: holds its Q.wn, notwithstanding -.that -foreign shipping 'increases in proportion more rapidly, *because,it starts from 1 a' lower figure.! Between- 1890 and .1902 the 1 world's, grqtfs tonnage incr#ased r v ,frb,m 15 mil-1 JlidhVto' 26 ' millions, but while in thai" per^^-^^ JJritish proportion of ithasTsunK Trom " 63.4 to 52.S per cent. r ? BrliSlTi*- steam tonnage has, in fact, : increased i^jampunt .%pm 6^. millibns |to A ; v 13^ rhyiions^ , [The . German 5 provpjortion has risen from '7.2 to 10.2 per cent., but the actual increase is ! only bow 028,000 to 2,60J>;000 tons. Thus^ altkough our proportion has. sunk' and the German proportion hasrisen, it will be seen that in amount our steam tonnage has increased by 5,400^,000 tons, while that, '.pf' Germany has only increased by 1^700,000 tons;! in other words, for every, ton which Germany has added weVhave added rather - : more .than three. Still thie Committee recognises that N;he very considerable sum's spent^ By ! foreign Governments' Tiave : undoubtedly fostei:ed competition with British, shipping on the "great ocean routes,- and have assisted in the transfer fcom British to Continental hands of some, branches of foreign and colonial trade, . besides in some cases turning the scale against ' Britain manufacturers' even in orders from our .own colonies* * Nevertheless it finds that subsidies are tbfe minor factor,, and, commercial .skill and industry the major factors/ in the recent development of" the : ship-; pingtcacle^l.pither countries, Subsi^, dies are by 116 means unknown tb British shipping, for mail services arkf £756,500 a year, and thy does not_-include the new contract fcaf £150 i 0p0 r a ' year^ just agreed upon with the" Gunard Company, nor Admiralty subsidies to the amount ' of £77,8i3. a-yeaV. The North German ' Ll6^ds 'Cqmpariy receives £165,000. & year from the Germak Governments fox ,its East Asian, service and £115/ 000 for "its Australian service.; and 3 the' German -East ...African Company . teceives £6.7^500 a yeac for a, service' •to Ca]pe Town on both sides of Africa.^ The • effect upon the former Company may be judged from the fact 1 while in 1895 it possessed. 72 steamers of a. -total gross tonnage .of 217,00p io^dy in 1901 it had 74 steamers of a total' gros^s tonnag^ of 476,000 tons, France' '•pays , three, times as much ' as Germany' in .shipping bounties "of one' kind, and another, vet French shipping cannolj boast " ofr*pr l c%re!s ' ' at' all resembling that of Gorman shipping. This helped the Committee to the concilia sion — as it v must convince everyone who gives it a thought— that subsidies do not of themselves bring prosperity to the . shipping of a • nation." They are effective when tlie^ money is laid out upon business principles, and given td people whosje skill and aptitude enable-, them ip turn the money to good^ acjcount. In! Germany shipping is granted exemption from Customs dues upon almost! everything that is needed on a shiji/ It has J also an immense advantage Irr the -cp-pperation of the State jraij-j ways, ~ -Which : give throiigk 'bills -of* lading and *carry g6ods for shipment at extremely low rates. This, it wajs found, gives tne^tSerman exporter an advantage often of -a pound per ton, over his English rival, and it throws* business into the hands of-, the ship-] ping companies. German internal! trade has to pay for it, though in^ indirect, manner, but it is nevefrthe-u less a 1 severe' "fratidicap- to- the British' shipowner and the British manufacturer. While, however^ the Commijttee found that subsidies are only W minor factor, it pointed out that they w,ere necessary as a part of the. Imperial scheme. In ■Uh&*Ss'e of « tne; Uganda Bailway, lor r example, whiah,. is an Imp'eriarundertakitig; the failui-fr tq assist a line of 5 steamers^ in cotnection with it^has led to this posi-" tion, that th s e ( 'Jra^lw^/ / wli l ich Great Britain has,,* paid for, f bids Jair 1o become the .feeder of a German hise-; which is subsided. ityHilie German Go-fj vernment. In such a case a subsiqy'i is not only Justifiable, but is abso-1 lutely necessary ii<»r;- the ,p^ote(sti'6n j>fj J Imperial enterpriser Apart! from, -tne': granting of tne' Committee, came, to the^CjjM^lusipjij'thfitt,' with \ai Viow to the fair competition of Bn-a tish sh'ip'ow^er^Xwi^h their foreign, rivals, .Boa.r,d, of Trade regulations* shotila'' be" * ' Unforced against foreign^ ships equally wlthJßritish ships j thit c light dues should Jpp .%bpl4^,^d.j n arid^ that means should be taken to ob-~

»4ain-tUa-rwao^^al . . .pf^ foreign- 4aws .fva4~regixlations which esyc^ide'.the British--' shipowners from the trades- appropriaied by various foreign Powers to 1 tlie^iv, tloWn^^^hipjain^' as "coasting triuflejfi fifagi jthat,^l!;3ged be, , tions for the admi^6n of foreign yes- , sels^to *the( i itish:-a^d ) colonial trade 1 of Jtitis'-fil^piije slioujcl --be used with ( I the object pi. .securing reciprocal ad- | vantages ; for [ British shipowners a- , brd&d-. ■The" I ldtter : i ?Mrill be difficult of : attaitian.ent > t i tout tHe t\i£o former con-ditjtcfn's^aTO^in^tiie'-iii^.nds of the Imperial "Government/ '"and involve no great sacrifice ,pf p^u'ciple, while iKoir adoption ,^pula^ b^of fmaierial assistance tj> British shipping. T

A reminder is given of the Garrison Band concert tonight. The Bmd will parade before the concert and m ireh to the Theatre. '" ' ' " ' ' ;. Mr N^awtcin King having fold ifr Albert Bayjj's fine farm of a'V.e» situated 1 at'OmatafiS 1 Mr" Robert MhSlWt «n, df?3;afiki.Y Mj^'haareceatl^aotd^tfiitt Iheuears-.i ac --./.In •'< ■ I', *<&."-* -iiM^ 1 ; H 'nj|e!oTfgarf Jgitreii^ away bj^^l^'lln o«v!Pho-jra'en»ber8,'of: the* Education^ fe^d wetk .piioto^raphed -in €oßisson; WediiesdtiyiJ Witi B be'pfodneed r an bhe of the'iHusQr^ced WefclVe&:> ? Ther^ ( Was v s full 'nfiisfcq-'bf : ;;•; ; " ',';,j"S .'tt ! .Huglies drjvra f £he r uttentipnfrof io^'n'r^iiid; tcou^trry^cw^tonicratbliis spncial Jc]earii>g j.fiis-eyeningi's ifaus. f i oprif 2& to.^s 8d in the p6nod ' to eu.-bre a^<;l23ai?49ce>r ,y: ie 5 L.«?> ' f r The Education Board, on WfeAiWay Watf&d .Sr'.!:,^ 1';?.1 ';?. !,J t he jl^peStorV^a^ortnighjbs leay jj r Qt ' ab'Vjace &rjMacki£ said t thata cojqa^niU?ov<»f ;J39,ar.df^ h^d. ' .jta«\ "sjppoift^d^ P |?fkf -^r a ; j^on.ihj^ogcagir.nsoJE : f^J. .'rin-W^'-vrlTJ' -afiv/ J;rMai;weU>of ifces ?ta reply to^i An Bnquiifer" ? nVßlti&^CoSt PKc'e, + DlibiihHre7aii^,'T>«^wheß io"«Wdf ed| Vr^by - Womf I catrnoi catrAo.nVf'Sd. &&\t6 : Buplin.'^'" c ' r - r^ ( r^ ; neWfpoliciesf A ,r!ssued?byiihe A-B^iTtf-Ijaa ''Mntual^ Provi'deut- * Soetety/f ;do vitag 1902- represent'* assurahc^s to the^ni<«rint of r verr ag'airisf^S.TS 3'OOo durmj?' 1901, nr£ba.£ b^sjries^ spsitld lkve kept up' with ; this sodiefysuriT& tne js'isi War"mu3t bd'satisf actofy f to 'member.?: ' ;V jVliv.. 3VTcLean,'s w- nomination sfojr,col^»6 .JjtaTCQra 1 JVVWdK.ip" .the/v (Harbour nfe:»rd efectiqn- did,nn£>| /;eome,l vto>4iancl at-rrtrl )iV,e3nes<Jay. evening »aiid- it- *Mfas,-th*ire-fore void/ as t v he',nominati<3'ns)clo8 f :d'at nooh that day." :The "vacancy can -be U ted by the Government. ' * r- '- . • 7> J - ?* '^ .i-Tlhe, Ne,w.Zealand,Loan^and-Mew'anj-t^Je.- Agency; .Cpmpany/ Hannlton^a. Verf t,i&e ip. this issue the subrdiivim&n oi Estate of 12,258 acres jkajwltoni - iApplJcations-";for' close on 28th F«brti*ry,n#»tA' Plan,s *nd particulars j- : "are^-qbtaiDabla' jfrom any branch of the Loan Company. ' 1 While referring^ to an_ empiojfce of thes Education- Bd^Fi ion-, iWedoesday. Mi* Tayior remarkccnliat tne euiplbyee '■ ha< chaneer^lß^T^^^ me^h^ipasfßlSA*™^? B^^^Bi^M o| ; i;i.^h< » OTS&e? ¥A?at c M S3/oJ ,oaw itaia # Very satisfactory returns have bfiSrivreK beiseiitrfottiibaitteTbshibped ib^caidnri by tbk> A;o£eb;T!&m6d6£d&e4&&tibf the-wejr aeasdn-'s o'Bal«s\-toi:i»anqo 'Bal«s\-toi:i»anq by the Hew Plymouth Co-oper4»tivo small'Jlots -sbipjiedroh ac£un; of clitonfashow.updioalHos Sor first^w.S^ ; anai.vli4sfw-i112a,-:,3ltQsV: Jor second graVie.idbiwn^to-lOOa^ndiSS^^thp latter for some very fishy buttieri : ? «At taie Eaucation Board meebp^.on WednesaayrMr Faull askett,"*^* dta«,3.riplicanfs ,«ameTsor. fee -assistant m-v?ed corshiDiwas not, consiaered' py the S«lecf tion;*C<p^f e,^* W~ Mm^fitfto would bVcandta. anOMed^'becausirthe applicant. ilira.d no., colonial wcfeenei.ce.j ,esDerrence rcaaMr.'Mack^; jwHen he Jirst cp colonial experience was not a* b^u^u Ir|fimenl;%sW^f!ca^ >l fia^ JliHrV <| eipeHeM^at M^Oi'irtei •f&bugh'tit H^uld Sbt^pif^o^an^ynß e#e^lic^f t Ci " . mfii ;t The secr,eJtoy°.f:&e tQaa^PJysJ v^je - oiivr ?icniCf %MibfiH %^^tra^or^ ofi .^eb^uarx^iih, aejadsxa $9sf}& io^^«r» Hffi^A^p .^^ttfig,^^^ wfi^ei^Tft^CsHe Avi^ai-pl^y p^cop^tof .^Jfit^^it > a laßgfeiSjstiQacp^ou^ißealjßßs;.^ w§£ - b,e£s t pfe^ecP?%w are i4» o^i.!i?:J9^Jl un[i 9wle§g;s»9 wle§g;s» g^ com^im^tarx^icice^ jip 1 3fi}l 0 1/?ia ■ v ; tilttfe^ «Be^faft)ugßt in c^ueenslk^h^B fcTeenriEur'nished' re'feeh'tly.'v 'Mo^nt Con - Uh J rfin-had*i^e^fdptitati<ih of MVVITg i very fine herd o^c^ftl^^eaiAlg^-ro wUrly 40,000, .b,ead. ,Otf;^ January 10 tbe amount of" assessment^jJaid'in connt $tig j 1 agisttae't;V 'at •>ri v JJL »DB^Bg gbf £|^e a J^e.s T^M^el^^AssQje^jt^oJi .s^B^^ »Qih a iEdflftls Seo^^d^uTe^i^th^^^gia^ioa^t^Be •sjtf>n«^di Jy jpidej^a^ .we^r49adAvJ|idy. I v|^^ r a§j^e| r^pjVj / «* .t^^tßadGgijaoftjje Ih^.^niX^^JW^f mewo»j?f^eYj»^>yjh6,^alfe^o :^j«s| Ah^ajy/ \ki ajj^ 9 gad- ? r«^ve^-.thfttja-sais*.Of thfi-t^vvn^pJiqu^ bg. roade^tq jCj;Jml •nvem«?«rß:Wjthe rs§o^ +^.u' j/cEj f fe>n#iex|*yis¥dr*i^4Ko TMrigwUbh Board meeting when a- deputation f '-oiji -thefPi^rpy SchqqUComnaittee.waiUo on !# B°4r»?M^^^ as3l»t^i4j ( ftelff ygdt ty .. , .lji fWPtel&vPWl l^/ *&?&*&&^4i -iff t^mmjcte6, : Bhguld" get , by. helping tli«m,Be^es.j 0 Jijte bjal^yod if ,(he B,;a«)i«d s -th^, r Cqmmi^e Aai^t they^duld^coni* tb jtbliXba^d^^hd TCairiti,a; f hammer,.to cfriyb ;them;f'^efer,mg '^ ;jm application fork ,ci?ttjSQ,ar,ddo^g'tore appliances rdr phyhical ciillufe^ ftfrFaiiH wais ilsoremphatic; " .He. ! cqSfwpt tHat chitaren cbuldge) pT< Kfcy ',q£ good autj . useful" physical- >xei'oiae; „_ ;}; }

-'t'ho joeal LivrCourtarmfl-bae*oae&-to<-uorrowoa acooaat'of asttuioryholid'iy. _'» ho Melbourne Clothing GoaapiriV ao- □ ttmee a big sale in- this issua.- *.. A f till practice 6£'Mi4 Opar.Uie ftoci;?. + y ivill be heidjbhu evening ia "tha Dresden ''■ rooms.'" A full" afcfceadaoce is requ^ste'd, is Mr Stephen* will comaaeaca the I; business M :of IK3 opera. ."; \ ," '" Ta this.'j3sae,.lMtu!r.. X- Skioner an? nounces that heis sob-dm<liag -his. Car-, rington* road, p'roparty, -situited. at ihe juaQiioa of 4he-G;HTmgton~and "Isrook-, i.-md roads, and ainKrct}<J£po&ifce Mr W; Terry's house.- , -> , <■ • ' :• ' )'&." T \ - : Gaptiin "Kennedy Jbdegraphed to diifjr: ■^ Weather uademed"!- probable strong virias batweaa^vest to sjasb.aad o soatt- 1 ois't*; baromafcer" rise ; soi increa^iag;'. tide* moien<i,,t^;~r.u > a4l'l^ bi etpectea,; aad sadw oa'higfccouniry. : v ;^ The^trrangements^for-tae gir!en par^r at the' Rev. Mr BeiiaetVs 'at p.dikßflo'ck >a, Tharsdiy next are wo?l * f or'warS. ; ; \raong the attractions iq be provided ' ! •s a'Mstbfi'edtw'liHQ'iiefifc in the e.rorifng. Vrraager^ep &j ape * alao bqing ,' made for •johreyances to rua f/om towo, returning ia theeVeaiasf. Tha scaool e^carsioa to-mirrov to Toko leaves the tawaJititiori at 8.45 a.m., ■>, iHjfifyiJl ttfl#S'tops^t. -iiSlipifeafcrjQeliisSaHioS. -.' Vlraidy over 533 rltovj<£ noriSad that they ; : , r *;S §^4. w^ef cry '^.?W J>«iiafc epjoyabl^ «oj^ i-||e .wtl^ slo&^tgjphpg.tprttfco'hTtSgfbatfd contest at- M«*stertdn, ". th^'baaj^rujallyl'tfie. Af k^terfcO' |jQO.a^i^ilJ p b\e a 5a 5 jrecpr/f _f or* .Aaa^alasia. >h^t'h.| |ouAd a.Uc'kfiaf^^ajsh whwh^iiwiji v pju^ (To wjijit^f 'pj^fessipail laf^ictdrl. i£l \>ttit^ipnal Tt^ttiuotori , ffeo??^ l > y&£^onja| ? 'tiaiid^j'ihey./would i awon'ffie ;so «»Uig.i^er . -atancfyrcl and pps^ibly equal Jtffad firs,|(^ass baaSsat Hoqie. ."' . ., "1 I'jp&ut w?i'Yb{iQfts\ to be B 9.olpokr£B% ra^roing a^ Th iaies/ (Jisbdrne, iyr*£jgiims ' : sfi¥ 'eV&llSn^toh. Haavy 'rAialeUiast nig&hwaflfyii orst tiie colo%;-iiQ J d^siow- ,wi| f eipttreWed'at 3ea A wa4Tißif»g irirpi'ost prac^.'fy^hejTOraije^atoTQ-,, h;ul r fallen^qpH^rder'Ajb^^fie Jlij^hasjff jbe.log ' .6$ _Vf mnri r ~lQ{ ot.h^ p.jU'^3?, tn.a' i ttie^r- ; d^t&et@r'tWV^X^^wC ' *®> VVanganut'STs Wellington^s, jJapie^.,^l, iSPeIiMMi 5?, Gfereymouih.s3,- CsristchlorQh 53,-Duiiedin 46, InvereargiU; 50^ ' , j "! jriemb©r' : fqr Wallace iix tt^ s lft|t^atMa'rhe^i; vensn!red e uppi," a. ( ~^% ,!a-, >;iiie£tittg Kjhs ~ jV<a^ ~£n^^i£e<| ? a^ v [- jHe^e,9^aised tqtpe. a>u^e, f^Ep^j^ jv%& r yery^'pra!bj|b;le; herwoJuH cp i pi^,%'e;^MJace I perplexjtf e^; * ife^ ' ,o| ..the' }." jsigiit^ cplour" are^ subject 1 tb,-in wie tshapct jt?£^djem4^ds>?J[£<?^ theif 3 fap^oia^ tfer^f-j^&i&iirea^Lf^ letter ip. .wMcfc • the -, writer, ; .after^ asking . -billets . jpr • three, broiher-iii-laws. arid, sK)m~e;:q^hje«s.. that Jiist f at- -prese^^hp,' wanted ndthing ior himself,, but »: littlf later MkV» a seaman .th^j.-I^gislatiye .. J Gotfiieiitcw < _, ;•■ ;;■'.. „.j :,iv _;.;.-• f ' f .^'e l 3EoiJo^'ing "pWagl-ffph appeared 'in '% '.Ld'Adon iiaily' of .December * feftlr stPrE^wer|h^jp'«t^d r&inam' iii r New" 2elaI^l lilte a fconib-sHell : fn -" ifoe sit s&&. : \t>xa^u^his ah'sgnce^ati rihe Coy OTatioh/^feports' 'i^Jst'^JL|p J in"tci conyictidn woWd lalang up*^ Kigh ' in Soutn Africa. s^Privajte r |rom himself are «aid^ : to !haVe fq^nvey^rbroaci the, s'anteldprr } e6tiouV,^Z[|be,,,o^ly point iliat : to bej^ v d,oub.t,.was'as tq yPheisfeer the tWgh/appoin^meirt'tin cjuesition rvvias* .tuxjder ttke -Imperial Goyerniherit or acqm« ji'anvpqarryviGr .on extensive qperatib'fas -in South It is .generally' nn- !' dersttotfd" -that- Mk. Sedqon was \,ap-. jproached, tthat.negotiatiqris.were l in '-f>rogre«s>-foß:«r6rnevtinQe, .and^that,. ulHimateiy Tjbhcf>projectJell thrpugly The 7 dkltjipdintraent in^^arlmperitai'y-.jcirc-.les^atiifes frx>m-(tbe J knowledge, of ft Sir 'Jv.Ck Wara r s/de,ierminati^td -ifiake. a. radical reconstriicfciqi) of t^e -veTninent ;on stepping in&q^K'; ' PfifL"*. xlonlsinkois. ■■ >'■ . . v . -y}'.ly } '.1 ..^ ' t_l-u,t _l- u , T ! J^fie dnycr'SM "firfemsiiEt dn*%h« express "tr|in"to:%9 : Tfr4ltwaler. r pn '^ret!n^d»y . r nigb.fcjcepon Qiat wh"en near tlie ftas;pbf ;Ithft\brea^,v^er. the' engine stfnck sdme|^£hjng'heavy on the. .line, , and tho engine bjamped a gopd deat • ih'«^ain,tras;. pnlled, np» and 1 ah isspacfcion "was made^iifc; Va? found thajk a h4STV..pie^e. of *rdni.was lying.alongifi[c{e th?i Tjuls, and , it was r th« engine 'struck' md f yj9 trails. f^Th^^Rpot,. wbere thariroa \^p betsfaeh: JkJi3 ndlway crossing Had th» Clarbaun Board's blacksmith's sbo^, Ifirtd %ha piace iof 4 un>n mti3t>h»ve?been-ja -ptejse balooiriig^to the Bba^d/ ts' ho &r>qbl that. -an **- teUpt tfaiTmsde; io':4ef*il 4 the ; Umafbj, , some l^tfrstrtiv who» should bi. jtaside-'in-" * s"£ead'ol ox^tside fonr's^one-waHssr'-The Notice «n^uirfnjr in to "ttiei* matter. 'Later information state 3 fbat the train waslxayenKap^tf thte speed of o^ly four. imiea. W Hour, dnd the" 'Wes^nghousa' br^tfe 6ouia onca likd ft 1 Tieen^ecesiiiry, Jbtit although the bogie mMSt tHe^ edging weiifc over Iho obi, Wacle it ;clttl Vi6fe;leate, t^e; tails, and the" jiirjujng •wjie^pjis'hea the iron inside the ,r^fe\ . .Th'eViroa.^as Ateut r2|n or. 2Jin jHi^ki 4i4 weighed, al>hnt;2ip,lbs. ;

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 4

Word Count

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. THURSDAY JANUARY 29.1903. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 4

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. THURSDAY JANUARY 29.1903. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12177, 29 January 1903, Page 4


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