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- We do not want money unless we can give good 'value. Upon that basis-the bas, S of *<W/ Sealing— ha S been built up the largest pill business in tip worlu. DR. WILLIAMS' PIHK PILLS FOR PALI PEOPLE T am harm no one ; but we will not sell them to people whom we do not believe fhey wtt, Cm± _ TELL US HOW YOU HREt HSK US THE IMPORTHNT QUESTION. We have a very complete organisation for answering people's auest,on S : we offer ye* the advantage of it. /too* a S fully a S possible the nature of your ailment or if you o*fc L " out of so*," the W «y you feel. We will tell you whether 3r. Whams >* Msfor . lie People have cured people similarly troubled, or not. jJddress-Sr. WIUam S JMnu* Company, Queen's P'"^, Sy^y, FS W - r~^~rzs~i cmom "nojoestion cured. r^^n^oTf \ B tZtHAVEbIeN l.SrJafSKttaltSKlaS- Toomieilood, Th^S . \ THAI nnVL dcciv a bury When by a reporter he mud:— . is whatmake3nlenand' i . CURED BY t -For many years I suffered from indigestioni but womenlook *£$>& "I, F — _-: about two years ago the attacks became more severe. low> and languid. That f I'nnvitlLLlAMS 9 /P^A The symptoms were fulness after meals, flatulence, fa what, -makes theittf 1» ALE.^ M, IV without permanent effect. I tben tried '"W^f food, breathless andT i Mm tQT9\X* m/f remedies with the same unsatißfactory leffulto- Pre -. twlpitatingr at the heart ft ; ' -^ — viously I bad bought Dr. Williams' pvk VM*™*™* after slight exertidn,' soil . * XoCOmohr JttttXia, { gjg taSngthm Before long the flatulence, gp upstairs. The r toe f i *.. ±- -. mmt i # heirtburn, pain in stomach, and fulness after meals "Aammlc," doctors tell f „ f Rheumatism and - \ fade d awaf, and I rapidly grew stronger. Four botes tne m; that is Greek ftjr A , f ' Sciatica, \ entirely cured me; my health air present «^endid, j^^^^^^ having, V I , L 1 if I »*>■ able to «* almoßfc anytbing t and- am quite "toolittll ♦ 5 Impoverishment Of \ Btr ong and active. It gives i me the greatest of JS^TT \ ? iL t>u~J pleasured recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Mis for ESg, ..-^gKP Dlooa - . f the plOOa, People to stuterere." ,*•{ . ' Axe ypor Q r Scrofula, " f ~~~' — ~~~' ~- gumspale J .' i-A ; DEBILITY _AND_INSOM«U. ; o^|# _i» rtjjj^ Qfyrdnic Erysipelas* Mre. Elizabeth Samson, of Main Bead, Caversham,; '^^LSr scarlet? - ,- , nAh*,»mnHan Dunedin, is sixty years pf age? and a native of, Pnndown L Consumption, Wigton^ire, -Scotland. She «w» to Mew JWgg ' ybur«eyeKd-is tha linindigestion and .JfflSSte the ** eight ye««> «h* Ay. v-, , pale? * h jf h °*£ ' "" -JossofJtppM*. JS^rfX^ Palpitations, broke down, tod I f ell a victim to general debility.' .people have been .made,. ... • bm«. fr» the Hack* The symptoms were extsenw. weakness, lassitude, strong, hungry, enerr . '. Pains in t/je Jfacq, j^^ iox{opdt^ Hleeptessness, My system; i " etic p heer ful men and ... lfeuralaia, - was tHoj»ughly run down,. and J ,gM*. *?Blfsr.W? Bl fsr.W i Sromen by jreuratgia, husband determined -to consult Ay * hl * Mwmenoy SarlgQecat/, ,'. f stagemy. uncle a4vised m^to toy tt. W^njjg* M/WWILLtAMS* fg[\ . ~-i 7. >\» < i ~ m i Pilk for Pale People, as he had denved considerable (Bf MpiaVillKr , laWrt 1\ . Xadief Weaknesses, f Stfromthem: A^couple of boxes brought about M WFWk {%"' l - (iVf! Xusteria \ aVdnderful improvement;! felt'sifroi** and slept i \ WMr g f£r* WVi : -9UfStena, i BO undly. Several more boxes removed dl unpleaMutl||l H^iirfe. >fR Vf '» +- ! \ symptoms, and lam now brighter and happier than^Wffl\ II *BJwI«L ' VKwtf ' -r-i.^nr- nn i a ADC A '" I have »ieen (for years. I cannot praise. Dr.IMX ■W r ># > '^» Me/f - THESE PILLS ARE A a wiS&Tiuicpmstcb highly." , ■ . • — *—. THNW A -' ' . - h than by . any, <T #. (ii } , ' ivniu, m Q,, substitutes. \ means. They.^x»:tb»A )t .* ' THEY ARE NOT f &no part of^e W^aland where I toest Tonic - V• >> « PURGATIVE. \ there are not people, who have been cured of\ » N ™? j^f -^^^^-•^^^^^hi S<>nje rqore or less, Serious ailrr\ent.bft l**m^+>+Pm^+*+'+* t ••■*. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People; *fl these cures, however, have been effected by the genuine pills, the package of bear? . v the Ml name in red letters on the pink outside wrapper. Sold by. chemists and storekeepers, aip - < *6y the $r. William/ Jtfedicine Go., Wellington, 3j- per box,' six boxes /6*/5 (post fretf. . .

CHEAP MONEY. . CHEAP MONEY. tn srvrs of £100 r " £10 000 ON „ > COUNTRY, CITY, and bUBURBAN „- , PROPERTIES, It 4 vm cent Terms of Re-Payment ot the most Liberal Character, which can *be ascertained on enquiry. ' i ? For /Forms of Application and full' information apply to the Postmasters at Inglewood Pungarehu Opunake '" Stratford Waitara, or the Chief Postmaster, New Plymouth. J. H. BIOHABDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner. • HEAR RASSMUSSEN, I THK OANJSH , , HERBACIST, •1, banbtoa Quagr, WeXUafftoa, ■ Is World-x«BOWiwd for th« XhounandJi of Chircw , whioh h»ve been effected by hi« -» hbbbai. unoaa Thousands of Tsstlmonlals PrOTe tha Wonderf nl Cuzes Effected. . AlPAxairs vnmvß fzui Mo«t Effective Bemedr of tbe Ceutury, a Certain Cnx* for Depressed Spirits, Debll. itjj-, Weakness of the Spine, Brain, and Nerres. , 80r»9,6/-; C00M58, 23/«. X&VAX.X2IIi B&OOD'PXIUS ' TTnequalled as a Blood Puriffer «nd Tonio. dares went obstinate Blood A Skin Affeotions. • » ' . Boxes; 6/- ; Coo^sss; 23/6. ' Alfallne UniTersai , Pills, Bheuiaatle Fills, Asthma and Cough Pills, Fat Bedncin? Powdsrs, Hair Bestorar, and Pile Pow.lew. LIVER * KIDNEY FILLS, BOXES i/-. JUmedies l>y Post » SpeolaUty. A, SvparjjU Bemedy for «ach Complaint: , Sand for bis Tt— 800k H ooutainiuK Taluable Information and Testimonials. . . .' * Advio* Tr««. • ', ' j GounSVOHDBHCB SIBICH.Y ComrtDXIITU^. Herr Rassmussen, aiyjiambton Quay, Wellington, 'H.Z.. I WALL'S INDIAN CORN CURE CUBES, Coma, Warts, and Bunions. -•, Every bottle ia guaranteed by me, and any : per»on purchasing, this remedy who hnbt satisfied csn obtain refund ot purchise money by communicating .with mfe.. Intake myself personally responsible for every bottle sold. WALL'S INDIAN PAIN KILLER. * This Ointment in guaranteed by me to care acy ache or pcin, or purchase money .returned in full. - These remedies are obtainable .only at , WALLS, GUNSMITH, Devon-street, New Plymouth. i - New Plj mouth, Juno 1, 1901. I hereby certify that after suffering severe pain for a number of years from several bad corns, I Jiave cured 'them with Wall's Indian Corn Cure. (Signed) James G. Bykne. , CIDER I CIDER I ; THE CELEBRATED •GOLDEN APPLE" Cider, To be had in bulk from , GOLDWATER BROS. , "From Two Gallons upwards . 3s 6d per gallon. PLBA&E BRING YOUR OWN JARB. BUSINESS NOTICE ; w. saßlbr NOTIFIES the residents of New Plymouth and District that he has purchased the HAIRDREBBING AND TOBACCQNfST BUSINESS lately carried on by A. Leslie ; and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of (he support aooorded his predeoessor; &868

MONTEATH, L.] ! , . * f CtAKKB,- •» MONTEATH & CLARKE, (Late T. Wright) ' • , : GRAIN, SEED, PRODTTCEy AND ' GENERAL MERCHANi'S, ,;. ; Land and Commission Ageite, Devon-st., New Plymouth* ; Notbing'but FintclaM ,hWi -*"* " : compare favourably with thoae rulitt£ in any other centre. ' Farmew requiring" iinm B«>d .woftWT ' do well to call and iiispeot our StOdk of dlovera, Ac, jurth laridea. .fPriba*;#iv quality unaurpti^ied. * 'V ; / , f T yro Four-roomed' Houses, Pendarvat* .. street. Cheap property. Price, £400; : 172 Acres, dose to New Plymouth, near factory on main road, 10/jroofalgl ' house and good outbuildings. ForatW dirt cheap- " ' .... 460 acres, 900 in gran, whare, "beea and cattle, yards .Price, for freakola . < £4 s*per acre, cheap property. ' „ 540«ores'gbod bush land, pi ice for froa- f hold £1 7s 6d. . ' ;' c ;j 1 4 ' 0 acres all in grass, sub-divided into five paddocks. Price for freehold £4 isa ' - idtf Arrea, close to post-otiee, scKool^ ' ■\nt railway station, new 7-roomed houM and outbuildings. Eisyterm*. 1 " ' 177 Acres, all in grass, niua^naddoeki; . : wi' h modern 8-roomed house, good' oow-» tfhad with paved yard. Cloce to school pb«' -t ffioe, and railway. Half-mile froia orvmery. Price JEI2. Termi W« have aeveia Businesses For Sale » O^iinake, Stratfon?, and Waitara < A The above are only a few;prop«tti«* j ,ha> we have for eafo or leis# Call wft* insfeot our-Wopprty list. Prtpertfotfia'* cowa and country^ aome really exoefl^at , ik^itmauts.. -' . ', We are\ ajjr-ys^ pr^pareJ to advuw* moL«y on gobd a«curlty. ; ' ."" l .' : ' ' ; A'GE»c:Ic:S- ■ ;" , Phanix Bisouit. »iid : OdnfftottdoMy. ' Duaedio. Ohamberlin'a Sauoa* and fildotroshpl* x R >yal Exchange Assurance Co. " '' A. H. MOORE HAS FOR S4JLE :-250 Acres; . *»d " . 140 Acres uoimijroyed ; low rent. . 130 Acre** partly improved ;: low reat j chfap. Freaholdi — 110 Acres open, bousa, 40. ; cheap. 159 Acres open; \ house, yard, 4c, good. dairy. farm ; £ft pur acre; very cheap. 17 Acres, good bouse, firet-clas^laud. 1400 Acres partly. improved, cheap., OpucaWe Subdrbw \ Section^'&oaiey*: &0., Town fc eotioiw, * Ba-ia6M Heo'&ioo^Oottttre Property,. 1 . SESOS FOR SPRING £QWISG-i- \ Cocksfoot, .'Perennial and Italian Rye, .•. (Jowgrasa, Red. \Vfcite, Alaikd, aad ,'Cr«-' • foil Clovers, Dog'stail, Fottaii, Hard| (irwl Chewings Febcut, Poa Prafcuuta, ' Timothy, Rap«, &c. " cTvedjo ah<f Turaijl , ' feed. • 'Carrot and Mangel Heed.. Pig 4nd Otlf Feed.. Poliard, B«loy: (#boU , 'or crushed). Kemp '.horn's. Prosper At * COJ4 B6neduat r Su?erphoßphate, Tornip, , Potato, Root, aVd Special Mauatea. , Garden Maou'et. Fowl Grit^Ab. t ., West Coast Land and Produce Ageiicy, OPUN-AKS. PICS! PIGS I flfe&l The TARANAKI BACON FAOTOBT is now giving Qld dead weight for jjrofwly topped-off Pigs between U* tnd l6olbs. . • ■ 1 All previous contracts canceiled. ; A. DRAKE, Proprietor, Fitaroy. .., J.ouary 16th, 1901. ASK FOR Waxine Soap. THE BEST "OBTAINABLE. ; biis

WHITAKERS LIST ' '• 'of' SEASONABLE_OELICAC!ES. OX TONGUES TI3NED BOITPS CAMP PIES • ' * IRISH SAUSAGES BOAST DUCK A^D FO WIJ &0,, *o. x Tates' EeKable €f4rd<ai-Seeds. Peak Freau's ceSferated Biscuits. THE BEST pLITY/OHtY OF {xtoceries and Proyisions. All orders received meek with cartful j and prompt attention. WHITAKfiR'S HOUSEHOXD STOKES, Devon and Lia'dat-streeta, NEWPLY^OUrH. OKEY, SON, & AfiNOLO HAV^ON SALE, ! - \ * , . ' - ' •:': ' Bleotro-plated Qodds, Cutlery, Lambs, an^i Fiirnfshing Hardware,* IN GREAT! VARIBTTj I Paperhangings, Glass, [&a i Agr oultural Implements and Addrestf-— CENTRAL HARDWARE DEPOT, NBV7 PLYMOUTH ROYAL MAIL COACH i REDUCTION IN OHABGBS. NUJW PLYMOUTH TO OPUNAfcBMonday, Wednesday, and Friday. Leaves Booking Office, New Plymouth, at 8.30 a>m. : leaves Railway Btation at 9 a.m. ; arriving at Opunake at 4; p.m. , ■ , OPUNAKIB TO NEW^LXMOUTH. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. !*«•▼<* Post-offioe, Opuuake. at 7.30 a.m. ; arriving at New Plymouth at 2 30 o.ra. .Throngh fare— Single 10s, Return 17i. Lunch each day at Okato, Is. 9* Booking Offices -r- Co-operative Store, Ourrie*stre«t, New Plymouth Fowler's Boarding-houw, Opunake. . In 00-tiunetion with the above serrios, a Luge Waggon oan be a«*nged for carrying Merchandise, Furniture, Ac, at reasonable rates. T. P HUGHSON, : ' "Propriator. roya£ mail coach RUJNB daily from Upnnake to Ulth%m. oonaeotiog with the morning twin to Hawera, and meets the afternoon twin from Hawera. To Eltham. am. Leaves Opnntke at ... ... ... 6 Arrives Punehu 7 Arrives Awatuna ... ••• . ..» 7.30 Arrive* Biverlea r ,,. 8 Arrives Kaponga ...8.40 Arrives Eltham (Oalgher's H0te1...10 To OjptmAkk. { p.m. Leaves (falgher's Hotel 3.30 Leaves Kaponga ... ... •.'•&. Leaves Biverlea o.ib Leaves Awatuna ... ... ... 6.16 Leaves- Punehu ... ... ... 6.45 Arrives Opunake ••• 7.45 Fares— 6s single, 10s. return V j; KI&D, 291 • . Proprietor,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11719, 20 July 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11719, 20 July 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11719, 20 July 1901, Page 4


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