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Tug Education Board m t on Wednesday. Present: Miss Hey wood, Messrs Bauchope (chairm n), Faull, Hill, Adtam, Allsworth, Wudo, and lion. Mr Kelly, Pembrole Road, — Mr J Taylor notified the Board that the following Provisional Committee had been electod for the Pern broke Road district: — Messrs J. Taylor (chairman), W. B. Ireland, T. Cuthbert, W. Rogers, and Isaac Uolloway. Architect's Re/>or(. — The Architect re ported on works in hand. It was decided to Bupply a stove lo the Pembroke Bond s liool, at a cost not to exceed £8, mid a tank also. Ti-ko School— Tho Board dou'ded with regard to tho schoolhouse at Toko that tho u atler be loft over till noxt meeting, and in the meantime tho Architect be instructed to see tho contractor and try to ananjjo term° for the occupation of tho building. 'Iho question of fencing the Toko school site was left over till next mooting, pending tho Architect's report. New School Dislrct.—lt was decided that tho Stratford school distiict bo reconstructed in order to create n now school district, called the Pembroke Road district, with boundaries to be fixed. Tarata. — Tho Tarala School Committee is to be informed that tho Board has no funds at present to buil'l a teacher's ieei denco at Tarata, but it will bo placed iipon the I'st of building requirements to be sent to the Government. D dley Read.— lit D. H. McDonald notified that at a mooting of tho Dudley Road settlers it was decided that the school should remain under the jurisdiction of tho loglewood Committee for thia term,

Waiongonu. — Mr Oscar Worm's resignsti 'ii as ( upil teacher at the Waion. ona s.;hool was accepted, to ink> offett on September 1 ; and steps will bo taken to fill tlio vacancy. Tariki Roa/l — The Committee drew the Board's attention that windows rcyrred mending. — The Board decided ;o drnw the Committee s attention to rogula ion st>. Waitara — 1 he Board would not accede to the Waitara Committee's app ication for a new tank at the residence. * Egmont Road. — On account o£ the death of the teacher's wife the E^-iuo-.t Road 'school will remained closed till Juno 26. Amendment sanctioned, — The InspeotorGeneral notified that the Boa d's amend* mont to the scholarship regulations had received the Minister's santion. Stratford. — The Board resolved that they would consider an application from the Stratford Committee for a grant to enforce the compulsory clauses of the Aot on being supplied with a statement showing the amount of work done and the benefit claimed from it Temporary Appointment. — The Inspector reported that the following temporary appointments had been made : —Mr Sanders aB assistant at Central School, appointment to date from June 5 ; Mr Amoore as teacher of Waiongona school, appointrant to date from Juno 1, weekly engagement at £2 ; Misss Barron as assistant at Opunake school, appointment to date from June 5, weekly engagement at 32s 6d por week. Vacancies. — The Board decided to recommend Messrs R. G. Surrey and W. H. Laskiog to the logle>rood Committee to Belect a teacher for Dudley Road. The names of Mossrß Daveney, Sanders, and Surrey, will be Eent to Pembroke Road Committee. The numes of Messrs Meredith, Davoney, Arnold, and Sandera, will be sent to Egmont Committee from which to select a teacher for Lower Kent Road school. Leave cf Absence. — The Board granted leave of absence to Hon. Mr Kelly during the next session of Parliament. Okato.— Mr Greenway s account for painting at Okato was left to tho Chairman to settle. Opunake. — The question of pupil teachers and temporary assibtant at Opunake was left with the Chairman to arrange. Urgent Rtqui entente — In reply to & departmental letter the Board decided to forward the folio vlng list of urgent requirements under tho building grant to the Minitt?r : — Residences — Rowan Road, £250 ; Cardiff Road, £250 ; Midhirst, £55; Egm nt Village, £50 ; Fitzroy, £50 Ngaire, £100 ; PuraDgi, £250 ; Toko, £250 ; Turata, £250 ; \Y]aiongoria, £50. Necoßsary residences :— Bird Road, £250 ; Dudley Road, £250 ; Eltham Road, £250 ; Norfolk Road, £20 ; Pembroke Koad, £250 ; Pungarehu, £250} Stratford , £300 ; Wareo, £50 ; West Infante, £250 ; Waihi, £250. Totals.— Urgent, £1555, neueaaary, £2,120. School worts needed urgently -.-Purangi, £250 ; Waihi. £150 ; Pembroke Road, £150 , Dudley Road, £150 ; Pungarehu, £250 ; Inglewood, £100; Ngaire, £150; Omata. £150; Urenui, £100. School worK necessary :— Oarriogton Road, £250; Stratford, £170. Tota s, £1,450 and £420. With tb» con ent of the Board Mr Hill moved, " That the attention of the Minister of Education be drawn to the large demands made on tho funds of this Board for building* and establishing schools in this educational district brought About by the advancement of settlement in the bush district, which wants will not be able to be attended to if the present syetem of the strict average is allowed to continue, and respectfully ask that the Government be petitioned to return to the working average ; and that the grant for buildings be increased." The mover pointed out that by calculating the capitation on the working average & distinct gain would be mado. Ho considered that this district was excepticnally situated, and has he had seen that the Minister of Education had Btnted recently that he was prepared to make allowances for districts so plactd he had every reason to believe that this district would be included if the Minibter were approached; hence his object in moving the resolution. Mr Allsworth seconded the resolution, which was carried. It was decided to I or ward copies of requirements and resolution to the mem bora for New PI j mouth and Egmont. Revised Lists. — The cub-committee appointed to go over the revised salary lists brought up their report which was discussed at some length. The lists were amended in some particulars, and were then adopted.- It was decided to bring the revised scale into effect on July 1, excepting tho Central School. With respect to the la:ter school the Board decided that the Chairman and Inspector be requested to meet a committee appointed by, the New Plymouth School Committee to re-arrange the staff of the Central School in accordance with the new regulations. It was further resolved that on the first day of October next the teaching etaiE of the Central School be adjusted tv the salaries of the teachers paid on the now scale provided by tlionew regulations. Notice of Motion. —Mr Hill moved, " That in order to facilitate tho business of the Board, it is advisable to appoint Standing Committees yearly, viz. :—: — Teachers' Appointment Coinmittee,Financo Committee, and others ; and that monthly meetings of the Board bo held, instead of the present system." Accounts were passed, and the Board adjourned.

Amusements. rfl RINK. RINK! SATURDAY, JUNE 17th. Afternoon, 2,30 to 4 30. Admission, 6d. Skate ■, Free. ~" Evening, from 7. 80 to 10. A dmlssion Is. Ladies 6d. Skates 6d.- ™ A Band will be in attendance, under [,1 Mr J. Birch. y C. REILLY, d 803 i iV) anagror, i H. REV ELL, c PASTRY OOOK, BAKER, AND d CONFECTIONER, [I TDEGBto inform tin public lhat hejis c ■*-' now making Malt Bread a' cording t to the latest recipes, and whioh his been tested and approved by Dr Lratharo, who states that it is easily duos o,i aud hubly ; nutritious. Also, Malt Sconts and Wheat Meal Bread, which aie hubly recommended. All goo Is guaranteed Al. ? E. EVETTS, j BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, \ Devon-street East. MANUFACTURER of Malt Pbead under Moatgomerie's Patented Process. Also Wheat Mea* Breid and Malt Soones. The Malt Extraot keeps the bread moist, makeß it delicious in flavor, fine in texturo, and beautiful in color. IS" Invaluable to eiok people and growing ohildren. Thiß proc-ss wa' awards J Gold Medal, Industrial Exhihi ion, Glasgow, 1886 7 ; Prize Mrdal. Eiinbnrs»D, 1886, highest nward; Certifijate of Merit by the Sanitary and Hetlth Institut 1 , Great Britain. Wedding, Christening, and Birthday Cakes to order. Socials, Pionios, Balls, etc., supplied on shortest notice. The Proprietors of the NEW ZEALAND Clothing Factory desire to inform ih-ir costomers and the public peneral'y lhat they have opened A BOOT and SHOE DEPARTMIi M in connection with tbeir profont business^ in Devon street, — Our Block having been selected by a thoroughly oyperimood buyer, and bouchtin ihe b et maskets forcußb at Rookbottom pries, we interd Riving our custom°rs the benefit of our largo purchases. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES and IF©X UhJ &&i> l A ©INLY, Parents and Gua-dians should inspect our lar^e stock of School Boots before purchasm!* elsewhere. We intend stocking only the beet goods of English, Continental, & Colonial Makers. New Goods will arrive every boat. TUB SUCCESS WhICH HAS ATTESPBD THE M?«W JgfiiUffJUin MKN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, MERCERY, HOISERY, HAT J , &0., of oar Manufacture. leids the Proprietors to believe lhat thcie exists a praiseworthy disireon tho part of the public to further enccurage their tffortp, especially where superior advantages are off -red, and yonr support find favours nre solicited on this understanding ouly. Under parcei post system we are enabled to post goods to any part of thbdin'rht. Country orders will receive our eirly and and bett attention. New Zealand Clothing factory. BOOr AND SHOE WARBHOU £, Devon street. W. H. CLARKE, h Manager. SPECIALTIES AND NOVELTIES Groceries, Provisions, AND Italian Goods. Evaporated Peaohes Evaporated «a Apricots Pare £& Honey Pare Lard Factory aNY Cheese B a o o n j^a Hams Tinned « Rabbit Teas. m Teaß. -. TEAS. Sime ac distributed throughout tho towr. DEVON & COURTENAY STREETS. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS, HAVI.'G decided to leave by the next 'Fiisco steamer (en route to England), 1 will undcr:akoto sell consigomentß of BUTTEU and UUEE-E, if sufficient inriuc-ioiect offers, by Openinj a 8h pin the West End of London. My past experience in New Plymouth thiuld bo a sufficient g'u .ranteo to m»rit tho confi.lence oi any vho miy ctitnist me with Prodi.ce. Accoaat 8ale& will bo rendered month'v, and rash r turned through the Bank of New Zualan '. Apply or address, JOHN HANDY, Elm Street, al3sm Now Pl> mouth. TO BE LET ON LEASE. AT an <arly dato, — Those oentr&l!yei tutfdpr misosin Gillstref.t now occupied liy Mefßi-s Ilowell Bros./ comprising workshop and about bbvob rot me, garden and outbuildings.— Apply to n9i ?_ W. J. 80AW, Land Agent. IP YOU WOULD LIVE LONG and prosper diink good Coffee. It maketh the heart glad, kcepeth the brain clear, and holpeth digestion. Be sure and ask foi Creaße'B Al Coffee. Sold only in 1 and 2 b tins.— Advt

Snipping? ipssH^^ UNION STEAM SHU [slpPi COMPANY OF NEW I bad*2^ ZEALAND 'Ij (Limited). WILL d^Rprtoh etpaitxjrs aB lr ler from the Breakwater (w3Cbor and other oiroumstanoei nqunittiao' ) : — FOR MANUKAU— r Takapuna, on FRIDAY, June 16;h— at 10 a.m. Gbafton, on TUESDAY, June 20th — at 10 p.m. = FOR SOUTHERN PORTS— Mahinapua, on FRIDAY, June 16that 8 a.m. Takapona. on TUESDAY, June 20th — at 10 30 a.m. ) Passengers booked through to London : by Orient Line. \ WOwiOKS : BROUGHAM STREET. ; w^ NORTHERN BTEAMj^^^ SHIP COMPANY I (Luhtbd). FOR ONEHUNQA. 1 From Waitara— Gairlooh, s.s., from Waitara, on FRIDAY (June 16th), at 9.45 p.m, , t ®*^argo tnusl be booked and alongside one hour before sailinsr. : Passage Tickets must be taken at the Company's office, or on board prior to sailing. W. D. WEBSTER, Agent, ' Gilmour's Buildings, Brougham-st,, and West Q lay, Waitara. Now Plymouth, Jane 9, 1893. snportTWJ 1 notice:. TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOUR and those seeking for employment either on farms, sheep and grazing ruus, business, offices, &c, or otherwise. I HAVE hai lately a number of en quiriea for situations cm farms, &c,, and shall be glai of any particulars from tin SB wishing to ■ mploy or from those who are seeking for engagements. My office is now very oonveniently situated in a most central position, on the ground floor, and opposite the Criterion I Hotel. Contracts and tenders can be loft for inspection. W, J. SPURGE, Land anl Eala'.o Agent, Labour Bureau, New Plymouth. ■ F. P- Corkill BEGS to invite the attention of buyers to thd following very desirable properties now in hish^nds for sale :—: — IMPROVED PROPERTIES,— Farm of 152 acres ; 3 miles frora 152 township ; 80 acres in grass, 10 @ acres orcbar I, now in profit: ; £1000 roomed housp, &?. £500" may remain at 6i per cent . Kxcs'lent dairy farm of 200 acr b; 200 open pasture ; mostly level and @ ploagbable ; well fenced and sub £5 5s divided ; new 4-roomed cottage : close to a factory. £ — left on at 7 per cent Good stook and sheep farm of 300 300 acre? ; openoountry ; all plough- @ able; fenced and sub-divided into £4 16s 6 paddocks ; 5-roomed cottagp, 8d &o. £1450 ; £1000 left at 6} per cent, 363 Dairy farm 360 acres ia the @ Wuitara district ; wul'-fenced and _£8 sub-divided; first-olas^ metal roa^. £8 per acre. 200 Dairy farm ; near Inglewood ; @ level ana rolling country ; well £7 fenced and ia good feed. £7 per acre. Splendid dairy farm on tho coast, equally well adapted for sheep or cattle grazing ; well watered and 650 fenced ; buildings comprise all requisites foi B»ccetsEully continuing the present dairying operations. Price and further particulars on application. 94 Excellent bush section ; 5 miles @ from town; on gool roid ;30 £5 acree newly felled and grassbi. £5 per acre. Venjeaty terms. ' Handy form of 108 acres ; good 108 land, level and undulating only 3 @ milts fnrn town and on a £7 nictalltd road; comfort tble horaoeie»d. £7 per acre. 47 Nice little homestead ;3J m'les @ from town ; on a good £600 road. 450 Dairy fa- mof 450 acres ; 6 or 7 @ miles from town and close to a £6 factory. 40 Snug little property on Main @ Road ; 5 miles from town ; feood £12 10s 5-roomed cottage, &c, £509. BUSH BLOOKB. 5000 acres «nst of Stratford ; to be sold at a moderate figure. Sood rolling and hilly country, which will carry sheep and cattle well. 1400 acres fine level country ; very ao cessible ; btatulory improvements. Price low. 747 acres lcvf-1 Jin', of good quality ; not heavily timbered ; small iuapTOveaeats ; will make a fine larm. £1 5s per acre. ' ermß. 62 atn-sat £112061. ! LEASES. Qood will of Lease of a fine level section of 170 acrrs, very well situated on a metalled road, near railway line and dairy faoloriea 25 to 30 acres goid grass Small new ccttage. price low. 250 aoro*, on good road ; 2 miles from railway line ; übout 100 acres cleared and gras r ei ;no building ; will lease for 5 or 7 years with improvement conditions TOWN AND~~~BUBURBAN PROPERTIES. M<>M *3 t TO li »-- M . F. P. CORKILL, NATIONAL BANK CHAMBERS, NKW PLYMOUTH. FOR BALH!, — Single seat" American Buck vra?on BUGUY, with hood. — fIONIiOH & OtABK 935 a I*o LET, with immediate potaeasion, Mm Raweon's 8 ROOMLD HOUSE, with furniture therein, situated neer St. Mary's < hurch. and ncently occupied by Mr G. Gahpy.— Apply to a2B W. J. fc'HAW, Land Agent. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES cure Coughs, Asthmi, Bronchitis. Medical testimony stateß that no other medicine is so effectual in the euro of these dangerous maladies. Om Lozenge alone gives ease, one or two at bodtime ensures rest. For relieving difficulty of breathing they are invaluable. They contain no opium nor any violent drug. Sold by all Chemists, Is Ud and 2b 9d each.

. TO GOVERNMENT INSURANCE l" Policy-holders and intending Pro ponents. /"IHARLES ROGSRP, asjent for Go\_J vernment Insurance on this Coas' for tbe past tun jeire, having resumed sr his duties ia the Taranu^i Province, cat >r now be conhulted on aay question apper- - tuinio^ t.o insurance. Ail ODinmunioations will receive prompt it and c ireful attention. - Address — Ohables Rogers, Government Insurance, 822 a New Plymouth. THE TARANAKI PUBLIC are notified that ARTHUR NATHAN'S 1 "Reliable leas 11 are to be had at the following stores :- - W, Walton, Devon-street, New Plymouth J. A. Roberts, „ „ „ R. Gilmour, Fitzioy M. J. Macßeynolde, Pungarehu F. Simeon, Rahota Bates Bros. Normanby R. G. Marab, „ Moa Farmers' Union, Tnglewooi J B Paten, Stratford W. Pottigrew, Opucake All the other storekeepers in the district will keep it shortly. The names of the firms will be advertised as they take Btoi k, ASK FOR ARTHUR NATHAN'S RELIABLE TEAS ! RELIABLE TEAS ! AND TAKE NO OTHER. al33m A B&EWISJ^QIHSTIOi. " Wh3t price Tea B'ia;i we use ?" 1 You ask us as experts ?" " vVell, if you want the B at Tea yoa must pay at least 3s a. pound for it, anl ®KAS©SI and H©y[B)^(r{] are the brands." 11 But it i? simply a raitter of tu&ts." " Fortunately all peo/o are not alike." "Nor are all Teas." " There are many gr .dus of Tea, thereforo there are many pries."c s." " Whatever brand of the Empire Tea Co. 's Teas you may buy, you may bo sure you ore getiing good valua." " But you ask us, ' What is the Best 2fl Tea to be procured in New Zealand ?' " We will tel you — IMPms TM& COB ££s CEYLON. In Lead Packets, Tine, or Half-Chests. And you will find WE ARE RIGHT, W. & G. TDRNBULL & CO., Proprietor?, WELLINGTON. Wholesale Agents for New Plymouth and District— tßurgess, Fbaseb, & Co., New Plymouth. h Wonderful Bargains AT Murray & Casey's COLOSSAL SALE at the OASH PALACE, Devon-street. Oome and see thetu, they axe simply astouudiug. SEE our Dresses 2s lid, 3s lid, 5s 64, 6s 61, 63 lid, 'slid, 8s lid, lGs 6d to 20s C EE our Flannollette 3£ I, 4£ 1, .' £ 1, 6£d wo tti double. SEE our Crimean Shirting 9id, lOAd, 11^1. Is . CEE our Flannels 9s ', 10£ d, 1b our Unbleacte 1 Damask 10* I,ls, Is 31 SEE our White Linen Damask 2s lid KB our White Blankets — they are marvellous valurt SEE our Long Lace Curtains from 1* 9d pair to 20s SEE our Toilet Covers frcm 9ii eaoh lo 2b lid SEE our Whi;e Calijo 3d lid, 4s lid, 5s 3 1 the dozen SEE our Counterpanes from Is lid to 20b C EE our Towels from 4d to 2i 64 our Boys' Tweed Caps 6d each SEE our Botb' Plu?h Onps Is each BEE our Ladieß' Corsets at 2s 6d pair SEE our Dnbreakablo Coreots from 43 61 to 8s 6 i pair SEX our Crotonno only 4JI yard EE our Youths' Tweed Suits 18s lid .SElfi oar Turkey Twills only 6£i < ard SEE our Ladies' and Children's Hata from 6d each SEW THE 9s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s Gd, 17s 6d, 19s 6d, 22s 6d And hundreds of other lines which cannot be enumerated hero. Gome and see them. Remember, that being direct importers yon save tbe profit of the middleman by purcbas ing from us. OPEN TILL EIGHT O'CLOCK EVERY EVENING. Murray & Casey, Wellington, Napier, Wanganui, and CASH PALACE, New Plymouth. 923 1 -CIO OHO r OLENDin) 3QjL\Jy\J\J\J sums to suit borrowers, from £50 and upwards. Investments wanted immediately for Baveral Bums of £800 to £2000.— Apply personally or by letter.— O. W. Goymt. 979 a \

QUADRILLE PIANISTE. i. Rngagerannts made for any part of the ,• District. c POWDERtfAM-STREET. t j MRS & MISS SNELLING I "C) KG to ennounne to 'h. Pjnnt- and n IJ Ladies of Few Plymouth thit they | are prepared to receive pupils for the I Pianoforte, Singing, and D..ncin?. I They will also open a Morning School I for Girls on Moxd\t, 22n-i Mny. Hours I forstudv : Froai 10 o'clock to 12 30 o'clock. j Mrs Snellinj, hnvicg had many years j expt rience in (eiching, ani having studied j under mastcrp, can guarantee a I thoroughly sound English and Musical I Education. j Ttrms per quarter strictly io advance. £ c. d. i j Englith ... , 110 I Mnbic 1 10 0 Binging , If o 0 Dancing... „ 10 0 At home to receive parents of intending pupils every TuKSDAy, Thursday, and \ SATrßDAYaftorcoons until date of opening. Address: rowi)orhuiii-sireet,hous; lately occupied by Theophilus Whit?, Etqr. 9Th PROGANDRA. pßOGANDßAcurfshird.sof^, and blood A corns. To prove ie thf proprietor will post a sample box to any addreßS in New Plj mouth. ACACIAN LUNG BALSAM, No. 1, cures chroi.ic ooughß, violent colde, Honchitis, croup, &c , 2s 61 and Is 9i per bottle. MAGIC NERVINE is instantaneous relief for violent, rugin^ tootha-hein every possible caso ; Is per bottle. Tbe above oar. be hid of medicine vendors; wholesale agentß,N.Z, Dmf Co,, and Sharland & Co. or of the Propi ielor. HENRY J. BARRACLOUGB, 131, Adelaide Road, Wellington. a!2Bh Okey, Son & Arnold WISH to inform their cus. toraers a_d the pubHc generally that Mr John Eahp, so well and favorably known in connection with the Hardware trade of Taranaki during the last fourteen years, has joined us in partnership, and that the name of the firm in future will be Okeys, Arnold I Earp. Thanking our numerous friends and patrons for past favors, we respectfully intimate that we shall still itse our best endeavors to merit a continuance of the same. ADDRESS— Devon- st. Qentral, NEW PLYMOUTH. To a Public THOSE REQUIRING Furniture, @tc.> should call at F. J. JONES' Auotion Mart The cheapest place in Now Plymouth FOR Oilcloths and Linoleums KOR Iron I'edateads (very choice lot) FOR Toilet Ware (very handsome lot) FOR Wire-wove Mattresses FOR Cutleryof all kinds FOR ' locks, 8-day Clocks, f to. FOR neorly everything lhat is wanted in household requirements. Fully 20 per oent. to 30 per cent. saved, NOTICEMR ARTHUR E. WRIGHT has been appointtd mysubstitu'c to sell by auction. 8 A I, E 8 tf Vi£ MY B*4 TV MB A V BY AUCTION* commencing at 1 p.m. a97h pWARD J^ j^ATHAN, Merchants', Manufacturers', and Insurance Agent. OFFICE & SAtll'LE ROOMS Over Brusca's Fanoy and Tobacconist Shop, DEVON STREET. AGENT FOR Arthur H. Nathan—" Reliable " Teae, Grocerie?, Wine», and Spirits E. B. Crease & Bon— Coffep, Bpices, and Eastern Produce. Tin J. G. Ward Farmers' AsßOcmtion of New Zealand, Invercargill — Grain Merchants. AEpinall & Co ' Temuka " Flout Mills, Can^rbury — " Lustrous Gem " Rolur Flour Aucklanl Clothing Factory Dominion Cigar t»nd Cigarette Factory The " Doherty " Organß German Pianos — all Makers The " Manchester" Fire Assurance Company. INDENTS taken for all clause? of Eoglith and Continental manufactures. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. Produce purobased or advanced against for shipment. TO ARRIVE— " Lustrous Gem" Roller Flour, "Full Patent Process," in sacks, 100's, 50's, and 25's. This flour needa no comment, beinej well known "as the finest flour in the market." I am now booking for forward delivery 837h WANTED KNK NO WN,— That M.Jones supplies Good Feed and Stand at { the Criterion Stableß for Ono Shilling.

NEW PLYMOUTH BREAK WATER PROTECTION FUND. \^R. D. MoALLUM is authorised by c LVI the Committee to receive subscriptions to the Fund. BOBT. G. BAUCHOPE, Secretary. New Plymouth, i. 10th April, 1893. m7OB i A. no^ ier Great £>ale ; of First-class Goods. !" M, HOOD \y\/ILL hold a Clearance Silo for a VV few weeks of the whole of her larg-i s'ook of every class of Fashiorable j Goois imported from tho best manufacturers. Everythin;; is marked down to far below cost, and bujcrs will find that ; J they can get the highest class fabrics at } lower prices than damaged and shoddy goods are ordinarily sold at. The following short liet will serve as a sp cimen of the reductions on the whole : 500 yds Twill Winoeys 7s 63 for 5s 9d per doz 190 yds Fashionable Dress Goods 33 for Is 61 per 3d 350 yds Costume Tweeds in all leading shades, Is 3d for 10J1 150 Faslionable Dresses all greatly reduoed, at 2b lid, 4s lid, 5s 11d,7s lid, 8s lid, 10a 6d, 12s 6J, 15a to 255. All these goids arc reduced 50 per cent A nice lot of Coloured Cashmeres Is lOd and 2s reouced to Is Black Cnshmer b— 2* for Is 61, 2s 6 i for Is 11", 3s 9J for 2s 11.1, 4a 61 for 313 1 9), 5s 6d for 4s 61 Black and Coloured Bilkn, Plußheß, Velvets — all at coEt price 1000 yds Btrong Oxford Shirtings 8d for s£d 1001) Union anl Ctitnean Shirtings at Bd, lOd, and Is 31 500 f lanneliotie 6 1 for 3Jd 1000 ditto at 4d, sd, 6 I cipecial) White Linen Damask 2s 9 1, 3s Va.ue J Unblenched ditto lOJd, Is 9J, and 2a 6d All Wool New Zau'and Flannels 9f », Is, JsSd, Is6d White nud Coloured Quilts fronc 2s to 12s 61 1000 pairs L^co Curtains from Is 6d to 15s— reduced 50 percent White Calicoes at leEB than coßt, 2s 6d to 7 per doz-- only best makes in sto k White BJankete — 9s rednoed to 6s ; - 20s to 15s ; 22s 6d to 17s 6d ; 85s : to 28s — A special bargain \ 1000 jards Rich Velveteens in Navy, j brown, cardinil, uijrtlo, moss green, peicock, araeth3 Bt, heliotrope, whito, en am, pink, anl sky— original prices 3s, 4s, 4s 6d, all reduced to Is 9d Also — black at Is, 1b 9d, 2s 6i I am making sweeping reductions in Ladies' and Children's Ulsters and j Cloaks j Girls' Ulsters at 3s lid. 4s Ud, 5s lid, 6s lid, 7s lid, 10d, and 12s , Ladies' Ulsters, at 83, Jss lo 30s (half ' frice) Three«quarter Cloaks, 21s for 13s 6d i , „ 15s for 108 6d 100 Fashionable Mantles and Jackets all new goods, rednoed to cost La^ira' Gauntlets, 9 I, Is, lp 6 1 , „ Caphmero Gloves 2. for 1b ' „ Silk and Taffeta, Is, Is 6d J Children's Gloves, 33, 6d, 9 J, Is 20 dcz Ladies' Black and N*vy ribbed ! Stockings at 6d per pair, worth Is ; also Best Black Cashmere Hose Is to 2s Gd Clothing will be offered at cost price, as I intend to olear it oat. Men's Tweed Suits, 16s, 20s, 25s to 50s. ( Boys' Clothing ia great variety at oost. 1 hese are all New Zealand Tweeds, and will be offered at manufacturers' prioes A large stock of Shirts, Beltß, Braces, Ti-a, Sooke, Drawers, &o ; all greatly reduced f& The best stoak of Millinery, Hats, Ribbons, Laceß, Flowers, and Feathers in New Plymouth , TERMS^CASH. m:. iiooci, VICTORIA HOUSE. i m v i| tzzi pLi zz:m f 1 — jl^lJr — jb^li— —— J StS t fi*'i U " -!• •( '. .' ■'iT ' V^l — 1 i S.JI 171 7 "—.- ._ --!>-!£,; Jgja — ! l m,u, A, \'- , ". r iiHiSS'il 1 Watchuj -if tho oest English^ j AmencaDj and Swiss makers.^: i 1 ' Engagement, Wedding, and Dress . Rings of the most exquisite style and finish. Case goods, solid Silver and Electro- t plate — unquestionably the best stock in tbe Province — at - J. H. Parker's, i (Under the Gold Spectacles), DEVON STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH. ■ _____ WEDDING RINGS and Keepers at J. U. Pabker'p, Under the Gold Spectacloe, Devon-streef, New Plymouth. a TJINGAGEMENT and brass RINGS al jQj J- S- Parker's, Under tho Hold Bpoctaclee, Devon-Ltreot, Now PI3 mouth a TTI NOLISH LEVER WA TCHES at P_ J. H. Papkkh'b, Under tbe Gold Speotaoleß, Devon-street, New Plymouth. a ~\ ~MERIOA N"&" GG XK N EVA WATO "hBS X_L at J. H. Parker's, Under the Gold Bpeitaclea, Devon-street, New Plymouth. a SPECTACLES, Pantoseopic, Pansorlonoplic, Ptrioocopic, l'ebb'p, and Crj'stal Spectaoles, at J» 11. Parker's, Under the Gold Spectacles, Devoa-strost, Now Plymouth. a

MONEY 1 MONEY!! MONEY! ! 1 — — — . ON behalf of several capitalist clients y the nndersi >. .1 hasalaige amount . awaiting investmtat in Eums to euit borrowers. W. J. SHAW, h Land Agent. J C. M. Sorensen, SELLING OFF DRAPERY AND CLOTHING at Wholesale Prioes FOR CASH. ' I beg to thank the inhabitants of New Plymouth and the public generally foi their liberal support for the last six years, and am now oifiring the whole of my Drapery and Clothing at wholesale prioe for cash only. ' Goods must be sold. 1 All overdue accounts must be paid on 01 he/ore June 2oth, tome, or to Mr C.W t 1 Qovett, my solicitor. O. M. SORENSEN, Devon Street, New Plymouth. For Cask Only. HENRY WANE Ifc. now supplying the General Public with DR A P E ll V at stiictly Wholesale Prices, thus saving purchasers the entire prDfit made by the middle man. The Stock consists^of — 1000 doz Hosiery, from Is per doz 320 doz Straw and Felt Hats 100 Pairs Blankets 100 Pairs Tapestry, Chenille and Muslin Curtains 4000 yards Prints Foreign, Brussels, and Tapestry Carpets, from ] s 6d per yard 3000 yards French Chevrons, 4s 6d per doz 5000 yards Fancy Dress Materials, from 2s per doz 3000 yds Printed and Indian Muslin 3000 yards Lace Stripe Muslin 5000 yards Double-width Sheeting, from 6d 1000 Ready-made Garments Boys' Sailor Serge Suits, from 2s 3d lOOg yards Tweed and other Cloths, from Is per yard 5000 yards Real French Cashmeres 500 doz Men's and Boya' Shirts, from 6d each 200 doz Collars 100 doz Braces and Belts 5000 yards Colored Shirtings 10,000 Rich Silk and Satin Ribbons, commencing at £d per yard In addition to which the Cash Palace stock will oe sold at a redaction of 25 per cent. The whole of the above must be cleared regardless of cost, Rome engagements demanding an early return to England. COME — Inspect, Compare, mid Judge for yourselves. Henry Wane, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WAREHOUSEMAN, THE "WRIGHT" SHOP, Brougham Street, New Plymouth. TV/TON EY CANT BUY BET PER." ARTHUR NATHAN'S "RELIABLE TEAS Aro sold everywhere 2s per pound. Fxtra quality, 2a 6:1. ARTHUR NATHAN'S 'utELIABLE" TEAS Aro UDBurpußßed INDIA £cr excellence. A RTHUR NATHAN'S "RELIABLE j£\. TEAS Are unequalled CEYLON for valuo ARTHUR NATHAN'S "RELIABLE*' TEAS Are the best BLENDED to be got. ARTHUR NATHAN'S '-RELIABLE "■ TEAS Should be in INDIA every householi. ARTHUR NATHANS "RELIABLE" TEAS Are economical CEYLON in use. ARTHUR NATHAN'S "RELIABLE" A. TEAB Aie refreshing BLES'DED for invalids. ARTD.UR tvATHAN'S "RELIABLE' TEAS Aro witLin reach INDIA oE all. ARTHUR NATHAN'S 'RELIABLE" TEAS Are always good CEYLON suro to please. ARTHUR NATHAN'S " iIELIABLL," A TEAS Have justly BLENDED the largest eale. A RTHUR NATHAN S "RELIABLE" A TEAS Are confessedly INDIA remarkablo ut the price RTHUR NATHAN'S ''RELIABLE*' TEAS Are sold everywhere. 2s per pound. Extra quality, 2s 6d. " TV /TUNEY CAN'IM3UY~ BETTER." EDWARD L. NATHAN, Wholesale Agent. 977 BOARD and RESIDENCE in a private family, or rooms to kt with or without board and attendance. Healthy locality ; sea and mountain view. Grasr ing for a horse if lequired. Terms most moderate. — Mr Bell, Fitzroy. b 315 ENGRAVING of all descriptions exeatod by MoKee & Gamble, N.Z Presa Agency, Wellington. Advertising Blocks, Brass Door Plates, Stencil Plates, Copper Plate and all other kinds of engraving Send for quotation,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9724, 15 June 1893, Page 2

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EDUCATION BOARD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9724, 15 June 1893, Page 2

EDUCATION BOARD. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 9724, 15 June 1893, Page 2


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