A column of interesting extract matter will be found on our fourth page. A contemporary says that in a household in Canterbury one of the servants asked her mistress for the. loan of the newspaper for a short time, as the cook's brother had been eleoted to Parliament, and she wished 'to see the returns of the election. We certainly can cap that atory. A domestic inquired of her mistress on the morning of December 6, if the master of the house was a 'Hansard' man, and, receiving an affirmative reply, said : " That is nice. He'll report my uncle now." It is a singular coincidence in connection with the fatal accident at the Wanganui Goods Shed thß. other day, says the Herald, by w hich Mr H. Jupp was killed, that Mrs Jupp's first husband, the late W. H. Shepherd, the well-known coach proprietor, was killed through a wheel going over trim and injuring him internally. Mr Shepherd was perhaps the. best whip of his day, and for some years was with Mr Andrew Young, proprietor of the Cobb and Co. line of coaches botween Wellington and Taranaki. He was pulled off the box of the coach while descending the hill to the beach at the mouth of the Kai Iwi, and fatally injured as above stated. If we remember ■ rightly, Mrs Shepherd was a passenger on the occasion and witnessed the accident. Ever so many famous people have died lately at Home, unnoticed amidst the turmoil and crisis, and amongst them good old Lord Cotteslde, aged 92, who heard every Budget speech ' for 60 years in the House of Commons, and took the communion with a .great concourse of his friends every birthday by way of thanksgiving ; Sir Barnes Peacock, whoso i ingenuity as a special pleader got Daniel I O'Connell out of Kiltnainham, nearly 50 years ago, and , was afterwards the best judge India ever knew ; Charles Marvin, the authority on Russia's Asiatic policy, who as a copyist in the Foreign Office betrayed the " Shouyaloff Agreement" to the Globe, he having committed it to memory whilst copying it once ; and Mre Arthur Peel, the wife of the Speaker, a woman of great worth, who filled a brilliant social position with great dignity and success. Her death is chiefly of importance as affecting the chances of her husband retaining the Chair of the Commons. He is subject to an affection of the veins of his legs, which his duties as Speaker tend to aggravate, and it is believed that sorrow for the death of his wife may produce so serious a breakdown as to lead to his retirement at the end of the present Parliament. Apricots, plums, poaches, bananas, tomatoes, pears, pines, and greengages to be sold cheap, to make room for further shipments to arrive at Granville's. — Advt. F: A. Fordj Cheapside House, wishes to inform the inhabitants of New Plymouth and ; surrounding districts that 'he will commence a Great Jubilee Cash Sale on Saturday, the 24th January, for four weeks only, when all lines will be sold at cost and 'under for Cash. As the goods are all new, and moatly his own importing, some real' bargains may be relied upon.- Full particulars on our fourth page. — Advt. - Wolfe's" Schnapps. Only . those who never used the genuine article are imposed upon
Taranaki Herald, Volume XL, Issue 8994, 29 January 1891, Page 2
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