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IMPOETANT TO BUYEBS OF J)EAPERY AND CLOTHING. "WALTER "WI^ICS-HT BXJOTES Special Low Prices during August in all Departments, in order to Reduce Stock prior to annual Stocktaking. |6pi K e.b«»tloui.Vei™ie= M ,4/6 iK d«c e d t ptecei .B^pod 'tea SUntag, Bd , r,d»cd 12 p^» n^prttem Otetoane., 94 , »• M/ . TMllrf Plllllk to w/e MO ,.J. M Da* Mot.. 3d; xeduced to j f . *«?«*. n™*^ . red.ced to gl 3» p.jx^Lo.g L« M MX 7,» , r.d. 08 d ££ J»^SodS,leffid ,o 260 yarda Colored Homespuns, 1/d; reduced ducad to 7/b rednc . d to 2 /8 6t inch Grey Sheeting reduced to 6d and 7^ 4/tJ Boys' White Bhirts, reduced to 6J each B/9 to 10id , ffl H f Ploth 8/6 -red ced to 70 inch GreJ T^ill Bheetin X , reduced to lOi 1 h/6 Boy 6 ' and Youths' Hard Black Hats, re- 60 Me.i 8 Tweed Yes's. reduced to 2/6 42 inches wide Colored Cashmeres, 1/6 ; 62 inch Black Habit Cloth, 8/6 , red cert to /v incn n | . do<jed ,Q, Q 1/9 10 Men . fl HeaTy overcoats, reducea to 19/6 ttlS"^ 0 cOneres, l/6 5 reduced to 56 in%tney Overcoat Cloth, 25/. , rednccd 2 Pieces^eached T.ble Damask, reduced 4/6 Men's Soft Black Felt Hats, reduced to — 220 #d 9 Glace Bilk, in Prune, Navy, 3 pieces^h White Table Dam, sk,; re- a t^S g^^^^ KO ??^ MJ-b. Wo* i/ll ' Brown, 7/6; recced to 2/11 iw fi« *«"? Blue Herge> 1/3 'r , at ° 4 pieces Union 'shirting.l/- ; reduced to B Jd ?/ll . jt 60 Spindles AUoa Yarns, 2/1 i 3 piece* Coloied Velveteens, 2s , redced to 10J4 gd . to i CrimeaQ fchirtinKß) 1/3 aud Boy^Knicket Suite, reduced to 6/9 («u» 6 Drwßmaking ~^ pfemigeßp femigeB Tailoring !! Tailoring !!! who is now booking orders for the winter season. tm° Terms ; CASH on delivery.

Coaches. CO 818 <fi GO.'S ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES BETWEEN UEW PLYMOUTH AND OPUNAKB. OOBBKOTKD TIME TABLE FBOVL MAY Ist, 1888. '¥ ' HJfi Coaoh leaves Mr. Walker's White Hart I Hotel on Mondat, Wednesday, and FRIDAY at 9.30 a.m. for Opunake ; returning on Tuesday, Thuesday, and Satubday at 4,30 p.m. TIME TABLE. Lo»t«i M naay, Learea Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. and itatanJ&y. a. Tn, 4. m New Plymouth 9 30 Opunake....... 9 30 Oaknra 11 0 fcahotu U 0 p. m, Okato. A 15 Pungareho.,.. 11 30 p. m. Fongarehu ...... 2 30 Okato 116 Bahota 8 0 Oaknra 8 O Opunake arr "... 430 H. Ply'tn arr 430 Farther particulars apply to T. Kobinson & Co., ft 4oi to I'BOPBIEIOBB. LtfIi'ABLISHED 18»2.] BAHOTU COACH BEaVIOiJ* 3O 6c FBOM NEW PLYMOUTH, L'VEBY BATUBDAY will leave Babotu JVJ Hotel at 6.3u a.aa. jfarihaka Bond at 6.65 a,in. Pungarehu at 6a.m.; Warcaai 6.10 a.m. ; Puneno at 6,30 a.m. ; Ohato at 7.30 a.m. j latara at 7.60 a.m.; at 5.10 a.m.; Oakuraat 8.45 a.m.; Omata atU.3O ■.m. Arrive at ftcw Plymouth at 10 a.m. Leave Isew PJymouth at 3 p.m.; arrive Babota at 6 p.m. PaßMbgers can be uouifortably provided with ureukfaat fend tea at moderate charges at Ukfcto, where the coach stops hali-an-hour to change horses. Ihe (Joach leaves Okato every Wbdnisuay at tt a.m. fdr Aew i'lyntoutn, returning same day iherexore, people living &t a distance, at.d cot aesirouß ct auoa * loiig ride on horeebaoK oould ride ana joia tho Coaob ut okatu, nhoro tneir hor&e could remain lo a eafo ptMidooK, tree at charge, uutil tutir itturu in conjunction wun ILO above Uoaoh dvrvioe a Juugguge Yaa will run to tfrit tue convenience ot pavbengers' heavy luggage ico. i Booking Offices : Bahota Hotel and Julian's .. aaonio stablest, New tl) mouth, for t*"tbsr particul«t, apjly to jAMIIB McCOLLUM, Pbopbietob. tgST AQR&T FOB THE BUDGET. nfigl h DAILY COACH SKItVICiS TO A^D FiiOM WAiTAJttA. KIBBY'3 COACH leaveß tte laranaki Hoitl »VbBY MOBSIXG, returuing again in the tiom tbe Bridge .. ottl, Wuitaro. FABEiS :— biogle 2t» I faeturn ... 3j 6d Goods and parcels at low rates. J, ». KIB&Y «,. Propri.tor, a524U> . INGLEVVOOD. TABBI'B COAOH LEiViiß I^GLEV\OOD oa Wedneßdays tt-.d taiurdayß, at 8.15 a.m., for New ii, mouth. Jtfroiuxew H>moutU to Inglewood bt 3 p.m. cr eeb luxt at Julian's Tamnali Ho' el, Ntw l'Jjmouih trbuittoe'e Hotel, nglcwood wi 1 leccivo piompt attention. UoocJb uuu pnictli duiiveiid to ai>y pait of the town bt cheap n-tue. JAMKi OAHBY 670t0 ProiJiietor. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Uouccins ALL THK NEWS OF IHK WEEK. Our Illustrated London News Letter, &c, &0., &c. PKIOE IHEEEPBKOE. TartnaW HeraW Cffice, Hew I Jyctoutb,

RLYAL 6AKIHB POWD£K r ABBOLUTISLI PURE BOYAL BOYAL BOYAL ROYAL BOYAL BAEINO BAKING BAKING BAKING BAKING POWDER POWDER i POWDER POWDBR FOWDBB ABSOLUTELY PURE ABSOLUTELY PURS AB3OLUIELY.IURE ABSOLUTELY TUBE ABSOLUTELY ÜBE ABSOLUTELY FUIiE ABSOLUJTELY FUBE I ABSOLUTELY IUBE For quick baking. Baises biead, biscuit, rolls, muffins, aud aJi;kinds cf c»ike, without the aid of yeest, saleratus, orcrei.mof tartar, rtcderiDg them lighter, »wcetei, and more talatabJe and wholetome. Avoids all decomposition of the floor as caused by ycasi rising, theieby saving a large percentage ot its most nutritive ekmeuts, making the flour go cne-fourth lurtber. Food raised by the Boyal BaklDg Powder may be eaten hot, even by dyspeptics, with impunity. Main•ains its full s'reDgth in any climate any length oi time. Endoised by the Uni'cd States Government 1 hsmists, end by tbe leading pbysicians and hygieniste of America, *nd adupied for use by the United btates Govemment. Guaranteed absolutely pore and wholesome. Sold only in tins. ROYAL BAKING POWDER COMPANY, IC6, Wall-otreet, New York,*U.S.A. \ST N.B.— Agents Wanted, 2)0 tC Reduction In Price. TIIE MERCANTILE AND BANK. BUtTOY GAZEITB OB 1 JEW ZEALAND. I_EUTABUBHKD 1b76."| '•T ONE GUINEA PER YEAR* «« rpHK above is mailed to subscribers every J_ baturday morning, and contains tne atest information np to time of issue. Published weekly. Gives latest information obtainable of bills of Sals, Monies 01 Stock, Wool Liens, Agricultural Luns, bailments, Affidavits oi butisffcction, &c, ».no publishei all mniteis relating to Uankiupicy, Letters Patent, fee. BAMPLB OQV* BBWT PBKB ON APPUCATIOH, %h« Mtrotntlle and Mankrvptcy Oatettc h»i now enured iv Tbmth KKAa oi existence} ana, encouraged by its ptuit success, tbe /zopiietor begs to assure his namerous subscriotrß thiougtiout tbe colony that neither labor nor expeuse will be spaieo in sustaining its present ueserved reputation as the most reliable circular of its Kind in New Zealand. Ihe Half-yearly Index will, in future, be issued seperatel), &t an extia charge ot *he bhillings per annum. 'ihb Mercantile und Banuuptoy Gazette is (Le Only Gusettt for the colony, published in Sew Zealand. fccle,— Subscription with index, £1 6s per tntum 1 without incex, HI Is, Patablb in AIiVAKCB, Persons deiirous of subscribing to tho Ob*oue will please tend tLeir names and adtrtnei to B. 'J. WHKELKB, Ko. 8, Malioid.itreet, Jji.nedin or to the local egem —^.W.aUYJkIT, bHU

ifl^* News by the Mail. F. A. Ford's Expected Eeturu. . Advices to hand of F. A. Ford's return by E.M.S. Oceana about the end of August, with over 50 Cases of the very newest designs in every description of Drapery, &c, bought at the end of the London season at ridiculously low prices for Cash. As the Invoices have not yet arrived, cannot give a description of the purchases. But in a future advertisement shall be able to enumerate everything. As the present stock must be sold in order to make room for above shipments, 3STo reasonable offer will be refused. Country Customers specially invited to inspect our Stock (without the option of purchasing), as Enormous Eeductions will be made in all Departments, at F. A. FORD'S, CHEAPSIDE HOUSE, NEW PLYMOUTHBusiness Cords. Keating'* Cough Lozenges^ NEWTON KING, Ktatine's Couru Lozenges X OUTIONKBR, OATTLB, AHD STOCK Seating ß cougn nwniiw^ J\. SALESMAN, . i.dna, Estate, and General Commission, Heatings Oough Loz.nges Agent, Best Bemedy Devon Bibbbt, New Plymouth. -— ik to— Keating 8 Cou?h Lozenges _>_ Beet Bemely A LFRKD BUOKLAND ' SS_S Cougd Lozenges ' Stock Auctioneer and Best m9iy Commission Agent, Beating's Cough Lozenges Beßt Beniedy PABTIOUL4RW FOB — — FARM PBODUCB, WOOL, AND HIDB:J> Keating 1 * Oough Lozenges ____ "AnkDoctohwili-tbllyod" Haymarkef . Auckland, , Jg'^ Z* *' iU nl> ° a.OZB.NGE«. One gives relief; niWTTTTT.WWnRTH Hlu . if joa auifer from oounh try JJ|_ UliiiJtWUitln Dl\< >. but 0000 . they will ouie, JMBBB MKBoHAKXß&Jfli±'»B' . b«altn; they contain oul the havb ON BALB. — purest drugs, bkiHull) combined Builders' Mat enal ana to^ 6Yer . w horo iv tiua only. Builders' I onmorgery . S^ffl^iK" 1 I Keating'S Cough Lozenges Portland Cement, best Scteeaed Goal But Htmedy FeLCiug Wire, 'Curugaxed Iron, — — Keating's Cough Lozenges A's?, at the . Best heinedy ALBION MILL »- — — — Fine Bou« Dust of our own manufactun . Keating'S CoUgh Lozenges (wananvea genuine) ' Best Ktaedy Guano I — — — OruiLed or Whole Cats, Obaff. Keating'S CoUgh LOZengeS ~Z . Best te 1 edy Dk.VOS AND QOBEN ETBBETB, t 1 xm Keating's Cough Lozenges — — — — ■ ' Beuc 1 emedy MERC Ah TILE GAZETTE. - — Keating's Cough Lozenges fJ^HB STJBBCBIPTIOS to this Tbluablo ° ° BeßjKemedy X record ot Bankruptcitß, bill* of Dale,. . ■ - Mortgbgesof atock, to., ncs been KEbUUivDiromlsiJuly toUJ>lll UUlMLAperaiinum.- , _ , T __.__.._ Uitena>fig •ü requeued to tout*. Keating S CoUgll LOZengeS i 1 ibeif amues ut onco to thu proprietor. ' " , üß&tfi IS Uh QUESTIONABLY 1 ' B, T. WliEK^lfiii, no better remedy in the vbole uunedin world for bll cough und thn-at „ . o «, oovttli troubea fa. n KKAIWPo vi tO W. GOVBIX LOZBHSGKg— any mediosl^a-. Newtm.oatUi J w flßßurd yoQ ' Qf thiß Uct ~~ ~~ "] Belltf is Bpetdy: hey ooLtiiu IKGLEWOOD AGENCY. ? no strong aoiug, but only — — 1; simple drugs; t-.einoßtdelioato MB. T. McOABrHY it authoritftf Vw obd take them. Eold in tios rtoeivo Advertiaementa and P>tetiD^ tn)r< xor tbe Taiuhaki Hfbai»d w* bums, 6hwiißo—

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8238, 10 August 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8238, 10 August 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8238, 10 August 1888, Page 1


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