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IMPOETANT TO BUYEES QFJDBAPERT AND CLOTHING. "VV-A-IjT-81-Si "W"_RIGrI3IT OUOTES Special Low Prices during August in all Departments, in order to Reduce Stock prior to annual Stocktaking. -*____ Op i ,« M b«.tLo«i.VoW.lecnM/o;redu M a * pte. MpeUe-.nisWrling, 84 ; «da«d »P_»l-" «~* M' »* 36/ . T<ralhß . TwMd Bnlll , „, IS/8 <00,.H.B_D«k Print., Sd; »dac.d to , pl^ Uok Vd , BIMM , 2/ . , ri a.oed to 3 •f^ g f ,\ \ » pjl» Lon B L»ce C»,t>i^ 7/6 ; f^M^oZll^S^sX'^!™ to K?_a_j£-3i'-. I SSa i i.'ts » _-• ** c.»ih j^_, it/I, ». .ss.j___-_« .-*~* .»./>! .^^cj^---^-- lw a slrollglweea lront6t^ OMdlo »^s*sa < »,-*5--M sfestfis* fti&ttssfgnLi'tifr. N -&T n _- ln ,»^-.m « Inch". 1 -ide r otore d CMbmet... 1/6 i 53 inoh Bl«*, Oloth, 8/6 i«d ced lo ™"J J^,, B SagSS M !l} I ' di»d.o)/9 10 Jfcn'. Be.»j OTen».t., ,ed»««. to W/S U i XZl&™ K s, 1,6, reduced to 66 iutlW Om«* 0-k, »/■ , rednoed . «.- Un W e.o« I.ble »_* »d.«d 4* .rtftfti-- N. H» te , reduced U, -fesrJSi 1^ - sSw_s_tt«as 1 ffj_?M»^ 3 P iec ? Colo,ed Velveteens, 2s , redded to Wg . rednced to 4 % All . wool CrJffle an fchirtinw, 1/3 and Boys^eker Snits, reduced to 5/9 C «»es 6 Drmmakin _—^ pfemlgp femlge _ ' 6d i ' Tailoring !! Tailoring !!! •W_A.__jT_i3-=^ "W_=?/IC3-_=-:T, who is^now booking orders for the winter season. figf Terms : CASH on delivery.

RIVAL BAKING POWDER, IBSOLUTKLI PURE BOYAL BOYAL ROYAL BOYAL BOYAL BAKIHG BAKING BAKING BAKING BAKING POWDER .POWDEB FQWDEB FOWDBB POWDEB ABBOLDIBLY PURB ABEOLXJTBLY PURB AB3OLTJIELY IUBB ABSOLUTELY TUBB ABSOLUTBLY ÜBB ABSOLUTELY PUBB ABSOLUTELY PUBB ABSOLUTELY IUBB For quick baking. Baises bread, Liscrit, rolls, muffins, aud all^kinds of cake, without the aid of yens*, saleratus, or cream of tartar, rendering them lighter, tweeter, and more Lalatable and -.holeiome. Avoids all decomposition of the flour as caused by yeast rising, thereby saving a large percentage of its moßt nutritive el« meats, making the flour go ene-fourth further. Food raised by the Royal Baklrg Powder may be eaten hot, even by dyspeptics, with impunity. Main« lainsits full strength in any climate any length of time. Endorsed by the United States Government < hamists, and by the . leading physicians and hygienista of America, and adipted for use by the United States Government. Guaranteed absolutely pnre and wholesome. Sold only in tins. ROYAL BAKIKG POWDBB COMPANY, IC6, Wall-street, New York,',U.S.A. KS" N.B.— Agents Wanted, 210 to Reduction in Price. TUB MEBOANTILB AND BANK. BUfTOY GAZBITE 01? JEW ZEALAND. 1876.1 •T ONE GUInE/TpER YEARi •«* rr HE above is mailed to subscribers every X Baturday morning, and contains the atest information up to time of issue. ' ' Published weekly. Gives latest iniormi> tion obtainable of bills of Sale, Mortgages oi . Stock, Wool Liens, Agricultural Litns, fail1 ments, Affidavits ol H-tosfuction, &c., and publishes all matters relating to bankruptcy, Letters Patent, ice. SAMRUH OOPX BBMI tfREH OH APP_IOAXIOH. 1 Ihe Mercantile and Bankruptcy Gautte i has cow enUied its Tkntu Xkab ot existence; aud, encouraged by its past saccees, tho iropiietor begs to assure his namerous subscribers throughout tbe colony that neither labor cor expense will be spareu in sustaining lto present deserved reputation as the moit reliable circular of its kind in ftew Zealand. The Half-yearly Index will, in future, be • issued seperatelj, at an extra charge of Five Bhillisgs per annum. Ihe Mercantile and Ban-ruptcy Gazette is ihe Only G&tette for the colony, published in New Zealand. , „, - Hotc.— Subscription with index, Al 6s per annum \ without uatfex, Al Is, PATABLK IN ADVAKCB. Persona desirous of subscribing to the tit*otte will please send their lames and adore sies 4o _. T. WBEELEB, Wo. 8, fctaflord-stieet, Dunedin or to the local agem -H..W.GOV-.-T. 874 tc

Coaches. GOBS <& CO. 1 8 a ROYAL MAIL LINE OP OOAOHES BKTWBB» NEW PLYMOITEH AND OPUNAKB. j 00BBE0TBD TIME TABLE* FBO* MAY 1 IBT, 1888. I>HJfi Coaoh leaves Mr. Walker's White Hart Howl on Monday, Wednesday, and 1 Fbxday at 9.30 a.m. for Opunake ; returning on Tuesday, Thubsday, and Satubday at 4,30 p.m. TIME TABLE. Lares Monday, LeatM Tues day, Wednesday, T^ n ? da _l and Friday. and Satarday. a. m, *• » New Plymouth 9 30 Opunake....... 9 30 Odkurai. 11 0 Eahotu 11 0 p. xc. O_»to- 11 5 Pungarehu.... 11 30 Tongarehu 2 33 Okato 116 Rahotu 3 0 Oakura 3 0 Opunakeatr ... 4 30 N. Ply'tharr 480 Further paitioulars apply to T, Kobinson & Co.* a 404 to Pkofbiktobs. [FSTABIi'-SHBD 1882.} RABOTD COACH SEUVICB . TO & FBOM NBW PLYMOUTH, Ij'VERY Satubday will leate Bahctu JPj Hotel at 5.30 a.m. Parihaka Boad at 6,55 a,m. Pungarehu at 6 a.m.; W area at 6.10 a.m.; Puneho at 6.30 a.m.; Okato at 7.80 a.m.; lataia at 7.50 a.m.; Bhu-ahu at 8.10 a.m .; Oakura at 8.45 a.m.; Omata at 9.30 a.m. Arrive at New Plymouth at 10 a.m. Leata New Plymouth at 3 p.m.} arrire Bahotu at 8 p.m. Passengers can be co-ifortably provided with, breakfast and tea at moderate charges at Oksto, where the coach stops half-an-hcur to change horses. ' : The Ooach leaves Okato every Wbdn*S- ( day at 8 a.m. for New Plymouth, returning , came day 1 Therefore, people living at a distancr, ard j not deairouß cf cuoh a long ride on hoißebao- : oould ride and join the Coaoh at Okato, ; where their horee oould remain in a cafe j paddock, free of charge, uutil tntir return , In oonjunotion with the above Coach , dorvice a Luggage Yaa will run to tuit tie , convenience of passengers' heavy luggage ; Booking Offices : Bahota Hotel and Julian's 1 asonio btablee, New Plymouth. , For timber particular;, apily to . 1 JAMES McCDLLUM, ' Pbopbistob. ■JSi" AGE&T FOB THE BUDGET. as6lh .- DAILY COAOH SBaVlCfl TO AND FKOM WAITAKA. KIBBY'3 COACfI leaveß tte Taranaki Hotel bvkby mobkikg, returuiDg again ia the /btbbnooh from the Bridge 1 okl, Waitara. FABESi— n _. (slßglo 2b I Keturn ... ».» 6d Goods and parcels at low rates. J, B. KIBBY w Proprittor. a524t0 INGLEWOOD. TARE Y~ COACH LEAVES INGLEWOOD oa Wednesdays acd fcaturdays, at 8.15 a.m., for New 11> mouth. From*ew tly mouth to IngleJuliau's TmullHW, New Plymouth or Suuteo'B Hotel, iugltwood wi 1 receive prompt atteution. Uoodß ana p»ictli delivered to any part of the town tt cheap rates. luW jAMEi 7AKRY 670t0 Propiietor. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Contains ALL THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. Our Illustrated, , London News Letter, &c, &0., &o. PEIOE IHEEEPEKOE. Tarfcnaki Herali Office, New t-Jyi_outli.

®r News by the Mail. F. A.. Ford's Expected Eeturn. Advices to hand of F. A. Ford's return by E.M.S. Oceana about the end of August, with over 50 Cases of the very newest designs in every description of Drapery, &c, bought at the end of th© London season at ridiculously low prices for Cash. As the Invoices have not yet arrived, cannot give a description of the purchases: But in a future advertisement shall' be able to enumerate everything. As the present stock must be sold in order to make room for above shipments, ISTo reasonable offer will be refused. Country Customers specially invited to inspect our Stock (without the option of purchasing), as Enormous [Reductions will be made in all Depaifcments, at F. A. FORD'S, __ CHEAPSIDE HOUSE, NEW PLYMOUTH. Business Cards. Beating's Cough Lozenges^ A waSS^S&T^Sh BIOOE Keating* Cough Lozenges^ iV SALESMAN, . -and, Estate, and General Commission, Keatia&'s Cough Lozenges Agent, Beßt Bemedy Devon Sikbet, Hbw Plymouth. •— — - — — — r ' -.h to— Keatirj's Cou?h Lozenges . , Beet Bemoif A LFRED BUOKLAND ' Keating* Cough Lozenges 7 Stock Auctioneer and . f eat cmejy Commission Agent, Heating's Cough Losunges^^ PABTIOULABL* FOB _ ] FARM PRODUCE. WOOL, ASU HIDBS Keating's Cough Lozenges < _-— "ANKDOOTOBWILIi TELL TOO" | Havmarket. Auckland, h{c S3J ff iB bi SLfiß6 l » iv obtc LOZBNGEB. One gives reUef ; C|HUTTLBW.OBi;H BROt ILSu^ft'tX SIMBBB MBBOHAMBfcIIIPORT^b Sj^^oS.ffS.'S HAVE ON SALB.— i pureet drugß, ekil fully combined. Builders' Material and to tfj evenwheie in tins only. Buildere' I onmongery __•' . . IZtSXn?S*™ m Keating's Cough Lozenges Poriland Cement, Best Screened Coal Beat Kemedf Fetciug Wiie, Oorrogaled Iron. — — Keating's Cough Lozenges Albo, »t the Beat Hemedjr ALBION MILL »- "" Fine Boue Dust of our own manufacture Keating'B Cough LozengeS (warranted geuuine) Beat Ktfnedy OrufcLed or Whole Cats, Obaff. Keating'S Cough LozengOS Beat Beiedy DtVON AND QUJBEN fTBBBTS, 1!!! Keating's Cough Lozenges '■■■ Beut t eraedy i MERCAbfILE GAZETTE. — — , V1 Keating's Cough Lozenges f mHB SUBSCBIPIION to thia TaluaWe ° " B«si Bemedy A ieoord ot Bankrnptoici, Bill* of Bale, Mortgage! of Stock, &a, has been BfiDUOfiD S^t^SSS^iSirS Keating's Cough Lozenges ii Uieil munet at one* to the proprieUr. <"iUBBii IB ÜBQUBBXIONABLY" B. T. WHEELKB, no better remedy in the whole a, y. u|LaiJiy^ anodill wotld for ftll cough ond threat i .» t O W GQVKIT troubeß th»n KKATIK'.M k«1 wJnoath LOZBNGES-anymedioMaiftn N6 * fivnoatn MN you of thia flot — ~~ "~ Belief is Bpetdy; vhey oonUin IKQLEWOOD AGENCY. no strong wtlng, but only _-_ ' eimpls drugs; the most delicate MB. T. MoOABXHY Is authorlwd to ' o»n take them. Bold in tins receive Advertliementf and Piintiog only, for (he Tabahaki Hbba-d and Uudqkt. 6 - w spßO—

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8237, 9 August 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8237, 9 August 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8237, 9 August 1888, Page 1


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