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£OLDtfA!fcft 8:03., CURRIE STREET, »v {I ijLVlrf 4L X G'l Oil KEi .- — / N C - Merchants. IT WE ON HAND AND TO AUi:iVii s - X' w ZoUti.l, China, Mamitius, :'i! t Fn) sua/'i;i3 i iiin • «in • _isr .m l ICA.?, in luil£-^u ts »m bo\Co J.iijn'i l/re-aed Kice Vi-Um, 250's ,'Uil Plaids Fine an. l Coaise S. It S: "•non, Ametxio, ml olhor vanct of Fi c h; al-o n" leading lines in Oi i\* i's Sores. WINES AND SPIRITS. Ihe following brands always in sto k (in brlk and case):— Usher's Celebrated Whiskies Hennessey'n, Bisquit & Co , and Mennem Brandies JDKZ Geneva BuinettVOld Tom Preston's Rtm Port nnd Shenlts WolfoVSchnapps Australian Wines Ales "and Stout Cordials, &c , ifec. g^lT Special attention will be givei t families in making up assorted cases. WAREHOUSE CLOSED DAILY PRO3I 1 TO 2 P.M., EXCEPT ON SATURDAYS. 267 hb, A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS AND GRATITUDE. A Voice from Austria. NEAR the \ illago of Zilliugdorf, in Lower Austria, Uses Ma'ia Unas, an intelligent and industrious woman, whoao story of p>ys cal suffering aad final re'iof. as related by herself, is of interest to Knglish women. 1( I was employed," she tays, ' in the work of ge faimhouse. Overwork brought on sick headache, followed by a d'.-athly fainting and bickce-s of the stomaob, until I na> unable to retain either food or drink. I was compelled to take to m,- bod for eov' nobks Getting a littlo Letter from rest and quiet, I lought to do somo work, bus. was soon :nkou with a pain in my ti-'e, which in ft litile while seemed to spread ovtr my ■nbo;e bo y, and throbbed in my every limb. This was iollowfd by a cough ajd shortmss of b.eath, until finally I could uot sew, and I took to my bed for tho second, and, as I thought, tor the last time, Aiy ftieuds toJ-> me that my time hr'l nearly cmio, and th^ I could not live longer Uan whoa the treea | put on their green onco i&ore. Tnon 1 liappene J to get one of the fjeigd pamphlets I read it, and my dour mother bought mo a a bottie of Soigel's. Hyrnp, which I took exactly according to direction?, and 1 had { not token the whole of it beforo I folt a great change for the better My last illness be^an \ June 3rd, 1882, and continued to August 9th when I began lo take tho Bjrup. Very soon I cculd do n littlo light wcrfc. 'Jne cough ■ eft mo, and I was do more troubled in b'cathin^, Now lam perfectly cured. And j th, how happy I am ! I cannot express g autudo enough for teigcl's >-yrup iSowl must tell you iha; tho doctors in our districc di-itrLuted trtndbillß cautiouiag peop.e j against tho medioine, them it would do them no good, and icany v>cro thereby iLil".oi>ced ta t!c.troy tho fceigel pamphlets; but now, wbercever cne id to be found, it is Lepc like a roiio Iho few proscrved aro borrowed to ioad, and I nine lout inino for six miles n-ouud cur district leoplo h>ive come eigh eoj -piles to get mo to buy the modiciLO for heoi, knowing that it cured me, and to bo sure t ) j get tho right hind. I know a woman who T.-BS 100-iDg liketeatb, and who told k hem thuro wai no he)p tor her, that she had confcuited .sovtra docto.-a, but nono c.ukl help her. 1 told hci of fceige.'s fyru;-, and wroto tho nurno down for h r that she migh 1 : uia^o no m : '..ak :. f^be too i my advico and ih-i Wyrup, aad now 6ho in in porfect lioilih, and tho peoplo arouu-. us Rie am; -v 'Ihe medioino r s v p<!e such progress in our neigl tou'htai >v " .. peoplo say tboy don't want tbe doc >r tny more, but they take the byrup. oai 'c "ors from goat who wero con fined to their b^d and could hardly move a finger, have boon cured by it. lhere ia a girl in our district nho caugut a cold by going through somo water, &.nd waa in bed five yo3 s *ith cafivenees and jneumatio pains, and had to an agenda it to Wctch bor. ihoro was not a di y.or in Uo surrounding d' tri ts to whom 1 er mother had not applied to relievo hor child but overy ono cro&ei th' nisei yes and said thty could not hel£ her Whenovar tLe little boll rang which ij ruDg in our tlaco <vt en Rcmehody is dead, t?e thought turel^ it wfibJorh r, but So'gol'fl kyrup aud Ps ' s f ayed hor life, acd now sho is as be altby as auj bedy, po s to cburch, and can work even in tho fields. Everybody wus astonished wben thoy saw her out, knowing how many yours sho hui been in bed To-day tho adds her gratitude to mine for Gad's mt.oies aad fceigel a byrup." Maria Haas. The peoplo ofoEnglncd spc.ik co firming tto above, AFTER MANY YEABS. Whittlc-le-Wood*, near Cho.-10/, "Docrmbor 20tb, 1883. " Dear Sir, — Mother btigo),<j medicine soils oxc well with us, all that try it speck hitfhty in iis favor, V-e had acisoof a joung lady that had h ou troubloi mouy yoars with pa as after eating. Khe telh us that the pains wore otitiro'y ta'ion away after a fow doses of yourmodiciDO, — Yours truly, " E, Peel." AFTEB SEViUIAL YEAHS, ' Stoke Ferry, January 9t\ 1881, "Oontlocuo", — I havo used toigel'a Syrup fov bcvorcl years, and havo found it a most etlicnc'ous r< mody for Lhcr c 'iDplaints aud genoral debility i>nd I always Koop somo by mo andcauuot Hpoak Loo highly in it; pruijo. — I remain yours truly, "Harriett Kiag." AFTER SIXTEEN YEAK9 "95, Newgate Slivet, Workrop, Notts, '•December iiGth, 18S3. "Qontl'nien, — Tt ii with tho greatest of p"eajuro I i;c ord my tettimony as to tho efficacy of Mother teigo.'s t"yrup Illy wife who khs Fall'orid from acu c Dyspepsia for over Bixtecu yeirs, is no J porf ctly loiter through tho so oho p of your I havr eptnt iiounds in medicines from doctor. — v fact, I bf g^n to thiul- h'io was iacurable, until yfjur marvollouH medicine was tiied. — I remain, yours, thankfully. " Alfred Ford." THE EFFECTS HA.VF, BKEN WONDERFUL, ''Hford Eoad DispsnEary, Du":iti field, May 3rd 1884. "Dear Sir, — I am happy to inform you that tho aa o of your Syrup and Pillb mcrcaso3 continually, several of my cußtomei's speak of liu'-iog- derived more benelit from ll<o uso of the 30 than from any othor me icin-. In coiuo ni&(<ince3 tho effects havo been w^.-der-ful. — Yours very roupootfully. " Pro, i-dwin Enstwood. J,8," a3s2b,wbßp3Q'B6

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 7120, 19 July 1886, Page 4