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Patronized by the Aristocracy and Elite, extensively used in the Army and. Navy, and highly ,'recommended by the leading Medical Practitioners rtoteotod by the Boyal Lottors ;Patent, dated 11, 1869.;, „ DR. BRSSBT'S PHfISPHfiDVhEf I'HB BAFifiBT AND ONLY BELIABLE PKBPABATION OF PHOsPHOHUjj, MDJjI'ITUDKa o* people aro hopelessly Buffering from Debility, Nervous ami Liver Oozuplainiis, Depression of Spirite, Timidity, Indigoation, Lassitudo, Want of Power &c. t whose cases admit of a permanent cure by tne now remedy, Dr. BBIGHT'B PHOSPHODYNfi (Oaonio Oxygen), which at ono« allays all irritation and excitement, imparts now energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly oures overy stage of these hitherto incurable and distressing maladies, Dr. Bright's Phosphodyue ia acknowieUgud by urn drat medical mun in .Europe on the moat emoauious wedioine hitherto dia covered for Weak and bhattered Constitutions, Nervous Debility, Aversion or Incapacity for study, Indigestion, Female Complaints, .fc'latutence, Liver Complaints, rtliortnasd of Breath, Pbiuu in the Head, Pimples, Impoverished Blood, and all diseases ciuu>ed by a long residence in tropical climates, for which iron, mercury, potass, &0., are given in various lorius, often to the destruction ol tne patient i-. health. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— Until tht introduction ol Or. iJngut's ihoaphodyno, t J hoaphorutj was but aoidoui prescribed au t. oieUiciue, owing to the difficulty in so preparing it thtn its action could be kepi uuaor perfect oontrol. It hud been usod in Almoud uud Jlive Oila, in Sulphuric Jithor, in Keotitiea Aicuhol, in Chlorotorm, and in bevoral udvertistd medicines j but in ail the hitherto known methods of its preparation, certain ii regular results have been experienced. But in the form of lir. Bright's Phosphodyne, hd invaluable i-otiun on the human uyatum la realised without any of those drawbacks which othei modes of preparation invariably produce. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyue is prepared on a new principlu, by which till possible riak and disagreeable elEects are entirely prevented Caution. — Avoid Phosphorus in the form of Pills or .Lozenges, ua they frequently con tain aulid particles of Phosphorus, which accumulate in tho system, injure thu Bones and Palate, producing Nuorosea and other cserioug evils. Being prepared from obsolete lormulaa, they ore generally unreliable, aud in some oases positively dangerous. Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne is agretable co tho Palme and" innocent in its action, while retaining all its extraordinary properties, and as a Bpeotno surpasses all the known Therapeutic agenta of the present day, Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne.— lts übb enables all debilitated organs to perform then uaturut functions. Poruohi buttering from .Nervous Debility, or any of the huudret d)niptotnti tvhieh this distressing duuuso aasuuiue, may rest utdured ol ttu olicctuui curt oy tho use of thin mwa invaluable reuiody.^ a R - iiiiiiiiii'tf rHUarliUwiiU Ui avid Ui i user, uul) by uW (Jijcuii.iU =,ud ■tor-.i'.ebpore CUrougUOUl tho UluLii, car- AbK boa aud do not bo j.oiiiU.dt'd to tui-o uu> oeolotb t.ud potHibl)- diifgerous subtutulo. NEW ZEALAND AG&tiLb— New Zealand Drug Company. a. 65 bBl NOTIOE. ANY person' or personH fouud INJDBINb the I'KLifiUitAPH POUTiS, Wlßiii UHdUIiATOBH, or any porriona oi the T»l«gropt tune, wilt be prosecuted in accordance with ihe following Clauses of " The Malioious Injuries to Property Aot| 1867 :" — Clause XXXVll.— Whosoever shall unlawfully aud malioiously out, break, throw down, destroy, injure, or remove any battery, machinery, wire, cable, post, or other matter or thing whatsoever, being part of or being used or employed in or about any Electric or Magnetic Telegraph, or in tho working thereof, or shall unlawfully and malioiousij prevent or obstruct in any manner whatsoever che sending, oonveyanoe, or delivery ol any communication by auy fluoh Telegraph, stmu be guilty of a misdemeanour, uud, being convicted thoroof, shall be liable, at the discretion oi the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour : Provided that if it shall appear to any Justice, on the examination of nay person oharged with any oifence against this section, that it is not expedient to the unds of justioe that the same anould be prose* onted by indictment, the Justioe may procoec summarily to hoar aud determine luo uutne, and the Offender shall on oouviccioii tkoroot, at the discretion of tho JudLioe, either be committed to some public gaol thort, ta be imprisoned only, or to be imprisoned aud kept to UAiiD iabouu for any cerm not eaiccedirt^ three monthi, or olbs shall forfeit and pay suob sum of money not exceeding tjcm toiiKua an to tbe Justice Bhuli seom meet. OLA.USE XXXVILL. Whosoever shall unlawfully and malioiously, by any overt act, M . oompt to oommit any ol the otteuues in the last preceding section mentionud, shall, oq conviction thereot before a Justice ol tht Poaoe, at the discretion of tho Juutico, eithei be committed to any public gaol there to bt imprisoned only, or to be imprisoned uud kept ;o iiakd labouk for any term not exceeding three months, or elße shall forfeit and pay uuob sum of money not exceeding tew pounds as to the Justioe shall saem meet. By order of the Telegraph Commissioner O. LEMON, General Manager. Now Zealand Telegraph, Wellington, Uooombsr 29, 18(W KEATING'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER KILLS BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES. THIS POWDEB is quite harmless to ANIMAL life, but is uarivallod in destroying FLEAS, BUGS, COOKROAOHKB, BEETLES, MOTHS IN fubs, and every other species of insect. Sportsmen will find this invaluable for destroying fleas in their dogs, as also ladies for their pet dogs. THIS ABTICLE has found so QUBAT a SALE that it has toinptud oihors to vend a so-called articlo in imitation, The PUBLIO are cautioned that tho tins of the genuine powdor boar the autograph of THOMAS KEATING. Sold hi Tins only. KEATING'B WOBM TABLETS. KEATING'S WOBM TABLET 3. KEATING'S WOBM TABLETS. KEATING'S WOBM TABLETS A PUBKLY VEGETABLE BWEETMEAT, both in uppcaranco and taste, furnishing a most agreeable method of administering the onlycortain remedy for intestinal or thkead worms. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, und is especially adapted for children. Bold in Tins by all Druggists, Pbopbibtor: THOMAS KEATING, London, 1995 a mBl 83 w

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4463, 4 October 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4463, 4 October 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 4463, 4 October 1883, Page 4