The Taranaki Herald. NEW PLYMOUTH, AUGUST 21, 1853.
Tin election of Membeis lo the Comic il of New Plymouth commenced ein Friday last at noon. J Mcsms Watt, Vitkers, and A King ' being spvera'ly nominated foi the Town of New Plymouth, the show of hands was declare d by the Returning Officer to be in f voiir of Messrs. Kmg& Vicleis, and a poll was then demandtd on behalf of Mr. ■\Va-t. ilessis Cliilman, Cutfield, Parn«, lClliot, and llumjuhiies wcie then sevciull) put in
| nomination foi th' 1 Gre\ and Hell Dis'uct' and the show of hands pioving in favour of MesM'. Culfii-ld, P.iiii<, lilliot, and Ilumphiies, a poll was then demanded by Mr. ( hilman. I l ; ive gentlemen (Messis. Good, Cuitis, Rund'e, Western, and Buito,i) weie then nominated for the Omata disttict, and the show of hands piovirg against Messis. Curttii 1 * and Weslon, a poll was demandedThe assemble el cleclois weic addrpsstd by the candidates and (heir nominatois and (■ccopelei-5, and the whol btisimss was con - ducted with (\mpiiic rgulauly and good temper on the p,nl of all piesent, the ptocfidin^s closing at tbiee o'clock. On Satuid.iy the polling commenced at Oo'c'oek, ami leiniinated at '1, when the iiuui'k is wij eletlaieeJ by the Returning Odicei lo be as follows tow v or ni w n.\ m l ru. Walt 71 Vitkeis fil King 5!) The fust two vieie dcclaicd duly elected. e.RI V AND ll' 1 I. DISTIIIc T. T'.lliol 110 Cutfield 108 Pa: i is 1 1 1 *; ( i 8 [himphiici ■ ••>•-• C>Z The fiisl four weie dcclaicd duly elected. OMd v niii inn . Good !,7 Ituudle 57 Biiilon 30 dims :n Weston 18 The tbiee fiist weie declined duly electee!. Ai on the pievious day, the inmost batinony pievailed. X)\e successful meinhcis re turned thanks, and the 1 busii.css o ( thr day w-is concluilod by a vote of thanks to the Retuininy (hlic r, '.v luth was urn • vei'.all_\ i .sponded 10. \Ve hope the tone of the who'e priicecdiugs mny be. coiisideicd as a favouiab'e ,iugui ) foi the fiituie.
1^ the Auck'and Ouil.ind Mail we have leceiveil a len l.ilei pipc-s than thos' biotiijbi by the " Sir I'M ward r'nget," but th y contain litt'c Noillirtn mli'l l^ener. lie s|h cling the elections to the Pi ( oiiucil for t lie Auck'and elistric s, sonic weie Mill in pi qiess ; some corn,)'e led. but as it appears qnt slnn ible whelhei Ihe ie- ' tuins }<t finni-hel may be le'ieel im, we iifi im fiom giving them fot the pieseut. The air.val of the " Heath t Hell" has put out conti in) oi.mes in possession of Sydney inlp'lig nee lo the 21st ultimo, and (v:d Melbourne, by the " Ar^'o, "fiom I'.ngland,) Kuiopenn news to the Sth May. The pas-age of ihe "Aigo" is said to be the most i.ipid one on lee >id, having been inadp in ()j days. We dedui c the follow ing fiom the summaiies befoip us. 'J'h ;Ikjii<:, obsei ung on tb" passage of the ' Aigo, ' s a)s, " I'hc fict of this splendid vessel's having nin the whole wny fiom kl. Vincent's to \icle>na without requiting lo touch .il ,m\ poitfoi coal conti.i'ts in iverj •tiiking m nine i wiih tl ( jicidling .Hid mi'iM.ible doings low hub we li tve been aeiu I mid on the prut of ai.olhei coiipai.j, imi we ti list happily defuntl " The ".\ii^)" hi longs to the Gen iiil Seen Stea n Coinpan) . Among the; Ing i .h uiui brought In tin ,n m ii I , the fiil'o.ving on the piocecelings in I c luipciial Legislatuie . Mi. Gladstone introduced the P.ndget on the 2nd May, in a speech of 5 hours which elicited the unqualified admnaiion of the llon.'e. The measure is so libeial and ■•o compiel'cnsive, that the gene al lemaik was " Here is a worthy. successor to Sir Rol.eit Peel." The chief feature'? in the Budget may be b'iefly '•tatcd ns fol'ow : j
. It iv ill be sen that it is not only ptoposcd to continue Ihe Income Tax without any alteration of its most obnoxious puo- ' ciple, that of assessing piofession il and inI dustiial incomes cqu illy with those domed ; from leal piopeily, but a'lo to ixtcnil it to incomes between £100 and Cl so, to levy H on Ire' and, and lo lender it foi "years, when n is piomitcd that it shall cease altogether. The legacy duty was to I I'c rxtended to land and real pioporlv ; and the duty on spnits wis to he men aMd, in Scotland Is, and in 8.1 pel gal on. (h\ the otbei hand the duty on It.i wa 1 - to be immediately red >ced fiom 2s -2 \ 1 per II). to Is 10 1, a. id to fall guduilly to Is in Apul, IS 08 ; ihe duty on soap was to be abolished , colonial postage vv is to be reduced to in uniform late of fid ; the stamp duties and the assessed lavas weie lo be lightened in tniioiii paiticulars ; the advertisement duty lo I c icrluccd fiom Is 6e] to Gd, and the duty on newspaper supplements containing only ndw rtisement-i, abolished altogetbei ; and the duties on a number of mini. i ai tides of food eilhci icduccd or repealed. It was considered that the I!udget wou'd be can ed by the Govei.-nienl ; the income tax poin'on of it hnd been sue essfully fought by the Muustiy on the 2oth April •if let tl he .■uljounimrnK The Minisliy had obtained a m.iiked success in t ic House of Louis on the Canada ( leMgy Reseiv s I'lll, but had also fißOiintiied aseveie icvcise l.y the lejettion of the Jewish Disabilities Bill , having miccecdid in d baling a motion of Loid l)erhy\ on the foimcr question by n majority of 40 ; while on the lattei they weic themselves defeated on the second reading by a majoiily of 49. 'I his reverse howivei, does not sciMti calcula ed lo damage the Goveiniiipii' , but nevi itheless il is dilllcult tJ see how tin 1 fiuthei piogies-f cf the measiircan be mailed, as itcVaily is not a subject in v Inch the pie ogative can be called into opfialion for a oic iLion of pccis. The adjustment of the difieunces between I'ussia and Tuikey is sa:d to be in a veiy sati,f icloiy position. A despatch fiom ('< nstanli.iople, il led the 2.")1h of April, sijm thii tbt 1 qu(">tion of the Holy Places is M'tl'ed, ami that coik essions have been mail' lo Russia. M. tic Laecni', the French Mini tei, is said to h.i\e disp'ayed a veiy con l! i.itory spun in the mgoci.itions. All thi aiinaineiil". have been suspended. The exchange on London hal risen The b'ockadc of the A baniin eoist had been rai pel, and t':c diet employed on th t service had iclurucd to Coii-,tantinop'e.
Tnr Over'and Mail fiom Wellington atlived e.iily on Saluid.iy morning, and bungs paper, to the 3id lnslnnt. They, hottev i, contain little in'oi ination likely lo be liiteicsting to our lead rs. The rt turn of Laac Fail Fe.illierslon, Esquiie, as Supeiintcndent of the Piovii cc of Wellington was gazetted on the 2()th ultimo. Wilts foi the election of mrmbcis for Wellingl n ProMiice to the House of Rcliieienlalnes had been issued, as a'so those fin the (.lection of Members to the Provin(ial Council. Tlu 1 following ndice was also published in the Gazette above rcfcried to: " ( rown Lands Ollirp, Wellington, July 20, 1553. " Notice is he cliy given, that a Land Fund having b en now created by the sa'e of land in the Piov of Wellington, persons desirous of having their friends or relatives Li ought out to the province may avail themselves of the air.ingement foi that object piovided by sec. S of the Land Regulations of lib Maich, lSj.'i, npm undertaking lo repay, within twelve months after the ni rival of the iinnngiants k o brought out, ont-balf of the cost of their passage to this coun'.iy.
" Ti i-. not necessary for intending a; p!icants to puichase land, in oulet to acquiie I the benefit of Ihc above-mentioned rociiI laliou. , " Forms of ajip'ica'ion and of the bond to !).■ mtt-ied into by applicants, may be obtained at this office. I ) coinman I. V n. Ur.u., Commissioner ol Crown Lands.
Wi: have befor us several communications on the iiiogulaiiiy ( ,f the postal arrangements in KngLind, and on the enormous charges demanded, especiilly tor Ncwspipcis forwaided from this co'ony. One of these stales that the sum of ;>s ICd h id been 'ed for a single papei, and that foi another Mnje paper 8d had been chained. We aic unable to account either foi the difference of the charg. s, or indeed for the ih.ugc in eiiher case. It is generally uiidci trod that a single penny only is payable in England on a Newspaper coining into tl.e countiy ; while those published in Kngl.iiui .ire tiansmittid fioin one I'lice to a.iother within Up at Utilain willioul charge : but a is a mle that no wi.ting beyond the n.eie address shall h? put on them, olhenvlse they will be chaiged a, letters act oi ding lo weight. The san c commnnicalion states that letteis fiocii ibis selt'cment, addressed to tl.e s.i me i lac(>, have been ch.uged, some Sd, otheis Is <ld, and olhei., Is Cd. These may possi'.ly be explained by the weight of the letter. A ie^i-,tueei letter is not that wi- ate ;uv ne dinged a laiger posl.i-o than unregistered Ictteis. The only lein.dylbat we can -nggest is w tiling to the Postmaster in Ktinl.-ii d, which no doubt wiH lead lo imjuiiy (nevci refused in depiit.neni to the humblest applicant) and to a salisfftcioiy i Np'anation. Anotliei coinniunieatioii mentions (he tiiil at Wi ebcter u f a Pot-officeo t- office clcik, against « horn tin le wile upivaicH of 200 cbaigesofd situ) ng lateis, .mil cm In//, ing the .sums paid foi posiaT,. The | cimi «U tonimunicales llit-. m.itter has receivul ,in account of many letters which were posted in Kni»land but nevei reached iheii destin.ition beie; and as others may he in the sanii- situation, a mention of this affair may go to telicve anxiety.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume II, Issue 56, 24 August 1853, Page 2
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1,711The Taranaki Herald. NEW PLYMOUTH, AUGUST 21, 1853. Taranaki Herald, Volume II, Issue 56, 24 August 1853, Page 2
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