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SUMMER SHOW. 'I ho fchirty-.seoond Sumnyr Show of the above Society was held in tlio Brill Hall, Geraldine, on Thursday, in line weather, and was a great success, large numbers attending in the evening. People were still arriving, up to the hour of closing, so the Committee decided to keep open an liouu longer.. The Orchestral Baud provided an excellent programme of music, and kindly consented to extend it to suit the. altered arrangements. Tho Indie; of (he. Home and Fmph'u League gave tea in the afternoon, and ton and raspberries and cream in the oveninjg, doing v>my good business and handing in a substantial sum towards the proceeds of the Show, which will materially increase the anrount available for the patriotic funds, (o which all profits are again being devoted this year. The thanks of tire Society are. due to- these Ijvdies and to members of the Orchestra for (heir generous hoi p. From an horticultural point of view the Show was also an outstanding sue'vss, and the judges wtvre mist in led in t Iv.dr praise. Mr I'. (!. (Allen judged the. (lowers, Mr F. Sanders' the fruit and vegetables, Mr 'IT. Pa toman the produce and cookers', and Mrs I'odnian the needlework and homo industry class. 'Miss .ToTinston gav'o Airs Rodman }wr able assistance, but unfortunately (his class was poorly tilled, owing no doubt to too much work being douo by the ladi-es for the IJ ed Cross. The entries totalled better than the previous year. Pot plants drew a better civ try than last year, but tlioro is plenty o' rio'ova for improvement in

(his 1 daws in regard to numbers, though the exhibits themselves were good. Cut (lowers, both in Classes A, and 15., were well represented, and •SDiiie of the exhibits were very fine. Uoses weiy: poor, the wet weather having spoilt many blooms l-ho. julige deeded not to award u eh pionship rose. There was a remarkable show of dahlias, especially in singles, the first prize, in a good entry, ijoing to Hilton School, whose exhibits are specially mentioned in the judge's remarks. Cactus dahlias were also well represented by many choice blooms, Hilton School again scoring a first. Gladioli went to i I ill on also, and the school was even more successful in the amateur class, Inking all the firsts in dahlias, and adding geraniums to their! long list of firsts. Tho lruit section was well filled, and of splendid quality. The iblack currants were as big as grapes, I and the red and white first, class. I'caches, luscious and tempting, were exceptionally good,, and apples wellgrown and of good quality. Mr CJ W. Gimson won the. points pi-i/x; with 20 points, Mr G. A. M. Maodonald being next wiih 12. In Class B, Mr Gimson and Mr 11. Mitehelmore were bracketed equal for the collection of fruit, and Mr Gimson won the points prize with 17 points, Mr C. W. S. Cox being second wi'ih 12. The season has been a particularly favourable one for the production of vegetables, so it was expected that the vegetable geobion would bo weV iilled, and such proved io be the case. Xot only was the quantity large, but the quality was high class. COTTAGE GARDENS. For soii'j?. time the Society has baen endeavouring to instil a love of horticulture in the townspeople by means of a cottage garden competition, but for a while the results were not all tbn'fc were hoped for. There, were various reasons for this, and the oommitteo thought that) by restricting tho area, better results might, be obtained. The gardens have to be visited by local judges, who view the gardens entered, on two or throe occasions during the weeks preceding the Show. On the day of the Show the judges visit the gardens, ..and the local judges give a report. The verdict is given by the official judges, after considering this report in conjunction with their own observation. Mr M. Leaman has on several occasions taken the first prize, but this year he met doughty opponents, and Mr F. Wallach, a new exhibitor, just beat him by two points. Following is ihe result of the competition (maximum points 40) :—F. Wallach, 31, Ist ;M. Leaman, 32, 2nd ;v J. Mcllroy, 20, 3rd; G. 11. Patrick, 20; 11. Sommerville, 15.

Wo regret that \v<s are compelled io hold over until next issue the judges' remarks on the Show, particularly those referring to the Hilton School exhibit. Following \s the. prize li.s'fc : CLASS A. (Open). Pot plants, "> distinct kinds, G. 11. Patrick .]. Collection native ferns, Ivy Sherratt 1. Maiden hair fern, Miss So-mmervillc 1.- Plant ia flower, Miss Soniiuerville I, Mrs Bennington 2. Hydrungaa, Ivy, Sherratt lj ( ! ut flowers—<j roses, varieties, E. A.Dixon 1, W. Coombs 2. 12 pansies. 0. Patrick 1, A. M. Fyfe 2. Hardy 'cut flowers, R.. A. Dixon 1, fi. H. Patrick 2. Collection nasturtiums, Mrs Ineson 1, Mrs J. Pizzey 2. Geraniums, double, It. Robinson 1. 6 dahlias, Hilton School 1, L. Eastei'brook 2. 6 dahlias, double, Hilton School 1, W. Coombs 2, Mrs Wordsworth 3. Dahlias, cactus, Hilton School 1, Mrs Wordsworth 2, It, A. Dixon 3. Carnations, E. Cooper 1, It. A. Dixon 2. 0 carnations, F... Cooper 1. t) gladioli, varieties, Hilton School L Cr. A. M. Macdonakl 2, W. Coombs 3.

Fruit—Cherries, T. B. Pierce !■. Strawberries, 'l'. B. Pierce. Gooseberries, C. IV. Gimson 1. Raspberries, C. IV. Gimson 1, L. Eastenbuook 2. Currants, red, J. E. Smith J, C. W. Gimson 2 do., white, J. E. Smith 1, C. IV. Gimson 2 ;i do., black, L. Easterbrook 1, C. W. Gimson 2. Eating- apples, J. Bennington 1. W. Mason 2. Cooking apples, ~C. IV. Gimson 1, J. Bennington 2. Plums, fl. Soimnorville 1, A. M. Fyfe 2. Pears, .J. Ineson 17 Apricots, G. A. M. Macdonald 1, L. Storey 2. Peaches, G. A. M. Macdonald h, A. id. Fyfe 2. Most points in class, C. W. Gimson 20, G. A. M. Macdonald 12.

Vegetables—Tomatoes, W. Howens V, Collection, H. Sommerville 1, G. A. Al. Macdonnld 2. Cabbages, H. Sommcrvillo ]. Carrots, short, L. Pierco. 1. Airs -J. 11. Stringer 2; do., intermedin to, C. W. Gimson 1. Parsnips, C. W. Gimson I, AV. Mason 2. Turnips, G. A. M. Macdonald 1, C. W. Gimson 2. On/ions, I). Yeniall 1, C. W. Gimsoii 2. Lettuce, fl. Sonmnorvillu I, L. Lasterbrook 2. Potatoes, kidney, C. W. Gimsoii I, Mrs Million 2: do., one variety, f!. A. At., Jlacdonuld 1, G. H. Patrick 2. Pens, H. Somnierville 1, Mrs W. Gimson 2. Hrans, broad, C. AV. Gimson 1, L. Piei-cn 2 ; do., Windsor, 0. W. Gimson I ; do., butter, C, IJ. Patrick 1 ; d»., nunuer, U. Sowmerville 1. Rhubarb, table, K. 11. Patrick 2; do., heavy, L. Pierce 1, C. W. Gimson 2. Vegetable marrow, C. W. Gimson 1 ; 1 do., heaviest, 0. AV. Gimson 1, G. TV. Patrick 2. Beet, Airs A. Mean. I, C. AV. Gimsoa 2, l.'sclialo/s, pick/tiiir, ~M'r* A. Dean 1, G. Tinner 2; do., jriant, A. Vernall 1. C. W. Gimson. 2. Most points in class, C. AV. Gimson 38, IV. SWmerville 20. CLASS 15. (Annlcuns)'. T'ol, Plants—Vnshias, Mrs. K Logan 1. Pelargoniums, Airs E. Logan 1. Geraniums, 3tTr«i E. Logan 1, M. Uda-

man 2; 2 do., double, E. H. Logan I. Ornamental pot plant, Mra W. A» Sherratt I, G. 11. Patrick 2. Collection of native fonis, Mrs W. A. Shierratt 1. Window plant, C. F. Turner 1. (Jut Flowers—ti roses, varieties, 11. Kobinson 1, Mrs CIUT 2. Hybrid perfietual, C. Copper 1. Vei'/iaivas, G'. 11. Patrick, J. l'unsies, C. W. Gimsom I. Hardy cut flowers, Mrs Rodman J. G. H. Patrick 2. Collection-, -Mta ' Cliff I. Gcraniumis, double, Mrs'Clitr" 1, Mrs J. Ineson 2 ; d 0.,, single, Mrs Cliff 1, Mrs Ineson 2. Dahlias, double, Hilton School 1 ; do., single, (Mrs Wordsworth 1, Hilton School .9; do., cactus, C. \V. Gitmsom 1, Hilton School 2. Carnations, E. Coopet) lj Mrs Rodman 2, Mrs W. A. Sherratt 3 Gladioli, Mrs Rodman 1, Hilton Sch 0 0l 2 ;, do., varieties, Mrs Rodman I, Hilton School 2. Collection poppies, J. Ineson 1. Sweet peas, R. Robinson I, Mrs Cliff 2; bowl of do., Mrs Rodman ; bowl, for effect, Mrs Rodman 1, Miss Patrick 2 ; collectidn, K. Robinson 1, Mrs Cliff 2. \ Fruit—Collection, C. W. Gkmjon and H. Mitchelmore equal 1. Raspberries, C. W. S. Cox 1, C. W'. Gimson 2. Gooseberries, 0. W. Gimson 1, F. R. Flatman 2. Currants, C. W. Gimson ], J. E. Smith do., white, ~ C. W. S. Cox 1, C. W. Gimson 2 ; do., black, C. W. S. Cox 1, Mrs A. J. Bell 2. Eating apple's Mra W. Gimson 1, Mrs J. 11. Stringer 2. . Cooking apples, Mrs Flatman 1, IW. T. Turner 2. Plums, G. I. Hamilton. 1, A. M. Fyfe 2. Pears, J. Ineson 1, 0. I. Hamilton 2. Apricots, Mrs A. Priddle 1, Mrs W. Mason 2. Peaches., H. Mitchelmore 1, Mrs Cliff 2. Most points in class, G. W. Gimson 17, 0. W. S. Cox, 12. Vegetables—Collection, F. Wallach 1, G. H. Patrick 2. Cabbage, H. Hill 1. J. McTlroy 2. Carrots, short, li. Pierce 1, G. I. Hamilton 2 ; do., intermediate, CW. Gimson 1. Pansnips, C. W. Gimson 1, G. I. HaMilton 2. Turnips, C. \V. Gimson 1. Onions', C. W. Gimson 1, L. Pierce 2. Let tuce, H. Hill' 1, C. W. Gimson 2. Potatoes, kidney, G. X. Feildm 1. and 2, L. Pierce 3 ; do., any variety, ('. W. Gimson 1, G. H. Patrick 2; blade kidney (Mr C. F. Turner's special), Mrs Millton I, A. M. Fyfe '2. Peas, C. W. Gimson 1, G. IT. Patrick-. 2. Beans, broad, long pods, 11. Pierce- li, c - W. Gimson 2;> do., broad, 0. W. Gimson 1 ; do., French, L'. Pierce 1; do., runner, A. Mi. Fyfe li; do. butter, G. H. Patrick 1. Rhubarb, table, G. H Patrick 1. R.' Allen 2 ; do., heaviest, L. Pierce 1, j C. W. Gimson 2. Marrows, G: "H. J Patrick 1, Mrs H. Hill 2 ? do., h-cavi- j est, H. Hill 1, C. W. Gimson 2. Beet, ~\ Mrs' A. Dean 1, C. W.Gimson 2. j Eschalots, L. Pierce 1, Mrs Dean 2; do., giant, L. Pierce 1 and 2, C. W. j Gimson 3. Most points in class, G. j W. Gimson 39, L. Pierce 29. | CLASS C _ j! Table deconations, Miss- L. Eafcp^ brook 1, Miss C. Rule 2. Hano^P quet, Miss D. Cliff 1.;" Miss Beattie $, Miss Patrick 3. Bridal •bouquet, Miss* D. Cliff 1. Spray buttonhole, Miss C.J Rule 1, Miss Mcllroy 2, Miss Beattiej s- ' i CLASS D. | —Children under 15. — 1 Table decorations, Ronald Mcllroj 1, Miss P. Bennett 2. Buttonholes] Edie Stringfellow 1, Blanche Stringj fellow 2, Master Mcllroy 3. Sprayi Blanche Stringfellow 1, Edie Stringj fellow 2. Pot plants, Wilfred Turnef 1. Collection of vegetables, Percj Fyfe 1. Wilfred Turner 2. Most in class, Blanche Stringfellow It] Edie Stringfellow and Wilfred Turoj equal 6 points each 2. ] CLASS E. ' ! Horticultural school exhibit, Hiltc School. 311 s. butter, Mrs Flatman,' Mrs Orton 2. Honey,. Mrs ,J. String 1, Mrs Hill 2, Mrs J. Pizzey] • Scotch shortbread, Mrs Miller l,Mj A,. Priddle 2. i\h. l oa f bread, Mrs 3 Priddle 1. Scones, oven baked, If W. Fyfe 1, Mrs Priddle 2 ; do., giw baked, Mrs H. Mitchelmore 1, Mrs] Davis 2, Miss Ivy Sherratt 3. P> lets, Mrs W. Fyfe 1, Miss String low 2, Mrs Mitchelmore 3. Fruit ca Mrs F. J. Wood 1, Mrs J. ScottPlain cake, Mrs J. Milieu 1, Mrs" T. Turner 2. Seed cake, Mrs J. '1 zey 1, Mrs J. Miller 2. Marble ct Airs Stubbs 1, Mrs Miller 2. Ginj bread, Mrs W. Fyfe 1, Miss M. Brd 2, Miss C. Rule 3. Sponge cakfc,? C. Mackenzie 1, Mrs M. Camp™ Mrs. Or'ton 3. Plain cakes, SB Mrs W. T. Turner 1. Small fa Mi-s W. T. Turner 1. Sponge ,s$ wich. Miss C. E. Ray 1, Miss H Hay 2, Miss Hilda South v.h.c. ! mato aauee, Mrs C. W. Gimwf Miss F. Taylor 2., Christina* Mrs J. Pizzey 1. 1 kinds jam, j South I, Mrs G. 11. Patrick j kinds bottled fruit, Mrs P. D»vi Mrs G. H. Patrick 2. Hens' i fresh. Miss Sommerville 1. CLASS F. (Homo Industries) Best ironed while blouse, Miss Ilroy 1. Buttonholes, Olive De* Hit a Loan 2. Darning holei£ Olive Dean 1, Rita Dean Cloth, Mrs Mcllroy 1. [Plain ■ Ijj knitted men's, sock, Mrs C.-M&cf 1 and 3, Mrs Mitchelmtoiie % i "' String'fellow h.c. Plain ihand-kJ 'men's sock, children under 15, | South J, Olive Dean 2. Ladies' | sole, Miss. Orion 1. Besti patjf : Olive Dean 1, Rita Dean 2. Ragf Olive Turner 1. For exhibition! I Miss Ohivei-son showed a well p/ ; cushion cover. r:V

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Temuka Leader, Issue 7672, 19 January 1918, Page 2

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GERALDINE HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Temuka Leader, Issue 7672, 19 January 1918, Page 2

GERALDINE HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Temuka Leader, Issue 7672, 19 January 1918, Page 2


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